Some TNR/TNVR clinics are non profit & receive grants to cover the cost of surgery & supplies (bedding, litter, supplies used before & after the surgery). They don't hold a cat overnight for recovery & they don't (usually) provide any other veterinary services. The local nonprofit clinic in my area charges $25 for a cat of either gender that is brought in in a trap. Plus $10 for a rabies vaccination. Tame females are $80. & tame males are $50. This compares to $500-600. to spay a female & $300-400 to neuter a male at a regular, for profit hospital. 💖 Individuals or groups doing TNR take advantage of these clinics when they are available and provide post-op care for ferals (recommended holding for males is 24- hours after surgery & females 48 hours (less if they are lactating or longer if they were late-term pregnant or in heat). If the TNR individual receives donations or do any fundraising, they may be able to provide surgery for cats they trap for little or no cost to the caregiver. This is why I repeatedly urge everyone feeding outside cats to try & find TNR help instead of just assuming you can't afford to have them S/N. 😽💕