Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are frauds

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  • Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are frauds

Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are frauds Call 0457 634 732 for wildlife rescues.

Cruel prolonged death. Instead of contacting marine rescue,   aka   let this juvenile hammerhead shark suffer from its w...

Cruel prolonged death.
Instead of contacting marine rescue, aka let this juvenile hammerhead shark suffer from its wounds and slowly die. Then undignified the death by placing the deceased animal on the beach for a photo opp.
Legitimate rescuers would’ve assessed and known that the juvenile shark should’ve been given an humane quick death to stop the suffering.

How ignorant can   get? Being self proclaimed experts you would think they would know how many native animals are killed...

How ignorant can get? Being self proclaimed experts you would think they would know how many native animals are killed by wandering cats and want to change that?
In reality herself has 2 wandering cats and has obviously got the sh&ts because now she will have to pay to register, desex and contain them to her own property.
Deflecting from the real issue of natives being killed by cats, aka Sybelle Foxcroft claims anyone concerned with this is a ‘cat hater’ and ‘close minded’.


Are you being fooled by information regarding and ect given out by ?

Sybelle Foxcroft’s number one tactic to lure in supporters is a ‘half truth’.

Half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth or it may use some deceptive element.

If you weren’t an experienced, correctly trained, wildlife rescuer, rehabber or carer how would you know right from wrong, well you wouldn’t, so you are fooled into thinking that are correct in what they do and say.

‘s latest post on the proposed laws regarding cats on the island being changed, conveniently leaves out one main issue. That roaming cats are killing the native animals. So we dug up a public video of Sybelle Foxcroft admitting cats are hunters because she forgot to include this in the MIWC post. Half truths again.

Because MIWC Sybelle Foxcroft has in the past, deleted any comments that challenge or stand up to her, she is now using the tactic of ‘hiding’ these comments from the public so only her view is seen. Only half of the 60 comments can be seen. Why’s that? Because those people are speaking the truths that MIWC is missing. Again…. Half truths. Link to post :-

And to end, Sybelle Foxcroft forgets to mention her cat/s freely roam her neighbourhood.

Legitimate rescuers rehabilitate their rescues to live as wild animals should be.Sadly MIWC don’t have this knoweldge an...

Legitimate rescuers rehabilitate their rescues to live as wild animals should be.
Sadly MIWC don’t have this knoweldge and keep the wildlife they get as pets 😩

Please read the interesting facts we came across relating to   and what’s going on with the animals on   https://sybelle...

Please read the interesting facts we came across relating to and what’s going on with the animals on

Deaths in Paradise Three quarters of landmass in Magnetic Island, Queensland is National Park. Rich is fauna and flora and a refuge for wildlife, it is also home to 2,335 human inhabitants. (wikipedia) Sadly, humans also bring with them problems that affect and threaten the wildlife. Take toxoplasmo...


are not fully experienced in rescues or rehabilitation. Call the legitimate rescuers on for any animal rescues.
The most disturbing personality glitch MIWC has is attacking people who question their behaviours and knowledge.
Many experienced wildlife people, locals and store owners have been attacked by MIWC. People have been labelled stalkers and abused in the streets because they have asked legitimate questions as to the animals treatment, release times of native animals and general questions of concern.
Be aware that many of these people have become victims of Sybelle Foxcroft’s Facebook video posts.
Here is her latest live vid post. This is what she does.

Legitimate wildlife rescuers know when an animal is in stress or pain     do not.

Legitimate wildlife rescuers know when an animal is in stress or pain do not.


And then this live post.

Legitimate Wildlife rescuers on the Island started asking her questions, started to point out mistakes.
Mistakes that cause stress and death to Wildlife.
Narcissists never admit their wrong doing.
Unfortunately the mentioned mentor is also unqualified.
Twisting the facts and animals in are left to suffer and die.

We are a small group here; but are you aware that    aka   (along with islander Linda Wootten) has been manipulating ani...

We are a small group here; but are you aware that aka (along with islander Linda Wootten) has been manipulating animal rescues around the world for years?

