CATS Provisions and RestStop

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CATS Provisions and RestStop After the Camp Fire in Butte County, more than 2,600 cats survived the inferno—but here are still 170

Pet Rescue in time of War!? ️️ WHY? A common question. This is WHY we rescue ANIMALS. The arguments that undermine the q...

Pet Rescue in time of War

!? ️️ WHY? A common question. This is WHY we rescue ANIMALS. The arguments that undermine the question are often that there are many people who need help. That's right on point.

It also implies that what we are doing is NOT helping people. Most Norwegians who have dogs or cats care about them very much. Many consider pets as complete family members. Losing their dog or cat is traumatic for many. Not only is it traumatic to lose an animal, but it also has a great positive effect on stress and loneliness for many to have a dog or cat.

Imagine that there is a war. Most Norwegians can't imagine that at all, that is, how brutally traumatic it can be. Maybe you need to flee in a hurry, with family members scattered here and there, that you never know if you'll ever see again.

Approximately 15,000,000,000 people fled in a short period of time, most on crowded buses and trains. Authorities from several countries, along with major international aid organizations, got these to safety through coordinated efforts and enormous use of resources.

Approximately 0 animals got to safety thanks to coordinated efforts between authorities from several countries and major relief organizations.

The animals are never given priority. Not in government, public corporations or large organizations with a lot of resources. NEVER.

The number is probably not literally zero, probably one event or another, but it's as good as zero. The fact that some countries made it possible for refugees to bring their dogs and cats doesn't help much if they have to walk 1200 km with a walker to the Polish border, as the only option to take the animal with them.

We have estimated that 25-30% of Ukrainians have dogs, probably as many have cats. Simple math then tells us that several millions of people have lost their animals, and a large proportion of them have a big wound in their hearts over what has happened.

It's not safe you can go back and even try to find your dog or cat. We’re not talking about costs and risks here, but there are many places that are closed to civilians. Too much risk due to ongoing warfare.

You can't even call any of the few that stayed in the area where you lived, because the cell network has been down for months. They probably don't have internet and electricity either.

A few months later you suddenly find out that your dog or cat is alive. Scabby and thin, but alive. Not just that. Someone has entered the area and got what for many is a close family member to safety. Often at an obvious personal risk. The dog or cat is now at the vet and being treated for the consequences of living on the street in a war zone for several months. They don't even charge for any of this. Nothing.

You clung to a straw for a long time. But now all hope is out - your cat or dog is dead now. Suddenly one day everything turns on its head.

🙋 ♀️ 🙋 It's not just tails that wag.

CONTINUED: In the article and reportage TV 2 made about us, you will, among other things, meet Valentina. She has refused to evacuate and lives in a broken house with no power, water, phone or gas. There's nothing close to it. No neighbors, no shops, no public transport. Not that a store would make any difference, she has no money either. And days can go by every time she sees another human.

The reason she refuses to evacuate is because she is (trying) to keep 43 pets alive from what was once a neighborhood. There are people like Valentina we mean when we use the word "fierce souls".

From TV2's article:

"- I cried on my knees for everyone to survive. Then God sent the people. The volunteers are helping a lot. We survived with all the animals, tell her with a big smile. "

NB: We often help people directly too. For example, the cars are full of candy, in case we meet children - even though it's rare. But we meet many of the same fiery souls again, and often carry vital medications and other things they need. Most of them are well grown.

Just two days ago we went with two large vans to Kozacha Lopan, close to the border with Russia. The place has been under almost daily Russian attacks in recent weeks. She refused to leave without the animals. The cars were filled with seven dogs, a number of cats, three kennels and a whole lot of personal belongings. Well over ten lives safe, one of them a human life. Photos and video to come.

As you can see we also help people. Both directly and indirectly. Anything else is really illogical. That would actually be against its purpose.

This is why our pets are. Animals that have been shaped by us humans over thousands of years to coexist.

And just like children, our pets are dependent on us adults. Neither children nor animals can facilitate for their own future. They depend on us for safety, closeness, love, an evolving and interesting life - as well as something to eat.

Is a life worth more just because it is more like ourselves? Less worth just because it's a different race?

For many of us in NOR DOG, the dogs we have are like our children. The effort put in is out of the love for our own dogs.

NOR DOG Animal Rescue (feel free to follow us) was started because no one did anything for the animals. At least nothing like monet or where the help was needed the most. Frederik, initiator of NOR DOG, therefore made a choice. An election you can see more about in this post:

If you also love animals, we hope you can help us help. You don't have to wear a bulletproof vest and helmet, rather give a few kroner on Vipps to 770858 or kt. 1226.14.81349.

