The thoughts of this Gundog mentor

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The thoughts of this Gundog mentor Living and learning.

Little Reece. He seems to love being on his back. At times I’ve caught him sleep like when you see goats fall over and b...

Little Reece. He seems to love being on his back. At times I’ve caught him sleep like when you see goats fall over and be all rigid. His front paws straight out as if to lift him up he’d be standing again. Reece is the more sensitive one of the two. Yet he’s probably the most confident in his environment. When you call them, they’ll both come running to me, but Reece bless his heart has that please be gentle last couple of steps where you have to be really coaxing with him where as Lynsey just blows on through. Reece will be the thinker, whilst Lynsey will be the doer. I don’t know if Reece’s size has anything to do with it as he’s considerably smaller than his brothers both Lynsey and Norman. It doesn’t stop him but obviously it slows him down a bit. We’re digging a trench on site where Lynsey has jumped from one side to the other without thinking about it, where as Reece as much as he may have successfully jumped it before he’ll get up to the edge and assess the situation. It’ll be fun to see if this changes as they get older.

Day to day life with a property contractor. They’re learning quickly that it doesn’t matter what’s going on around them ...

Day to day life with a property contractor. They’re learning quickly that it doesn’t matter what’s going on around them that they can settle. Rather than the two boys egging each other on and stimulating each other they just carry on like they would have done at the breeders prior to coming to me. In today’s world they don’t have an interesting life. It’s eat, sleep and p**p and do it again. Though their environment around them changes all the time.

Well we’re at the end of the first week for some and just the beginning of the first for another. So proud of Joa at how...

Well we’re at the end of the first week for some and just the beginning of the first for another. So proud of Joa at how well he has taken to the brothers. Lynsey is at the end of his first week with us and Reece has just arrived beginning his. Reece is a return pup of the breeder so he’s seen a bit in such a short life away from the breeders. First vaccination, change of environment, diet etc to then come to us and do it all over again.
So what have we been doing in our first week ? Not a lot yet learning so much. The main thing is learning to settle. I can come across as a bit of a boring git, yet any of the dogs I raise I am proud that so many people wish they could have them. I can take them anywhere and people love them. The same will be said about Lynsey and Reece. They aren’t going to be hyperactive cockers that can’t switch off. Instead they will be relaxed and when asked. They will switch on that drive that’s been bred into them. For this to be, our main teachings are to settle. As pups they are more than happy to sleep if we allow them. As I type this on my left hand side Reece has his head buried into my leg whilst Lynsey is stretched out with his head over the arm of the sofa, Joa lying at my feet. Even a sneeze doesn’t disturb them. For me this is more important than teaching them to sit, or stay or anything else. I want them to know that with me, they are safe and it’s a good place to be. This is encourage when taking them out to the toilet. I don’t carry them out, I call them to come with me, which at this age pups generally love being with you, so I don’t discourage it or counter it by asking them to sit and stay as I step away. Just now it’s be with me, follow me, but don’t run ahead off me. I do very little training with my dogs, but I am teaching them a lot each day with preemptive thought. One thing I have not done in years is teach my dogs to heel. The boring sessions of putting a lead on a dog and walking up and down and turning here and there asking them to heel just doesn’t do it for me. I used to train military dogs to heel in a military style with my fingers tucked in under my thumb and march with dogs tight to my leg. Whilst turning tight turns and the dog sticking to me like glue. I don’t like it. I know it’s not like that at home, but even so I’m too lazy to be going out doing sessions concentrating on certain parts. So what do I do. I do what I call preemptive teaching. I ask myself, what do I want from my companions. First thing, good behaviour. It gets them far in life. The second is I want them to be my hunting companions also. So I look at what I need from them in this environment also and think when any of them are doing anything, should I stop that behaviour because it may affect them later on making it harder for them to join in with whatever. So heel work they are learning now. Not from putting a lead over their heads and controlling them this way, but by each time I have them out, to encourage their natural behaviour of wanting to be with me and follow. It’s far easier to guide a dog that follows than it is to reign back one that is used to running ahead. This is where I work with the dogs rather than working to a chapter by chapter journey. In the first week of Lynsey’s life he knows his name. So we’re on the road to a firm recall. He stays close by, so we are on the road to a dog that walks to heel. He’s learnt that the pickup is a nice place to be. He travels in it almost 200 miles a day. No training to the car or anything. It’s just another part of the day. His leaning to settle being encourage allows me to have 3 dogs on the back seat settled asleep, ready for a p*e break at the end of the 1 and a half hour journey. To then settle down again spending most of their days asleep. He’s learnt to sleep through the night settled. Though he did this from day one. And the same goes for Reece and Joa etc were the same also. I do have the alarm set for 3am to wake them and walk them outside to go for the toilet, come back inside to then settle again for another few hours before getting up, doing it again then having breakfast.
So we’re not doing much yet we are learning a lot.

Nearly a week in and these two are interacting really well together. Joa as much as he was playful with Peter and very m...

