Herbal Horse

Herbal Horse UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP ~ FRIENDLY SERVICE ASSURED ~ Now supplying a range of natural products for humans.

Supplying herbal formulas, hand made natural products & natural health care & feeding advice to horses & animals Australia wide ~ Vitalis - The all natural vitamin mineral supplement as nature intended.


Handy info to know.

Important Information on snake venom treatment, and your movements if bitten by a snake.

DO NOT try to catch, kill or identify the snake. This is important.

In hospital they no longer need to know the type of snake. Medical practitioners would do a test on the bite, blood or urine to identify the snake so the correct antivenin can be used.

Specific antivenin is preferred to be administered if the ID of the snake is known.
But now there is Polyvalent, the new antivenin that neutralises the venom's of all the 5 listed snake genus.

Read that again- one injection for all snakes in Australia.
Polyvalent is our one shot wonder, stocked in most hospitals. Hospitals still stock specific antivenins and again they are preferred to be administered if the snake ID is known.

While not new, the management of snake bite (like a flood/fire evacuation plan or CPR) should be refreshed each season.

Let’s start with a basic overview.

There are five genus of snakes that will harm us (seriously)
Browns, Blacks, Adders, Tigers and Taipans.

All snake venom is made up of huge proteins (like egg white). When bitten, a snake injects some venom into the meat of your limb (not into your blood).

This venom can not be absorbed into the blood stream from the bite site.

It travels in a fluid transport system in your body called the lymphatic system (not the blood stream).

Now this fluid (lymph) is moved differently to blood.
Your heart pumps blood around, so even when you are lying dead still, your blood still circulates around the body. Lymph fluid is different. It moves around with physical muscle movement like bending your arm, bending knees, wriggling fingers and toes, walking/exercise etc.

Now here is the thing. Lymph fluid becomes blood after these lymph vessels converge to form one of two large vessels (lymphatic trunks)which are connected to veins at the base of the neck.

Back to the snake bite site.
When bitten, the venom has been injected into this lymph fluid (which makes up the bulk of the water in your tissues).

The only way that the venom can get into your blood stream is to be moved from the bite site in the lymphatic vessels. The only way to do this is to physically move the limbs that were bitten.

Stay still. Venom can’t move if the victim doesn’t move.
Stay still.

Remember people are not bitten into their blood stream.

In the 1980s a technique called Pressure immobilisation bandaging was developed to further re**rd venom movement. It completely stops venom /lymph transport toward the blood stream.

A firm roll bandage is applied directly over the bite site (don’t wash the area).

Three steps: keep them still
Step 1
Apply a bandage over the bite site, to an area about 10cm above and below the bite.
Step 2:
Then using another elastic roller bandage, apply a firm wrap from Fingers/toes all the way to the armpit/groin.

The bandage needs to be firm, but not so tight that it causes fingers or toes to turn purple or white. About the tension of a sprain bandage.

Step 3:
Splint the limb so the patient can’t walk or bend the limb.

Do nots:
Do not cut, incise or suck the venom.
Do not EVER use a tourniquet
Don’t remove the shirt or pants - just bandage over the top of clothing.
Remember movement (like wriggling out of a shirt or pants) causes venom movement.

Australian snakes tend to have 3 main effects in differing degrees.

Bleeding - internally and bruising.
Muscles paralysed - causing difficulty talking, moving & breathing.
Pain - In some snakes severe muscle pain in the limb, and days later the bite site can break down forming a nasty wound.

Final tips: not all bitten people are envenomed and only those starting to show symptoms above are given antivenin, but all snake bites should be treated as serious.

Remember to give a like to South Adelaide Snake Catchers page. Stay safe & be nice to snakes 🐍



Only a few hours left...


26% off when you use AUSSIE as the code word...

No better time to get your bottle of WYW.

* Easy to use
* Long shelf life
* Shown time and time again to be effective, for several types of colic, whilst waiting for a vet
* FREE postage Aus wide

Normal price - $55/50ml or $88/100ml

Shop here - https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/

AfterPay, LayBuy and PayPal are available.


