Cats in street situation

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Cats in street situation This page is intended to raise your voice for cats in street situations that need help.


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Tommy es un gatito que por muchos años vivió en las calles de Sunset Park en Brooklyn, Nueva York. ha estado a nuestro c...

Tommy es un gatito que por muchos años vivió en las calles de Sunset Park en Brooklyn, Nueva York. ha estado a nuestro cuidado por 2 años esperando ser adoptado, pero por presentar varios problemas de salud a sido complicada su adopción.

Tommy es positivo para FIV, padece asma crónica lo cual a afectado un pulmón, el año pasado se le detectó un problema renal leve que está siendo tratado con comida especial, actualmente presenta dificultad para comer, los médicos señalan que debe someterse a una cirugía dental para extraer todos los dientes afectados para asegurar que pueda tener una mejor calidad de vida.

La atención médica para Tommy es muy costosa ya que el presenta varios problemas de salud y requiere ser tratado en un hospital donde cuenten con todos los especialistas que el necesita. El veterinario nos sugirió el Hospital Animal Medical Center en la ciudad de Nueva York.

Creemos que toda vida es valiosa y queremos todo lo mejor para Tommy, pero mi situación económica no me permite cubrir todos los gastos médicos especializados que él requiere, por lo que sería de gran ayuda su colaboración con lo que puedan donar, por poco que sea puede ser un rayo de esperanza para brindarle a Tommy el tratamiento que necesita y pueda tener una mejor calidad de vida.

Cualquier donación será muy importante y podrá realizarla dando click en la imagen donde le llevará a la campaña en Gofundme de Tommy, si no puedes donar por favor apóyame a compartir, significaría mucho para el.

Estoy comprometida a difundir todas las facturas médicas de Tommy y hacer transparente todos los gastos, podrán conocer más de Tommy en la cuenta de Instagram que creamos para el: .and.tommy

Dios le bendiga!

Hello, my name is Santiago Rojas, I am a cook and I have always been a de… Santiago Rojas needs your support for Please support Tommy get his dental surgery!

Do you remember Tommy? The street cat, that was injured for which we asked an animal association to help him, he has bee...

Do you remember Tommy? The street cat, that was injured for which we asked an animal association to help him, he has been in our care for 2 years now, but has become sick and is not eating well because his teeth hurt, please could you help by donating what you can to take him to the doctor and have his dental surgery done?

Hello, my name is Santiago Rojas, I am a cook and I have always been a dedic… Santiago Rojas needs your support for Please help Tommy get his dental surgery!



This cat was just spotted in the Sunset Park area at the corner of 48th Street and 4th Av in Brooklyn CP. 11220. It gives the impression that it is a family cat, it is friendly, it lets people pet it, it looks clean, it may be lost. Please share this post, let’s help this kitty get back home. Thank you.

She is Ana, she was detected with heartworm disease, to save her a drug called Diroban is needed, the active formula is ...

She is Ana, she was detected with heartworm disease, to save her a drug called Diroban is needed, the active formula is Melarsomine, this drug is very expensive and very difficult to obtain in Mexico, each bottle of Diroban has a cost of $ 2000 Mexican pesos, equivalent to US $ 100, Ana requires 2 bottles of Diroban, she also needs 4 x-rays (projections: right side, left side, ventral dorsal and hip), 1 cardiac ultrasound and a new complete post-treatment blood tests and other medications .

For this reason we are raffling a Shepora card of $ 100 US dollars to help raise money for Ana's medical expenses, the cost of the ticket is $ 15.00 US, the raffle will be carried out through a live drawing, as soon as we finish selling the numbers.

If you want to support this cause to save Ana, choose a number from the list and make the payment to our personal Paypal account

We thank in advance all the good-hearted people who are always part of the good causes, as we will always be carrying medical bills to prove that the money has been used for Ana's treatment.

Thank you ❤️

IN MEMORY OF NANCYShe was Nancy, she lived many years on the street with Tommy and Ashley and 4 other kittens. On March ...


She was Nancy, she lived many years on the street with Tommy and Ashley and 4 other kittens. On March 20 they informed us that she had not arrived at the shelter for 2 days, that same day I looked for her in the nearby street and unfortunately I found her dead, the neighbors say that she had already been lying in the street for 2 days, I suppose she died on Thursday 18 It is unknown if she was run over or poisoned since no injuries were seen on her fragile body.

Nancy used to stay near the shelter that was built to shelter from the cold winter, she was always very cold from all the cats and was almost always in the shelter, for a long time she lived with Tommy with whom she always pampered. and was always attached to him. It is unknown if she was the daughter or sister of Tommy and Ashley, but what we do know is that they loved each other very much and that together with the other kittens they took care of Tommy.

When Tommy presented his asthma attacks, Nancy especially surrounded him with despair, as if she wanted to help him. We would have liked to take them all home, but we lived in a small studio and it was an impossible thing to do.

