Pond Pack take all for $50 OBO
Chose an Airbnb in Montana based on…. Access to koi pond?! This is one of the most impressive private ponds I have ever seen- about 12/15+ feet across and over 7ft deep. Comment below if you want info about the filtration system (got a private tour!)
We’ve got the blues! Anything blue will be a deal for you, at Chun’s Fish Palace.
Polar Blue Parrot Cichlids
Blue Mickey Mouse Platys
Blue Endlers
Local Bred Orandas 5-6” DM for more info! Some cool colors coming out. They are living this cold weather!
🍋 head Oranda Juvies
DM 🔥 🔥
The biggest of our Orandas! We’re basically 🍊 farmers at this point 😋 DM if interested
Why do I keep finding the chickens in the front yard!?… Oh. They figured out the Velcro.
#Facepalm. I have a rooster 🐔 who needs constant assistance.
Why are we in this bucket…?! Thai Tri-Color orandas looking fancyyy
Either all of these ants are Jesus, or the surface tension of the water is enough that they can just float/walk around. At least they aren’t B-52’s…
Got rid of 475758485 lbs of Duckweed only to find that our Polar Blue Parrots have been getting busy making babies!
The mystery tank strikes again…. I’m thinking there were eggs on some of the plants I disposed of in this tank. There are lots of fry this time!
Lunch Time! Separating breeders out soon!