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得12份, 點夠分🤣
如果有多D人參與, 我會盡力向代理爭取更多禮物, 希望大家可以幫幫手😍

🏠Pet Pet Home 老闆🕵🏻‍♂️

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- 每名參加者可獲PetPetHome 電子購物禮券一張 購買Animalkind貓犬零食
- 共十二名得獎者可獲Animalkind 85g生肉凍乾零食一包(猫犬用),口味隨機。



#香港寵物節2024 #寵物節 #狗展 #貓展 #免費 #門票 #2024寵物展 #入場券 #貓貓 #狗狗 #寵物 #寵物用品 #有獎遊戲 #著數 #免費 #香港著數 #優惠

Animalkind 風乾系列返嚟啦😍今次介紹嘅係   喜馬拉雅犛牛奶潔齒脆脆👑王牌經典產品  喜馬拉雅犛牛奶潔齒脆脆係百分百天然同營養豐富的嘅狗狗小食, 非常適合喜歡鬆脆小食嘅狗狗🐕潔齒脆脆不僅美味可口😋仲有助於促進牙齒健康 #喜馬拉雅犛...

Animalkind 風乾系列返嚟啦😍今次介紹嘅係 喜馬拉雅犛牛奶潔齒脆脆👑王牌經典產品

喜馬拉雅犛牛奶潔齒脆脆係百分百天然同營養豐富的嘅狗狗小食, 非常適合喜歡鬆脆小食嘅狗狗🐕潔齒脆脆不僅美味可口😋仲有助於促進牙齒健康


最後🥰因為我地嘅風乾系列收到大家好多對餵食指南嘅查詢😉 再次提提大家每日餵食量唔可以超過寵物總食量嘅10%架. 打開後但又未食哂嘅就要儲存番係陰涼同乾燥嘅地方. 最重要係記住保持袋子密封啊👍🏻


Hohoho🎅🏻  第一次嘅giveaway🎁倒數10幾日就過聖誕節🎄尼個普天同慶嘅日子  當然要同大家一齊過啦😍唔知你地準備佐禮物俾班老細未呢?快啲留意👇🏻時間: 15-20/12/20231️⃣Follow 2️⃣Like 同 shar...

Hohoho🎅🏻 第一次嘅giveaway🎁倒數10幾日就過聖誕節🎄尼個普天同慶嘅日子 當然要同大家一齊過啦😍唔知你地準備佐禮物俾班老細未呢?快啲留意👇🏻

時間: 15-20/12/2023

2️⃣Like 同 share 此post
3️⃣留言Tag 3位朋友

羊肉和麥盧卡蜂蜜凍乾生肉零食85g x1及貓狗營養保健罐70g x1(口味隨機)

1️⃣得獎者需到指定零售店領取獎品 (得獎時核實)


事隔半個月我哋終於返嚟啦😎今次又揾到好嘢介紹俾你哋❤️有時出席市集/Pet show同你哋傾偈嘅時候都會講到唔知邊度幫毛孩搞生日會先好😗今次分享做開經營 #寵物酒店、 #寵物派對服務同 #專業寵物攝影嘅@pawradise_hk 宜家有埋零...


有時出席市集/Pet show同你哋傾偈嘅時候都會講到唔知邊度幫毛孩搞生日會先好😗

今次分享做開經營 #寵物酒店、 #寵物派對服務同 #專業寵物攝影嘅@pawradise_hk 宜家有埋零售啦🥳而佢哋零售業務當然唔少得 嘅產品啦😏 嘅凍乾零食、風乾零食、罐罐系列都可以係 搵到

嚟緊聖誕🎄就係好機會俾班毛孩聚首一堂係@pawradise_hk 食住 開party啦👍🏻!

地址 | 柴灣祥利街17號致高工業大廈4樓
網頁 |

Yeah, we come back with a good sharing❤️after a half month. 😎
We get a lot of feedback and questions frourfansthe market or at the pet shop. Some of you will wonder where the birthday party should be held for your favorite paws.😗

This time, we want to share a shop that specialty in , , and is nowavailable in retail too.🥳For sure, is one of the product in the house! You can easily find our freeze-dried treats, air-dried treats and canned food in 😏

Yet, Christmas is coming.🎄Bring your paws to have parties and enjoy products in 👍🏻

Address | 4/F, Chi Ko Industrial Building 17 Cheung Lee Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Website |

合作佐差唔多3個月, 終於可以詳細介紹下尼個新銷售點啦🎉唔知大家之前係咪都已經聽過  呢? 又或者係HKTVmall買開嘢有見過呢? 🤔佢哋好多元化嫁🥰同時擁有實體店, 網店同埋HKTVmall嘅網店真係啱晒好似我咁懶嘅人😆隨手上個網都可以...

