PREVIEW: Meet Bartlebee. This male model (age 9 months) is friendly, self-confident, willful, energetic, v-e-r-y playful, and affectionate. With his wonky eye and can-do pluck, he’s one of the cutest kitties I’ve ever met. Bartlebee enjoys wand toys, chase sequences, mischief, and fanfare. More wild child than choir boy, his manners can be an afterthought and his behavior sus. Here, properly tired out from play, Bartlebee offers an especially dreamy pose. Oh, my heart! ❤️
Ready to fall in love? Though in the Cattery, Bartlebee isn’t available quite yet. Watch my feed for updates and the shelter website for his profile. Dearest Mr. Bartlebee is growing his fan club and waiting for his forever home at AAWL in Phoenix, AZ.
Arizona Animal Welfare League