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The internet is full of fabulous facts about everything from current events to the history basket weaving and shrimp fun facts. As we research for our daily content on food trucks, food carts and street food, we stumble upon some items of knowledge that we just did not know. We have decided when the...

Interesting Icefish FactsFact 1. Icefish is found only in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean, washing the shores of A...

Interesting Icefish Facts

Fact 1. Icefish is found only in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean, washing the shores of Antarctica, but in the Arctic it does not occur at all, despite similar climatic conditions. From the point of view of zoology, the name “ice” refers only to the white-blooded pike, but in practice, under it, a variety of white-blooded fish are often combined.

Fact 2. The first mention of ice fish dates back to the century before last. Then fishermen and whalers reported strange sea creatures whose blood is not red, as usual, but colorless. But then even scientists did not believe them, considering the information about strange fish to be sea tales. As a result, people began to study these amazing creatures only in the 50s of the last century, that is, relatively recently.

Fact 3. Icefish meat is highly valued due to the absence of the typical “fishy smell”, and it is also rich in many valuable elements. In our country, it is expensive, because this fish is caught only near the coast of Antarctica. Interestingly, in the USSR, icefish was dismissively classified as the lowest quality category among all fish products, comparing it with po***ck and blue whiting.

Fact 4. If you take this fish and look through it at a light source, you can see the outlines of its bones and internal organs. Her blood is indeed colorless, like her meat, which is how she got her name. However, she has few bones, much less than most other fish, so it is easy to eat.

Fact 5. These creatures are extremely sensitive to the environmental situation. Icefish are found only off the coast of Antarctica for the reason that they are not able to survive in polluted water, even if the level of pollution is low. Therefore, its meat also does not contain any harmful substances, which increases its value.

Fact 6. In Japan, icefish is used mainly for making sashimi, that is, it is eaten raw. But for those who prefer cooked food, there are hundreds of other recipes. In Russia, for example, this fish is most often stewed, fried or made into aspic. Gourmets say that aspic from it turns out even tastier than from pike perch.

Fact 7. Of all the types of fish, ice fish is one of the most useful, if we talk about it from a culinary point of view. It contains very little fat, a little more than 2%, but on the contrary, there is a lot of protein - more than 17%. This is more than most other fish products.

Fact 8. There really are practically no bones in it. Ice fish are completely missing both ribs and other small bones, which usually have to be picked out in the process of cooking or eating a ready-made dish. Almost the only bone in her body is the spine, and it is so soft that some people eat it too.

Fact 9. Its meat is considered so useful and deservedly so. It contains a high content of iodine, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium, as well as many vitamins necessary for the human body for normal functioning - vitamins C, B2, B1, B6 and B9.

Fact 10. In most cases, adult icefish grow up to 50-60 cm in length and gain weight up to 1-1.2 kg, although more modest specimens are often found on sale, weighing from 100-150 grams or more. The record holder, once caught near the Antarctic coast, had a length of almost 70 cm and weighed 3.2 kg, but this is an exceptional rarity.

Interesting Shrimp FactsFact 1. In the world there are several tens of thousands of species of shrimp, in the Russian se...

Interesting Shrimp Facts

Fact 1. In the world there are several tens of thousands of species of shrimp, in the Russian seas alone, washing the shores of the Far East (where the main Russian fishery is carried out), there are more than a hundred species of them. The largest of them grow up to 30-36 cm, and the smallest do not exceed 1.5-2 cm in length.

Fact 2: Shrimps are crustaceans and have adapted to a variety of habitats. They are found both in salt water and in fresh water, and at the same time lead a different lifestyle. Most of them spend their whole lives swimming in the water column, but some species are demersal, and they do not swim, but crawl along the seabed.

Fact 3. The mechanism of development in small shrimps of the species Caridina multidentata is very interesting. Adults live only in fresh water, but the larvae can only develop normally in salt water, moving to fresh water as they grow older. Therefore, they are found only in rivers and in the sea near the mouth, where these same rivers desalinate water.