Nancy passed away very close to where Tommy and Ashley currently live, and thanks to the compassion and mercy of a neighbor, she was buried in her garden, which is on the side where Nancy lived most of her life. Nancy was one of the many cats that had to live on the street without a warm home ... I am so sorry that we lost her, it was very painful for me to find her fragile lifeless body thrown like garbage in the street, It hurts me to think that she she was there in public view and no one helped her ...

I hope there is a heaven for them
Rest in peace Nancy 💔💔💔


Today marks a year since Tommy was rescued from the streets, it was on December 19th of 2019 a very cold night and a snow storm had just passed, we brought food him and his brothers and when we got to the shelter, we found him injured, bleeding from one side of his face, we think someone hit him, his face looked swollen too. That night we took him with us because we were afraid that he was going to die and thanks to many wonderful people we were able to take him to the vet in the following days. Many thanks to the first people that helped us when we did not have any clue on what to do with Tommy on those days, Thank you: , our neighbor Julie from 48th Street (She doesn’t have Facebook), Colleen Villari , Sonia of and to all of the wonderful people who care for Tommy and Ashley.


The Association "Sunset Park Cats" comes to the call for help for Thomas, who ultimately has been having bad episodes of coughing and wheezing.

Today they took Thomas to the vet, he got his lungs X-Rayed, he also got tested for FIV/FELV, the vet said the X-Rays didn’t look good, but a specialist will look at the images today and give a diagnosis.

Can you help with Thomas’s care? Please go to Instagram


Thank you very much to the Association "Sunset Park Cats" for all the help you have been giving to the cat Ashley, she c...

Thank you very much to the Association "Sunset Park Cats" for all the help you have been giving to the cat Ashley, she continues for now in recovery.

Thanks to all the people who donated to make this possible.

The Association "Sunset Park Cats" comes to the call for help for Thomas, who ultimately has been having bad episodes of...

The Association "Sunset Park Cats" comes to the call for help for Thomas, who ultimately has been having bad episodes of coughing and wheezing.

Today they took Thomas to the vet, he got his lungs X-Rayed, he also got tested for FIV/FELV, the vet said the X-Rays didn’t look good, but a specialist will look at the images today and give a diagnosis.

Can you help with Thomas’s care? Please go to Instagram



3:00 AM and the cat Thomas's breath wakes me up, he's still sick, please, can anyone help him to take him with the vet? I'm afraid it will get worse, he may need tests to know exactly what he has. Please help.


The cat Thomas watching a movie for cats.

Ashley's dental surgery went well, she is a strong girl!  all of her teeth were removed except two. The doctor said they...

Ashley's dental surgery went well, she is a strong girl! all of her teeth were removed except two. The doctor said they were very damaged, that she was suffering a lot.

Please go to Instagram to see more information or make a donation.


On the way to the clinic for her surgery, please pray for her.

On the way to the clinic for her surgery, please pray for her.

The cat Thomas is a little better, here he is with his inseparable and beloved Ashley enjoying a comfortable place. Plea...

The cat Thomas is a little better, here he is with his inseparable and beloved Ashley enjoying a comfortable place. Please, can you pray for them so that God gives them health? Thank you.

Thanks to the help of Sunset Park Cats, tomorrow is Ashley's dental surgery, please, if you can help her by donating to ...

Thanks to the help of Sunset Park Cats, tomorrow is Ashley's dental surgery, please, if you can help her by donating to the Sunset Park page, you can do it, just specify that the help is for her. Surgery is very expensive and help is needed. Thanks in advance.


Ashley, ready to sleep.



Yesterday afternoon a person from Sunset Park Cats arrived, helped take the cat Ashley to the doctor, has dental problem...

Yesterday afternoon a person from Sunset Park Cats arrived, helped take the cat Ashley to the doctor, has dental problems, we are waiting for the results of her clinical studies to know what is happening with her.

Thank you very much Sonia for helping these abandoned creatures. You can see more information about Ashley on the instagram page of Sunset Park Cats.

For now Ashley and Thomas are with me at home. Pray to God so that everything goes well with them and with their brothers who are still in the camp.

Yesterday, the cat Thomas returned to the doctor because he is still sick.God bless you Colleen Villari for helping the ...

Yesterday, the cat Thomas returned to the doctor because he is still sick.

God bless you Colleen Villari for helping the cat Thomas to be treated at the Park Slope Veterinary Center, he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. It seems to be fine, but sometimes he can't breathe and he does it orally. Hopefully the medicine will do well and recover soon.

Thanks forever

The cat Thomas recovers from his wound, but has been very sad and cries to his brothers. Thomas visits his brothers, the...

