Koloa Hunting Goldens

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  • Koloa Hunting Goldens

Koloa Hunting Goldens AKC Golden Retrievers since 1985. OFA & genetic clearances. Our dogs have field lines & are bred for traits that make good hunting & home companions.

We are a small family kennel that breeds AKC Golden Retrievers. Since we started Koloa Hunting Goldens in 1985, we've had a total of 11 Goldens in our own home. An additional 4 have been in the homes of our family. All of our dogs have been full members of the family; they are socialized with adults, kids, and grandkids. They make excellent, enthusiastic hunting and retrieving partners! We fell in

love with Goldens in 1975 and wanted to continue working with field lines for hunting. Our first breeding pair joined our pack in '85 and '88, respectively, welcoming their first litter in '90. Since then, we've had a total of five litters with four dams. We only breed when we, or a family member, are ready for a puppy, and we ensure good homes for the remainder of the litter every time. We don't breed often, but we always strive to do it as responsibly and proficiently as possible. We exceed the health standards set by the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA), as our primary goal is to produce the healthiest and happiest puppies possible that lead to the betterment of the breed. We always look for a low coefficient of inbreeding, good health, and traits that make good home and working companions. All of our puppies are family dogs, but they have also been used in therapy, search and rescue, wildlife conservation (i.e., nest searches/population studies), obedience, agility, field trials, and hunt tests! We also pursue continuing breeder education, taking courses from AKC Canine College, Good Dog Good Breeder Center, and Institute of Canine Biology. Additionally, we attend all Good Dog Annual Health Symposiums and have become certified in Pet First Aid through the American Red Cross. We also take in relevant books, journal articles, webinars, and podcasts with the intent of increasing our knowledge and skills to become better breeders and dog owners.

The Coast family shared these pictures with us showing that Gypsy is now a farm girl! She's been loving the country life...

The Coast family shared these pictures with us showing that Gypsy is now a farm girl! She's been loving the country life, filled with lots of open space to run and lots of nature to smell! Her favorite past time has been flushing all of the quail in her new kingdom -- what can we say, she's got great taste.

Picture 1: Gypsy enjoying a farm style "spa treatment" delivered by her human baby brothers. You've heard of a seaweed wrap? Well, this is a warm gravel wrap -- so relaxing.

Picture 2: Posing with her Pops, counting the days until they get to go pheasant & quail hunting. In the meantime, she'll keep those darn birds on their toes.

Post-swim frizzles!Photo 1: Dodger, rocking what his mama gave him.Photo 2: Ruby, the original crinkle queen.Photo 3: Do...

Post-swim frizzles!

Photo 1: Dodger, rocking what his mama gave him.
Photo 2: Ruby, the original crinkle queen.
Photo 3: Dodger & Ruby, demonstrating what happens when you add water to a Golden Retriever.

David & Dodger and Claire & Elektra completed the Ducks Unlimited virtual   5K this morning! (Ruby bravely volunteered f...

David & Dodger and Claire & Elektra completed the Ducks Unlimited virtual 5K this morning! (Ruby bravely volunteered for couch duty back at the house.) The little girl loved showing her brother around her neighborhood and pointing out all the birds & kitties. Errol even joined for the first leg of the walk to help everyone get a kickstart, then the rest of the crew finished it out at a comfortable pace. The pups rolled in the grass to celebrate finishing the DU Dash, then dutifully posed with their winnings of bandanas & race medals.

Elektra's just barely getting by. Tough life for a poor pampered princess.

Elektra's just barely getting by. Tough life for a poor pampered princess.


Part 2 (Video):

Ruby honoring, as Dodger makes the retrieve while trying to catch water splashes on the way across the ditch. (Put sound on for video for more details!)

Part 1 (Photos):Spent several days at Koloa Club doing habitat work (discing, ripping, & burning) to try and keep the se...

Part 1 (Photos):

Spent several days at Koloa Club doing habitat work (discing, ripping, & burning) to try and keep the seasonal wetland producing natural food crops for waterfowl & other wetland species. Was able to set aside some time for water retriever training work to the delight of Ruby (mom) and Dodger (son).

