My Adventures with Sugar the Poodle

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  • My Adventures with Sugar the Poodle

My Adventures with Sugar the Poodle I am a 53 year old priestmonk who just got his first dog as an adult. Her gotcha day is July 4, 2022


My crazy dog jumped into a rather fetid pond trying to catch a duck. Bath time coming up!


Today was probably the most full day I have had in a long time. I am exhausted—but it is a very good and satisfied exhausted!—and Sugar is snoring beside me. I will write tomorrow. But here is a video from today. Many thanks to my student Natalia Morin for it. Enjoy!

Day 103 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Sha...

Day 103 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion, High-Five Aficionada, Enigma, Bed Hog, Stress Reliever.

We got up at 9:30 am! It was amazing that we both slept that long. It was almost at 6 am—or was it 7? That Sugar got up and seemed to want to go. I went to the washroom and she was fast asleep again. Great suggestion! When we finally got up, I put Sugar reluctantly outside—slushy heavy snow was again falling—and got our breakfasts ready. She ate; I ate; and then We were invited to join Andrea on a walk to Fresh Co market. We walked her there and then Sugar and I continued around the neighborhood. The snow stopped, there was no wind. It was lovely. We walked Andrea home and continued on our way: up and down the local streets. We even met a fellow walking his cat! He saw is coming, he picked it up, and before Sugaf saw I signaled to the guy we were crossing the street and going the opposite direction.

When we got home, I stopped for a bit—maybe I even ate some lunch? And left Sugar with Andrea as I went back to a stained glass shop. I had the most pleasant visit with the proprietor, Matthew. I thought all the jars they had with coloured stuff inside was pigment, rather than powdered glass! I went back home, spent about an hour on the bed with Sugar, and then did some final writing for the class. I made certificates for my students and then I also decorated the cheesecake for the celebration.

Sugar spent a lot of time in the kitchen, with Andrea helping make soup and with me putting the ganache and white chocolate chevron patterns on the cake. She also spent time outside, sniffing around and barking at squirrels.

We had supper—a delicious Lentil and mushroom and kale soup—and then we packed up and drove to church. We all arrived at essentially the same time, and Sugar was doing her regular rounds. Once we prayed, we all made a valiant effort to finish before 8:30 pm. We came close! Joey walked Sugar and I asked him to keep her on the lead until they were downstairs. It worked out: no unexpected spills!

At 8:30 pm, I had a little graduation ceremony and presented certificates. Then we ended up in the kitchen for Prosecco and cheesecake. Sugar was so curious what we were eating—double chocolate cheesecake—and where! Then we took photos and tried to get a good one of all of us, including Sugar. Suddenly Sugar seemed so frightened! We got some sweet photos anyway and then we said our goodbyes to Kaitlyn, a student who couldn’t come tomorrow. We finished packing up and headed home.

Sugar slept soundly all the way. We got her up when we got home, and strangely she sat up in the car, not knowing what to do! Eventually I got this tired girl into the house. And when it came time to ascend the stair, she twitched and didn’t want to go! So, I picked her up off the couch and up we went! I put her on the bed and she settled in. We are back to back in bed as I write this.

So goodnight my dears, from Winnipeg. I pray for you all!


Day 101 and 102 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion, High-Five Aficionada, Enigma, Bed Hog, Stress Reliever.

You would think after the day I am about to recall that I wouldn’t have been so tired but I was. I had a pretty good sleep and Sugar and I went downstairs after having some good play on the bed. Andrea and Joey had gone out, so we had breakfast ourselves, after Sugar had done her business outside. They came home and I left Sugar to walk to the No frills grocery store: it was the best day for me to make cheesecake.

Sugar and Andrea have really bonded, differently than with me and with Joey. She is regularly flipping over on her back for Andrea. It is so lovely to see her so comfortable. She likes Joey a lot, but for whatever reason, she likes to hurry along her time with him and come back to me. Sugar spent the cheesecake baking time almost entirely with Andrea, either being pet by her or guarding her chair or sleeping beside her chair. Sugar also did something else unique: I keep offering her toys. I gave her here newest toy, her bear from my friend Rhonda, and she actually, on her own, took it and carefully moved it around. Maybe she will start actually playing with it!