A chance to save some dollars on this great product, that is proving itself to be a very valuable item, in everyone first aid kit. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

Starting at midnight tonight, for 24 hours only, we’re having an Australia Day special!!!

Enter the code word AUSSIE and receive 26% off your order.

Shop now at:

Get in quick... it’s only for one day.
🇦🇺 🇦🇺 🇦🇺

While You Wait - Colic Formula

While You Wait - Colic Formula

I do love hearing good reports about WYY. It is such a useful product to have on hand, I can’t believe more people don’t have it for emergencies, or even when the horse is just off colour.

For $55/50ml or $88/100ml, includes free postage Aus wide and Afterpay, LayBuy, PayPal and Credit Card are all available.


Thank you Donna for your feedback.

“Hey 👋

I have just used you formula, for the first time, on my 17 WB, who was projectile pooping and had cramping stomachs contractions and within 10-15 minutes he had had a firmer motion and had stopped contracting and was so much calmer and less stressed. Within 30 minutes he was back to normal and eating hay. Just thought I’d let you know how impressed I was with your product. Thank You”


Shop online here - https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/


I love Friday the 13th. I always say it’s a lucky day 🍀, to take away from the negativity of it, so with Christmas coming and that means many public holidays, so high vet call out fees, if something happens... There is no better time to get some WYW in the cupboard or first aid kit, or it would even make a great present for that horse person in your life. 🎁

I’m taking 13% off all orders placed today, with the online store discount code being 13.

Hit the Shop Now button, at the top of this page and remember I have PayPal, Afterpay, LayBuy and credit card all available.

Christmas is hectic enough as it is 🤯, so having a little piece of mind in the cupboard, knowing you have something on hand, in case of a colic situation, makes sense.

WYW isn’t just useful for colic. If you have a horse in a high stress situation, such as with all of these fires burning at the moment, you could also give a 5ml dose morning and night, to try and help take the edge off stressed horses.

For those that have ordered overnight, I will be refunding the difference. 🙂🙂


I do love this formula. Simple yet effective...

Order here...


I can't recommend this colic formula enough . Last night I had a mini go down very quickly and hard with colic . 3 doses he came good within maybe 3/4 hour . He actually looked like he was enjoying the taste lol Each dose seem to work quite quickly the 3rd I gave was to make absolutely sure 👌😁.
Cancelled the vet ! Thanks so much for a great product that works .



Do you ever wonder if your horse could do it better without you?

Katie does the Git Up Challenge

For a bit of light hearted humour, here’s a good friend of mine doing her version of the Git Up Challenge.

I think she’s done a damn good job of it. 👌🏼👌🏼

When you’re in outback Qld, it’s very hot, dry and dusty, you need to create your own fun. Katie Grainger shows us just how it’s done. Great work girl!!!


Get in quick and save...

It may also save you a vet bill and possibly your horse. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Only 24 hours left to save!!!

Don’t miss out... there’s never been a better time to buy and who knows when the next sale will be. 🤔🤔

It’s a long weekend in SA and it is birthday month, so until Tuesday night I’m taking 20% off of my While You Wait colic formula.


Enter OCTOBER as the discount code and receive your present from me.


Only until Tuesday night though...

AfterPay, LayBuy, Credit Card and PayPal are all available.

Buy now at: https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/


It’s my birthday, so you save on my well used colic formula...

It’s a long weekend in SA and it is birthday month, so until Tuesday night I’m taking 20% off of my While You Wait colic formula.


Enter OCTOBER as the discount code and receive your present from me.


Only until Tuesday night though...

AfterPay, LayBuy, Credit Card and PayPal are all available.

Buy now at: https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/




A good time to get some of this colic formula for the first aid kit. 👌🏼👌🏼

Has been used in conjunction with veterinary meds, has a long shelf life and is super simple to use.

The Friday the 13th sale has begun...

For today only, I have a limited number of black 100ml bottles of WYW colic formula, for $75, includes postage.

Enter the code word BLACK to receive your discount.

Shop now at https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/

Afterpay, LayBuy, CC and Direct Deposit are all available.