Photo 1: Dodger on left, Ruby on right
Photos 2-6: Ruby making the retrieve

Elektra's trying to stay limber in the off-season. Trying her paw at this yoga thing. She's already pioneered the Restin...

Elektra's trying to stay limber in the off-season. Trying her paw at this yoga thing. She's already pioneered the Resting Dog position. Pro tip: use a Lambchop stuffie as a prop to get more lift for the chin.

Is that a Pokédog? A new Evee evolution, the retriever type, Goldeon??We'll let you in on a secret... it's actually Gyps...

Is that a Pokédog? A new Evee evolution, the retriever type, Goldeon??

We'll let you in on a secret... it's actually Gypsy playing dress-up with her human sister! What a master of disguise. She was this close to ending up in Pokéball!

(Side note: We're not saying we're old, but we had Bella read this caption and confirm that the references make sense!)

Elektra completed the American Kennel Club 2024 Spring Scurry!We had a lovely spring day for the walk, and went on our u...

Elektra completed the American Kennel Club 2024 Spring Scurry!

We had a lovely spring day for the walk, and went on our usual neighborhood route, at a comfortable pace. She was also an expert at posing regally with her hard-earned medal at the end of the walk. Treats may or may not have helped.

This is a virtual 5K that can be done with your pup up til June 1 if anyone wants to join in! The Spring Scurry medal in the AKC online shop is considered your "registration fee" and then you complete the distance on the honor system. It can also be counted towards a Fit Dog title. And it's a fun way to spend time with your pup!

We had a great day to close out the special goose season last Wednesday! David & Donnie both got birds, and Dodger & Ele...

We had a great day to close out the special goose season last Wednesday! David & Donnie both got birds, and Dodger & Elektra each got retrieves.

The first picture shows a little healthy competition between siblings (Elektra, left; Dodger, right). Normally, we send one dog out at a time, so there are no disputes, but if one of them just isn't finding or bringing back the bird for some reason, we'll send the other one to back up the retrieve. For this goose, Elektra took out after it like a shot (second picture), but once she got to it, she got a little lackadaisical and decided to check out the scenery instead. Dodger was sent out, to keep her honest, and the unbothered Elektra thought she knew how much time she had till he got to the bird. Well, she misjudged his speed, then quickly tried (and failed) to snag her goose before Dodger. She's been absolute fire about upland birds, but hasn't had as many opportunities with waterfowl (mainly due to poor opportunities the last couple of seasons). This is just part of the process of ironing out kinks, with the goal being to teach her, if you want the bird, you've gotta grab it and bring it in right away.

Unfortunately, we didn't get pictures of the other 2 retrieves, but they were picture perfect.

For one, Donnie spotted a cripple sitting on the levee, so he sent Elektra to flush it, which she did fantasticly. She absolutely learned her lesson from the first goose, because after Donnie brought this one down, she immediately slammed it and brought it back, with no hesitation!

On the last bird, it sailed about a quarter mile into a flooded rice field when it came down. David took Dodger as close as he could get in the direction he thought the bird had come down. Dodger hadn't been able to get a mark, but went completely off a directional command ("back") and went over 100 yards to make a successful retrieve!

It really was the perfect way to close out the last season of the year! The last two pictures show the "pups" with their geese. First with the side-eye & the "I'm not even going to look at you" -- typical siblings -- then they got over it and sat looking regal.

Apparently love of Lambchop runs in their DNA!Scupper was very happy to get one for his birthday, too. His previous Lamb...

Apparently love of Lambchop runs in their DNA!

Scupper was very happy to get one for his birthday, too. His previous Lambchop is missing a limb and most of its stuffing (last photo) -- he just found it that way and admits to nothing! He's very happy to have a replacement to cuddle (maul? eh, semantics).

Happy 3rd birthday, Elektra & Dodger!! They got special birthday Lambchops and lots of treats to celebrate! We still ten...

Happy 3rd birthday, Elektra & Dodger!! They got special birthday Lambchops and lots of treats to celebrate! We still tend to call them "the puppies," but at 3 years old, they're certainly not babies anymore -- where does the time go?

