PLAIN JANE A Pony's Journey

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PLAIN JANE A Pony's Journey I wanted to show how it is to save a kill pen horse or pony

So proud of Janie, now known as BREE, if you would like to adopt her for a forever home please go to Omega Horse Rehabil...

So proud of Janie, now known as BREE, if you would like to adopt her for a forever home please go to Omega Horse Rehabilitation Thank you!!

Janie walking in the woods with her little girl !

Janie walking in the woods with her little girl !

Here is another super Picture of Janie walking in the woods with her little girl.... She is still looking for her foreve...

Here is another super Picture of Janie walking in the woods with her little girl.... She is still looking for her forever home.... But she is safe at Omega Horse Rehabilitation... I am so thankful that she will find a loving home. She is so sweet and look how brave she is!!

Here is her video!!                       A lot has happened to little Janie. Her trusted friend, Buddy died of colic in...

Here is her video!! A lot has happened to little Janie. Her trusted friend, Buddy died of colic in November and Janie was left all by herself. We tried to find a friend for her, but it didn't seem to happen and I guess things worked out for the best for her. I surrendered her to a very good rescue. It was heartbreaking for me but I felt it was the right thing to do. Slowly she made friends with ponies her own size. The took great care of her ( Omega Horse Rescue).They found out that although she was very shy with people on the ground she liked being ridden!! Here is a picture of her with her little rider!! Hopefully I will be able to give you a video soon! By the way, she is called Bree now! Janie, I will miss you, but I rescued you exactly for what is happening to you now... She will have her own little girl and family that will love and take care of her and she will be followed by this great rescue..

Available for adoption through Omega Horse

A lot has happened to little Janie. Her trusted friend, Buddy died and Janie was left all by herself. We tried to find a...

A lot has happened to little Janie. Her trusted friend, Buddy died and Janie was left all by herself. We tried to find a friend for her, but it didn't seem to happen and I guess things worked out for the best for her. I surrendered her to a very good rescue. It was heartbreaking for me but I felt it was the right thing to do. Slowly she made friends with ponies her own size. The took great care of her ( Omega Horse Rescue).They found out that although she was very shy with people on the ground she liked being ridden!! Here is a picture of her with her little rider!! Hopefully I will be able to give you a video soon! By the way, she is called Bree now! Janie, I will miss you, but I rescued you exactly for what is happening to you now...

Janie and Buddy under her favorite tree!

Janie and Buddy under her favorite tree!

Two pictures that I took this AM! They crack me up!! JANIE laying down under the tree, facing away from me... BUT you ca...

Two pictures that I took this AM! They crack me up!! JANIE laying down under the tree, facing away from me... BUT you can tell by her ears that she is very attentive to what is going on behind her!! How did she even hear me ha!!!


LOVE my new cover page!!! Buddy and Janie loving the cool temps!! Afterall, Buddy is happy with ice sickles hanging off his mane! ha

Here are more photos of firsts for Janie! Here she is getting her feet trimmed.. She is alway a little, sometimes a bit ...

Here are more photos of firsts for Janie! Here she is getting her feet trimmed.. She is alway a little, sometimes a bit more than a little hesitate to do anything, but Her new blacksmiths were so gentle... Their energy was just right! Look at her getting her feet trimmed!!


Another first, but every day feels like a first with Janie. Yesterday the vet came to give winter shots.. I got Janie into her stall pretty well. I close the paddock so she can't get into the big field and get away from me. And patiently, I stay behind her and push her toward her stall. I had put Buddy in so he is there already. After about 10 minutes or less now she will go in and I shut the door. I try to do all this in a quiet calm manner. I can touch her fairly easily now, So I took her out and groomed her. She is walking out of the stall well now. She is still a little scared about being groomed; but I can tell she is starting to like it. At that point the vet arrived. I had Missy, my vet give her a mint... ( She likes those now) and she was pretty good for the shots and Missy spent a few minutes giving her treats and touching her head gently. All in all it was a good experience. She was happy to get though ha!! Next hurdle is the blacksmith is coming in a few days! I will take pictures too! My goal is that she come to me and I can put her in the stall if bad weather is coming without having to stand in the pouring rain getting her to go in ha!!