Gotta love Friday the 13th... time to share the love with a flash sale. 🖤🖤🖤

*** SALE ***

My Friday the 13th sale will be starting at midnight tonight, for 24 hours only!!!! 🔮🦇🔮

I have 18 x 100ml Black bottles and they will be on sale for $75, which includes postage Aus wide!!! 🕸🕷🕸

The redemption code will be BLACK... so get in quick and save 💲💲💲

If you’ve been thinking about getting a bottle of WYW for your first aid kit, then tomorrow is the day to do it... 🖤🖤🖤

Shop online here...



Don’t wait until you need it to wish you already had it...

Spring is here and the change in season can also mean a change in gut balance, therefore the increased possibility of colic.

Do you have your bottle of WYW in the cupboard for such an emergency???

It really is a cheap peace of mind, knowing you’ve got something you can administer whilst waiting for the vet, or it may well even save you a vet bill like it has many before.

$55/50ml or $88/100ml, includes postage Australia wide and has a 3 year shelf life...

Can you afford not to have it...

Order at https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/

AfterPay & LayBuy are available.


A very handy product to have in the cupboard. 👌🏼👌🏼

This mare was rolling around like no body’s business this morning. After the second While you Wait dose she just stood quietly away from the other horses. I go out to give her a third dose and she’s standing at the feeder asking for food like nothing had happened.



While You Wait - Colic Formula

Not many left!!! 💙💙💙


I have ordered a small number of blue bottles by mistake... so for 10 lucky customers that enter BLUE at the checkout, they will get 100ml of While You Wait for $70, including postage... 💙💙💙

That's a saving of $18 for my mis-ordering!!! Plus there is another little bonus for those ordering... I just started filling the bottles and they’re actually 120ml, not 100ml, so 10 lucky people also get an extra 20ml for their money. 😃😃😃

REMEMBER... 10 bottles only and you need to enter BLUE in the discount code to get the special.

If you've been thinking about buying and haven't yet, now's the time. Afterpay, Laybuy, Paypal, Credit Card and Direct Deposit are all available.


While You Wait - Colic Formula

My mistake saves you $$$!!!


I have ordered a small number of blue bottles by mistake... so for 10 lucky customers that enter BLUE at the checkout, they will get 100ml of While You Wait for $70, including postage... 💙💙💙

That's a saving of $18 for my mis-ordering!!! Plus there is another little bonus for those ordering... I just started filling the bottles and they’re actually 120ml, not 100ml, so 10 lucky people also get an extra 20ml for their money. 😃😃😃

REMEMBER... 10 bottles only and you need to enter BLUE in the discount code to get the special.

If you've been thinking about buying and haven't yet, now's the time. Afterpay, Laybuy, Paypal, Credit Card and Direct Deposit are all available.



Always great to get good feedback on my products.

This is one product I’d never be without.

Just had this sent to me.

I love these results. 😍😍
Thank you Nicola for the feedback.

$55/50ml or $88/100ml, free post Australia wide.
3 year shelf life.

Order at


Afterpay, Laybuy, PayPal abs direct deposit are all available.


I use this formula on my pet lambs, calves and even had people use it for bloat in dogs...

It definitely is my “go to” formula for many problems.

I can’t imagine life without my colic formula now...

This morning I was in the shed and could hear groaning. I went to inspect to find my boy sitting down and I wasn’t sure if he had colic or not, as he still seemed bright and alert, but to err on the side of caution he got a dose of While You Wait, just in case.

He was back on his feet, eating in no time at all and I may have been over reacting, but I’d rather be safe than sorry and WYW doesn’t hurt if it’s not colic.

It definitely gives peace of mind knowing I’ve got something quick and very easy to use, on hand.

$55/50ml or $88/100ml, includes post Aust wide.
Payment options available. PayPal, Laybuy, Afterpay and direct deposit all available.

Shop online at https://whileyouwait.myshopify.com/

While You Wait - Colic Formula

Afterpay, Laybuy and PayPal are available on all Herbal Horse products now.

