Another batch of juveniles growing on and ready for there new homes this time Demasoni included in the mix. #demasoni #africacichlids #mbunacichlids #lakemalawicichlids #marcsafricancichlids
Polit lions cove currently growing on and more on the way #politlionscove #breedingbehavior #mbunabreeders #mbunacichlids #waterchange #lakemalawicichlids #africanchiclids #breeder #marcsafricancichlids
#waterchange #breeding #juvinilecichlids #mbunabreeding #colours #vibrant #holdingjuviniles #Malawi aquarium #malawicichlid #breeder #mbunacichlids #marcsafricancichlids
That time of year when everything comes back to life #lovespring #lovesummer #sunshine #sunset #lovekoi #lightermornings #lighterevenings
Super red top hongi all ready to go to there forever home #superredtophongi #mbunacichlids #breeder #malawiaquarium #malawicichlid #waterchange #africancichlidtank #africancichlids #marcsafricancichlids
New month and another new batch of fry/juveniles growing on #juvenilecichlids #elongatusmpanga #yellowtailacei #demasonicichlid #spkingsizeblue #malawicichlids #mbunacichlids #marcsafricancichlids
Super red top hongi
Coming soon
#mbuna #africancichlids #cichlidbreeder #lakemalawicichlids
#superredtophongi #afracobue #chilumbared amazing growth rate vibrant colours already looking forward to seeing there offspring.
Demasoni such vibrant colours 2 days after aquarium change Over to a smaller 4 foot aquarium #demasoni #africancichlidtank #africanmalawicichlids #mbunamalawi #mbunacichlids #vibrantcolors #marcsafricancichlids
#superredtophongi #labeotropheustrewavasae #afracobue aka dogtooth. Getting ready to go in to there new 4 foot aquarium. #africancichlids #mbunamalawi #cichlidbreeder #marcsafricancichlids
Elongatus Mpanga
Elongatus neon spot
Yellow tail acei
Sp kingsize blue
Polit lions cove dm/pm for more info.
Always a good sign healthy fresh water healthy happy fish #waterchangeday = breedingtime #demasonicichlid #politlionscove #cichlidbreeder #malawicichlid #mbuna #vibrantcolors #marcsafricancichlids
#comingsoon #demasonicichlid #afracobuecichlid #elongatusneonspot #politlionscove #marcsafricancichlids #africancichlids #cichlids #aquarium #bristlenoseplecos #albinoplecos
#Malawicichlids #cichlidtank #mbunamalawi #cichlidsofinstagram #cichlid #lakemalawi
#freshwateraquarium #fish #malawitank #africancichlids #aquariumhobby #mbuna #malawi #cichlidkeeper #lakemalawi #mbunatank #malawifish #fishkeeper #fishkeeping #aquariumfish #lakemalawicichlids
Another batch of Elongatus Mpanga fry growing on there mothers mouth. Contact for others growing on.