There have been many many public live posts and videos done by Foxcroft claiming her wonders and then once caught out by professionals rhat she has been done wrong and stalked ect. Fact is..... she is a fraudulent self proclaimed rescuer, no legit animal care with the goal to be released as a wild animal.

Probably missed by most, Sybelle Foxcroft has done a few live videos now turned private, slamming her once time friends and advocates because they chose to defy her actions then became online enemies. She has attacked their families and friends to appease her narcissistic behaviour.

Sad fact is..... is a and and there’s many hidden secrets to her.......

For self proclaimed animal rescuers and rehabbers living on   for a number of years, you would think they would have a b...

For self proclaimed animal rescuers and rehabbers living on for a number of years, you would think they would have a basic knowledge of what spiders live there? 🤷‍♀️
Don’t be fooled by what MIWC may voice as their qualifications and/or experience.
Majority of those unwittingly sucked in are fooled by information not commonly known by many.
A simple Google search is a better understanding of animals they claim to be experienced with. A glorified Google search is what you will be bombarded with NOT actual hands on over time experience.
Call Magnetic Island Fauna & Wildlife Care on
0457 634 732
for all animal rescue needs on the island.

Stuart Douglas milks Australian Tarantulas for their venom for medical science. The world's most savage tarantula, these spiders live in burrows in the groun...


Terror and stress in this possums eyes.
NO legitimate rescuer would subject a rescued animal to this kind of stress.
For what? Self glory?
No updates from to
indicate this was given appropriate care and released.
Magnetic-Island-Nationalpark RSPCA QLD Magnetic Island Online Nat Geo Wild World Wildlife Fund WAR Against Animal ABUSE

Not a rare spider. It’s MIWC over dramatising again to make out it’s some huge finding after some rain 🙄.Our aim here is...

Not a rare spider. It’s MIWC over dramatising again to make out it’s some huge finding after some rain 🙄.

Our aim here is to educate and make people aware that Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are not experienced at rescue or rehabilitation of native animals.
More often than not they subject animals to undue pain and stress.
This is because they refuse to take friendly advice and have challenged many locals on the Island with verbal and social media abuse.

The founder of MIWC has been banned from entering the Island Veterinarian Clinic due to such conflict.

Latest public post on social media is a surprise spider on MI 🙄

These spiders are found in rainforests and gullies or other sheltered cooler spots in open forests.


Great news. The injured koala near the medical clinic has been found and captured by the experts. Now being treated at the koala hospital. Great work by all.
Less stress by not being held for a period of time and fed, in which Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are prone to do.

Don’t call the old rescue number, now voiced with Sybelle Foxcroft .There has been a cheeky rogue koala in need of speci...

Don’t call the old rescue number, now voiced with Sybelle Foxcroft .
There has been a cheeky rogue koala in need of specialised inspection due to possible illness.
Please call...
Magnetic Island Wildlife Fauna Care
0457 634 732
Magnetic Island Koala Hospital on

We are the Koala rescue and rehabilitation hospital on Magnetic Island, Queensland Australia. M.I.Koala Hospital is a registered charity.

*sickening prolonged agony of animal*  please read on and like/share to follow our truths. Back on 29/09/20 we posted ab...

*sickening prolonged agony of animal* please read on and like/share to follow our truths.

Back on 29/09/20 we posted about a severely injured wallaby that picked up.

and (The 2 woman of MIWC) took the wallaby to the island vet. The wallaby had obvious injuries, but the most apparent was a fractured tail. As you can imagine, a macropod cannot survive with that injury. In their publicly posted pictures there were also signs of a dislocated or fractured hip, both life threatening injuries.

Both woman refused the advice from the vet that the animal be euthanised.

They took the animal away, thinking they could save it. Why? Because they have this belief they can understand a wild animals phycology and thoughts 🙄

Sybelle Foxcroft’s post on the Magnetic Island Wildlife Care fb page shows the extent on how limited and stupid, hers & Linda’s apparent skills actually are 😩

* Naming the wallaby Pedro and claiming.... bruised and battered but ok 🤔
* We will see how he goes over the next couple of days 🤔
* Admitting a wallaby can’t survive with 3/4 use of a tail 🤔
In short...... they let the animal suffer for a few days with horrendous injuries due to their lack of knowledge and self ego’s.