Just a little post about Janie... today she took a treat from my hand and actually let Deby Ross-Harrison and I touch he...

Just a little post about Janie... today she took a treat from my hand and actually let Deby Ross-Harrison and I touch her face without backing away!! Big day! She is getting much more relaxed with us. We still have a long way to go ; but today felt like a breakthrough, but then ever day is sort of like that. Buddy is crazy about mints so I tried to get Janie to tak one last week. She wouldn't have any part of it, so I put it in with her dinner and noticed it was gone.... After that I had her! ha! now I think that she has decided the mint giver is a good friend and that is what she took out of our hand today!

We are getting close to banning our horses from being sent to Canada and Mexico to be cruelly slaughtered. Some of them ...

We are getting close to banning our horses from being sent to Canada and Mexico to be cruelly slaughtered. Some of them are race horses, some are old horses that are lame, many many of the horses are just healthy! At least they deserve a quiet respectful death, not a choatic cruel death. Please sign this. All the work is done for you. just fill out a few blanks and it is sent for you. JANIE could have been one of these horse hauled off to mexico or canada and killed in the most horrific way. Thanks!

Ok so when the storm came with lightning, I wanted to put BUDDY and JANIE in the stalls until it was all over. My experi...

Ok so when the storm came with lightning, I wanted to put BUDDY and JANIE in the stalls until it was all over. My experience is that I have seen horses killed by lightening so I don't like to take a chance. Of course BUDDY went in no problems, but Having left the gate open to the big field, I tried to push her through to the small field so that my chances of getting her into her stall was greater. That was a few days ago. She was not having it! Even with BUDDY YELLING for her. Finally I had to give up and hope that when the heavy rain came she would come in on her own. I had hay for both of them to keep them busy and I hoped she would stay there and munch on the hay. I have cameras in the barn so I could see that after awhile when the rain was really heavy she finally came in, to BUDDY'S relief. They settled down and she stayed there until the rain stopped about 3 am in the morning when I started to hear BUDDY calling again.. At that point I let BUDDY out and they wandered off. The thing is, I considered the whole thing a failure and I was so frustrated and annoyed by her lack of any trust in me.

Well, today, I have been reminded of what I learned at the French Riding School, What is called the ENE ( Ecole Nationale d'Equitation). You have to TRUST the process EVEN when you keep coming up short. Keep working and do your best.

Today I decided to try again. This time I shut the gate to the big pasture and I put BUDDY in his stall and I went outside to try to get Janie in her stall by MYSELF ( NO Deby Ross-Harrison this time). I walked, she trotted around me. She stopped, I stopped. She went up to the stall two times but wouldn't go in and trotted off. We started over AGAIN. The third time she went in. AND I could shut her stall door. YEA!!!!! Success. She was a little edgy, I touched her and I took her out of the stall and groomed her for about 10 minutes and then put her back in the stall and opened it so she could leave.. This time, she didn't run out of the stall, she walked and when I opened the gate to the big field, she didn't run through there either in a panic like she usually does!! YEA!! She sort of looked back at me, and I would like to think that the expression I saw was " Is that all you wanted?" So tomorrow will be another day... I can't wait to see what she will do! And I have been reminded about how much work, sometimes, you have to do to succeed!!

I have been working with Janie through the summer months. Not regularly because at first I had to have someone to help m...

I have been working with Janie through the summer months. Not regularly because at first I had to have someone to help me get her into her stall. She is getting a bit better every time we work with her. She stayed pretty close to me today before she turned her back on me and walked away... You have to take your successes where you find them! Deby Ross-Harrison my friend and I have been touching her in the stall and then bringing her out and putting her between cross ties to give her a nice grooming. We talk to her and touch her everywhere we can. Actually she almost didn't mind that I touch her ears for a few seconds today. I could actually lift up her front feet today without too much of a "to-do" and today I could also cut her fetlocks and under her chin too and she didn't mind! Here are a few pictures of her after she got cleaned today. She is chubby now and is a deep bay. She seems to like to have her forelock brushed and she doesn't clinch up her tail when I brush her tail... baby steps...


