Pop Pop Pop
Flash back to 2019, Polar and I going up Butlers incline at Waiorongomai. A huge 400m long walk at a 25degree angle up stairs, is there nothing this fantastic wee breed cannot accomplish! Fingers crossed Opal, Amber and I can get up there next year :) Challenge set!
#agsirius #girlsbestfriend #japanesespitsnz #floofpets #haveagreatweekend #nzjapanesespitz
Maybe I should take up some lure coursing! Look at these two go!
#agsirius #japanesespitsnz #rhodesianridgebacknz #AmberRise #floofy #japanesespitz #floofpets #girlsbestfriend #rhodesianridgeback #japanesespitzpuppy #lurecoursing