Fact 4. Shrimps sold in stores can be either gray or pink or reddish. Gray is a natural color for most of them, and shades of red indicate that they have already been cooked before freezing. Accordingly, you do not need to cook them again, it is enough to warm them up in any way convenient for you.

Fact 5. Penaeus monodon shrimp, also known as black tiger shrimp, are the largest of all, with a body length of up to 35-36 cm, they can gain weight up to 600-650 grams. Every year, humanity eats almost 1 million tons of black tiger shrimp, but two-thirds of this volume is not caught in the wild, but grown on shrimp farms.

Fact 6. Many types of shrimp are hermaphrodites. Throughout their lives, they, obeying certain patterns, repeatedly change gender from female to male and vice versa. This is partly why they reproduce so quickly, despite the fact that they are caught in huge numbers every year.

Fact 7. On the high seas, shrimp can huddle in huge flocks, consisting of millions of individuals. They make a loud noise that other marine life can hear. And the sounds of shrimp flocks can completely deafen acoustics on underwater submarines, since the noise they produce drowns out all other sounds.

Fact 8. Snapping shrimp have claw-like claws, with one of them noticeably larger than the other. By clicking it, these creatures emit an incredibly powerful wave of bubbles, stunning with their help the fish they feed on. The force of this “click” is such that it is able to break a glass jar.

Fact 9. Shrimp caviar has an incredible vitality. If you dry it, and then place it in conditions suitable for development, many eggs will come to life! Moreover, in a dehydrated state, they can spend a considerable time, up to several years.

Fact 10. About 480 million years ago, aegyrocassids, giant shrimp that grew up to 2 meters in length, were found in the oceans of the Earth. They fed on plankton, which they obtained by filtering sea water in much the same way as blue whales do. Because of their harmlessness, they probably died out, unable to withstand the competition with other species.

Interesting facts about scorpionsFact 1. In total, there are about 1750 species of scorpions in the world, and all of th...

Interesting facts about scorpions

Fact 1. In total, there are about 1750 species of scorpions in the world, and all of them are poisonous to one degree or another. They are found only on land, and only in hot climates. At the same time, scientists know only 50 species of these insects, which can pose a threat to humans. For everyone else, the poison is not strong enough to kill us, although if you do get stung by a scorpion, terribly painful sensations will be provided to you.

Fact 2. The smallest scorpions in the world belong to the species Microbuthus pusillus, and they grow to only 12-13 mm in length, so it will not be possible to see them well without a magnifying glass. And the largest are the imperial scorpions, growing up to 20 cm in length and gaining up to 40-50 grams of mass. They are extremely venomous, but due to their impressive appearance, they are popular with exotic pet lovers.

Fact 3. Most species of scorpions hunt with pincers, which grab prey and tear it apart. The poison in their body is produced slowly, so they save its reserves just in case. Usually, these predators sting only large prey, which they cannot hold with their claws.

Fact 4. Female scorpions give birth to already living offspring, carefully take care of it and even carry the cubs on their backs until they grow up. But because of this, it becomes much more difficult for them to hunt, so in case of severe hunger, they can safely devour one or more cubs. And adults, locked in a cramped space, hungry, begin to eat each other.

Fact 5. Without exception, all scorpions are nocturnal, so during the day you can only see them by chance - waiting out the daylight hours, these predators hide under stones and in other shelters. After the onset of evening twilight, they go hunting, and most often other insects become their victims.

Fact 6. According to official statistics, on average, scorpions sting about 1,200,000 people a year. At the same time, only about 3250 of them die, that is, about 0.27%. In Russia, by the way, deadly species of these insects are also found, mainly in the North Caucasus and Central Asia.

Fact 7. A person stung by a scorpion usually feels very intense pain, which is said to be more painful than a snake bite. This pain is precisely from the blow of the sting itself, and not from the poison - its effect is felt later. But, as we have already found out, almost all representatives of this order of arthropods do not pose a threat to people.

