Does your dog hump? Did you know it could be unrelated to sexual tendencies? Below is a fantastic list of why your dog might hump out of context.
Reach out to us if you would like us to assist you with helping your dog with overexcitement, anxiety, stress, boredom, or any other behaviour on the list.
Credit: Dogs Disclosed
HU***NG HOUNDS - It’s not always what it seems
Some dogs do and some dogs don’t, but if you have a dog that humps at the most inopportune times it can be downright embarrassing or annoying. Other dogs, other people, visitors, toys, cushions, furniture, anything that can be mounted and clung to may be fair game. As people, it’s natural to assume that this behaviour is of a sexual nature, that our dogs must be oversexed, sexually frustrated or the all-too-common incorrect belief that our dogs are just trying to be “dominant”.
Hu***ng, like many other dog behaviours does not always have a simple reason. It can be a complex behaviour which is usually emotionally or socially based. Looking for what may be triggering the behaviour and finding the cause should always be the first step before finding ways to change a behaviour. The solutions will depend on the cause. It may be finding ways to reduce stress or anxiety levels, increasing mental stimulation, teaching calm behaviours to prevent over arousal, ensuring your dog is getting enough sleep, using management or in some cases a veterinary check up to rule out any medical causes.
When hu***ng is antagonizing another dog or person or causing frustration, discomfort or harm in any way, then obviously this behaviour needs to be immediately addressed, but sometimes we may need to ask ourselves – is it really something we need to stop our dogs from doing just because as people we see it as socially unacceptable? Is it a harmless way of relieving stress or anxiety after a difficult day or a way to expend pent up energy that is not causing anyone harm? If we prevent this, correct it, redirect this or at worst punish this behaviour are we removing a harmless natural outlet and risking another unwanted behaviour taking its place?
Behaviour is not always the way it looks on the surface. Look for the underlying cause, look at what may be triggering the behaviour before deciding how to change it.