It also helps to comment, like and share this post - then more people will see what we at least think is an important issue

⁉️ HVORFOR? Et vanlig spørsmål. Altså HVORFOR vi redder DYR. Argumentene som underbygger spørsmålet er gjerne at det er mange mennesker som trenger hjelp. Det er helt riktig.

Det impliserer også at det vi gjør IKKE hjelper mennesker. De fleste nordmenn som har hund eller katt, bryr seg svært mye om de. Mange anser kjæledyrene som fullverdige familiemedlemmer. Å miste sin hund eller katt er for mange traumatisk. Ikke bare er det traumatisk å miste et dyr, men har også en stor positiv effekt på stress og ensomhet for mange å ha hund eller katt.

Tenk deg at det er krig. Det klarer ikke nordmenn flest å forestille seg i det hele tatt, altså hvor brutalt traumatisk det kan være. Kanskje må du flykte i all hast, med familiemedlemmer spredd her og der, som du aldri vet om du noen gang kommer til å se igjen.

Ca. 15.000.000 mennesker flyktet på kort tid, de fleste på overfylte busser og tog. Myndigheter fra flere land, sammen med store internasjonale hjelpeorganisasjoner, fikk disse i sikkerhet via koordinert innsats og enorm ressursbruk.

Ca. 0 dyr kom seg i sikkerhet takket være koordinert innsats mellom myndigheter fra flere land sammen med store hjelpeorganisasjoner.

Dyrene har aldri prioritet. Ikke hos myndigheter, kollektivselskaper eller store organisasjoner med mye ressurser. ALDRI.

Tallet er nok ikke bokstavelig talt null, sikkert en og annen hendelse, men det er så godt som null. At enkelte land gjorde det mulig for flyktninger å ta med seg hunden og katten sin hjelper lite om de må gå 1200 km med rullator til den polske grensen, som eneste mulighet for å ta dyret med seg.

Vi har fått estimert at 25-30% av ukrainere har hund, sikkert like mange som har katt. Enkel matematikk forteller da oss at flere millioner mennesker har mistet dyrene sine, og en stor andel av de har et stort sår i hjertet over hva som har skjedd.

Det er ikke sikkert du kan dra tilbake og prøve å finne hunden eller katten din engang. Vi snakker ikke om kostnader og risikovilje her, men det er mange steder som er stengt for sivile. For mye risiko grunnet pågående krigføring.

Du kan ikke engang ringe noen av de få som ble igjen i området der du bodde, for mobilnettet har vært ødelagt i flere måneder. Nett og strøm har de antakelig heller ikke.

Noen måneder senere får du plutselig vite at hunden eller katten din er i live. Skabbete og tynn, men i live. Ikke bare dét. Noen har tatt seg inn i området og fått det som for mange er et nært familiemedlem, i sikkerhet. Ofte med åpenbar personlig risiko. Hunden eller katten er nå hos veterinær og behandles for konsekvensene av å leve på gaten i et krigsområde i flere måneder. De tar ikke engang betalt for noe av dette. Ingenting.

Du klamret deg til halmstrå lenge. Men nå er alt håp ute - katten eller hunden din er død nå. Plutselig en dag snur alt seg på hodet.

🙋‍♀️🙋 Det er ikke bare haler som logrer av sånt.

FORTSETTELSE: I artikkelen og reportasjen TV 2 laget om oss, får du blant annet møte Valentina. Hun har nektet å evakuere og bor i et ødelagt hus uten strøm, vann, telefon eller gass. Det er ingenting i nærheten. Ingen naboer, ingen butikker, ingen kollektivtransport. Ikke at en butikk hadde gjort noen forskjell, hun har ikke penger heller. Og det kan gå mange dager mellom hver gang hun ser et annet menneske.

Årsaken til at hun nekter å evakuere er fordi hun (prøver) å holde liv i 43 kjæledyr fra det som en gang var nabolaget. Det er mennesker som Valentina vi mener når vi bruker ordet "ildsjeler".

Fra TV2s artikkel:

"– Eg gret på mine kne for at alle skulle overleve. Så sendte Gud folk. Dei frivillige hjelper veldig. Vi har overlevd med alle dyra, fortel ho med eit stort smil."

NB: Vi hjelper ofte mennesker direkte også. Bilene er eksempelvis fulle av godteri, i tilfelle vi møter barn - selv om det er sjeldent. Men vi møter mange av de samme ildsjelene på nytt, og har ofte med livsviktige medisiner og annet de trenger. De fleste er godt voksne.