Dried herb formulas are also available on the website, with more being added in the near future. 🙂🙂

“Ok, this morning my girl was off, curling up her lip, not really eating!!!
Anita, you are a life saver, as I gave her 5 ml of colic formula.
I honestly believe we should all have a bottle in our first aid kit.”

While You Wait - Colic Formula

Herbal Horse now has Afterpay.

Making shopping even easier. 😃

Afterpay is now available!!!

Shop online for Herbal Horse products and pay with easy installments...👏👏👏


Fascinating stuff and something never talked about. 🤔

There is always a reason why!

I often hear people make comments about their horse such as “oh he always pigroots into the canter” or “he is just a grump” etc.
Horses are not born grumpy! Nor are they born with the desire to pigroot into the canter. There are reasons why horses react or behave in such ways.
Almost always it stems from trauma in the body which over time can also lead to trauma in the mind. The horse might pigroot because the saddle doesn’t fit and is pinching him or is bridging and causing pain. Perhaps the rider is crooked and when asks for the canter doesn’t allow for correct spinal alignment to occur to enable the biomechanics to create the jump into canter. Perhaps the horse has physical restrictions that are aggravated when asked to canter. There are many many different reasons as to why the horse will be telling you that it is too painful to make the request asked of him.

It is up to us figure out the why!

A grumpy horse has been created from ill human interaction whether it be on purpose or by default of incorrect training, or incorrect fitting tack, or even from a lack of good communication skills from the handler/rider.
Horses have long memories, if through their experiences they begin to associate people with pain or an ill-fitting saddle or being ridden then that memory will create a ‘grumpy’ horse. The horse will see the saddle or the rider and instantly become irate, anxious and even potentially aggressive. This is not a ‘grumpy’ horse.
This is a horse communicating!

Rocinante my beautiful Andalusian cross gelding has taken me on a journey that has been all about discovering the why’s!!!

The latest part of our journey that I would like to share with you has been trying to figure out why he struggles to truly connect over the back and come up and over his topline. This has been one of his major issues in his education all the way through and over time it has improved but there has still been some connection missing. He was not quite willing to truly engage his hind end or core in his work and it was very visible in his piaffe steps. He continually wanted to fall over the right shoulder which dropped the thoracic sling and wanted to make bum bopping steps as I call than rather than steps of carriage. His left hind always wanted to carry out behind rather than step forward and sit in his piaffe steps. He struggled to engage the psoas properly and to ride felt like he was tipping you more side to side rather than connecting the diagonal pair.

My wonderful mentor and coach Belinda Bolsenbroek is the most amazing and dynamic horsewoman I have ever met! I have trained under many coaches in Australia as well as internationally and I have yet to meet anyone with her incredible knowledge of functional movement and biomechanics, her ability to rehabilitate the ‘written off’ or ‘extremely dangerous’ horses is absolutely inspiring and her understanding and aptness of animal communication is beautiful. She is a passionate and strong woman who always puts the health and soundness of the horse at the top of her education.

The last 12 months we have been discussing in length and really looking in to the why’s for Rocinante’s inability to truly find proper engagement of the hind end and core. In most cases as you progress through the training with a horse and your exercises and shapes take place the horse begins to connect the back naturally without force or tension. This was not the case for Rocinante.
Something still wasn’t right!
Eventually, through many discussions with Belinda and other close therapists we came to wonder about Rocinante’s gelding scarring. Recently it has become a more talked about subject, yet I had not heard of anyone that had the training to make such an examination.
A week ago, Belinda rang me and said she discovered a veterinarian who is trained in Inguinal castration scarring examination and manipulation. Dr Louise Cosgrove from Exclusively Equine Veterinary Service at Hattonvale is trained in this examination and the manipulation. Needless to say I rang straight away and booked him in.
Yesterday Rocinante had his internal Inguinal Castration Scarring Examination.
What Dr Louise Cosgrove found was astonishing!
On examination to the right Inguinal Region was an extremely overdevelop psoas muscle. It is 3 times the size an average horse’s psoas muscle is. This was also the side that he wanted to continually rest throughout the examination while sedated. This is also the limb that has external rotation, perhaps from an overly active and strong psoas muscle. More investigation needed.
On palpation on the left side Dr Louise found Rocinante to be extremely tight and sore to palpate. The sling of fascia from kidney to bladder and the Cremaster Fascia was very tight.
The left Psoas was very underdeveloped. Explains the overdevelopment of the right Psoas as the left one is not being activated. Why?
As Dr Louise continued her examination, she found the gelding scarring adhesion. It had adhered to his spleen!!!😳😲😧

