There are some misconceptions about the health of the Blue Eyed Maine C**n, perhaps by knowing of other blue eyed breeds their health issues and what may have been the cause we can be better educated on good breeding practices for our blue eyed Maine C**ns.
The Altai originated in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan in 1995, Lyubov Zikeeva noticed cat at a factory who had one blue eye, if the Ojos Azules could be recognized as a new breed based off of eye color and a white mark then the Altai could as well. Lyubov worked with the owner of the odd eyed cat and the development of the blue-eyed Altai began and is continuing to this day. After many unsuccessful pairings finally there was the birth of Ariel, a blue eyed Altai and the progenitor of all Altai cats. Lyubov then crossed blue eyed to blue eyed in hopes of having an entire litter of blue eyes only to find that when the gene is homozygous the cats will be deaf. In 2016 under the body of WCF Anna Kalinichenko began breeding Altai cats and in 2018 a standard for the Altai was drawn up. According to Wonderful Aquamarine the draft standard was drawn up in 1999 which stated that the head was a rounded wedge, cheeks not very large, the nose even, the transition to the forehead is smooth and well marked, a scissor bite and rounded chin. The eyes are medium sized slightly oblique, round in shape, and blue or odd coloured. The body is of medium size, strong, flexible, muscular and rectangular in format, the legs are medium in length and the paws are round. Accepted colours are variations of colours with white as well as having the tip of the tail being white. The wool is dense, even, and shiny with a well developed undercoat. Altai are friendly, energetic, sociable, loving and curious cats that do not need a lot of space and do well with other animals and do not require special care. The Altai are still in development.
The main health issue in the Altai is deafness when the blue eyed gene is homozygous, breeders can avoid this by breeding a blue eyed Altai with another Altai of differing eye color.
There is an experimental breeding programme with the Altai and a wild type in which they are using Bengal cats to achieve the wild look. The Altai are also being used in other breeding programmes with other breeds like the British Short Hair and the Maine C**n in order to introduce the dominant blue eyes.
The picture below is from Wonderful Aquamarine Cattery, breeder of the Altai Cat.