The cat Thomas recovers from his wound, but has been very sad and cries to his brothers. Thomas visits his brothers, they eat together as usual. They have a good time together.
It's time to go back and cat Ashley doesn't want to let it go.


The cat Thomas recovering.

These cats were abandoned by a neighbor who was deported, the shelters are full and do not accept them, I made this page...

These cats were abandoned by a neighbor who was deported, the shelters are full and do not accept them, I made this page with the intention that someone knew them and could adopt them, the cold came and everything was complicated, they are getting sick.

The other cats are in a small camp, but the plastics freeze, we put cardboard inside to help. Someone wants to come to help protect them better.

I do what I can. The cat that draws blood was captured last night, I have it with me at my house, today we took it to a clinic but they asked us to take it tomorrow to a Quees clinic

Too bad you judge what I do behind a PC, are you your judge?
If you have the means to help them, do it and don't just judge what I do.

A moment ago I went to leave them food and hot milk. The nights in New York are getting colder. I hope that soon God sen...

A moment ago I went to leave them food and hot milk. The nights in New York are getting colder. I hope that soon God sends a family that can adopt them.

We need canned food and milk for them, if you like to help contact me.
I thank you in advance. 😢


The cats are in the Sunset Park area, on 50th Street, near the corner of 4th Av.
I came to the page "cats in a street situation" just to comment on your case.
On that page I have published everything related to them, which were abandoned and are suffering the inclement weather of this horrible climate.
Hopefully someone can help you by letting them stay in a safer and warmer place.

The shelters do not accept them because they are stray cats and argue that they are saturated or that they only apply the TNR, there is no place for them.
I live in a studio and I am not allowed to have pets, it is very frustrating for me to see the conditions of these kittens.

I have done what I could, but this cold every day is more unbearable.
They are 4 cats, 3 are sick with the flu.

If someone has a covered patio and can have it with them, we could move the camp.

My God, do a miracle on them, please.


Urge adoption! they need attention to these kittens, 3 are with the flu. Please help. Somebody see them


Thank you very much Rakso, for donating the tarp for the kittens. They will be more protected now, while they wait to be adopted. God bless you!

The snow came. They are still waiting for a family that can adopt them.

The snow came. They are still waiting for a family that can adopt them.

The snow came.

They are still waiting for a family that can adopt them.

PLEASE HELP!!!   PLEASE HELP!!!   PLEASE HELP!!!PLEASE HELP!!!   PLEASE HELP!!!   PLEASE HELP!!!Hello everyone, my name ...


Hello everyone, my name is Luly Ceballos, I moved to the United States last year. I live in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, one day I saw a stray cat and tried to help her, started to follow her, but got into the yard of a neighbor. As I mentioned I just moved to the US and I am still learning the language, I manage to talk to the yard owner and learnt that there were 5 cats, the one I first saw (Yuly) died a few months later, the other four ( two females and two males) are always together, some neighbors told me that they belonged to a family that were deported to their country and they were abandoned to their fate and stayed in the neighbors yard maybe hoping that the deported family come back for them.
They have been surviving in the yard and in this winter season they are suffering a lot, hopefully someone can adopt them and change their lives. Adopting them all together would be fantastic since they are inseparable but if not possible two by two would be good or finally one by one.

I have become very fond of them, but I have two cats and I can not have more, in the building where I live they do not allow it and neither does my economic situation, they require care and attention that I could not give them, with the help from of two good neighbors a small camp has been built to protect them, but the cold becomes increasingly violent and they suffer a lot.

With the help of an association all cats were sterilized, recently one of them arrived with a small kitten.

Another way to help is that if someone has thermal blankets or a tarp to donate reinforce the camp will be very helpful and greatly appreciated, but the priority is to help them reach a home where they give them all the love which they have lacked.

Contact me if you can help or if you are interested in adopting, believe me they will forever be grateful to you. If you can not adopt at least leave me a point (.) or share so this publication can reach more viewers and a miracle happens before Christmas and this beautiful kittens celebrate life with a family who nurtures them and in return get lots of love from them.

May God bless you and thank you for your time!

We clean the cat camp, we try to reinforce with cardboard. Tomorrow rain and snow are forecast, hopefully the camp will ...

We clean the cat camp, we try to reinforce with cardboard. Tomorrow rain and snow are forecast, hopefully the camp will resist.
Remember to pray to God to protect the animals in the street.

No one contacts us for adoption :(We need a tarp, the one that is installed is too broken.

No one contacts us for adoption :(
We need a tarp, the one that is installed is too broken.

The cold increases, the kittens are cold. No one even contacts us to adopt them :(


Linda Nancy, tomando tiempo para su aseo después de almorzar. 😘😘😘

26 de Noviembre 2019. Hoy Nancy y Ashley disfrutaron un poco el día.

26 de Noviembre 2019. Hoy Nancy y Ashley disfrutaron un poco el día.




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