It was quite a dreary day. I went upstairs, expecting Sugar to follow. I was upstairs puttering for a good 45 minutes when Sugar remembered she wasn’t with me. She looked a little embarrassed.

Joey walked her in the afternoon. They weren’t gone for long. Joey tried running a bit with Sugar and she got all excited. However, the running didn’t last long in Joey’s end. Sugar, however, didn’t clue in and kept pulling, nearly choking herself in the process! And poor Joey is a bit out of shape.

After an early supper and Sugar trying her best to beg for lentil lasagna at the table, and me taking the cheesecake out of the oven, we went to the church for class. Class went well; Joey walked Sugar again quite successfully, and we all went home. Somehow that whole day just exhausted me.

Today, we slept quite well and got up about 7:30 am. Much to my surprise I was the first one up! I let Sugar out and I got her food all ready. I made coffee, eggs, and toast for myself. It was snowing outside so Sugar needed a bit more care to her paws before she came in. Then, Joey came downstairs, he who is usually up and at work at 6 am. Andrea followed a bit later.

I decided, since I was going to be out for part of the day, that I should walk Sugar for a long time this morning. We were outside in the morning, as wet heavy flakes of snow fell. We walked for about an hour, and as I returned to the house, I was totally soaked, as was Sugar. Lots of sopping up paws and a couple of towel dryings were needed. Then I needed to shower.

Sugar was preoccupied with Andrea and her plants, but specifically the axolotl water. I am certain she would drink it all if we let her. Joey came out of his office and so I thought: perfect time for them to bond. She sat at his left hand so he could use his right on the keyboard. I gave him liver treats for her and closed the door and showered. I was told Sugar actually whined while I was showering! Joey is one of the kindest, sweetest guys I know. It is so weird that Sugar doesn’t respond to him better.

So when Sugar was released from her captivity with Joey, I am getting dressed in my room, Sugar is so happy on my bed that she started bed zoomies! She had never done that before. It was so cute!

Then, I went off for a lunch with Fr Michael Ungrin and his wife preetessa Colleen. Sugar stayed with Joey and Andrea, and apparently they had a great time. Lunch went extra long, so I met Joey and Andrea and Sugar at St George for class.

Class started a bit later than usual—lots of traffic for a Thursday. But everyone worked hard. I was watching Sugar not settle, so I was going to pop outside for a quick walk, but I needed to help another student so I asked Joey to take Sugar. The wet slushy snow was still coming down outside. They weren’t gone very long and we heard Sugar coming quickly down the stairs, and then she lost her footing and slammed into the door! Poor girl! She didn’t yelp or anything, she was just so excited to get to me. She settled immediately as she had desperate need to do her business!

About an hour later, she got up, and another first occurred: she vomitted. Poor girl again! She had eaten some cooked carrots and they were pretty much whole; the dog food from the morning…not entirely sure what caused her issue, really. Joey very kindly cleaned it all up. I just held Sugar in my lap for a while—that whole “dog returning to their own vomit” thing is real.

We ended class a bit after that, and drove home. Sugar is again asleep beside me, a bit peaky. Or maybe that is just me, projecting. She does not lack for love, nor concern. My love to all of you! God bless!


Day 101 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion, High-Five Aficionada, Enigma, Bed Hog, Stress Reliever.

Will write something proper tomorrow. I am already falling asleep at my phone. Sugar is asleep on the bed beside me. Much love to all of you!

Day 100 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Sha...

Day 100 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion, High-Five Aficionada, Enigma, Bed Hog, Stress Reliever.

100 days of life together with my incredible dog. I meant to do something special but too much was going on! I had a terrible night sleeping—Fitbit only registered 3.5 hours. Which was weird but ok. I thought I had more. Sugar and I got up about 7:30 AM and I put her outside for a good romp around. I had a banana and half a cup of coffee and got Sugar’s kibble together. She came in and ate maybe 1/3 of it. Ok.

I had a shower and she hung out in our room. When I finished, I dressed and was picked up outside by my friend Fr Gregory. I left Shug with Andrea and Joey and off we went for coffee. We had a good long discussion in Tim Horton’s, then came back to the house.