I can only imagine how uncomfortable that would have been and how much it would have disabled the proper function of that limb. If he tried to use his psoas to engage the hind leg/core his gelding scarring would pull on his spleen. How awful!
For years he has endured this discomfort and the inability to use his body effectively which explains why he has struggled to connect his back and over his topline and engage his thoracic sling. It explains why he has hoof issues as his suspensory system has not been able to function to support his body correctly. Why he has anxiety when making a canter! Why that left hind wants to stay out behind and leave his right shoulder unsupported!
Thankfully this is something that can be helped! Dr Louise detached the adhesion by gentle manipulation. No more pulling on his spleen!
We came home and it is advised to ask the horse to move afterwards to see the initial changes as well as show the horse that the restriction they once felt is not there anymore. At a walk Rocinante was overreaching and clipping front hooves (has now been trimmed to accommodate for new postural alignment) which was showing much more ability for the hind legs to come through. He was very free and forward on the lunge. I usually have to offer continual energy to sustain a trot. We dabbled with some piaffe and there was considerable improvement in his willingness to sit rather than bum bop. He was activating core and his thoracic sling and making some good quality steps. He has known what he needed to make was just not able to make it. The left hind is much weaker, and it will take time for the right psoas to take a much needed rest and the left psoas to get more strength and coordination to sustain such steps.
I am looking forward to seeing his development continue as he finds more strength.
I was shocked to hear that in the States 2 out of 5 horses (40%) have been found with gelding scarring adhesions or testicle tube origin scarring and that so far it appears to be a much higher percentage in Australia.
Again, I will ask Why? Something that needs to be investigated to prevent such trauma.

I would like to thank Dr Louise Cosgrove from Exclusively Equine Veterinary Services. I was so glad to find someone that could help. I am looking forward to hearing more about your research and discoveries. Fingers crossed an alternative castration method can be found to prevent such trauma.
To Belinda Bolsenbroek for an endless list of things that are so long I shan’t list. You take on every horse as if they were your own and stop at nothing to understand the why’s! Thank you for that phone call 😘.
Maggie Ashley! Your ingenious and academic brain along with your intuition make for an incredible therapist and friend. You were on to this a while ago. 🙏🙏

Please remember to always ask the Why's? Why does your horse react or act in a specific way?
There is always a reason!

Belinda Bolsenbroek Maggie Ashley - Equine Functional Therapy Exclusively Equine Veterinary Service


Laybuy Interest Free payment option is now available at Herbal Horse.

More products will be getting added as time goes on. 👌🏼👌🏼

Laybuy is now available as a payment option for my online store!!! 👏👏👏

An Interest Free payment option is here...



Every horse owner should have this in their first aid kit.

If it doesn’t help, it doesn’t hurt and better than having nothing at all.

I’ve had a lot of positive feedback, from people all over the country, to have so much faith in this product.

The only time I’ve heard WYW has let me down, is if there is something more sinister going on and nothing could save the horse.

I am seeing a large number of colic cases on FB at the moment, it’s very concerning, especially when people don’t have access to a vet straight away and have nothing accessible to treat with, often calling for remedies on FB pages and the advice given can be downright scary or incorrect.

With the continuing drought in many areas and the shortage of good quality hay, it’s making it quite a challenging time for horse owners. Dehydration can be just as big a cause of colic as feed.

Having something very simple to use, such as While You Wait, in the cupboard, may save a lot of worry if colic strikes and has been shown, on many occasion, to have reduced symptoms by the time the vet arrives.

It has a 3 year shelf life (longer if stored correctly), is extremely easy to use, just mix with a small amount of water and syringe over the tongue, so perfect for those that can’t give needles and it doesn’t interfere with vet drugs, so ideal to give whilst waiting for a vet to arrive, hence it’s name While You Wait. It can also be used safely if the horse looks just a bit off colour, or doesn’t travel well.