Nearly a week in and these two are interacting really well together. Joa as much as he was playful with Peter and very much still is, I think Lynsey’s size put him off a bit. Both are typical cockers for me. Settled for the vast majority of the day and having odd wild time now and again rather than the non stop you hear far too many say.

Learning from day 1. This is taken during a period of learning how to settle. You here so many times when do I start tra...

Learning from day 1. This is taken during a period of learning how to settle. You here so many times when do I start training my pup. The usual answer will be day 1. But what kind of training do we do is the question. Here Lyndsey is learning to settle down whilst the hectic household is going on around him. In this household is a 5 year old boy other dogs and a cat to name a few, so a bit of stimulation to keep him awake. But a puppy that’s kept awake will be a tired pup. A tired pup like us humans don’t learn as quickly as a refreshed one. This is where especially cockers can become unbearably nippy which is something I’ll come to in another post. As I type this, another really important lesson he’s learning not through training but life’s experiences is the word no. Each time he gets up to join in any stimulus I get up with my hand raised in the ‘police stop position’ and say no. This stops him and he turns and goes back to lying down. No or stop are a very important lesson to learn as it’s far easier to say no to stop unwanted behaviour such as puppy nipping.

We took Norman down to my daughters in St Andrews today. Settling in well. Eating the raw tripe no problem. He’s not as ...

We took Norman down to my daughters in St Andrews today. Settling in well. Eating the raw tripe no problem. He’s not as outward going with the older dogs as Lynsey is, but you always interact with the dog in front of you as they are all different and can all have slightly different characteristics and personalities.

On the right is Joa a day or two after picking him up. On the left is Norman. It’s funny how you think I can’t remember ...

On the right is Joa a day or two after picking him up. On the left is Norman. It’s funny how you think I can’t remember them being this small yet when you look back there’s not much difference.

I think at times we have to stop and ask ourselves do we really understand how much we ask of from our new pups when we ...

I think at times we have to stop and ask ourselves do we really understand how much we ask of from our new pups when we bring them into our homes. Lynsey has had a very busy day. From getting up at 5:30am to then have a 2 hour drive down the road to Lindores where he met a lot of people. He then was allowed to sleep in the cab of the pick up with toilet breaks. He’s then taken another 30 minute journey to my daughter’s place where he’s introduced to them for the first time, along with Peter and SJ the Pointers. Then another 2hr journey back up the road where in between time a quick stop to get green tripe and another back at where he came from to meet back up with one of his brothers that we collected 24 hours after collecting Lynsey. To then carry on the journey home and then get in the house where he’s greeted home by all those in the house. That’s just a straightforward version. But just over 24hrs earlier he was having a very simple life with his litter mates, eating, sleeping, p**ping and playing. Yet so many of our dogs just take it in their stride.

Yip. Joa and I were out at a shoot today down at Lindores. So Lynsey came along too. Slept the 2 hour journey with a bre...

Yip. Joa and I were out at a shoot today down at Lindores. So Lynsey came along too. Slept the 2 hour journey with a break an hour and a half in as I had to stop off. Then a few p*e breaks during the day. The rest of the time he was happily sleeping in the pickup

So many worry about ruining there ‘gundog’ so many myths about doing this and that will ruin them. So many feel they hav...

So many worry about ruining there ‘gundog’ so many myths about doing this and that will ruin them. So many feel they have to be on a strict road so that their dog will perform in the field. This is so far from the truth. This is how Lynsey will be for the next week at bed time. And as I type this, Joa is lying at Alicja’s feet. Personally I’ve been sleeping with pups for years. They soon learn to settle through the night following our example. As soon as they stir, I can get up and let them out during the night. Within a few nights I find that we are sleeping through until the next morning having dry nights. Has it created “separation anxiety”? No. Do my dogs like being with me? Yes. But raising a dog that knows how to just settle and be relaxed when doing so means they cope perfectly well when you are not there.

Say hello to our newest member of the family. If you’re familiar with me, you’ll know that I’m a bit of an odd ball with...

Say hello to our newest member of the family. If you’re familiar with me, you’ll know that I’m a bit of an odd ball with names. Peter our female Pointer, Joa who’s really called Andrew, and this little fella following in tradition is called Lynsey. He’s just about to turn 8 weeks old. After searching up and down the country for a Blue Roan cocker and being disappointed when none were born in litters, we actually stumbled across Lynsey’s family just 30 minutes down the road from us. Mum and dad are both Blue Roans. More surprising was the whole litter are roans including a few liver ones.

Another day out for Peter. This will be her last in this kind of situation. She’s had very positive associations with th...

Another day out for Peter. This will be her last in this kind of situation. She’s had very positive associations with the sounds and smells etc. Yet she has still a lot to learn but not in this environment as bad habits can quickly occur. But these little sessions mean it wont be a shock when the time comes she’s ready to go back.

One of the joys you get from working your dog, is the beautiful countryside and it’s constantly changing as the season p...