While we were away, Andrea and Joey took Sugar for a walk and to No Frills for groceries. Apparently she met a stranger woman and immediately leaned into her as she was petting her. It was pretty cool.

When we got back, Fr Gregory said, “wanna take a walk?” Sure! So Shug came with us. She made sure we kept pace, doing the same route we did on Monday. Then we got back to the house and visited outside on the front steps for maybe another 40 minutes, with Sugar just sniffing her way around the front yard. All in all, we spent a good three and a half hours talking, getting the world set to rights.

Fr Gregory went off, Shug and I popped in the house and visited with Joey and Andrea and we were off to our second appointment: lunch with my long time Facebook friend, Fr Michael Winn. We arrived in good time, and he was overjoyed to meet Sugar. He grew up with toy poodles, so he knows poodle demeanour. And we discovered just how many people we had in common. So Many! Unfortunately, it seemed we just settled into the visit and we had to push pause until the next time.

Back home for a nap and supper. Delicious curry chicken and quinoa. When supper was done, We got Shug into the car and then headed to the church. She was very sedate in the evening, sleeping almost the whole time. She had an uneventful trip home, and is now asleep beside me.

I meant to stop at a pet store and get a doggie cupcake or something. She did get some turkey at Fr Michael’s house, and a bit of apple pie. We will do something special at Christmas, certainly, and for her Gotcha day.

Anyway, I am fast falling asleep. Here is Sugar being pet by Kaitlyn, one of my students. One can see how she helps relieve stress!

Day 99 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shad...

Day 99 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion, High-Five Aficionada, Enigma, Bed Hog.

We had a really great sleep last night: all the way until 8 o’clock in the morning. Then we played on the bed for a while, and Sugar started learning how to do high-fives. We practised a few times in the bed, but I didn’t have any treats to give her. Lots of head scratches. We played a little bit more, just enjoying the fact that we didn’t have to be anywhere or do anything, and then we went downstairs. Andrea was already up, and Joey had just gotten up. And made coffee. The all important bean juice. Sugar was in the back yard for a while, as breakfast was being made. We had bacon, scrambled eggs with feta, and juice. Sugar came in and had her kibble and yogurt, but I couldn’t resist feeding her a little bit of bacon. She gobbled it all up! Hey, it’s Thanksgiving!

I was eager to show Joey and Andrea our new trick, so I gave them treats and took some myself and Sugar was giving high fives to everyone! It was so sweet to see her learn so quickly! And it didn’t take long from giving blessings to giving high fives. I must think of other things we can do with her front paws.

Once breakfast was all done, I decided to take Sugar for a good long walk. We walked from Furby Street to Agnes Street, and then up and down each street, down to Sargent Avenue and back up to Wellington, going to Cumberland. I say I was taking Sugar for a walk, but rather she took me for a walk. I had every intention of tiring her out, but she just kept going. I was getting tired and she was out in front, walking me. We walked for at least an hour if not more.

Once we returned to the house, we went upstairs and observed the feeding of Zorksox, the axolotl. He is an adorable little salamander. Loves worms. Sugar popped into the room a couple of times, and saw the source of her favourite drink. It was a David Attenborough worthy moment, watching Zorksox feed!

After that, we lay down on the bed. We both had a good nap. I heard Joey and Andrea go out, and so we got up and since it was such a nice day, Sugar and I went and sat first in the front yard and then in the back yard. I popped in the back door to find Joey and Andrea in the kitchen, scaring the bejeebies out of myself, and then went back outside. Sugar was oblivious, but it sure got my heart racing. I decided to wander the yard with her, and pulled a little carrot to try. I ate part of it, and threw the end to Sugar. She ate it. Not a single raw carrot did she eat at home. But in Winnipeg…

After this leisure time, I decided I should try painting something. I have enough icons with me that I need to paint, so I made my emulsion, gave Sugar the white to eat, and pulled out the pigments. Sugar was with me in the plant room, trying to get at the axolotl water. The turd! This dirty water from the aquarium is what she loves to drink. Anyway, I foiled her plans by putting weights on the bucket lids.