And a very happy birthday to Scupper, Gypsy, Momo, Maisy, Bart, Bella Buttercup, Vina, Ruby Rose, & Fiver, too!

Special goose season opened! No luck on Saturday, but a nice day today. Dodger (left) and Elektra (right) look downright...

Special goose season opened! No luck on Saturday, but a nice day today. Dodger (left) and Elektra (right) look downright professional with their birds. In the next pictures, Dodger is doing the land retrieve and Elektra is bringing the goose in from the water.

Both "pups" elected for the wing carry technique. We think Dodger may have picked it up from working with his mentor, Paladin. Bottom line is, as long as they bring 'em back to the blind, freestyle is allowed at Koloa Club!

More courses completed from the Institute of Canine Biology: The Genetics of Behavior & Performance in Dogs; and The Bio...

More courses completed from the Institute of Canine Biology: The Genetics of Behavior & Performance in Dogs; and The Biology of Dogs. Loads of great information that was very interesting & fun to learn about.

Dodger hosted Elektra for a sleepover while her (human) mom & dad were out of town last weekend. Naturally, he invited h...

Dodger hosted Elektra for a sleepover while her (human) mom & dad were out of town last weekend. Naturally, he invited her out to train & play at the park!

They both had a lot of fun using their noses, retrieving the "good" dummies (with added bird wings), and chasing the ball. But only Elektra moved at a speed that could be photographed -- Dodger was too fast to be captured by a camera! He did sit still long enough to offer one consolation photo on the field, though.

Just completed Understanding Hip & Elbow Dysplasia from the Institute of Canine Biology and gained a lot of insights int...

Just completed Understanding Hip & Elbow Dysplasia from the Institute of Canine Biology and gained a lot of insights into the factors leading to dysplasia. We'll definitely be employing some additional strategies, based on this course, with future litters -- especially pertaining to the surface material of our whelping box!

We also completed several other courses last year:

Coefficient of Inbreeding Bootcamp, Basic Population Genetics for Dog Breeders, and Useful Genetics for Dog Breeders, all from the Institute of Canine Biology; Fit To Be Tied from Good Breeder Center; Golden Retriever Breed Course from American Kennel Club Canine College; and Dog Breeder Behavior & Training Program from the Dunbar Academy.

A little housekeeping post -- we forgot to share that Claire & David are members of the Golden Retriever Club of America...

A little housekeeping post -- we forgot to share that Claire & David are members of the Golden Retriever Club of America!

Check out the code of ethics that we follow at: https://grca.org/about-grca/grca-code-of-ethics/

"The GRCA provides puppy referral as a convenience to puppy buyers to find out about breeders who are GRCA members and their litters. GRCA takes no responsibility whatsoever for any puppies/dogs that you may acquire through GRCA puppy referral. GRCA is not responsible for any breeder’s sale practices and sales contracts, nor will GRCA be involved in any manner in contract disputes between puppy buyers and breeders. Availability of puppies and conditions of sale are at the sole discretion of the individual breeder. Buyers are encouraged to read ACQUIRING A GOLDEN RETRIEVER, as found on the grca.org website, for general information about obtaining a puppy, to take as much time as necessary to locate a reputable breeder from whom they feel comfortable purchasing a puppy, and to investigate breeders and their puppies thoroughly before committing to a purchase. You are not obligated to purchase a puppy from the breeders whose names you obtain from GRCA puppy referral."

Another PupRing custom -- this time an engraved keychain! Very happy with the finished product! We used a photo of Elekt...

Another PupRing custom -- this time an engraved keychain! Very happy with the finished product! We used a photo of Elektra (aka "The Princess") from Heather Sheridan Photography to make this design.

Had an amazing misty morning hunt at Koloa Club last Wednesday. Ruby & Dodger had some great mama & son bonding as they ...

Had an amazing misty morning hunt at Koloa Club last Wednesday. Ruby & Dodger had some great mama & son bonding as they brought in 5 geese (3 snows & 2 ross) and a mallard! In one day, we beat the combined number of waterfowl that we've gotten all season! Dodger had a particularly great retrieve on the mallard, which ended up being his first encounter with a diving bird. It went under just as he got to it, but he kept circling the spot, then put his head in the water and came up with it!