Fact 8. The ancestors of modern scorpions, known as racosporions, appeared on Earth about 500 million years ago. In total, scientists know about 250 fossil species of them, and the largest of them reached 2.5 meters in length! At the same time, they lived exclusively in water, so the example of the evolution of these creatures clearly shows the transition from an aquatic lifestyle to a land-based one.

Fact 9. Over the course of their lives, scorpions molt many times (up to 7 times depending on the species) when they grow out of their former shell. After shedding their chitin armor, they are very vulnerable until their new carapace hardens. Luckily for them, the process only takes a few hours.

Fact 10. They say that cockroaches can survive a nuclear war, but this is far from the case. But scorpions probably could! Experiments have shown that they are able to tolerate a dose of radiation that is 1000 times the lethal threshold for humans. At the same time, they not only survive, but also retain the ability to reproduce.

Interesting facts about turtlesFact 1. The first turtles appeared on Earth about 220 million years ago, but since then a...

Interesting facts about turtles

Fact 1. The first turtles appeared on Earth about 220 million years ago, but since then a fair amount of them have died out, so that today there are about 330 species of these animals. True, scientists still cannot understand exactly how evolution created turtles, and from which ancestor they come. Most likely, their ancestors were enotosaurs, similar to small lizards. Their ribs were so wide that they formed something like a solid shield on their backs.

Fact 2. Some turtles can be poisonous! True, in order to suffer from their poison, one would have to eat them, since they do not have any poisonous glands, and their bite is not dangerous. But they sometimes feed on mushrooms, plants and small marine life that are poisonous to humans, so that their own meat is saturated with this poison, and, accordingly, also becomes poisonous.

Fact 3. The largest turtle in the world is a leatherback. The largest measured individual had a mass of 916 kg, a body length of 2.6 meters, and a front flipper span of 2.5 meters. This species belongs to sea turtles, and all their land relatives are somewhat more modest in size. Of the inhabitants of the land, the largest are elephant turtles, growing up to 1.8 meters and gaining weight over 400 kg, taking into account the shell.

Fact 4. Among all vertebrates, it is turtles that hold the absolute record for longevity. So, an individual named Harriet, who belonged to Charles Darwin, lived for at least 175 years. There is information about other turtles that lived from 150 to 250 years.

Fact 5. In fact, not all turtles have bone shells. In some, like the aforementioned leathery, the shell consists of small bone plates covered with rough skin, and, unlike other species of these reptiles, it is not connected with the skeleton at all. But in general, there are many dozens of species of soft-bodied turtles in the world.

Fact 6. The largest turtle that ever existed on our planet was Archelon. Fossils of these animals discovered by paleontologists show that they could weigh more than 2.2 tons and grow up to 4.6 meters, or even more.

Fact 7. Many species of turtles are on the verge of extinction, and hunting for them is prohibited. It is also forbidden to collect eggs laid by them on the shore - this causes catastrophic damage to the population. However, in many countries, poachers from among the local residents still continue to do this.

Fact 8. The number of many species of sea turtles suffered greatly during the sailing fleet. 300-500 years ago, sailors actively hunted them, but did not kill them, but took them with them as live canned food, taking advantage of the fact that these reptiles can do without food for months. Due to such active hunting, the number of many of their species has decreased over the centuries by tens and hundreds of times.

Fact 9. Turtles of some species increase their weight by 1000-2000 times from the moment they hatch from the egg until they grow up. If for us, people, such a ratio would be relevant, we would weigh 6-8 tons. However, the palm in the nomination “the difference in the size of cubs and adults” is still held by kangaroos.

Fact 10. The expression “travel like a turtle” did not arise by chance; on land, these animals are really slow. Their most leisurely species is the giant tortoise, which moves along the ground at an average speed of 0.4 km/h. And the fastest of them is leopard, it moves at a speed of up to 1 km / h.

Interesting facts about rodentsFact 1. Due to their fertility and vitality, different types of rodents are found in gene...

