Set up a course from the recent Agility Stakes. This is the ABC Jumping course. Just doing obstacles 1-6 to practice the layer and test out if the long lead out and blind would work. It worked very well to create a nice turn. 😁
Wagtail is now 11 months and I am super pleased with his drive and focus. I have worked a lot on jump value without putting on too much pressure and also getting self-control for his wait. #dogagilitytraining #dogtraining #dogtrainer
Wagtail at 8 months! I have been focusing on value for jumps (with no jumping) and this week we have attempted sequences.
Today Magpie ran her first full agility course. Due to having massive issues with the seesaw we have not been able to run a full course, but we have been really patient and today she did both the dog walk and seesaw confidently as part of a sequence 😊
It’s been a long journey to get Magpie confident with the seesaw, so this run yesterday at training made my heart sing 😁
This is the Magpie version of the course at training last week. Due to her worries with the seesaw her confidence has not always been great on the dogwalk, so was really pleased she did not hesitate to do it even after some seesaw work.
Let her just get on with things and her drive was fab. She is really growing into agility and starting to shine ❤️🐄🐶
Swift running at training. I wanted to really push her distance and challenge her independence. The weave entry from the dogwalk threw her a little and she was a little hesitant.
I failed to cue the next tunnel early enough and so she pulled towards the jump instead.
Wagtail playing with the lovely Vesper ❤️ She was so gentle with him.
#dogtraininglife #dogtraining #dogtrainingisfun
Swift’s best bits from the recent weekend. We ended up with 2 clears, 2 faulted rounds and 2 eliminations
Socialisation is so important, but it does not have to be overwhelming for you or the dog. It is also good to take unexpected opportunities, like this when the air ambulance landed nearby and Wagtail got to hear the noise from a comfortable distance.
I hope whoever the ambulance was for is ok ❤️
#dogtraininglife #puppy #puppytraining
When the training sequence goes wrong at jump 2 😆 and what you do to fix it! 👍
#dogagilitylovers #agilitydogintraining #dogtrainingisfun
Swift had a fab time running this course, even though she did the opposite of nearly every cue I gave 🤣