合作佐差唔多3個月, 終於可以詳細介紹下尼個新銷售點啦🎉
唔知大家之前係咪都已經聽過 呢? 又或者係HKTVmall買開嘢有見過呢? 🤔佢哋好多元化嫁🥰同時擁有實體店, 網店同埋HKTVmall嘅網店
真係啱晒好似我咁懶嘅人😆隨手上個網都可以訂到貨俾我班老細🐈‍⬛🐈而最開心嘅係我地 會係佢哋三個平台上面都會出現❤️仲要係齊款齊貨💥
你講得出嘅主糧、零食、定罐罐 ❗每論貓貓定狗狗都有‼️

地址 | 旺角兆萬中心310 鋪
網頁 |

Since we have been working together for more than three months, we can finally introduce our new reseller🎉
Have you heard of before? Or have you seen it when you are browsing HKTVmall? They are so diversified as they have physical store, online store, and an online store in HKTVmall.🥰
That is perfectly convenient for a lazy person like me😆I can easily order pet food through a website for my boss🐈‍⬛🐈The most exciting news is will be available on all three of their platforms❗️You can find a full range of freeze-dried diets, treats, and air-dried treats, whether pet food for dogs or cats‼️

Address | 310-311, CTMA Centre, 1N Sai Yeung Choi St S, Mong Kok
Website |

Animalkind風乾系列又嚟啦~今次介紹嘅產品係風乾羊肺🐑我地係使用來自天然純正新西蘭飼養嘅羊,製造過程絕不冇任何添加😍係💯全天然同美味可口嘅獸醫認可小食👍🏻 #羊肺有咩好• 羊肺含有充沛鐵元素,有助於提高身體機能及表現。 • 幫助愛犬...



• 羊肺含有充沛鐵元素,有助於提高身體機能及表現。
• 幫助愛犬營養吸收。
• 促進健康皮膚和光澤。
• 低脂肪,非常適合控制體重的零食。


最後🥰因為我地嘅風乾系列收到大家好多對餵食指南嘅查詢😉 再次提提大家每日餵食量唔可以超過寵物總食量嘅10%架. 打開後但又未食哂嘅就要儲存番係陰涼同乾燥嘅地方. 最重要係記住保持袋子密封啊👍🏻


This time, we are introducing our new product - Animalkind air-dried Lamp Lung. 🐑

The raw materials are raised in natural and pure New Zealand, and no additives are added during manufacturing.😍It is a 💯natural and tasty vet-approved treat.👍🏻

• Rich in iron for physical performance improvement.
• Improve nutrient absorption
• Promotes healthy skin and shiny hair.
• Low in fat, perfect as weight control treats

Protein (Min)65%
Crude Fat (Min)5%
Moisture (Max)15%

Lastly, because we have received many inquiries about feeding guidelines for our dried series 🥰, let me remind everyone that the daily feeding amount should not exceed 10% of your pet's total diet. 😉If the package is opened but not finished, it should be stored in a cool and dry place. Most importantly, remember to seal the bag tightly👍🏻.

➡️Visit our website or DM us to find purchasing hotspots in various areas!"

相信大家都唔陌生😌今次要介紹嘅就係我地近期最常合作夥伴  無論係最近係D2舉辦嘅「千鶴祭」定還時係8月份嘅亞博寵物展都有好好成績🤩而@gogopet_development_limited 雖然可以話係我地較新嘅分銷商😜但佢哋已經係短短兩個...



