Quick business and life update!
I started my mobile grooming business mid March, opened my books just knowing I was going to be able to groom X amount of dogs a day, 5 days a week. When I tell you I went all in, I went all in. I quickly realized my body can not handle the amount of big dogs I was doing everyday. Another issue I did not factor in was the weather, needless to say it’s very hard to dry doodles when it’s raining outside. Add in all of the bookkeeping, appointment request, and daily duties of owning a business. Then throw in a teenager that has to be picked up from school and plays 2 sports.
Reality check, I can’t do it all. I have had to cancel appts, reschedule appts and flat out forget to respond to clients….I’m not perfect. I know my clients time is just as important as mine but let’s not forget I am human too.
I’m trying, trying to be a great groomer, trying to be a great parent and trying to keep my happy clients happy. It’s not always going to be perfect but I’m trying my best!!