Interesting facts about rodents

Fact 1. Due to their fertility and vitality, different types of rodents are found in general throughout the world. Even in Antarctica, they are found, at research polar stations, where rats get along with ships delivering supplies.

Fact 2. As their name suggests, rodents are constantly chewing on something. They are forced to do this in order to grind down their teeth, which grow throughout their lives. But they do not have 4 teeth, as some people think, but much more. Their total number in different animals assigned to this class varies from 12 to 22.

Fact 3. The largest rodents on our planet are capybaras, also known as capybaras. They are found in South America, and reach a body length of 1.3 meters and a weight of up to 65 kg. But even they are small compared to the extinct species Josephoartigasia monesi! Its representatives looked like a capybara, but reached a length of 3 meters and weighed more than 1 ton.

Fact 4. And the smallest rodents in the world are mice of one of the species - African pygmy. Adults are 3 to 8 centimeters long, not counting the short (2-4 centimeters) tail, and weigh 3 to 12 grams.

Fact 5. The hare, which also belongs to rodents, is the fastest representative of this order of mammals, and at the same time one of the fastest land creatures on Earth. When running, he is able to reach speeds of over 70 km / h.

Fact 6. Many species of rodents are notorious predators. Rats, for example, willingly eat all competitors, including mice, and hamsters in the wild also lead a predatory lifestyle. Moreover, even cute domestic hamsters can be surprisingly vicious towards each other, especially if they are two competing males. In a fight, they can easily cripple each other, or even kill.

Fact 7. Most rodents do not live long, 2-4 years, like many types of mice, but there is no direct dependence on size. The Malayan porcupine holds the record for the longest lifespan among rodents, the official record is 27 years. But in size, these animals are inferior to the same capybaras, hares and rabbits.

Fact 8. The adaptability of rodents knows no bounds. Polar hares, for example, live in conditions in which a person without special protection would not last even a day, and North American stony squirrels can not drink for 2-3 months - life in arid conditions has taught them to get almost all the moisture they need along with vegetable food.

Fact 9. Images of beavers are used in different areas more often than images of other rodents. These animals appeared on Belarusian and Canadian money, and they can be seen on many coats of arms, including medieval ones.

Fact 10. The owners of the most acute sense of smell among all rodents are rats. Not only can they smell food at a great distance, they are also able to feel an insignificant millionth of the poison in it. Although rats do not live long in the wild, they are very prolific, and the rat pack is a serious threat even to larger animals. And in cities around the world, rats generally live more than people, but for humans they usually do not pose a threat. Unless, of course, you do not think that they often carry a dangerous infection on their teeth and on their fur.


There are many interesting facts about animals, birds and insects of Kingdom Animalia. Explore more fascinating and surprising facts about animals @ BYJU’S.


Did you know that although polar bears look white, they actually have black skin? Discover several wondrous and fascinating facts about animals.

Interesting facts about the heronFact 1. Often you can see how herons stand on one leg, tucking the other, and they can ...

Interesting facts about the heron

Fact 1. Often you can see how herons stand on one leg, tucking the other, and they can maintain this position for an hour or two without moving, so as not to frighten off potential prey. They do this for a very good reason - herons spend most of their lives in cold water, and their feet gradually freeze. Therefore, they change them one by one, and while one foot is in the water, the other is warmed by being drawn up to the stomach.

Fact 2. The plumage of these birds is unique. It does not let water through at all, despite the fact that they do not have a fatty coating that saves most birds from moisture. But in the heron, the feathers, which have grown to their maximum length, begin to crumble, and this powder, coating them, makes the feathers water-repellent.

Fact 3. There are 64 species of herons on Earth (as well as 55 extinct), and they are found not only on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, but also on many islands. Being migratory birds, they migrate every year, making very long flights. However, they rarely rise to a significant height, usually keeping within 1000-2000 meters above sea level. Interestingly, during the flight, in order to improve aerodynamics, the heron does not stretch its head forward, like most birds, but, on the contrary, diligently pulls it into the shoulders.