而@gogopet_development_limited 雖然可以話係我地較新嘅分銷商😜但佢哋已經係短短兩個月內包辦哂我地 。

宜家只需係佢地官網買滿$300 就免費送貨~ 大家快啲上去睇下啦❤️

網頁 |

Everyone should be familiar with our recent frequent partner, 😌Whether it's Chizuru Matsuri held recently at D2 or the Asia Pet Expo in August, they have achieved great results. 🤩Although is a relatively new distributor for us, they have already taken care of all our products within just two months. 😜

Now, make a purchase of $300 or more on their official website, and you will receive FREE delivery.
Hurry up and check it out!❤️

Website |

中秋唔知大家有活動未呢?大家不如一齊嚟玩啊🤭今年中秋我地將會聯同Gogo Pet一齊出現喺由D2 Place 同哈拉比部落舉辦嘅「千鶴祭」今次除咗會帶齊凍乾主糧、零食、罐罐之外💥我地仲會推出兩大優惠1️⃣凡於「千鶴祭」攤位內購買滿$200A...

中秋唔知大家有活動未呢?大家不如一齊嚟玩啊🤭今年中秋我地將會聯同Gogo Pet一齊出現喺由D2 Place 同哈拉比部落舉辦嘅「千鶴祭」



日期: 9月29日(週五) - 10月2日(週一)
時間: 13:00-22:00
地點: 荔枝角長義街9號 D2 Place 一期 2樓 The Space + D2 Place 二期地下 The Garage

Where will you go during the Mid-Autumn Festival? 🤭This time, we are collaborating wiithour reseller, GogoPet, and we will celebrate the happiness together. Let's come and join us at D2 Place Chizuru Matsuri.

We will bring along the full collection of freeze-dried diets, treats, and canned food.
💥Exclusive heads-up:
1️⃣A free gift will be offered with any purchase over $200 in our booth.
2️⃣Special discounts on any Animalkind products will be offered. 🫨

Find us at both A18-19 and we'll also have samples for tasting. 😋

Chizuru Matsuri info:
Date: 29/9-2/10
Time: 13:00-22:00
Address: D2 Place one 2/f The Space + D2 Place Two G/f The Garage

中秋唔知大家有活動未呢?大家不如一齊嚟玩啊🤭今年中秋我地將會聯同Gogo Pet一齊出現喺由D2 Place 同哈拉比部落舉辦嘅「千鶴祭」今次除咗會帶齊凍乾主糧、零食、罐罐之外💥我地仲會推出兩大優惠1️⃣凡於「千鶴祭」攤位內購買滿$200A...

中秋唔知大家有活動未呢?大家不如一齊嚟玩啊🤭今年中秋我地將會聯同Gogo Pet一齊出現喺由D2 Place 同哈拉比部落舉辦嘅「千鶴祭」



日期: 9月29日(週五) - 10月2日(週一)
時間: 13:00-22:00
地點: 荔枝角長義街9號 D2 Place 一期 2樓 The Space + D2 Place 二期地下 The Garage

Where will you go during the Mid-Autumn Festival? 🤭This time, we are collaborating wiithour reseller, GogoPet, and we will celebrate the happiness together. Let's come and join us at D2 Place Chizuru Matsuri.

We will bring along the full collection of freeze-dried diets, treats, and canned food.
💥Exclusive heads-up:
1️⃣A free gift will be offered with any purchase over $200 in our booth.
2️⃣Special discounts on any Animalkind products will be offered.

Find us at both A18-19 and we'll also have samples for tasting. 😋

Chizuru Matsuri info:
Date: 29/9-2/10
Time: 13:00-22:00
Address: D2 Place one 2/f The Space + D2 Place Two G/f The Garage"

今次嚟到我地嘅  新品之一 牛肝🐮 一款同樣係嚟自新西蘭嘅全天然風乾零食😋今年我地之所以出牛肝風乾零食係因為明白到狗狗嘅飲食係常重要🥹而我地作為主人嘅,唔單單只係重視正餐, 小食方面都必須講究🧐 #牛肝好處話你知1️⃣含多種重要的維生素和營...