For bare to dager siden dro vi med to store varebiler til Kozacha Lopan, nære grensen til Russland. Stedet har vært under nærmest daglige russiske angrep de siste ukene. Hun nektet å dra uten dyrene. Bilene ble fylt med syv hunder, en rekke katter, tre hundehus og en hel del personlige eiendeler. Godt over ti liv i sikkerhet, et av de et menneskeliv. Bilder og video kommer.

Som dere ser, hjelper vi også mennesker. Både direkte og indirekte. Noe annet er egentlig ulogisk. Det ville egentlig være mot sin hensikt.

For dette er våre kjæledyr. Dyr som har blitt formet av oss mennesker over tusener av år til sameksistens.

Og akkurat som barn, er kjæledyrene avhengige av oss voksne mennesker. Verken barn eller dyr kan fasilitere for sin egen fremtid. De er avhengige av oss for trygghet, nærhet, kjærlighet, et utviklende og interessant liv - samt noe å spise.

Er et liv mer verdt, bare fordi det ligner mer på oss selv? Mindre verdt, bare fordi det er en annen rase?

For flere av oss i NOR DOG, er hundene vi har som barna våre. Innsatsen som legges ned er av kjærligheten til våre egne hunder.

NOR DOG Animal Rescue (følg oss gjerne) ble startet fordi det ikke var noen som gjorde noe for dyrene. Ihvertfall ikke noe som monnet eller der hjelpen trengtes aller mest. Frederik, initiativtaker til NOR DOG tok derfor et valg. Et valg dere kan se mer om i denne posten:

Hvis du også er glad i dyr, håper vi du kan hjelpe oss med å hjelpe. Du trenger ikke ta på deg skuddsikker vest og hjelm, gi heller noen få kroner på Vipps til 770858 eller kt. 1226.14.81349.

Det hjelper også å kommentere, like og dele denne posten - da får flere med seg det ihvertfall vi mener er en viktig sak

These cats were picked up by Paradise Animal Control after being dumped.  Could these be your cats......even from the Ca...

These cats were picked up by Paradise Animal Control after being dumped. Could these be your cats......even from the Camp Fire?
More photos in comments.


Is there anyone in the Oroville area who can give a ride to a Dixie Fire Survivor to the Plumas Animal Shelter in Quincy


CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary is looking for a work crew to move our catio from upper Paradise to Magalia before the end of this month. As a non profit organization this would be a tax deductable expense for you or we could pay a fair rate by the job. See the attached photo for an example of work required.

The duties are to assemble a shed on site similiar to the one in the photo, disassemble and transport 7 chain link panels of 12 foot fencing to the new location and reassemble by connecting the fence to the shed and installing a gate plus leveling the ground around the enclosure with the cement blocks as shown in the photo. Then install the tarp and siding with a PVC post to provide a slant for rain to drain from the top of the tarp.

Your work contact and consultant will be our catio manager and rescue manager who are on site.

If interested in helping the cats please comment below and we will give additional details by Face Book messenger.


CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary needs volunteers that can work on an As Needed Basis to average 4 days per month. Please comment below..


Thank you Jeanette Cott for your gift of a case of Friskies wet food and your generous donation to CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.
The cats appreciate it!

Thank you Sheryl Reese for your generous donation to CPR 2nd Cat Sanctuary of 3 litter pans, one Fancy Feast Kitten food...

Thank you Sheryl Reese for your generous donation to CPR 2nd Cat Sanctuary of 3 litter pans, one Fancy Feast Kitten food case of 24 and one 15 lb bag of Purina Cat Chow Complete dry cat food. The cats and kittens appreciate it!

Two of our kittens at CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary were placed in forever homes today by Rachel Freeman.  Jax and Lil Ro...

Two of our kittens at CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary were placed in forever homes today by Rachel Freeman. Jax and Lil Roo both thank Rachel for fostering.

Meet our cats at CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.  Mowgli is shy but Rachel Freeman was able to capture her shadow at the c...

Meet our cats at CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.
Mowgli is shy but Rachel Freeman was able to capture her shadow at the catio.


CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary is expanding and needs help at our catio one to two days per week 3-4 hours per day feeding and cleaning. Please comment below if you can help.

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank Lori Haven for her generous donation of 64 cans of Friskies wet cat foo...

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank Lori Haven for her generous donation of 64 cans of Friskies wet cat food. Also thank you for your backup help at the sanctuary. The cats appreciate it and look forward to your visits.

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank Valerie Wysinger for her continued support and donation of 3 cat carrie...