Fact 4. Herons feed mainly on small amphibians, fish, reptiles and other prey of suitable size. They even developed a very cunning way to lure prey - standing in shallow water, the bird spreads its wings, creating an extensive shadow. This not only lures the fish, but also reduces the likelihood that the hunter herself will be blinded by the sun's reflections on the surface of the water.

Fact 5. In these birds, males and females do not differ in appearance. Moreover, the similarity is so great that they themselves recognize the s*x of relatives solely by their behavior, which nevertheless differs in males and females. This is true for most types of herons.

Fact 6. Widespread in Russia, China and some European countries, the gray heron was actively exterminated half a century ago. Then it was claimed that it causes great harm to commercial fish of valuable species, but then it turned out that this statement was false. The gray heron is a nurse of reservoirs; it eats mainly sick and weakened fish infected with parasites, thereby purifying rivers and lakes.

Fact 7. Herons of the same species can lead both a sedentary and a migratory lifestyle. It depends on the surrounding conditions - if there is enough food and the climate is mild, there is no need for birds to fly for the winter. Those of them that live in Europe and Western Siberia usually fly to Africa for the winter.

Fact 8. These birds feel great in both freshwater and salt water. And, interestingly, in the warm season they usually prefer to hunt in fresh water, and in winter mostly in salt water. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that salt water does not freeze longer.

Fact 9. Herons prefer to live in small groups, usually several dozen individuals each. Sometimes colonies are formed quite large, up to 100-200 birds in each. But the oldest ones, which are located in Europe, have existed in the same place for decades, if not centuries, and there are more than 1000 nests in them.

Fact 10. Herons do not eat plant foods at all. These birds are absolute predators, and they are ready to swallow any living creature that is suitable in size, from chicks of other birds to insects and rodents. That is why their meat, although edible, is tasteless.

Interesting facts about turkeysFact 1. All domestic turkeys are descended from wild turkeys that are found naturally in ...

Interesting facts about turkeys

Fact 1. All domestic turkeys are descended from wild turkeys that are found naturally in southern North America, mainly in Mexico and the United States. Indigenous locals domesticated them long before the first acquaintance with Europeans, who brought these birds to Spain at the beginning of the 16th century. Interestingly, both domestic turkeys and their wild relatives are extremely stupid, the level of development of their intelligence is very low.

Fact 2. Until the mid-30s of the 20th century, turkeys in the UK and some other European countries were bred mainly not for meat, but for decorative purposes, because of the impressive plumage that males can boast of. The idea of ​​eating a turkey would then seem as strange to people as the idea of ​​roasting a peacock. However, peacocks are also eaten.

Fact 3. Turkeys are very trusting and emotional. They quickly become accustomed to people who care for them and develop strong affection for them. But they dislike negligent owners, and can show their dislike by pinching and other expressions of aggression.

Fact 4. On large poultry farms, where turkeys are kept in large numbers in enclosed spaces, there are strict rules. If these birds suddenly run together in one direction, for example, for food, or from fear, victims cannot be avoided - many of them will be trampled and crushed by their own relatives. These birds, for all their virtues, are really very stupid.

Fact 5. Domestic turkeys are too heavy to fly, as are domestic ducks, geese and/or chickens. But their wild relatives can fly! True, only for short distances, usually no more than a few tens of meters, sometimes several hundred. They have to expend too much effort in order to rise into the air and hold on without falling down.

Fact 6. The first European settlers who arrived in the New World began to hunt wild turkeys with such enthusiasm that they practically exterminated them. By the beginning of the 20th century, according to some estimates, no more than 30,000 individuals remained in the wild. After that, hunting for them was prohibited, and over time, the population recovered.

Fact 7. Domestic turkeys lay eggs frequently, sometimes every day, sometimes every other day. But only in spring and autumn, so they are still grown mainly for their dietary meat, and not for eggs. Turkey eggs taste like chicken eggs.

Fact 8. It is sometimes said that turkeys have two stomachs, not one. This is not entirely true - the swallowed food first enters the goiter, where it is processed by acid (gastric juice), after which it enters directly into the stomach, where the further digestion process takes place.