今次嚟到我地嘅 新品之一 牛肝🐮 一款同樣係嚟自新西蘭嘅全天然風乾零食😋

今年我地之所以出牛肝風乾零食係因為明白到狗狗嘅飲食係常重要🥹而我地作為主人嘅,唔單單只係重視正餐, 小食方面都必須講究🧐


最後🥰因為我地嘅風乾系列收到大家好多對餵食指南嘅查詢😉 再次提提大家每日餵食量唔可以超過寵物總飲食的嘅10%😉打開後但又未食哂嘅就要儲存番係陰涼同乾燥嘅地方. 最重要係記住保持袋子密封啊👍🏻


🐮is Animalkind's new air-dried product, which is an all-natural, single-ingredient treat rich in healthy fats and vitamins to support overall wellness. 😋

It’s important that your pets eat a healthy diet, with high-quality nutrition both at mealtimes and at snack times.🥹Animalkind pet treats are made from 100% natural ingredients, are high in nutrients, and are veterinarian-approved. And they’re also delicious. 🧐

1️⃣Full of essential vitamins and nutrients.
2️⃣Improve the quality of the dog's coat and skin.
3️⃣ Helps stimulate the dog’s immune system.
4️⃣Rich in iron and vitamin A.

Last but not least🥰Thank you for all the DMs according to the feeding guidelines of our Air-dried products.😉A couple pieces of Beef Liver every day or two is good - not more than 10% of your pet's overall diet. 😉Store in a cool, dry place. Keep the bag sealed after opening.👍🏻

➡️Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

落佐幾個星期雨🌧️今個週未終於可以同陽光玩遊戲啦🌞今次  將會聯同  一齊出現係太古廣場3座户外平台, 參加由星街小區主辦嘅慈善Pawsome Adenture市集🛍️到時我地除佐有  , 仲有Animalkind風乾零食添🐱🐶想要入貨既朋...


今次 將會聯同 一齊出現係太古廣場3座户外平台, 參加由星街小區主辦嘅慈善Pawsome Adenture市集🛍️

到時我地除佐有 , 仲有Animalkind風乾零食添🐱🐶想要入貨既朋友仔記住嚟搵3號我地啦🥳我地仲有即場試食㗎😋

到時仲有我地皇牌風乾零食-沙甸魚嘅優惠 (聽講係買仼何產品加$10就可以換購🤫)


After several weeks of rain🌧️, we can finally have fun in the sun this weekend!🌞 This Saturday & Sunday, Animalkind will join to participate in the charity Pawsome Adventure market organized by Starstreet Precinct, which will be held on the outdoor platforms of the Three Pacific Place.🛍️

We will have freeze-dried treats and Animalkind air-dried treats for sale.🐱🐶 Please come and find us at the #3 booth 🥳 and we'll also have samples for tasting. 😋

💥Exclusive heads-up: we will have a special offer featuring our signature air-dried treat, Sardines (add $10 to redeem for any purchases).🤫

See you then!❤️

唔講你可能唔知  🆕雖然平時大家都可能有買開鹿耳朵🦌俾狗狗食,但係你地又知唔知有咩功效同好處先?不如就等我今日介紹下啦🙋🏻 #鹿耳有咩好?1️⃣含大量軟骨素,促進關節成長 2️⃣含有高質量蛋白質 3️⃣對於幼犬來說是非常適合的健齒零食,有助...

唔講你可能唔知 🆕





Did you know that were actually launched by us in June this year? 🆕

While many of you may already be familiar with giving Venison ears 🦌 to your dogs, do you know their benefits and advantages? Let me introduce them to you today! 🙋🏻

1️⃣They contain a high amount of cartilage, promoting joint growth.
2️⃣They are rich in high-quality protein.
3️⃣They are excellent dental treats for puppies, helping to prevent them from damaging household items.
4️⃣They are naturally flavorful and can prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.

Our own Venison ears are sourced and manufactured 💯 from New Zealand, making them a completely natural air-dried snack.

➡️ Visit our website or DM us to find purchasing hotspots in various areas!

相信大家其實一直對  都唔陌生😆而作為Animalkind fans嘅你都知道佢哋佐敦店不嬲會見到我地Animalkind嘅產品 📣而今日終於可以同大家宣布📣就係連同佢哋大圍同埋中環新分店都會見到我哋嘅蹤影啦🥳最興奮嘅係  3間分店 都會有...