Thankfully he was eventually taken back to the vet and quickly euthanised, ending his painful, stressful torcher of these woman behind Magnetic Island Wildlife Care.

We have included ’s comment to us for you to see, albeit a twisted confusing attempt at blame on others. Our reply to her also here.

A truthful article containing evidence and facts to what   are really doing to the animals they claim to rescue.Thankyou...

A truthful article containing evidence and facts to what are really doing to the animals they claim to rescue.
Thankyou to ‘A. Tiger’ for exposing the truth.

Wildlife in Magnetic Island deserves better How many times have we heard from bona fide rehabbers/wildlife carers that wildlife is often brought to them much too late or they had to clean up the mess created by the untrained rescuers who took it upon themselves to care for the wildlife? Know that wh...


Wildlife are not pets.
Numerous posts claim ‘Suki’ will be released..... still.... way over a year later, Suki is treated like a house cat 😩

You should never give rescued wildlife food/water before contacting experienced carers 🙄If an animal needs emergency sur...

You should never give rescued wildlife food/water before contacting experienced carers 🙄
If an animal needs emergency surgery giving food can lead to death.
MIWC has no experience in wildlife care.
Please do not call or take advice from them 😞
Undue stress kills native animals.


WARNING animal in distress may upset some viewers.
MIWC (Magnetic Island Wildlife Care) are not qualified nor experienced to self administer treatment to ANY wildlife in their care.
Undue stress, as per this example of a wild possum captured by can cause death.
Please call experienced rescuers from MIFCO
0457 634 732

Not sure why MIWC post DES codes of practices? They are breaching many of the codes themselves.

Not sure why MIWC post DES codes of practices? They are breaching many of the codes themselves.


Yes 😳. This is Wildlife Care.
Please don’t call them for animal rescues 😂

Native animals are highly stressed when treated like pets. Specialised care is needed. No further words needed 🙄

Native animals are highly stressed when treated like pets. Specialised care is needed. No further words needed 🙄

Has this dear bird been cared for and released into the appropriate area?

Has this dear bird been cared for and released into the appropriate area?

Has this animal been cared for correctly and released into the appropriate area?

Has this animal been cared for correctly and released into the appropriate area?

Pedro.Post removed from their page once he was euthanised.Suffered with horrendous injuries for 3 days before   conceded...

Post removed from their page once he was euthanised.
Suffered with horrendous injuries for 3 days before conceded his injuries were fatal.
No Wallaby can be rehabilitated with hip and tail fractures.

This is what a ‘soft release’ area looks like.It’s is where other joeys (in wallaby soft release situations)mix together...

This is what a ‘soft release’ area looks like.
It’s is where other joeys (in wallaby soft release situations)
mix together and learn how to be Wallaby’s.
This does not entail individual joeys going back to original carers at the end of the day. It is not kindergarten.
Soft release is where the youngsters learn to be independent. That is the goal of legitimate rescuers.
Unfortunately Magnetic Island Wildlife Care members keep their rescues as pets.
Pictures in comments.

15 joeys are off to pre-release TOMORROW!

We are very excited and can’t wait to show you how the enclosure turned out!🦘

Cats are natural born killers. No matter how innocent you may think your pet cat is, if you allow your cat to wander out...

Cats are natural born killers. No matter how innocent you may think your pet cat is, if you allow your cat to wander outside your property it is 100% killing.
Cat owners need to take responsibility and keep their cats contained.
Sadly a Magnetic Island Wildlife Care member does exactly that, allows her 2 cats to roam the neighbourhood.
How can one claim to be a legitimate animal advocate but allow her pets to roam free in her neighbourhood?
Recently there was a video posted by this person talking about toxoplasmosis, and how cats are solely blamed for having it.
Well..... yes cats do get a bad wrap about toxoplasmosis but with good reason. Please read article below.
Cats should be kept away from rescued native animals. Not only Cats are one of the natives predators and therefore and will cause unnecessary stress, even a playful bite to a native can lead to death.
Wether these 2 cats have been tested at some stage, allowing them to wander makes the past tests irrelevant.