Fact 9. Male turkeys can make a sound resembling a lion's roar. It means an expression of aggression, and is often followed by an attack. At the same time, female turkeys are practically silent, they emit only hissing, clucking and other sounds characteristic of agricultural poultry.

Fact 10. The weight of adult turkeys of some breeds can be measured in tens of kilograms, and the male is usually three times larger than the females, which often leads to the fact that females can be crippled during mating. The weight of a well-fed male can reach up to 30-35 kg.

Interesting facts about beesFact 1. To produce 1 kg of honey, bees must fly around 10 million flowers and produce a huge...

Interesting facts about bees

Fact 1. To produce 1 kg of honey, bees must fly around 10 million flowers and produce a huge amount of wax in order to preserve this very honey. At the same time, in one flight from the hive, a bee flies around an average of about a thousand flowers! These insects produce honey, of course, not for people, but for themselves, and without its reserves they will not be able to survive the winter. Therefore, beekeepers always take from them only a certain amount of it, leaving enough so that the hive can survive the cold without loss.

Fact 2. About 500 species of bees belong to the non-stinging Meliponini subgroup, and if necessary, they defend themselves by biting the enemy with their mandibles, and not trying to sting him, because they have no sting at all. Most of the species that make up this subgroup also collect nectar and produce honey, but some of them have adapted to eating carrion. These are the only bees that do not feed on nectar and pollen.

Fact 3. In a large bee hive, up to 1000-2000 individuals can die per day for various reasons, which become victims of birds, spiders, bedbugs and other predators. But the queen bee compensates for these losses by producing up to 2000 eggs in the same time, from which new individuals hatch. By the way, all worker bees that collect nectar are exclusively females.

Fact 4. Unlike a wasp or a bumblebee, a bee usually dies after it stings someone. This is due to the fact that there are notches on the sting that make it difficult to remove it from the body of the victim after striking, so the insect, attacking, cripples itself. However, in some cases, he has a chance to survive if the sting comes out easily.

Fact 5. According to statistics, every year bees cause more deaths than poisonous snakes. This is not surprising, because the chances of being stung by a bee are much greater than being bitten by a snake, and for people allergic to bee venom, one sting can be fatal. Not to mention the fact that in high concentrations this poison is deadly even for an absolutely healthy person without any allergies.

Fact 6. Each bee family is a complex organization from a social point of view, completely independent of other hives. These insects cannot get into someone else's hive, since the entrance is always guarded, and guard bees let only their relatives through, focusing on the smell. The inhabitants of the same hive smell the same, since the same queen produces them all, under the same conditions.

Fact 7. There are about 21,000 species of bees in the world, and without these insects, the Earth would suffer an ecological disaster of unprecedented proportions, since they are the main pollinators of plants. And this is indeed a problem, as some insecticides used to spray crops poison the flowers, and, accordingly, the insects that collect nectar from them. All this affects the size of the bee population in the most negative way.

Fact 8. Immediately after birth, young honey bees are so weak that they are not capable of anything, they cannot even eat on their own. Adult individuals help them to survive, which at first feed the young, so that they quickly get stronger and join in the common work.

Fact 9. The number of honeybees in a hive can easily exceed a hundred thousand, but only in summer, and by winter it usually decreases by 3-5 times. The honey reserves they collect can feed a strictly defined population, and there is not enough food for everyone. Therefore, sterile workers sacrifice themselves and starve to death so that the hive can survive. They begin a lethal hunger strike well in advance, even before hunger sets in in the hive.

Fact 10. Male bees, whose entire function is to fertilize the queen bee, are called drones. During the only flight in the life of the queen bee, they surround her like a human shield to protect her from birds, and one of the drones eventually mates with her, dying as a result of mating. But after the honey harvesting period ends, all the drones are mercilessly expelled from the hives, and soon die of cold and hunger. In one hive, there are usually from several hundred to several thousand, that is, a small percentage.





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