相信大家其實一直對 都唔陌生😆而作為Animalkind fans嘅你都知道佢哋佐敦店不嬲會見到我地Animalkind嘅產品


最興奮嘅係 3間分店 都會有齊款嘅凍乾主糧同零食, 同時亦有部分風乾產品

仲有!9-10/9 (即係今個星期六、日), 我地仲會係@ruff 圍方店舉辦Animal久違嘅試食大會。到時除咗有得試食, 仲有靚靚打卡位💖各位🐱🐶我哋聽日見啦

網頁 |📍地址 | 九龍佐敦官涌街7號/ 大圍圍方5樓516號舖 / 中環閣麟街9-11下

I'm sure everyone has heard about , and most of our fans know that they carry Animalkind products in their Jordan Store.😆

📣Today, I have some exciting news to share: our products will now be available at TheWai & Central Store📣

The most thrilling part is that they do not only have a full range of freeze-dried diets and treats but also some of the Air-dried treats.🥳

Last but not least, we will be hosting a Tasting Party TheWai this Saturday and Sunday. Bring your furry friends to try our products and capture beautiful pictures there.💖 Can't wait to see you🐱🐶.

Website |
📍Location| Shop, The Paseo, 7 Kwun Chung Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong/ Shop 516, The Wai Mall/ G/F, 9-11 Cochrane St, Central

屋企長期必備產品 🐮點解會話佢係長期必備佳品?因為  唔單至味道正😋,而且含有豐富蛋白質同鈣👍🏻最重要係脂肪含量低於 1%! 對於有體重顧慮嘅狗狗都唔怕👏🏻 #喜馬拉雅山牛奶潔齒骨有咩好?💥結合佐嚟自喜馬拉雅山嘅有機放養犛牛奶同天然礦物質,...

屋企長期必備產品 🐮
因為 唔單至味道正😋,而且含有豐富蛋白質同鈣👍🏻最重要係脂肪含量低於 1%! 對於有體重顧慮嘅狗狗都唔怕👏🏻




Our must-have item: Animalkind Dog Treats 🐮

Why are Animalkind Himalayan Natural Yak Chews a must-have item?
It's because our Natural Yak Chews are not only delicious😋but also long-lasting and high in protein and calcium 👍🏻. What's more important is that they contain less than 1% fat, which is advantageous for dogs with weight concerns. 👏🏻

💥 We combine organic free-range yak milk from the Himalayas with natural minerals to create the perfect treat that keeps your dog's teeth and gums healthy.
💥 It serves as the perfect dental treat.

A kind reminder 💕: These chews are tough and designed to last while keeping teeth clean. However, if your pup prefers a softer chew, try soaking it in hot water for 15 minutes. 😉

One chew every few days is sufficient – they're treats. 🤣
➡️ Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

好興奮🥳! 草基寵物百貨終於加入我地  大家庭啦❤️相信好多哥基友都聽過草基寵物百貨🛒一間誠意十足,具有實體店同網店嘅寵物用品公司佢地唔單單有我地  凍乾主糧、凍乾零食、風乾零食,而且仲有罐罐同護脊床。大家快啲Follow .grass.p...

好興奮🥳! 草基寵物百貨終於加入我地 大家庭啦❤️相信好多哥基友都聽過草基寵物百貨🛒一間誠意十足,具有實體店同網店嘅寵物用品公司
佢地唔單單有我地 凍乾主糧、凍乾零食、風乾零食,而且仲有罐罐同護脊床。

大家快啲Follow .grass.petstore 同上佢官網入貨啦😍

網頁 |
📍地址 | 粉嶺華明邨華明商場G19

We are so excitied 🥳to annouce .grass.petstore have joined family.❤️I believe a lot of Corgi's friend have heard about this incredible company 🛒long time ago,
they are both avilable in retail and online shop. We are so happy to have parthership with them.

They are selling full collection of Animalkind, like Freeze dried Diet, treats, Air dried treats, canned food and Orthopaedic Bed.

Go follow and shop in .grass.petstore. Don't miss any news!😍

Website |
📍Location| Wah Ming Shopping Centre G19 Fanling

今次介紹我地AnimalKind元袓級系列  🤩當中🐷原隻豬耳絕對係詢問度最高嘅風乾產品🎯我地嘅原隻豬耳係無穀物天然食品, 100 % 澳洲豬耳, 同時亦符合道德採購準則.巨大嘅Animalkind原隻豬耳每包約4塊, 非常適合各種體型同喜...

今次介紹我地AnimalKind元袓級系列 🤩當中🐷原隻豬耳絕對係詢問度最高嘅風乾產品🎯

我地嘅原隻豬耳係無穀物天然食品, 100 % 澳洲豬耳, 同時亦符合道德採購準則.