Janie got a bath today because some in July she is going to a parelli clinic with me!! Pictures to follow!

Janie is making good, slow progress..  She now stays in the stall when I put the food in there.  I'm not working her eve...

Janie is making good, slow progress.. She now stays in the stall when I put the food in there. I'm not working her every day because it is easier with another person... Like yesterday there was a big storm coming so I put Buddy in his stall with Hay and then I had to gently move Janie in front of me until She decided to run in. She was scared... But I got her in out of the thunder and lightning.. They are happier outside all the time. But lightning scares me!!

To this!!!

To this!!!

From This...

From This...

Deby Harrison cam over to help me get Janie  so that we could start her training as a pony that LIKES to be touched by p...

Deby Harrison cam over to help me get Janie so that we could start her training as a pony that LIKES to be touched by people! We got her after a bit of quiet and patience.. And then we gave her a nice cleaning! It was like girls playing with dolls ha! Look at Janie now!! Her wounds have healed. She is certainly nice and round and she didn't mind all the "fluffing" we did! We even put shine on her hooves!! And there you have the finished product! We walked her a bit too.. so tomorrow I will see how she comes to me! She is pretty glam now!

I haven't posted much about Janie in  awhile. She is doing great. She has gained weight and she loves hanging out with B...

I haven't posted much about Janie in awhile. She is doing great. She has gained weight and she loves hanging out with Buddy! She will support being petted and groomed... IF you can get her. I haven't rushed starting to desensitize her because I was waiting for the weather to change and I needed someone to help me. So I have a friend now that will help me get her and we will groom her and walk her and get her used to people. She is curious; but, she keeps a certain distance. Here she is asleep under the tree that is just outside my living room window. She looked up just as I was about to take the picture; but she lowered her head and went back to snoozing.


Here is another picture of little Janie out with Buddy... He will not leave her side to graze. Janie and I are both in rehab ha!


Here is a picture of Janie and Buddy this morning. Breakfast! Petite dejeuner!


This is when Buddy noticed Janie for the first time... He was so happy to have a friend!! The last month he has been kind of sad and today he is so happy! I was going to leave them separated for three days; but I could see that he was going to be great with her. So we put them in together and they have been hanging out and the nicest way all day. Janie looked exhausted. I watched on the barn camera last night and I never saw her rest.. She sort of stayed by the door with a panic face... Today she seems better. This morning I groomed Buddy in front of her stall hoping to show her how cam buddy was and how he enjoyed being groom. I think I will sit in her stall this evening and just let her get used to me.

Jane is getting a pedicure to be glam for Buddy!

Jane is getting a pedicure to be glam for Buddy!


‎Elaine Cury‎ to PLAIN JANE A Pony's Journey
1d ·
She didn't have a name. She was Number 898. She was in a holding pen with big horses pushing back and forth, filled so full that the horses could barely move. And, I imagine, there was a little brown mare trying to hold her own. Little Jane isn't fancy. She doesn't have any chrome... She is just a brown bay.. she could not be more plain. Who would notice a little plain mare like this? I had been looking for a little pasture mate for my haflinger Buddy. He seems to like mares and is very polite and solicitous with them. I had been looking everywhere, on local horse pages, on pet finder, on pony pages, rescues and finally on the kill pen pages.. And that is where I was at 3 am when I saw her.