Andrea came by to check if I needed more lighting, and thus began the lighting project of the afternoon. We decided to put some bars of LED lights hanging from the ceiling so I could easily paint. We had to move the table, and Shug was having none of it. Would. Not. Budge. Andrea tried, we just moved the table and Sugar leaned. Finally I moved her and she hightailed it downstairs! Poor girl! She did come back upstairs, to my bedroom, to the painting room, to the hallway. Eventually Joey and Andrea and I managed to get the lighting set up, and I now have so much great light to paint by. We also fixed a hole in the floor that was covered by a very bulky piece of wood. So much better! I painted until I was called for supper.

Supper was roast beef, gravy, sweet potatoes, carrots, and salad with feta cheese. I went to the car and got a not rawhide chew for her, given to us by my friend Rhonda, and so she had a nice thanksgiving treat as well. Then she came to the table. I tried not to give her any meat—it was too good—and I broke my own rule against feeding her at the table. What did she eat? Sweet potatoes and carrots. Ate them like nobody’s business. And then, while we were chatting after supper, she fell asleep on her back again, legs up and dreaming.

Once dishes were done, we all settled in on the couch to watch the classic film, Room with a View, one of my favourites. Homemade pumpkin pie and whipped cream was consumed. Sugar got my crust. And we were all on the couch, but Sugar was finding it a bit cramped. So I sat on the floor. Bliss! She stretched out to occupy all the space allotted! I got a chair for the rest of the film. She occasionally tuned in. She loved just hanging out watching the film.

And then it was time for bed. Somehow she managed to stretch out on the bed long enough to be difficult to move from either side of the bed. Sigh. So I moved the bed hog’s butt and am pressed against her as I write this. I hope all of you had a wonderful thanksgiving as Sugar and I did; we are truly blessed with such good friends as Joey and Andrea. Here are a couple photos.

Day 96, 97, 98 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nur...

Day 96, 97, 98 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion.

Gosh? Where to begin? I think I will only post some highlights. Friday: a good but busy day. I spent the day working on my presentations, going over them, making sure I knew my material. Sugar and I did go for a long walk in the morning, but through the day, I just couldn’t. Joey volunteered to take her, which was great. Apparently, she was pretty much full of p**p because Joey needed two bags for two separate deposits—and so he returned to the house. He took her out again, and then, Sugar changed her mind and said I am going home! She made Joey change his trajectory and she brought him home to me. We left for class, and sometime after we got to church, she needed a quick walk. Joey took her, but once she was done whatever business she needed to attend to, she refused to go further and returned to me and the class. She knows and loves her master!

Saturday we had the lectures. We got up early, and I only let her outside in the back. I showered and got myself all together; I had a bite and gave Sugar her food, which she ate all of. Then we all piled in the car off to church. We forgot keys for one of the storage rooms so Joey ran home to get them. There was lots of time before people came, and so I walked Sugar around the neighborhood. There is a lovely park near St George’s and so we walked through it. Shug was very happy.

Shug was present for the lectures and pretty much slept the whole time. The lectures were only attended by 9? People, sadly. After the first lecture and after lunch, Andrea took Sugar for a walk. They weren’t gone very long, but it was somehow more successful than Joey’s attempts. The second lecture also went well. We took a break, I quickly took Shug for a walk, and when we got back we realized that if the two other attendees who were left left, it would be only Joey, Andrea, Sugar and me for the last lecture. Like I had to do in Edmonton, I pulled the plug early and we didn’t have the third lecture. We went home, some of us napped, then we got up ad visited for a while. Sugar and I went upstairs and while we were both in bed, I worked on my sermon. Lights out before midnight, as I was falling asleep with my phone in my hand.

Sunday. The alarm went off at 7 am and I snoozed until 7:30 am. I attended to my ablutions, and I had to get myself to church. There was no way I could bring Sugar so I said goodbye at the house twice—I had to return to get my phone and wallet! Joey and Andrea took their own car, and when they left, Sugar turned on the puppy dog eyes so she got lots of extra treats!

Church went well. I served with Fr Michael, a reluctant priest but an extremely generous and well loved pastor. A 5 year temp, is essentially how he explained it. The congregation at St George is very friendly and welcoming, and many of them asked about Sugar! I left coffee hour after about an hour to attend to my girl.