This time we will introduce our first collection - 🤩among which the 🐷Pig Ears is definitely the most frequently asked air-dried product🎯

Our Pig Ears are grain-free natural food, 100% Australian made, and are also ethically sourced. There are around 4 pecs of huge pig ears in each pack, which very suitable for all size of dogs and chewing dogs for long-term enjoyment.😋

Pig Ear ?
💥Great source of protein for building up strong muscles.
💥High in absorbable natural collegen which is good for bone regeneration and glossy coat.
💥Remove plaque and food residue from your pooch's teeth.

➡️Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

好消息!🎉   將軍澳區銷售點啦佢地唔單單有齊我地猫猫同狗狗嘅凍乾生肉主糧系列😋仲有齊整5款凍乾生肉零食同風乾零食添👍🏻另外如果大家對  🛏️有興趣都可以去了解下嫁我知道佢地仲有竉物美容同暫托服務嫁🐱🐶仲唔快啲帶您地嘅竉物  入貨同扮靚靚?...

好消息!🎉 將軍澳區銷售點啦

佢地唔單單有齊我地猫猫同狗狗嘅凍乾生肉主糧系列😋仲有齊整5款凍乾生肉零食同風乾零食添👍🏻另外如果大家對 🛏️有興趣都可以去了解下嫁

我知道佢地仲有竉物美容同暫托服務嫁🐱🐶仲唔快啲帶您地嘅竉物 入貨同扮靚靚?

📍地址 | 新界寶琳3期新都城地下G26號舖/ 將軍澳至善街3號savannahPlace G08D

Good News! 🎉 has finally become our reseller in Tseung Kwan O.

They do not only have our full range of Freeze Dried Diets but also Freeze Dried treats and Air Dried treats as well. 😋In case you are interested in 🛏️, they do have some catalogues too.

They also provide Pet grooming and boarding Services. 🐱🐶Let's treat your pets to an irresistible spa and pick up their favorite products at

📍Location | Tseung Kwan O, Chi Shin St, no.3 Savannah Place G08D /
Shop No. G26, G/F, MCP DISCOVERY, Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O

主人們又有機會見到我啦🥰今次我地同其中一位分銷商 - Gogo Pet寵物用品速遞會一齊出現係8月11-14日既寵.愛生活博覽🎪到時我地除佐有 、凍乾零食,仲有AnimalKind罐罐添🐱🐶想要入貨既朋友仔記住嚟E02-E04搵我地啦,我地...

今次我地同其中一位分銷商 - Gogo Pet寵物用品速遞會一齊出現係8月11-14日既寵.愛生活博覽🎪
到時我地除佐有 、凍乾零食,仲有AnimalKind罐罐添🐱🐶


It's time to meet again🥰
We are going to cooperate with one of our distributer - Gogo pet in 11-14 Aug Pet Expo🎪
We do not only have freezed dried diet and treats, but also canned food as well🐱🐶

Come and join us in both E02-E04😋See you all today

嘩! 毛孩都可以食鹿茸?🦌今次介紹嘅產品係我地最多人查詢嘅-🆕鹿肉和鹿茸凍乾零食❤️ ,製成富含蛋白質的凍乾生肉零食,可促進免疫系統健康。 # 鹿肉功能🦌頂級單一蛋白質,促進肌肉健康 #鹿茸功能🦌生物活性化合物,增強活力同支持關節健康 #鹿...

嘩! 毛孩都可以食鹿茸?🦌


# 鹿肉功能🦌

一直不斷嘗試唔同嘅新突破💥,希望可以創造出對毛孩健康嘅新零食。好開心今次 #鹿肉和鹿茸凍乾零食收到好多查詢同好評。如果你都想毛孩嘗試多啲有營食材,就快啲嚟試



WOW! Even flurries can try Deer Antler Velvet. 🦌This time we will introduce the most inquired product -🆕Venison & Deer Antler Velvet Freeze-Dried treat❤️

used Venison & Deer Antler Velvet from New Zealand to make nutrient-rich freeze-dried treats that promote overall wellness.