Another pheasant hunt at Koloa Club from the weekend before Christmas. The pups were very proud of their birds! Elektra ...

Another pheasant hunt at Koloa Club from the weekend before Christmas. The pups were very proud of their birds! Elektra held the edge on flushing, while Dodger's speed gave him the edge on retrieving -- they both did fantastic and are working really well together.

We finished with a total of 3 pheasants, including 2 planted birds and the first wild rooster of the season! You can see Elektra bringing that bird in, in the second picture, which also happens to be her very first wild pheasant!

Cuddles with "Papa" Dean (Rhodesian Ridgeback mix cousin). Dodger volunteered to be a pillow and Dean was happy to oblig...

Cuddles with "Papa" Dean (Rhodesian Ridgeback mix cousin). Dodger volunteered to be a pillow and Dean was happy to oblige.

Waterfowl hunting has been very slow this season so far with the pleasant weather. However, we finally had a little rain...

Waterfowl hunting has been very slow this season so far with the pleasant weather. However, we finally had a little rain which raised the humidity in the air allowing for a little fog in the morning and outstanding sunsets outside the back door of the Koloa Club cabin. Last Wednesday, Ruby and Dodger were able to go out and retrieve a mallard for their human Dad. Ruby allowed Dodger to bring the bird back to the blind but kept checking to make sure he was doing it right! Enlarge the 4th photo and look at all the geese going out to feed in the fields shortly after the end of shoot time. Who are really the smart ones here?

Just had to share this amazing custom pendant from PupRing -- the quality is fantastic! Elektra looks great and the engr...

Just had to share this amazing custom pendant from PupRing -- the quality is fantastic! Elektra looks great and the engraving is very true to the picture.

Had a good hunt last weekend at Koloa Club!We had planted 4 pheasants and ended up getting 2 -- Dodger & Elektra split o...

Had a good hunt last weekend at Koloa Club!

We had planted 4 pheasants and ended up getting 2 -- Dodger & Elektra split on those. Here's the young lady doing an excellent job of bringing her pheasant back. She had to go out a heck of a way to find it after it sailed, so she had a long haul back with it.

In a fun turn of events, we also ended up getting 2 volunteer chukars that had come into our field. The pups got one each, marking the very first chukar retrieves for the both of them. They're not native birds for the habitat and we haven't planted them on our property before, so we think these might actually be the first chukar any of our Koloa dogs have ever gotten at Koloa Club.

Then we added 2 wild snipe, both picked up by Dodger to round out the day.

And now someone's got an upgraded American Kennel Club title: Koloa's Lady In Red FITS! Elektra received her Fit Dog Sil...

And now someone's got an upgraded American Kennel Club title: Koloa's Lady In Red FITS! Elektra received her Fit Dog Silver this past month. She looks like such a professional with that silver medal!

Training isn't always all roses, and sometimes your dogs give you facepalm moments that you have to just keep working on...

Training isn't always all roses, and sometimes your dogs give you facepalm moments that you have to just keep working on! For example, one of Elektra's weak points has been bringing birds & dummies to hand, so we've been emphasizing "hold it" work.

In this scenario from Saturday's hunt, we had tossed one of Dodger's snipe out for her to get a chance at a morale retrieve. She dropped the bird short, so we told her to "fetch it up," followed by "hold it." At any point in the sequence that she doesn't complete the task, we go get her and get hands-on with showing/demonstrating what is being asked. Simplified, we don't allow her to continue doing what we don't want her to do when she's given a command, so we reinforce the action we do want, sometimes by gentle physical manipulation. We don't use force fetch, though, and always lots of encouragement & praise, because we want to make sure it stays a positive experience.

Here, we had just moved on to putting the bird in Elektra's mouth to "hold it" after she'd dropped it. However, our dear young lady has become extremely efficient at hitting the eject button, so our expert training strategy didn't go as planned. This series of pictures truly tells the story! The second picture is particularly colorful, as you can see the action shot of her tongue launching the bird out of her mouth. If you listen closely, you can even hear the "ptooey"! Please note that she is extremely birdy and excited about finding the bird, and if left completely unsupervised with it, she will absolutely eat the darn thing.