This June, we decided to do our own month-long version of WildCare's "Caught by Cats" photo project to show the damage that cats cause to our wildlife when humans allow them to roam. Every animal in this photograph died or was euthanized due to the damage caused in an interaction with a domestic cat in June.

Last month, we took in 531 patients. Of those, 77 of those were confirmed cat attacks (many more were suspected cat attacks). CONFIRMED cat attacks accounted for nearly 15% of intakes - on par with our annual average.

Of those 77, only 17 survived their injuries. Even with surgical intervention and antibiotics, only about 1 in 4 cat attacked patients will survive. This means 60 patients that received the highest quality veterinary care at our hospital still lost their lives due to a completely preventable human-caused issue.

Make sure you understand that this is not a "cat" problem and anti-cat comments will not be tolerated. This is a HUMAN problem. Humans allowed cats to roam and continue to allow their pet cats outdoors to kill wildlife, spread diseases, and struggle to survive. Cats are a domestic species, not a native predator. They require human care and leaving them outdoors to suffer is an animal welfare issue. Outdoors, these domestics are at great risk from predators, poisons, gunshots, vehicle collisions, weather, and disease.

Please, for the safety of both your cat AND our native wildlife, keep your pet cats inside. Provide them with enrichment indoors, take them for walks on a leash, or build them a catio or enclosed porch so they can safely enjoy the outdoors.

The destruction of wildlife and the environment by domestic cats is a human-caused issue that will require large-scale management to improve. This is a human-caused problem and we must all do our part to correct it.


Did you know??
Anyone who has questioned or not agreed with Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are BLOCKED from their main page 😳

This allows them to carry on posting and have no negative, or should we say...... real answers to animal care.

Magnetic Island Wildlife Care do not abide by correct husbandry techniques. There are numerous concerns with how they ke...

Magnetic Island Wildlife Care do not abide by correct husbandry techniques. There are numerous concerns with how they keep their rescues.

It is suspected a number of animals have been injured and/or died in their care due lack of knowledge in this area.

Some found examples are as follows:-

Inadequate fencing has led to wallaby’s in their care to be viciously attacked by neighbours dogs. Correct fencing must ensure safety of the animals in care at all times.

Outdoor enclosures are littered with rubbish, broken fencing that could be ingested by the animals and/or cause serious injuries.

Barren wire cages with no natural enrichment. This not only hampers the end goal of a successful release but also causes stress to the animal. Stress can cause illness and/or death and should always be kept to a minimum in all rescue/rehabilitation cases.

Rescues in same living environment as domestic cats.
Cats are the definitive host for toxoplasmosis, a protozoan parasite that kills macropods and other native animals. Toxo is spread through cat faeces. It only takes a small amount of ingested infected grass to infect and kill a wallaby.

These are just a few concerning practices used by Magnetic Island Wildlife Care.

Some useful links below for correct care of Aus Native Animals....


Although we can speculate, some things we know, but the fact is, we cannot know the total psychology of an animal.
The number one goal of a legitimate educated rescuer is to replicate the animals upbringing, housing and behaviours with the end goal being that the rescued animal be released into its natural environment.

With a rescue and release of a native animal it should be done with knowledge of the animal and stress kept to a minimum.
MIWC’s sole founder has shown she doesn’t understand. Ridiculous assumptions that an animal comes to them for help is delusional.

Legitimate rescuers know the signs given for pain. This is normal animal behaviour if you are trained to recognise it. MIWC have proven some of their members are untrained to recognise these signs and act on their human instinct behaviours, this is wrong and cruel.

A certain MIWC member can make claims we are her stalkers, we are some of her 125 haters (her words), our page here is to show MIWC are not qualified/trained correctly to house, rescue or rehabilitate native Australian animals ethically.

