The Natural Path Vet

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The Natural Path Vet I am a vet with a passion for helping pets and their parents walk the Natural Path to vibrant health

As one season has faded into the next, I have been really quiet here, and that was never my intention. Thank you for bei...

As one season has faded into the next, I have been really quiet here, and that was never my intention. Thank you for being so supportive, for listening, and of course for wrapping my family in healing as we said goodbye to our beloved dog, Finn.

Life certainly has its own beautiful set of plans and thank your understanding my need to continue to step back from NaturalPathVet until we are settled with our growing family.

Late in the summer or early in the fall, I will finally have my website up and running with some wonderful resources as well. They have been sitting, just waiting to be released, but I want to ensure that I can show up for all of you the best way I can.

To be transparent, I will be on Maternity leave until mid July as of now, and will not be checking any of my work related email or social media platforms.

Be well my friends and see you all very soon!

Losing a true friend, is never easy…. These words I have written in so many sympathy cards over the years as a veterinar...

Losing a true friend, is never easy…. These words I have written in so many sympathy cards over the years as a veterinarian. I never new how true (and lacking) hose words would be until yesterday. Pets are more than friends, and losing them is not even close to being easy.

Finn passed peacefully away at home yesterday evening- just him and me. He took a piece of my heart with him, and although that piece will never truly heal, he gave me so much more than he took. He was my first dog, my biggest teacher, helping me find my way in veterinary medicine to a practice that resonates with my soul. He was my best friend, always listening when I had something to say (and I have a lot to say, as many of you know). He loved me no matter how busy the day was, and only asked for cuddles, pets, and good organic pasture raised grass fed food in return (he had good taste). He was the sweetest pup I could ask for and will cherish every memory of him forever.

I am grateful for the time we had together, and while I will always wish it was longer, I know that I did my best to respect what he really wanted. Cancer sucks- especially since he had to deal with it on three separate occasions. This last round (Hemangiosarcoma) he did not want to fight I could see it in his eyes, and he was ready to transition. My promise long ago was to really listen to what he wanted- to not push him beyond what he wanted and I would not force him to take his medications, herbs, or take him back into surgery if that is what he wanted. I had to let go of my selfish desires to keep him here forever this time and come to grips him deciding it was his time. He taught everything he came here to teach me.

In return, he gave us an incredible gift- time to spoil him, spend with him and time to love him extra hard. I certainly never thought I would be sleeping on the ground in a dog bed again- especially at 24 weeks pregnant- but never say never. I watched Jackson spoil him with all of his left overs (or at least try), hug him countless times, make us laugh by pointing out his butt over and over when Finn did not have the energy to walk away, and tell him nigh-nigh woof before his nap yesterday. I got to tell Finn that our second son was healthy and everything looked great on the ultrasound. And, he got to hear Brian’s voice on the phone- I called because I didn’t realize that he would pass so quickly and the moment he heard Brian he sat up looked at the phone and at me, laid down and his heart slowed and is breathing ceased the moment we hung up together.

I am forever grateful that I was able to use my knowledge of acupuncture to help him peacefully pass, it happened faster than I thought- his Qi (energy) was low and his Jing (eternal flame) only smouldering- more so than I even knew. I cannot tell you what a gift learning this beautiful medicine has been (thank you again, Finn for teaching me there are other ways) and I am committed to continuing to use it to the best of my knowledge even more so after the gift it gave us yesterday.

As I work through our time together, I have extreme gratitude and I have plenty of regrets, but I know that dogs don’t want you to have any regrets. As I try to let those go, I will continue to focus on the memories, the gifts, the love and the laughter he gave me and so many others. I am grateful that he had an 11.5 + year health span, and it was only these last 15 days that he couldn’t be the Finn he loved to be.

Rest easy my sweet boy until we meet again. I hear the fishing is easy, there are tons of paddle boards to use, boat rides, and deer to catch where you are, and you will have big stories to tell me when I get there too.

Don’t worry I know exactly where I will find you. And, I would visit if heaven weren’t so far away.

I love you Mr. Finny, thank you for every moment of these last 11.5+ years, thank you for loving Jackson even though it meant your life had to change a bit, thank you for living with us in our forever home, and for all the joy you brought to our family.

And Finn, thank you for the final lesson you taught me. You taught me how hard it is, how much it hurts to lose such a pure and beautiful soul. Although I always tried to imagine as I helped others through the process of losing their companion, now I understand more, you have always given me the gift of empathy, and this last lesson is priceless- I promise not to forget how this feels.