Novel protein-packed for healthy muscles
Contains bioactive compounds that enhance vitality and support joint health
Rich nutrient profile to fortify the immune system
# Pear Benefit🍐
Natural source of essential minerals and fiber for optimal health

is constantly trying different breakthroughs 💥since we want to create new treats that are healthy for fur kids. We are glad that Venison & Deer Antler Velvet Freeze-Dried treat has received much positive feedback. Hurry up and try if you want your fur kids to try more nutritious ingredients and freeze-dried treats.☺️

1️⃣Professionally developed formula by the veterinarians and vet designed
2️⃣Single protein, all-natural with no additives
3️⃣100% sourced and made in New Zealand

➡️Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

我地好高興同大家宣布,  #萬千竉愛 成為我地其中一個分銷🎉大家可以係 #萬千竉愛 搵  生肉凍乾主糧全系列, 風乾小食系列, 同埋我地最出名嘅生肉凍乾小食 - 羊肉和麥蘆卡蜂蜜.🐑🍯快啲帶埋你地嘅竉物去大坑嘅 #萬千竉愛選購   😍網頁 ...

我地好高興同大家宣布, #萬千竉愛 成為我地其中一個分銷🎉

大家可以係 #萬千竉愛 搵 生肉凍乾主糧全系列, 風乾小食系列, 同埋我地最出名嘅生肉凍乾小食 - 羊肉和麥蘆卡蜂蜜.🐑🍯

快啲帶埋你地嘅竉物去大坑嘅 #萬千竉愛選購 😍

網頁 |
地址 | 香港大坑銅鑼灣道52號地下

We are excited to be present in one of our favorite pet stores, which provides quality products for our fur buddies. 🎉

You can find a full range of Diet, air-dried treats, and the most popular freeze-dried treats- Lamp and Manuka in there.🐑🍯

​Let's treat your pets to an irresistible spa and pick up their favorite products at Loving Care.😍

Website |
Location | 52 Tung Lo Wan Rd, Tai Hang

今次為各位毛孩家長介紹既係我地其中一種新品 - 火雞和野莓凍乾零食🐓🫐🍓  特別採用紐西蘭火雞和野莓製作一種富含蛋白質的凍乾生肉零食,促進泌尿系統健康。 #火雞肉功能🐓低脂單一蛋白質含高氨基酸和礦物質 #雜苺功能🫐🍓含維生素C,支持免疫力純...

今次為各位毛孩家長介紹既係我地其中一種新品 - 火雞和野莓凍乾零食🐓🫐🍓




This time we will introduce one of our new products - a Turkey and berries freeze-dried treat!

specially used Turkey and berries from New Zealand to produce a freeze-dried
with high protein and facilitate urinary health.
Single low-fat protein and nutrient-rich source of essential amino acids and minerals
Contains vitamin C for immunity support

Natural source of proanthocyanidins to support urinary tract health. It's the biggest issue to maintain the health of flurry's urinary health. We aim to provide a tasty and healthy freeze-dried by using delicious ingredients.

- Professionally developed formula by the veterinarians
- Single protein, all-natural with no additives
- 100% sourced and made in New Zealand
Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

今次為各位毛孩家長介紹既係-自推出以來,詢問度同熱購程度都係排NO.1既鴨肉雪梨靈芝凍乾零食🦆🍐🍄!  特別採用低敏鴨肉加入珍貴靈芝成分💎,多方面提升毛孩免疫系統健康。 #靈芝功效• 促進新陳代謝 • 調節免疫系統 • 抗氧化 • 抗衰老 ...

今次為各位毛孩家長介紹既係-自推出以來,詢問度同熱購程度都係排NO.1既鴨肉雪梨靈芝凍乾零食🦆🍐🍄! 特別採用低敏鴨肉加入珍貴靈芝成分💎,多方面提升毛孩免疫系統健康。

• 促進新陳代謝
• 調節免疫系統
• 抗氧化
• 抗衰老

• 特別係天生體質較虛
• 上年紀既毛孩
• 有氣喘咳嗽問題

• 專業獸醫設計配方
• 單一鴨肉蛋白質,天然無添加
• 100%新西蘭製造


This time we will introduce a top-selling item - Animalkind Duck, Pear and Lingzhi freeze-dried treat! Since its launch, this treat has been ranked number one on our best-selling list. Animalkind specially uses duck protein and precious Lingzhi ingredients💎 to enhance various aspects of pet immune system health.

