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Benefit of Cat Grass
Even cats who are on a healthy, balanced diet can benefit from cat grass by speeding up the digestion process due to fibre. If your cat is eating a lot of grass, they may be lacking a sufficient amount of fibre in their diet. Talk with your veterinarian if you notice your cat eating a lot of grass, to ensure they are getting sufficient vitamins and nutrients.
Inducing Vomiting
Cats who might have eaten something which disagrees with them, such as allergic or indigestible matter, may eat cat grass to bring on vomiting to rid their system of any potential toxins, and settle their stomach. Vomiting will not be sufficient to treat a significant toxic event. Repeated vomiting should always be treated as a medical emergency. A cat who vomits more than three times in day should see a veterinarian. More frequent vomiting, e.g.. more than once in an hour indicates that your cat has ingested something toxic. You should seek immediate veterinary care.
Fur Balls
Indoor cats spend about 60% of their day grooming themselves, making them prone to hairballs. Grass eating can help aid in their digestion and help coughing up hair balls. If your cat eats grass on a regular basis it may help to prevent the build-up of hairballs in their stomach.
Dietary Supplements
Cat grass contains niacin and B vitamins.