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Friendly Paw Pals We love all dogs, great and small!

When I look at my dog, I don't just see an animal. A see a friend. I see family. 🥰🥰

When I look at my dog, I don't just see an animal. A see a friend. I see family. 🥰🥰

The more I know humans, the more I find myself loving dogs... 😆

The more I know humans, the more I find myself loving dogs... 😆

When the world around me is going crazy and I'm losing faith in humanity, I just have to take one look at my dog, and kn...

When the world around me is going crazy and I'm losing faith in humanity, I just have to take one look at my dog, and know that good still exists... 😊

Happiness is not by chance but a choice... So choose to be happy today! :)

Happiness is not by chance but a choice... So choose to be happy today! :)

I work hard so my dog can have a better life... :)

I work hard so my dog can have a better life... :)

Be the rainbow in someone's cloud today :)

Be the rainbow in someone's cloud today :)

Happy Hump Day Everyone! :) Hold on tight, it's almost the weekend!

Happy Hump Day Everyone! :) Hold on tight, it's almost the weekend!

So truee :)

So truee :)

Everyone thinks they have the best dog... And none of them are wrong :)

Everyone thinks they have the best dog... And none of them are wrong :)

Dog Grooming... Easy & Relaxing Or A Nightmare?If you have an older dog that hates nail trimming, touching the paws, bru...

Dog Grooming... Easy & Relaxing Or A Nightmare?

If you have an older dog that hates nail trimming, touching the paws, brushing, or inspecting the mouth, be glad in knowing that you can turn it around with a bit of patience and knowledge...

There is one key thing you need to do before you even start with training them to enjoy the above activities, or at least be calm during them. And that is to become the pack leader (No.1).

Without this foundation in place, you will struggle with this and many other regular obligatory activities, since you’ll be trying to get your dog to do something that they don’t want to do!

TIP: Stay calm, make it a really positive experience by using amazing treats and progress very slowly.

What Is Anthropomorphising...The word means to apply human emotions to other things, animals.Are the emotions that we ex...

What Is Anthropomorphising...

The word means to apply human emotions to other things, animals.

Are the emotions that we experience unique to humans?

Observation of our own dogs show us that dog may experience many more of them than most people realise.

I believe it’s possible that they actually experience the same as we do.

So today when if you see your dog acting a certain way and want to understand how they are feeling, maybe stop and do this quick check...

Sit with them, close your eyes, take three slow breaths and observe the first feeling that comes into your awareness. The chances are you’re correctly identified how they are feeling.

Its that simple!! And in doing so you’ve just taken the first step of understanding your dog better!

Dogs have emotions too, and I believe they have far more than we realise :)

Have a beautiful day.

A dog lives for the day, the hour, event the moment. Something we can all learn from... Cherish every moment! :)

A dog lives for the day, the hour, event the moment. Something we can all learn from... Cherish every moment! :)

Recall - Getting Your Dog to Come When You CallThis is the most important command in the world.After all if you can get ...

Recall - Getting Your Dog to Come When You Call

This is the most important command in the world.

After all if you can get your dog to come to you every single time, then you can solve most issues.

The biggest mistake is people use their puppy’s name when they are misbehaving rather than keeping it as the best word in the world!

Toilet Training..If your dog is older than 6 months of age and still toileting inside the house then it’s very likely th...

Toilet Training..

If your dog is older than 6 months of age and still toileting inside the house then it’s very likely that your dog is “marking”

In this case, you will need to establish clear leadership in the house to stop it.

Here is a list of just a few of the signs that suggests that your dog is in need of something other than more basic toilet training:

- Toileting in the house when you leave (even if it is for a short period)
- Marking your possessions such as shoes, bed, the children’s clothes
- Urinating outside then coming inside and finishing off
- Finding poo or wee right in the middle of the room, almost like your dog is trying to tell you something

When you get these sorts of issues, no amount of training is going to sort things out.

Rather you need to understand where your dog is coming from and why they are doing what they are doing.

It’s about understanding what your dog is thinking and why. Then the solution will become obvious.

Check out our free toilet training guide below:

Is It Too Late To Train My Dog? :(Today I want to totally clear something up. It’s a myth that has been around for decad...

Is It Too Late To Train My Dog? :(

Today I want to totally clear something up. It’s a myth that has been around for decades…

And that MYTH is “You can’t train an old dog new tricks”.

Which basically means you can’t train an old dog to do anything...that they can’t change!

But that simply isn’t true.

It’s just like saying you can’t teach an older person something new. Or older people can’t change!!