After many years of experience, we've gained the wisdom of knowing when to throw your hands up, say "I dunno," take the loss, and pose a picture in the field that makes you look like you know what you're doing! It should be noted, lest Elektra's good name be besmirched, that back at the cabin, after she'd had a nice break, we worked with her again and she successfully "held it"!

It's all about enjoying the experience with our dogs, so we try not to stress about the hiccups as best we can. And we know that these quirks & gaffes are going to be the things making us smile & laugh for years.

We got out to Koloa Club for the pheasant opener on Saturday and got... 2 snipe! In fact, the only pheasant we saw was a...

We got out to Koloa Club for the pheasant opener on Saturday and got... 2 snipe! In fact, the only pheasant we saw was a rooster walking the side of the road after we'd left the Club and called it a day.

Dodger had a fantastic day and made both retrieves when the birds came down on the side he was working. He put his nose down and went right out to get them, including one that was well buried in some heavy cover. These were his first snipe!

Elektra also did a good job working with her nose and getting birdy, she just didn't get good opportunities. Dodger was nice enough to share and let her hold a bird back at the cabin, though.

Yesterday, while held & surrounded by his family, our beautiful boy, Paladin, said goodbye. His passing was easeful & ge...

Yesterday, while held & surrounded by his family, our beautiful boy, Paladin, said goodbye. His passing was easeful & gentle, although it left our hearts shattered at the loss. He was laid to rest beside his adoptive mama, Demona.

We won't say Paladin lost his battle with cancer, as he continued fighting through to the end. He was literally on the brink in January, with a diagnosis of stage 4 T-cell lymphoma. With treatment, he was given a prognosis of 8 months at most, 4 months realistically. Instead, he fought -- & won -- for 10 months. Not only that, but he lived fully in that time. He spent those 10 months hunting the special goose season, dove season, & waterfowl opener; vigorously playing, chasing, & training with his lady love, Ruby, his adopted pups, Dodger, Elektra -- even Momo! -- & his "cousin," Dean; and loving, snuggling, & treat-begging with his entire human family.

Discovering the depth of his strength & the resilience of his spirit was humbling & inspiring, though we shouldn't have been surprised. Paladin was perhaps the gentlest, sweetest soul we've ever been lucky enough to know & love, but he also harbored the heart of a lion. His greatest purpose was to protect & take care of his family, always our loyal shadow, never wanting to leave our side.

If asked what we'll miss about Paladin, the answer is: everything. We'll miss his snorting smile, with curled back lips, and bared teeth. We'll miss how he carried his giant teddy bear so all you could see of his face was his forehead. We'll miss how he insisted on bringing in birds by the skin of the back, only with his front teeth, instead of normally (but he never lost any)! We'll miss how he'd put himself to bed on his own when it was past his bedtime. And how he'd keep his head on the ground, look up at you, & give a loud, steady thump, thump, thump of his tail to entice you over for pets.

Paladin was so generous to have given us the gift of loving us; we hope we were able to love him back half as much. We'll never be the same, as he's taken a part of our hearts with him to his next journey; but likewise, he's left his mark on all of us that we'll keep with us forever.


Super Dog and Wonder Dog spotting yesterday! Looks like they were getting warmed up and ready to guard the house from trick-or-treaters. Well, the protective measures paid off. When the small minions arrived, they decided to take that j***y candy and made sure to leave the (pup) treats alone -- they didn't want to mess with any of this fluff! Well done, Pup Heroes!

Another Good Breeder Center Health Symposium in the books! Really great sessions this year. Both the presenters and thei...

Another Good Breeder Center Health Symposium in the books! Really great sessions this year. Both the presenters and their presentations were truly top-notch.The quality of information being provided to breeders & dog owners, at no cost, is excellent. Our favorite seminar was Neonatal Resuscitation and Care.

The annual health symposium is one of our favorite resources Good Dog provides us!



https://www.gooddog.com/breeders/koloa-hunting-goldens, http://www.koloahuntinggol


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