Mirco Worm Cultures Available $7
Microworms are a live fish food the perfect size for newly-hatched fry, and are great to feed fish that are too small to accept the traditional food such as pellet and flakes. This live food will move in the water which triggers an eating reflex of the baby fish. Microworms are essential to a great start to a fry's healthy diet.
They can be used to feed betta fry, guppy fry, platy fry, corydora fry, killifish fry, etc as well as adult nano fish and other small fish will also eat the worms as adults.
Yellow Discus (2 available)
Albino Golden Discus (2 available)
Colbalt Blue Discus (1 available)
Snow White Discus (2 available)
Yellow Panda (1 available)
Red Melon Discus SOLD OUT !!!
Leopard Discus SOLD OUT !!!
Red Panda Discus SOLD OUT !!!
Red Rose Discus SOLD OUT !!!
Currently in stock L002 Panaqolus sp Pleco Adults, Veiltail Angelfish, Snow White Discus and Bolivian Rams.
African Cichlid. We have a variety of species and sizes. Jalo Reef, Taiwan Reef, Dragon Blood, OB Zebra, Assorted OB Peacocks, Yellow Labs, Snow White Socolofi, Red Empress.
Golden Dwarf Cichlid Pair In Stock (Nannacara anomala)
(This pair has spawned)
Golden dwarf cichlid is one of the most peaceful cichlid species, even among dwarf cichlids. Mature males display an overall iridescent blue sheen with some yellow fins. Females are more yellow in color, but they display a very attractive checkerboard pattern during spawning. They will thrive in an aquarium with plenty of refuge such as clay pots, driftwood, and rocks. It is an excellent fish for the planted aquarium, but it also needs a fair amount of open space. This cichlid is generally compatible with other peaceful fish as long as it has plenty of room.
Beautiful Nemo Candy Koi Bettas
Beautiful Electric Blue Acara in stock.
Super red bristlenose pleco juveniles enjoying cucumber for dinner. Young otocinclus cats also enjoy eating cucumber. This a great way to have a constant consistent food source for the ever hungry and growing fish.
Convict Cichlid pair spawned in the store. A batch of week old fry can be seen here being protected by thier parents who are keeping them in this back corner of the aquarium. I apologize for the dirty glass but they will not let anyone in this corner to clean it and I don't want to disturb the fry. The female is the small parent and male is the big one who pops in and out of the video.
Nanochromis parilus is a rarer West African dwarf cichlid. Visually and breeding-wise, they share many similarities with kribs, but are smaller and generally have a better attitude. Females are the more colourful sex, with a plump, pink belly; however, both sexes sport lovely golden colour with a metallic green flank patch. A good fit for most community aquaria, although they do not tolerate excessively dirty water.
Currently in stock
Turquoise Rainbowfish Spawning Coloring and Courting Dance.
Columbian Tetra
These beautiful robust tetras with there blue bodies and red and orange fins are not shy and swim mid water in the aquarium. Do best in groups of 6 or more. Big appetites, love to eat and not picky. These are medium size tetra getting up to 2.75" and are big and bold enough to go with cichlids such as angelfish, geophagus, electric blue acara, and severums. Look great in a planted tank against the lush greens.