Of course the truth is we can all change. You can change, I can change…

The fact that you’re reading this email right now is PROOF that you are on the lookout for some change and improvement in your life!

This myth has simply been spread around by people and dog trainers who couldn’t figure out how to get their dogs to change.

Over the years, I’ve heard lots of dog trainers state how this or that is impossible to change with a dog. But I’ve seen it so often – almost daily – so I know it’s totally possible.

In fact, in many situations as a dog gets older, it can become easier - as they begin to lose the drive and energy to continue doing whatever it is was they were doing.

Of course generally speaking, the sooner you get onto training, the better…

So if you’re thinking of it now…

Stop. And take action!

It’s never too late.

Today is the perfect day to get started with your training, and create a more beautiful relationship with your dog - full of love and respect.

Is this true? You decide... 😉

Is this true? You decide... 😉

So true! 🙂 Who agrees?

So true! 🙂 Who agrees?

🤣🤣 Says my dog...

🤣🤣 Says my dog...

In the parenting world, there is an apparent hierarchy i.e. parents, are in charge. Otherwise it would be chaos! But NO....

In the parenting world, there is an apparent hierarchy i.e. parents, are in charge. Otherwise it would be chaos!

But NO... it’s NOT about physical dominance.

Too many people mistake being a strong parent or leader with dominance or aggression.

The two are not the same.

In fact many of the greatest leaders use no force or aggression :)

It’s all about winning their little minds through mutual respect and understanding, and getting them to want to listen.

I hope that clarifies that pack leaders don’t have to dominate physically, but by being the gentle authority figure to our dog/s 😄

How Much Do Dogs Sleep For?The average dog sleeps for about 12 to 14 hours per 24-hour cycle. Puppies, who expend a lot ...

How Much Do Dogs Sleep For?

The average dog sleeps for about 12 to 14 hours per 24-hour cycle. Puppies, who expend a lot of energy exploring and learning, may need as much as 18 to 20 hours. Older dogs also tend to need more rest.

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Own P**p?Sometimes dogs eat p**p out of boredom, anxiety, or due to health issues. It is a very no...

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Own P**p?

Sometimes dogs eat p**p out of boredom, anxiety, or due to health issues. It is a very normal normal behavior for a puppy, as they protect themselves from predators that may be drawn by their scent, or to keep their living area clean. If you have a puppy, it's not something that you need to be overly concerned about. They will soon grow out of this in a matter of weeks :)

Can dogs eat pork?It is safe for dogs to eat pork that is thoroughly cooked, plain, and without the bones. Raw pork howe...

Can dogs eat pork?

It is safe for dogs to eat pork that is thoroughly cooked, plain, and without the bones.

Raw pork however may contain the parasite trichinella spiralis larvae, which can cause the parasite infection known as trichinosis.

As a result, this may lead to symptoms like upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, muscle inflamation, pain and stiffness.

Not all symptoms will appear but dogs with a weaker immune system will suffer more severely.

So it is wise to think twice and do some research before you feed your dog pork or any type of meat for that matter :)

I think curiosity killed the dog just as much as it did the cat 😅 This photo reminds me of all the weird and wonderful t...

I think curiosity killed the dog just as much as it did the cat 😅 This photo reminds me of all the weird and wonderful things my dogs get up to when I'm not looking...

What Makes a Good Watchdog?Firstly, a watchdog is slightly different to a guard dog. Guard dogs are bred and trained to ...

What Makes a Good Watchdog?

Firstly, a watchdog is slightly different to a guard dog. Guard dogs are bred and trained to stop intruders and provide security to your home. A watchdog play a role in alerting and warning owners of potential threats, but may not necessarily attack the threat.

They are normally larger dogs with good intuition and appear outwardly quite intimidating to most people, such as Great Danes, Pit Bulls, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Bull Mastiffs, and Bermese Mountain dogs, just to name a few.

If you have a dog that acts as the watchdog of your home, it’s important that he/she is trained to bark at the correct times, not just because they see blowing leaves. Otherwise it can be quite of an issue for you as well as the innocent mailman.

The following characteristics are common to a good watchdog, including having a good temperament, confidence, assertiveness, easily trainable and loyal. As part of their training, you should ensure that they are thoroughly exercised as well as mentally stimulated.

Going on hikes, having playtime with kids, running in the park, socialization with other dogs, are all good regular activities for them to do, so they can stay healthy and happy, and be great at their family protection duties.

Along with this, a good nutrition is essential to keep them strong and fit, and combating any potential medical issues. These bigger require more protein and fat in their diet, and be void of any artificial ingredients.