To every one who has been through this, I know it is different for everyone, but I am standing with you now also, trying to navigate this uncomfortable and empty feeling. I am so sorry that you are here too. At the same time I have this knowing that this is not what our dogs would want. If they had any say in this they would want us to grab that favorite toy, stick, or ball and run crazy laps in circles with utter joy on our faces-, rolling in stinky stuff, and making sure our paws were extra muddy- living in the moment just as they would. So I will try- because I have so much to be grateful and thankful for and Finn is a huge reason why I see that now.

This post is therapy for my soul. Please forgive me if I do not respond to your comments- and if you have any photos of my boy that you’re willing to share I will be forever grateful.

Our pets are forever teachers- What have you learned from your pet?The list goes on and on for me, but one thing is for ...

Our pets are forever teachers- What have you learned from your pet?

The list goes on and on for me, but one thing is for sure, this most resent week he has taught me the most.

He has taught me to take each day as it comes- you never know when it will be your last

He has taught me (reminded me) how powerful acupuncture can be- if the body is willing to respond (he went from inappetent and vomiting for 12 hours, to digging into his food bowl with his needles in).

He has taught me - yet again- the unconditional love, forgiveness, and support a dog endlessly provides- no matter what the past held for them.

He has taught me to dig deeper into my studies, to pull out old lectures- which is going to benefit many of the cancer patients I am treating right now.

He has taught me to listen to his heart and mine. We decided we would not go through anything that required hospitalization (surgery or chemo). It is a personal decision that took a lot of time and tears to decide upon. I am learning to really listen so that I do not push his body and soul past it's agreed time here on earth.

I have learned just how much love I have for Finn and there is no doubt that he has been my biggest (and best) teacher yet.

We will take every day as it comes- together- until we can't any more. Thank you all for being understanding as I soak in these moments with my boy!

These pictures are of Finn after I found him too weak to get up after vomiting- I did acupuncture and he got up and ate for the first time all day (with his needles in). He perked up and begged for food- just like he normally does. Energy medicine is amazing 😊

I hope everyone had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! We certainly enjoyed time with our loved ones!I wanted...

I hope everyone had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! We certainly enjoyed time with our loved ones!

I wanted to continue my series on medicinal mushrooms for pets and teach you a little more about Reishi- known as the King of Mushrooms.

Mushrooms have so many incredible health benefits, it is hard to just discuss one. Again, sourcing is so important- there are only two sources that I trust for myself, or my pets (Real Mushrooms, Your Natural Dog- mushrooms for dogs). Please, do your own research on the company to make sure they are truly making a supplement that is healthful!


1- Adaptogenic: meaning it helps modulate the stress response. It helps regulate the adrenal glands by using polypeptides to bring levels of cortisol as well as neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine back in balance.

2-Sleep and Mood regulating: Reishi has been found to reduce the time to fall asleep and to increase total sleeping time. Because of the improved sleep quality, this mushroom has been shown to have secondary effects on behavior- creating a more calm response during waking hours.

3- Breath easier- Reishi was used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce the effects from chronic lung inflammation like, bronchitis. It is known to reduce inflammation by promoting a healthier immune response.

4- Healthy blood sugar levels- are promoted by this mushroom as well. Pets (and humans) with concerns in their glucose metabolism (diabetic or pre-diabetic) may find benefits of better control with use of this mushroom.

5- Immune system booster- Reishi has been found to modulate the immune system through the beta-glucans it contains. It has been shown to increase the function of important immune cells like natural killer cells and T cells.

All of these incredible benefits are being studied and further information is sure to surface. Be sure you are selecting a high quality supplement that is derived from the fruiting bodies (which has much higher levels of the medicinal components than the mycelium (and associated grains it is grown on).

Be sure to talk to your integrative veterinarian to discuss how to add these into your pet's health routine.

Last but no least- remember you cannot supplement your way out of a bad diet- more on that after our mushroom series!

Have a wonderful day friends!

I hope everyone had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! We certainly enjoyed time with our loved ones!I wanted...

I hope everyone had a restful and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! We certainly enjoyed time with our loved ones!

I wanted to continue my series on Mushrooms and teach you a little more about Reishi- known as the King of Mushrooms.

Mushrooms have so many incredible health benefits, it is hard to just discuss one. Again, sourcing is so important- there are only two sources that I trust for myself, or my pets (Real Mushrooms, Your Natural Dog- Mushrooms for Dogs). Please, do your own research on the company to make sure they are truly making a supplement that is healthful!


1- Adaptogenic: meaning it helps modulate the stress response. It helps regulate the adrenal glands by using polypeptides to bring levels of cortisol as well as neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine back in balance.

2-Sleep and Mood regulating: Reishi has been found to reduce the time to fall asleep and to increase total sleeping time. Because of the improved sleep quality, this mushroom has been shown to have secondary effects on behavior- creating a more calm response during waking hours.