I mean, once you see an equine in that condition, how do you turn your back? She needed help and I felt I could provide it. So before you can "save" a horse or pony you have to pay for it. And they want the money like, now, which mean by PayPal. And everyone wants their cut.. Good God, I haven't used PayPal in ages and I didn't know if it was still good. In the meantime you don't know what is happening. I was anxious. And you commit your money to an animal that you really are not sure of. You have to trust the person you are dealing with. I had to trust Kelly. She was there to try to save some of the horses in the kill pens in Shippenburg, PA. That is what she does. My little Plain Jane had passed through the sales in New Holland ( and it is disgusting) bought by a kill guy and the horses he had were in Shippenburg, PA. The horses there that don't get taken by people like kelly go to a terrible, brutal trip to Mexico to be killed. She had been there for 2 weeks.

So I plucked my hard earned money down and I bought a pony unseen and that is how my story and how my little Plain Jane's story started to come together.

OF COURSE! I am bugging Kelly with all kinds of questions. I am driving her crazy I know. Was she trotted up? Did she show signs of founder, Does she have worms, ( they worm right away)? She looked easy to handle. Can she have shots, ( no, you have to wait because her immune system is probably weak, so they wait). Kelly doesn't have time for me! She is off again tonight to get more horses to save. My little Jane was vetted today. Kelly sent me some pictures which you will see too. The vet said she was in really good health. Her feet are long. They are a bit upright.. But, she appears ok. Now she is in safe hands. She has had a coggins test, and we have to wait for the result. she will have her feet trimmed and she will quarantine for 30 days to make sure she is healthy enough to bring home to meet Buddy. I will keep you all up to date.. Maybe I will post almost every day and maybe I won't. It depends on what Kelly sends me right now.. I have to wait and trust the procedure..


Today at 4:59 PM
Here is today's post. I am quoting Kelly. When she gives me a picture of Janie I will post it too... here is what she says... Good morning Elaine so you know this mini could have gone through a few sales they ship to a bunch of sales. This girl was not at New Holland I'm told she was at another sale in Lebanon pa on a Friday night I am not sure of the sale. This killpen bought her and that is where she was for the last two weeks in a pen with a bunch of other ponies and minis. I do not know if they ship them or not 100% because I cannot stand to be there to see so many horses lose their lives loading on a canada truck knowing their fate. They are smashed in there fighting for food and fighting for hay. They are kicking and fighting to survive in there most cannot reach to get to water so some get very weak and dehydrated in there because only the strong survive. Now that she has seen a vet and has been checked over she will remain with us in quarantine up to 30 days to make sure she does not have strangles and if she does get shipping fever we are already treating her with medication. This week she will see a farrier to have her feet done as well. I asked Kelly, since she specializes in Draft horses how she even saw little Janie and she wrote me, She was small and tucked in a corner we have a team of volunteers that go up with us to pull out horses to try to save them we evaluate them on personality, safe, sound. I asked Kelly what they can have or get in those pens and she told me, They usually only get like a kennel cough or shipping fever. Very rarely I see strangles. This is why the horses have to be quarantined for 30 days. When she comes to me we will know that she is not contagious. I asked Kelly why the prices were so high. And I Have heard this across the board with rescuers doing the same thing. I have to tell you guys, that I paid $775 for her "bail". That was just to get her out of the kill pen. And this is why I said it was a Leap of faith. Kelly said, 2020 prices have been extremely high all year. Draft horses are going from 1000 to 4000. Quarter horses you can not touch under 3000. Minis are going from 700 to 1100 we have seen. I know this is true, because I have talked to many rescuers. ]One rescuer told me it was $1200 to get them out. I asked why the price was so high and she said, I think people are home and board and spending money. So that is where we are today. It was a hunk of money for me and I know it will cost me some more; but, like I said, once I saw her and the situation she was in, I couldn't turn my back. And me that has competed and loves a showy horse, Little Janie was indeed PLAIN. But it didn't matter here. There will be a trotting up video today, maybe and I will keep you all posted! Thanks Kelly for being so patient with me!

here are a few pictures of Little Janie today. Tomorrow she goes for a pedicure. La di da...

here are a few pictures of Little Janie today. Tomorrow she goes for a pedicure. La di da...




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