She was so happy to see me! I was opening the door to the porch, and I could hear her squealing and barking. Once I came in the door she was doing her little happy dance and sneezing, smiling, and propeller wagging her tail! What joy! I dashed up the stairs and out of my cassock, went back down with actual running shoes, and we headed out. I locked the door behind me, then checked for the keys. Oops. Still in my cassock! I texted Andrea and Joey to let them know. And then Sugar and I proceeded to walk for a good hour.

We had a lovely walk; Sugar protected me from many many squirrels and evil cats. And while we were walking, we came upon the owner of the Burger Plus Restaurant. She complimented me on my dog, for which I thanked her. I said, can you answer me one question: what is the plus in your burger plus restaurant? She said you have to come in for the answer! Good on her!

Sugar and I had literally just returned from our long walk and Joey and Andrea drove up. We all went in together. Sugar and I went upstairs for a nap, and Joey and Andrea went for a walk. Almost an hour later I got a text: please let us in! We forgot our keys! It was then revealed that of all the things Sugar could have gotten into, she got into the water that was in the axolotl aquarium: Andrea uses it for watering plants. For some reason, Sugar loves to drink it, even to the point of pushing off a lid it get it!

No napping actually happened. Joey and I went off to a family dinner at his brother’s house; Andrea and Sugar stayed home together. I am glad I left Shug with Andrea! There was so much noise in the house. Andrea said Sugar spent maybe an hour with her and the rest of the time sleeping on our bed. About 10 minutes before we came home, she went downstairs and waited until we came home.

And so that was our past three days. Sugar is asleep beside me, her legs stretched out and her feet are touching me. And I will join her soon in the land of Nod. God bless all of you, and happy thanksgiving! Here are some photos.

I Promise to write tomorrow. It was a full day—a great day, but a full day. Must work on my sermon for tomorrow. Here is...

I Promise to write tomorrow. It was a full day—a great day, but a full day. Must work on my sermon for tomorrow. Here is a Sugar.


I am so busy today, getting ready for my lectures tomorrow. No update today, but I will do double tomorrow. Sugar is already asleep. Here is a video from yesterday of her dreaming while I was teaching. Much love to you all!

Day 95 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shad...

Day 95 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend, Companion.

We slept well a third night: I only got up twice in the night and the second time it was nearly 7 am. I took advantage of the lights for the plants that Andrea grows to wake up fully. Well, that and coffee! I went back to bed and played with Sugar for a little while before heading downstairs for breakfast. I let Sugar out the back and she enjoyed herself a lot. I made her breakfast and although when she came in I had to wipe her feet, she is accepting it. I love to watch her and see her mind all at work.

Andrea had an appointment up the street at the medical centre so off we went all together. We went further than we had before, so there was much more to sniff. I can’t be certain if we found a squirrel with Andrea or not but the perimeter was protected! We dropped Andrea off and we continued down our way. I am making spirals as we walk, walking a bit further every time, but ending up at home.

More feet wiping: and evidence of snow. Good thing I brought three coats, just in case! Sugar enjoyed being inside while I worked away at getting things ready for my lectures on Saturday. I have done them many times, and every time I think, I need to do better notes! I need to keep the script. So I have been. And Sugar was right there with me!

Just before 12 I had some lunch and then I left Sugar in Joey’s capable hands and Andrea and I went off errand hanging. First to Artists Emporium, then to St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church to their bookstore and then grocery shopping. It was nice to be without Sugar for a while but she was on my mind. I needn’t have worried. Although Shug waited for me at the door (melt!) she eventually stuck with Joey and then fell asleep on the couch. While Joey worked downstairs, she fell asleep on her bed he had brought down for her. We walked in and she danced!

We had an early supper and headed out to the church. I had some prep work to do, dividing up the paints and getting their palettes ready. Joey walked Sugar—a first for both—and they both really enjoyed it. Sugar has mostly figured out the routine. The class went very well, and as today was egg night, Shug got a bowl of whites to eat. Loved it! And then went to sleep yet again to dream her adventures.

