Puppies do not care about the noise from a vacuum cleaner! …
Why can’t I just keep all of them?
After cleanup and breakfast, it's naptime. For some!
Reggie (white stripe on nose) is the one using his teeth the most to communicate. To me, that means I'm not meeting his needs. So, in the middle of the morning chores, he and I were (somehow) alone and he grabbed my leg. I said Uh-Uh. And he let go. Praise, lots of praise! But he wasn't sure, so he grabbed my hand. Another Uh-Uh. and a quicker mouth release. More praise. Then a gentle nibble on my bracelet Uh-Uh. Praise and then he didn't try again.
OMG, so much learning! We'll reinforce later today. And now I know that he's ready for some treat training, some clicker training and the fun continues.
Barney is such a great puppy. He loves to stare into your eyes and follow you around. 6.5 weeks old, will be ready to be your best buddy in a couple weeks.
Who’s ready?
Thanks for your magic, Paige Green Photography
Crazy dog!!! Crazy dog!!! Elmer is ready to join your family (in a couple of weeks)! He's not always this crazy...
Thanks Paige Green Photography for your undying committed to pit bulls!!
Evening playtime
7 pups are spoken for. 4 lucky families should get their applications in!!
The running of the puppies!
The morning routine…for now.
I get up before the pups wake up, 6 am, every day. Even on the weekends.
I go around the back, cleaning up any messes that I don’t want the pups to step in as they greet me. At 6 weeks old, they’re still clamboring to get to me, but I can already tell it’s less than last week. Many of them sit at attention, waiting for my eyes to meet theirs. I smile and say, ‘good puppy’.
Most of the pups head outside for their morning constitutional. I clean up a little more. It’s important to do these chores with puppies underfoot. They are already learning that just because I’m in their presence, doesn’t mean that they’ll get all my attention.
I gather up the bowls and begin the feeding routine. I usually feed in small separate bowls, more bowls than pups. But with this many puppies, I couldn’t figure out the logistics of getting 14 bowls from kitchen to feeding area without causing a frenzy in the pups. That seemed to be worse than feeding out of 6 communal, round, flat bowls. At one point in their development, I noticed a few hanging back from the initial food presentation. So, I fed them in 2 separate groups for awhile. They needed to learn that food is not competition.
I also don’t free feed puppies; I just give them lots of meals. But with Jane out of the picture (weaned them and on an adventure of her own!), and with so many puppies each on their own eating schedule, I’m leaving food around for them to enjoy throughout the day. Now, at 6 weeks old, I’m seeing that they’re all eating at every food presentation. So, we’ll put an end to the free feed.
I finish my morning chores with fresh bedding, another load of laundry, poop pick up outside. This morning, Reggie joined me, while the others found their perfect napping spot. I called him to me, he came running over – early recall is a lovely thing. We found a toy and enjoyed a game of tug and trade. And then it was time to sleep again.
Jane loves this young man. He loves her right back. The puppies distract from the connection that is really happening here.
I rescue mama dogs. The puppies come along for the ride. Our human hearts expand.
Puppy pile extraordinaire!