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank Valerie Wysinger for her continued support and donation of 3 cat carriers, 2 cat beds with toys, a sift side carrier, packs of Friskies wet food and $100. The cats appreciate it!

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank our Anonymous Donor for the 2 cases of Friskies Shreds wet cat food.  T...

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank our Anonymous Donor for the 2 cases of Friskies Shreds wet cat food. The cats appreciate it!


Beautiful Ebony. One of the cats at CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.

An large shipment has arrived for CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary from an unknown donor.  If you were the donor please let ...

An large shipment has arrived for CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary from an unknown donor. If you were the donor please let us know.
The cats are very happy! Included is Royal Canine Mother and Babycat food two packs of 12 3oz, Hills Science Diet Kitten Turkey cat food 3 cases of 24 5.5 oz, Purina Pro kitten food 12 lb bag, American Journey dry cat food 5 lb bag.

Lori Haven thank you for your donation of cat food, litter box and Pine cat litter to CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.  Als...

Lori Haven thank you for your donation of cat food, litter box and Pine cat litter to CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary. Also thanks for volunteering to help at the catio!

Phoebe Hartt thankyou for your donation of a 40 pound bag of Clumping Wood Cat Litter to CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary. T...

Phoebe Hartt thankyou for your donation of a 40 pound bag of Clumping Wood Cat Litter to CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary.
The cats appreciate it!

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank our Anonymous donor for the case of 24 cans of Fancy Feast Kitten Tende...

CPR 2nd Chance Cat Sanctuary would like to thank our Anonymous donor for the case of 24 cans of Fancy Feast Kitten Tender Turkey Feast food. The kittens appreciate it!

Thank you Phoebe Hartt and Lori Haven for the Chewy gift cards you donated to CPR Second Chance Cat Sanctuary.  The cats...

Thank you Phoebe Hartt and Lori Haven for the Chewy gift cards you donated to CPR Second Chance Cat Sanctuary. The cats appreciate it!

Prepare for an emergency or evacuation information below

Prepare for an emergency or evacuation information below

When a catastrophic event overwhelms a community, the first instinct is to grab loved ones and head to safety. Many pet owners would never want to leave their animals behind, but they haven't made an emergency plan for their pets. If disaster strikes, will you know what to do? Here are a few resources to help you prepare:

Thank you Kathryn Hildebrandt for your donation of Royal Canine Mother and Babycat Wet Cat food to CPR Second Chance Cat...

Thank you Kathryn Hildebrandt for your donation of Royal Canine Mother and Babycat Wet Cat food to CPR Second Chance Cat Sanctuary. The cats appreciate it!


Here are two separate cats that showed up at feeding locations along Clark Road just before the Bear Fire broke out big. We are still putting out food.


Thank you Terrie Javid-Morales for your donation of 24 cans of Purina Fancy Feast cat food. The cats will love it.

CAPTIONED Shannon Jay Fire Cat Rescue Seminar

So many few trappers
Here is a seminar by expert trapper Jay for your review. If you would like to contact Shannon please send him a Facebook Message.

Shannon Jay, who has thousands of hours in the field rescuing cats from the California wildfires, shows pet owners from the what they can do to loc...


Update: Bojo was evacuated to Yuba due to the Bear Fire and is receiving medical treatment at the vet of FieldHaven Feline Center where he just underwent surgery for an extensive repair of a large animal bite wound. CPR got him just in time to save his life. Thank you to all who donated. Thank you Joy Smith of FieldHaven for the evacuation site.

Bojo was brought to the attention of CPR trapper Rachel Freeman. He was living in a ditch and has a big bite wound on his neck and a large abscess under the skin.

Bojo will go to the vet today and any contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. We will update his medical costs as soon as we get him in. To donate please use one of the following links:
Pay Pal: [email protected]
Venmo: Brenda-Boone-8 or Shelley-Block-3


A huge Thank You to FUR-Friends United in Rescue, Inc and Hannah Marie Braden for your donation of kennels, carriers and trapping food to be use in our future rescues. The cats appreciate it.


Thank you Rachel Freeman for your donation of two Visa gift cards of $25 each to Cats Provisions and RestStop. The cats appreciate all you do.


Thank you Pamela Check for your donation of a variety of cat food to Cats Provisions and RestStop. The cats love it and our feeders cat, Chicken Butt, is guarding it.


Thank you Cierra McGee for your donation of kitten food for our hungry little ones. The kittens love it!


Thank you Rachel Freeman for your generous donation of 64 cans of cat food plus a camera, batteries and cable for trapping. The cats appreciate it!




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