We went home just after 9:30 pm and arrived after 10–all of us? Tired. A couple of snacks for Sugar and some leftover salad for me and we went to bed. Shug is already dreaming of squirrels, cats, and her new friends Joey and . Andrea. Sleep well my dear ones, and God bless you all.

I foiled Sugar’s plans tonight: Queen sized bed and the opposite side for the win!

I foiled Sugar’s plans tonight: Queen sized bed and the opposite side for the win!

Day 94 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shad...

Day 94 of being with Sugar the Poodle, Orthodog, Igumenia, Personal Trainer, Decorator, Temptress, Practical Nurse, Shadow, Naturalist, Quality Control Officer, Unofficial Greeter, Co-Pilot, Thief, Mighty Huntress, Lap Dog, Resolute Protectress, Diva, Maker of Smiles, Melter of Hearts, Beauty Queen, Ambassador, Travelling Companion, Minor Celebrity, Inspector (food, building, and general) Dignified Lady, Teaching Assistant, Amateur Sniffer Dog, Stress Manager, Cat Controller, Drone Operator, Diplomat, Squirrel Vanquisher, Friend.

We slept well a second night, although Sugar wanted to get up and go. I tried hard to get her to stay in bed, but she really wanted to get up. Ok! So we were up around 7:30-8 am. I put Sugar outside and got her food ready. She didn’t want to come in! As I said in the videos: 20 minutes? 30 minutes? She just was living her life, following her nose and discovering so much in the back yard. When she started barking , then I got her to come back in the house. She inhaled all her food, and I was still tired so I tried to get her to nap. Nope! So, Andrea and Joey came home and I sent her downstairs and I took the opportunity to shower.

Sugar was outside, then inside, and once I was dried off and clothed, she was my helper for unloading the car. Back and forth we went, until the car was empty. We visited with the neighbor Jocelyn as she was cleaning her garden, and Sugar was all over in the yard. So nice to see her so happy and engaged.

We went inside for me to sort through what needed to be kept and what was garbage; Sugar was going from door to door with excitement. Once I finished all of that and got things put away, I took Sugar for a good walk. We were barely out the door when Sugar treed a squirrel. The barking, the excitement! She is trying to climb a tree to get the creature. And then she decided to search and bark at every tree! We saw people who looked like they just escaped from the hospital up the street, we saw used purple condoms on the side of the road, we saw an ambulance and paramedics about to enter a house. Wow. We definitely aren’t in Grayson any longer!

Sugar seemed to want to go inspect the front garden. Ok. More things to smell. Off she went, around and around. I wasn’t sure at all what she was doing until she flushed out a cat! Good girl! Andrea and Joey were very happy Sugar is keeping cats and squirrels from being in their yard and eating their plants and p**ping everywhere.

Sugar and I did eventually nap, and then I set to work getting things ready for painting. I also did a bunch of online banking. That’s always fun. Sugar was torn between staying with me or being with Andrea and Joey. Hard to choose! Unfortunately she fails as a proper guard dog: twice strangers came to the door, and twice she ignored them.

We had a lovely black bean, red lentil and sweet potato chilli for supper. Delicious! Sugar wasn’t too sure what to make of it all but tried to beg anyway. I told her no onions or garlic. And she wasn’t a fan of the raw sweet potato she was given. So it goes.

We had to go early to the church, and on the way we stopped at Staples. On the way from Staples, we pulled into traffic, and a red truck pulled in behind us. I have no idea what Sugar saw in the truck, or was it the truck itself, but she started barking. Three barks, quite low. Then three barks, a half note higher. Then another half note. She did this five or six times! We were laughing but we could not for the life of us figure out what had her so agitated.

We arrived at the church and Sugar was just very well behaved. We looked for a screen and couldn’t find one. But we explored the teaching rooms in the basement. Very nice set up! One of my students, Kaitlyn, brought her husband Ben. Sugar made quick friends and we all went downstairs. The class went very quickly, and Sugar visited us all a few times, the slept until just before it was time to go. A very talented group, I must say!

We got home around 10; Sugar slept the whole way. I gave her some treats; I had some sparking water and we both went to bed. Sugar is already dreaming beside me, chasing squirrels up trees and making friends with more of my students’ other halves!

Just one photo. Hard to hold onto her and take a good photo! Much love to All of you!





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