• Promotes metabolism
• Regulates immune system
• Antioxidant
• Anti-aging

Everything is about immunity; the immune system is the network of cells throughout the body. Animalkind Duck, Pear and Lingzhi freeze-dried treats combines all kind of health benefits which can strength our immune system. This treat is suitable for all pets 🐶🐱, especially suitable for
• Pets with a weak immune system
• Senior cats and dogs
• Pets with asthma or coughing problems

The groundwork of all happiness is good health🌿. Building a strong foundation of health is key to ensuring a longer, healthier, and happier life for our pets.

Animalkind Duck, Pear and Lingzhi freeze-dried treats
• Professionally developed formula by veterinarians
• Single protein, all-natural with no additives
• 100% sourced and made in New Zealand

Visit our website or DM us for the store list!

📢今個星期五六日,中環海濱活動空間有我哋   !🐾攤檔Woof²   有齊我哋嘅獸醫研發配方既貓狗凍乾主糧,仲有一系列大受歡迎既凍乾零食!🐱🐶帶埋你哋嘅毛孩黎支持Woof²同我哋Animalkind啦!一齊影相打卡 📸📍,渡過呢個週末💕!今...

📢今個星期五六日,中環海濱活動空間有我哋 !
🐾攤檔Woof² 有齊我哋嘅獸醫研發配方既貓狗凍乾主糧,仲有一系列大受歡迎既凍乾零食!🐱🐶
帶埋你哋嘅毛孩黎支持Woof²同我哋Animalkind啦!一齊影相打卡 📸📍,渡過呢個週末💕!
今個weekend 約定你!🤗🐾🌞

🚎 #四輪車庫市集
📅日期:7月21日(星期五)15:00 -20:00
7月22-23日(星期六及日) 12:00- 20:00
📍地點: #中環海濱活動空間

📢Hey everyone! 🐾Get ready for not just one, but two exciting weekends at the Central Harbourfront Event Space with Animalkind🐾! Woof² will be showcasing Animalkind’s newly veterinarian-developed formulas for delicious freeze-dried treats for🐱& 🐶.
🐾Bring your furry friends along to show your support for Woof² and Animalkind! Let’s capture wonderful moments with some photos 📸, check-in at the event 📍, getting free sample and make the most of this weekend together! 💕

🚎 Four Wheel Garage Market
📅 Date: 21 July (Friday) 15:00 - 20:00; 21-23 July (Saturday & Sunday) 12:00 - 20:00
📍 Location: Central Harbourfront Event Space
Can’t wait to see you all this weekend! 🤗🐾🌞


獸醫研發品牌Animalkind推出咗3款凍乾生肉零食! 一推出市面,隨即係上月寵物節大受歡迎既Animalkind凍乾生肉零食,依家終於可以係寵物店買到啦!係寵物節錯過既毛孩家長,可以到各區寵物店購買啦!🐾 有咩咁吸引?⭐️專業獸醫設計配...





Veterinary-formulated brand has launched 3 new freeze-dried treats for your furry friends!🐾
After gaining huge popularity during last month's pet show, Animalkind's freeze-dried treats are now available in pet stores! If you missed out during pet show, don't worry! You can now find them at pet stores in your area.

What makes them so appealing?

⭐️Professionally developed formula by veterinarians
⭐️Single protein, all-natural with no additives
⭐️Treats with health benefits
⭐️100% sourced and made in New Zealand

Each bite is a healthy delight!
Choose from three delicious flavours.
+ +

Visit our website or DM us for the store list!




Citysuper pop-up store😸🦮🐩🐈‍⬛

 always ready for photos when there is a Animalkind treats in front of camera. 有AK小食,擺好post影靚相先。

always ready for photos when there is a Animalkind treats in front of camera. 有AK小食,擺好post影靚相先。

Exciting news for New Territories Pawrents | You can find us at GuluPet was established in 2022 and registered in both J...

Exciting news for New Territories Pawrents | You can find us at

GuluPet was established in 2022 and registered in both Japan and Hong Kong. They provides a wide range of top quality pet products.

Come get your Animalkind food at Room P, 2/F, Wai Cheung Industrial Building, 5 Shek Pai Tau Rd, Tuen Mun.

Thanks  for loving Animalkind freeze dried and treats! 多謝你黎寵物展shopping 同探我地呀😝

Thanks for loving Animalkind freeze dried and treats!
多謝你黎寵物展shopping 同探我地呀😝

 又識食又識分享 實至名歸攞獎呀👍🏻

又識食又識分享 實至名歸攞獎呀👍🏻



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