Saturday, September 21, 2024
Midnight - No baby.
1 AM - No baby.
2 AM - No baby.
3 AM - No baby.
You get it, hours later of laboring at home, different changes in position, walks up and down the stairs, catheter to empty my bladder and no baby. My midwife had checked me a few times and I was still 7 cm dilated, same station, same amount of cervix. No change. I could see the sun rising and I was beginning to get impatient. We were supposed to have a baby by now. I was supposed to have at least dilated a bit more in that time, but nothing. Nothing changed. Baby was on the right, OP with its chin possibly untucked and neck slightly slanted to the side… baby’s head/position was not putting enough pressure on my cervix to move us along. My contractions were spacing out. They were now about 10-15 minutes apart, I hadn’t had any food and was continuously throwing up for hours. My midwife said my body was tired. I kept telling her it and I wasn’t. 😅
However, we were on a clock and it was becoming apparent that my labor was stalling, which was not a good sign.
5:00 am - my midwife with a heavy heart recommended we head to the hospital. I cried and stubbornly pushed back. I didn’t want to abandon our home birth plans, but it was a strong recommendation because the longer I stayed at home, the higher the risk of infection. She also expressed that my body and uterus were tired and the hospital could help get my contractions back on track to possibly help baby. I reluctantly agreed, knowing that this was what we had to do and was best for me and baby. She called the hospital, let them know we were coming. While I continued laboring in the bathroom. They cleaned, Ricky packed our hospital bags, installed our car seat (all things we hadn’t done, because we thought we had time and were not planning on “coming home from the hospital”) and we all very calmly caravanned to the hospital a 45 min drive from our home.