Happy Halloween, from Halcyon Cardigans!
After our instructor had Wish try the HT exercises, I asked to try it with him as well. His second time on sheep, my first time working with him on them! So there's a lot to learn and refine, of course, haha.
This is very exciting to me, and I really hope to find a way to do more regular training sessions with him, and that maybe someday we can trial! We both had an absolute blast here ❤️
We'll definitely be back to work on learning how to actually herd!! Getting Wish's PT and HT will be one of our upcoming goals.
Kizzie, Samhain's Everything Happens for a Reason CGC TKI* VHMA (*pending AKC confirmation)
Drama, Von Schwartz Something to Talk About @ Samhain BCAT CGC TKI* VHMA (*pending AKC confirmation)
Wish, CH Samhain's As You Wish RA DCAT CGC TKA ATT VHMA
Not just a pretty face!
I tried to post this a few weeks ago but I guess it never went through. So, trying again!
There's plenty of handler error here I need to work on, but here is a video of Drama's very first time running a Rally course! This was submitted to AKC for the first leg to her RN. She was a rockstar and is so much fun to work with! <3
Drama is an incredibly intelligent little Cardigan; extremely biddable and always working her mind. She thrives on finding new ways to make us happy and loves to learn! I want people to see her for more than just her unique coloring and see the brilliant little dog that she is.