Just because you’ve never had a horse with colic doesn’t mean you never will. I lost a horse to a twisted bowel and had never had horse with colic previously. Colic can strike at any time to any one.

No horse owner should be without it. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the old mare where my colic formula began. She had 8 bouts of colic in 3 weeks and the vet said she wouldn’t survive the first night... 9 years later and she’s still going.

This time last night I was fairly certain this old girls time was coming to an end... not sure if it was the large doses of While You Wait I gave her (4 x 15ml doses in 24 hours), but she’s still going and back to her “don’t touch me” self. 😆

She did get a shot of Flunixin from the vet, but he wasn’t holding much hope for her either, though we are still on watch and wait mode for any other complications. She has a very bad heart murmur, plus an ethmoid haematoma to make things worse and was showing only slight signs of colic thankfully, but she is as tough as old boots and soldiering on to live another day.

I definitely feel the herbs played a role in keeping things moving and it doesn’t interfere with any vet drugs, so perfect to have on hand whilst waiting for the vet.

For $55/50ml or $88/100ml, plus free shipping Aus wide, it’s worth keeping in the cupboard for just in case.


I only have 5 copies of this amazing book left. A book everyone should read if they care about their long term health.

$35 + $15 postage.

Message me to order. 🙂

While You Wait - Colic Formula

Finally have an online store for my colic formula. 👌🏼👌🏼

It's nothing fancy and still in the baby stages... but I have finally put together a website and online store for my colic formula.

It only has PayPal available at this stage, but if you'd like to direct deposit, or even organise a payment plan, please just message me to organise.

Due to a price rise for herbs, there has been a slight price increase.



I have a lovely paddock ornament. 😊😊


"I really love my horse but I don't have the time /lost the confidence to ride him - I don't want to part with him but I feel so guilty that he's being wasted in the field when I know he's got so much potential - he could be an amazing horse for someone" - I see these sentences on the horse groups constantly. Humans are feeling guilty for not riding their horses. Humans actually believing that horses are having their potential wasted if they're not ridden. Many of these humans will part with their horse plainly and simply because of the pressure that the society puts on them to ride the horses. The pressure from friends and family - "why don't you ride him ? If he's not ridden you're wasting your money / he'd be better off with someone who will give him the time he needs (to be ridden). "

People need to wake up. Horses are not born to be ridden. Riding and using horses in a means of transport /working animals are over (at least in the modern world) - we have cars, bikes, train , airplanes, machines.
Horses now are used mostly for our own entertainment - wether it's taking part in competitions or riding for pleasure. Back in the day our quality of life / means of making money dependent on horses. Our future depended on them - they were used in wars for centuries.
Now their lives depend on us.

When you feel you can't ride anymore for any reason please understand that it's ok. You don't need to ride - more - your horse's hapiness is not rooted it being ridden - you will find it's actually quite opposite. If you have all the abilities to keep your horse despite not riding him please do so - only this way you will ensure his future. There are so many exciting ways to be with horses that don't involve riding - going on walks together, spending time in the field, playing cognitive games, finding ways to enrich their lives. Please be your horse's best friend, forever - just like he's been yours ....
There is nothing wrong with *field ornaments*




This is always feedback I love to receive. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

“Hi Anita,
I just wanted to let you know your magic While you wait has saved another young c**t today l haven't had to use it for a long time but it has got him through today.
Kind regards

Prices include postage Australia wide.

While You Wait - Colic Formula

Check your horses waters regularly.

In the hot weather make sure you check the temperature of your horses and other animals water. If it’s warm they won’t drink as much and dehydration is a major cause of colic.

Also, plastic troughs/buckets/containers may taint the flavour of the water when out in the sun, something else to keep in mind.

While you Wait colic formula is shown to be very effective for horses showing colic symptoms from dehydration. Can you afford not to have it in your first aid kit.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 16:00
Thursday 09:30 - 16:00
Friday 09:30 - 16:00




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