** (side note) no legitimate rescuer takes an animal in need home, to then administer self treatment, attempt to feed and/or drink. This can be fatal.

The correct procedure is to pass the animal onto a legitimate licensed rescuer.

There is no need for social media glory, no self filled ego. That does nothing to help the animal.

Stalkers NO. Advocates for humane treatment of the wildlife on YES.

Until all members of MIWC have completed and proved they have legitimate training and qualifications we will continue.


We have received information that Magnetic Island Fauna Carers Organization (MIFCO) members are being accused of creating this page causing their members undue attacks.
No MIFCO members created or are administrators of this page.

The main founding member of Magnetic Island Wildlife Care is Sybelle Foxcroft. We have been informed that this person has an extensive history of attacking and defaming many credible people in the animal care world for years, both personally and professionally.

Having only been attempting native Australian animal rescues for 2 years, her credentials as with all wildlife carers should be looked at as their existence is misleading, if they exist at all. Ask why, as we have. Legitimate rescuers/rehabbers know first hand, you cannot gain the needed knowledge of all species and their needs within 2 years.

The sole reason for creating this page is to bring to public awareness that the new Magnetic Island Wildlife Care (MIWC) is being managed by untrained and not truly qualified/skilled individuals to successfully rescue/rehabilitate Australian wildlife.

Untrained in this area leads to these animals being cruelly kept and treated. These are wild animals that need specialised treatment and care. Treating these animals like domestic pets ultimately ends in a life of captivity or death, this is NOT what legitimate rescue/rehab people do.

She claims there are 2 sides to every story, yes, and don’t be afraid to ask us here. We ask and will continue to ask questions. Maybe someday she will answer in words other than attacking others.

Again we are not MIFCO and not associated with MIFCO but when we see animals are treated inappropriately we will speak up.


What valid licenses and permits does Magnetic Island Wildlife Care currently hold?


Yesterday the member of MIWC Sybelle Foxcroft released a live video giving her account on what happened with the below mentioned snake rescue.
In it she mentions how people should approach her and speak with her about her credentials.

So...... here we ask Sybelle Foxcroft to please show and explain her credentials.......

Unethical and unqualified animal welfare by Magnetic Island Wildlife Care.Arthur.... please share your video of this cap...

Unethical and unqualified animal welfare by Magnetic Island Wildlife Care.
Arthur.... please share your video of this capture.

Did she or didn’t she stand on the snake? We already know she couldn’t identify the species.
She had to use kitchen tongs and an oven mitt to catch it.

OMG. SERIOUSLY. Please like and share, tag all aus gov animal orgs on this post. This is the truth, straight from the ho...

OMG. SERIOUSLY. Please like and share, tag all aus gov animal orgs on this post. This is the truth, straight from the horses mouth. No legitimate licensed/registered rescuer would ever do this..... this woman and Magnetic Island Wildlife Care needs to be held accountable for their behaviour and banned from attending to and having any native Australian animals.
This IS animal abuse.

Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are not legitimate wildlife rescuers and should not be contacted for any animal welfare is...

Magnetic Island Wildlife Care are not legitimate wildlife rescuers and should not be contacted for any animal welfare issues.
There was a unfortunate rescue attempt by MIWC member Sybelle Foxcroft recently.
1. She couldn’t identify the species of snake. She had to ask the member of public what kind of snake it was. Nor did she have correct equipment to capture a snake.
2. She asked the member of public for tongs, yes tongs. Below is a link explaining the danger of hurting a snake using tongs.
3. She repeatedly aggravated the snake causing it to defensively strike out at her.
4. So she asked the member of public for an oven mitt to protect herself.
This is not the first time she has attempted to capture a snake.
Please call Magnetic Island Fauna Care (licensed, registered, insured) on
0457 634 732 for any Magnetic Island wildlife issues.
Previous capture attempt Nov 2019. She should’ve called a licensed Snake Catcher. There are some on the Island.




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