One of the joys you get from working your dog, is the beautiful countryside and it’s constantly changing as the season progresses. We’re so lucky to have this on our doorstep in Fife.

Another day at Joas favourite office today. He absolutely loves being out on the Partridge days. Gets a few days break t...

Another day at Joas favourite office today. He absolutely loves being out on the Partridge days. Gets a few days break then back out at it. He certainly deserves the comfort of my jacket and the heated seat and the warm air passing over him in the front of the pickup. The last drive is up and down the hillside.

When waiting for the start of one of todays drives. Just Joa and I taking in the wonderful views.

When waiting for the start of one of todays drives. Just Joa and I taking in the wonderful views.

Looking forward to our 3rd day out of the season on Partridges again tomorrow. The weather has cooled down considerably ...

Looking forward to our 3rd day out of the season on Partridges again tomorrow. The weather has cooled down considerably from our last time along at Gleneagles so much so it might be a bit wet compared to the hot and dry conditions of last week.

When you’re out for the day and people comment on your dogs good behaviour you can’t help but be proud of them. Joa here...

When you’re out for the day and people comment on your dogs good behaviour you can’t help but be proud of them. Joa here has made many friends in his so short life as of yet. He added a few more admirers whilst out in the Cairngorms yesterday. All a gundog is, is a well behaved dog that you can communicate what you want from them and this fella does just that. Wether it’s along at the Burn O’ Vat for a nice family day out or out on the hills on partridge days. Looking forward to the pheasant season.

Sorry Joa. She’s a Pointer. Unfortunately you’ll have to get used to it. They just have no concept of personal space. 😂

Sorry Joa. She’s a Pointer. Unfortunately you’ll have to get used to it. They just have no concept of personal space. 😂

You may as well enjoy it whilst you can Peter, as the pickup is being valeted in the next few days. Then you smelly lot ...

You may as well enjoy it whilst you can Peter, as the pickup is being valeted in the next few days. Then you smelly lot are back to the tub 😂 it is nice having them with me when I’m driving. Especially on the odd long trips we may take, but they have stank out my interior.

It’s never easy to say good bye to anyone you love. Unfortunately we had to say our final fair wells to the wonderful Ma...

It’s never easy to say good bye to anyone you love. Unfortunately we had to say our final fair wells to the wonderful Maura. She was close to reaching 12 and within those years we’ve been together we have collected some amazing memories. Wether it was the Grouse on the hills, the snipe in a field trial or the wild camping on summer solstice together Maura was an exceptional companion in everything she did. And when my daughter possibly needed her the most she fulfilled that roll as a companion also. I collected Maura from down in Dover and from then she has travelled the length and breadth of the country with us. Forever missed but never Forgotten ❤️

A splash of colour on our morning walk. With the grass so green and the skies so blue and the sun shining so strong, we ...

A splash of colour on our morning walk. With the grass so green and the skies so blue and the sun shining so strong, we were joined by Milo my friends Fox Red oh Milo, what a life you have.

We had a good weekend up  had to go back to  last year we purchased the smock, this year was chaps and trousers. Tried t...

We had a good weekend up had to go back to last year we purchased the smock, this year was chaps and trousers. Tried their new range of boots on, but not for my feet.

I think Elster could do with a bit of a renewal. 14 years have passed. So pleased the oak sapling that we planted has go...

I think Elster could do with a bit of a renewal. 14 years have passed. So pleased the oak sapling that we planted has gone on to do so well. Another year let’s hope it carry’s on to become a mighty oak welcoming those to my friends farm lodges.

Another one of those moments where you forget to get the meat out the freezer so they end up with a late “breakfast” I’v...

Another one of those moments where you forget to get the meat out the freezer so they end up with a late “breakfast” I’ve been feeding raw for decades now and wouldn’t have it any other way even with this kind of hassle.

Putting them to work as early as possible 😁

Putting them to work as early as possible 😁

How the hell did we acquire you 😂 ahh well you look comfortable so go on then you can stay. Just don’t tell that lot tha...

How the hell did we acquire you 😂 ahh well you look comfortable so go on then you can stay. Just don’t tell that lot that are looking at you through the back window 😂

They’ve done it again. How am I supposed to get anything done when they do this to me 😁

They’ve done it again. How am I supposed to get anything done when they do this to me 😁

Such a lovely evening just chilling. Joa and Peter.

Such a lovely evening just chilling. Joa and Peter.

Someone has had a busy morning.

Someone has had a busy morning.

Having a solid foundation helps you build much easier. Here 13 month old Joa and 11 week old Peter camped the night with...

Having a solid foundation helps you build much easier. Here 13 month old Joa and 11 week old Peter camped the night with me at the Scottish Game Fair in my two man tent. I’m an early riser so at 5 am Peter was happy to just watch what may have been going on outside. The doorway of the tent stayed like this for 2 hours until at 7 I finally got up and dismantled the tent. In between time I did nod off yet both happily just lay next to me as you can see. Maura used to come camping quite often with me up the hills. These pair will be doing the same in the coming years.




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