Should I Be Kissing My Dog?For most if not all dog owners, our dog/s are an important part of our lives. We treat them a...

Should I Be Kissing My Dog?

For most if not all dog owners, our dog/s are an important part of our lives. We treat them as part of the family and/or our best friend. So one of the question that arises is, should we be kissing them on the lips?

It's really up to you how you wish to express your love and affection to your dog, but just note some of the health and behavior issues involved...

In regards to heath, there is evidence that canine kisses can transmit diseases to people that we are not able to handle, including E. coli, salmonella and campylobacter, all of which can cause gastrointestinal issues.

Besides these bacteria that naturally live in dogs' mouths, we have all seen the funky places that their mouths have often been, such as other dogs' bums and piles of p**p 😅

Fortunately, it is uncommon for people to become sick from kissing their dogs. Although people that have compromised immune systems should be wary of doing this. To be on the safest side, it is probably best to minimize contact between their mouth and your mouth, nose, ears and any open wounds/cuts.

The behavior issue of concern is whether dogs' actually like to be kissed on the mouth or not. While it is a humanly expression of love between other humans, it's not necessary the case for dogs.

The best way to determine how dogs feel about kissing is simply by observing their body language and behaviors. Does your dog seem relaxed, lean toward you, and keep their tail high and ears perked when you try to kiss them on the mouth?

Or does your dog duck or try to get away, pull back the ears, drop the tail, tense up or show signs of anxiety such as yawning and tongue-flicking?

If the latter, it's probably best to find another way to express your love to your dog 😀.

What does YOUR dog do when you try to kiss him/her?

Study shows that dogs' brain understands numbers...😲 Even though that doesn't mean your dog can count human numbers, a n...

Study shows that dogs' brain understands numbers...😲 Even though that doesn't mean your dog can count human numbers, a new scientific study shows that dogs understand quantities. This means they have the ability to do things like rapidly estimate the number of sheep, which comes in handy for working dogs... Your dog may be alot smarter than you think! 😉

Who is guilty of dressing their dog up for Christmas? 🤭

Who is guilty of dressing their dog up for Christmas? 🤭

Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts on the Floor?Have you ever noticed your dog dragging their butt across the floor or grass? ...

Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butts on the Floor?

Have you ever noticed your dog dragging their butt across the floor or grass? It’s called scooting, and it’s a fairly common behavior in dogs that can have various causes such as:

➡️ A**l gland issues
➡️ Tapeworms
➡️ Excess f***l matter
➡️ Allergies

When you see your dog scooting, it’s important not to punish them because they are just doing it because they’re uncomfortable.

Although it is not a medical emergency, it's important to figure out what’s causing it, so that you can help them to alleviate their discomfort, and as a result stop the scooting behavior.

Why Dog’s Pull on Leash:First understanding why dogs pull on a leash and what we do to encourage it in the first place, ...

Why Dog’s Pull on Leash:

First understanding why dogs pull on a leash and what we do to encourage it in the first place, will determine how we can better change this behavior around.

Dogs pull on the leash because it’s normal canine behavior. Pulling gets them where they want to go, and at their own pace. They don’t pull because they’re trying to be dominant, they do it because it works. So if you’re behind your dog on walks and they’re pulling, and you don't do anything to stop this, you’re basically teaching them to pull even more. You're indirectly encouraging them and rewarding them in a way, if you think about it.

If your dog has always pulled on leash it’s going to be a hard habit to break. Because they’re used to it. But if you’re consistently with your training to break that habit, over time you can put and end to all, and show your dog that walking by your side is much more rewarding.

Make your dog walks more interesting by letting your dog sniff around...Walks are great physical exercise, but they’re a...

Make your dog walks more interesting by letting your dog sniff around...

Walks are great physical exercise, but they’re also a great way to keep our dogs mentally stimulated. Since most of our dogs stay at home while we work, their walk may be one of the only times of day they get to go out and explore.

Make it more exciting and enjoyable for them by letting them sniff and check things out.

If you don't want to be stopping every 2 minutes, maybe give them a chance to have a 'sniff break' on your schedule, such as every 10 minutes or so.

How Long Should A Puppy Be On Puppy Food?In general, dogs are considered puppies if they are less than 1 year old, so th...

How Long Should A Puppy Be On Puppy Food?

In general, dogs are considered puppies if they are less than 1 year old, so they will require a puppy-formulated diet to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients for growth. However, the time your dog is on puppy food can vary based on your dog’s breed size.

Brain stimulated dogs are happier dogs 😄

Brain stimulated dogs are happier dogs 😄



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