3- Breath easier- Reishi was used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce the effects from chronic lung inflammation like, bronchitis. It is known to reduce inflammation by promoting a healthier immune response.

4- Healthy blood sugar levels- are promoted by this mushroom as well. Pets (and humans) with concerns in their glucose metabolism (diabetic or pre-diabetic) may find benefits of better control with use of this mushroom.

5- Immune system booster- Reishi has been found to modulate the immune system through the beta-glucans it contains. It has been shown to increase the function of important immune cells like natural killer cells and T cells.

All of these incredible benefits are being studied and further information is sure to surface. Be sure you are selecting a high quality supplement that is derived from the fruiting bodies (which has much higher levels of the medicinal components than the mycelium (and associated grains it is grown on).

Last but no least- remember you cannot supplement your way out of a bad diet- more on that after our mushroom series!

Have a wonderful day friends!

Happy Thanksgiving you all! Have a wonderful day with your family and pets! See you next week! We are taking some time t...

Happy Thanksgiving you all! Have a wonderful day with your family and pets!

See you next week! We are taking some time to be with family- some we haven't seen in a LONG time!

I am so thankful for all of you this year! Excited to start getting things rolling with the new website just around the corner!

~Dr. Lauren

Thank you to my dog Finn, my loyal companion and biggest teacher.I had no idea how a dog could impact your life- not onl...

Thank you to my dog Finn, my loyal companion and biggest teacher.

I had no idea how a dog could impact your life- not only for the deep love and companionship, but also how they walk, right along side you through your journey. He has taken every unexpected turn right along side me.

His cancer diagnosis , over 5 years ago, while devastating, gave me the strength to push myself into a new area of veterinary medicine. One that aligned with how I treated my own body, and one that could still be blended with all I learned.

He has been by best snuggle buddy, study buddy, cooking partner, jogging companion, working dog (he has never complained once for long commutes and long days at work), acupuncture-demo-dog, and beyond all- friend.

How could a pet, that cannot use words, teach so much? I still may never understand, and I know that words will always escape me to explain how grateful i am that I picked that poor little , emaciated, but loving, junior surgery dog out all those years ago.

Looking forward to all of our future adventures together Mr. Finny!.....

I would ❤️ LOVE ❤️t o hear about YOUR best companion and what they have taught you! 🐶🐱🐰🐴

This is a great site for QUALITY supplements (especially the CBD Dog and cat products and the Mushroom tinctures)! Thank...

This is a great site for QUALITY supplements (especially the CBD Dog and cat products and the Mushroom tinctures)! Thanks Angela Ardolino for making some incredible supplements and for putting all the good ones in one place!!!

Hey! 👋 It's Angie - I'm jumping ahead of Black Friday to give you a chance to get a free gift (from me to your dog) with your purchase! Sign up to unlock 30% in my Your Natural Dog store and get your gift. This is a great start to your holiday shopping for your favorite little pal. 🎁

Simply click the link below, sign up and I'll send you an email with your 30% off code! Happy Shopping! 🤗


I do love having a special feast prepared for my pup- but our traditional thanksgiving foods may contain things that wil...

I do love having a special feast prepared for my pup- but our traditional thanksgiving foods may contain things that will not sit well with our four-legged companions.

If your pet is accustomed to raw, or fresh whole foods for their diet, try these swaps to create a feast that is UPGRADED!

SWAP the...

Mashed potatoes for Mashed Cauliflower + goat milk. - Potatoes are high in carbohydrates that your dogs and cats do not need. Give them a lower carb option ad ad a little raw goat milk (check out Green Juju and Solutions Pet products)

Gravy for Bone broth
- Gravy tends to contain onions and flour which are not pet safe and not pet appropriate. Its no secret how healing properly prepared pet bone broth can be!

Stuffing for Turkey organ, white and dark meats.
- Stuffing tends to be carb rich, contains onions and lots of flavors. Feed some of the turkey ( NO cooked BONES) and organs! IF you fried or smoked your turkey (or have heavily seasoned it) take a pass on sharing it!

Cranberry Sauce for a Very Berry smoothie!
-Cranberry sauce is high in sugar- try a Very berry smoothie- black berries, blue berries, cranberries and some goat milk (or bone broth)- Drizzle over the turkey!

Pumpkin pie for canned pumpkin
- Too many species inappropriate ingredients in pies and treats. Try some canned organic pumpkin (freeze into little cubes for a fun treat!)

CAUTION: If your pet is not used to getting fresh whole foods, Thanksgiving is not the time to experiment- the last think I want is for you to end up outside of the ER in a pet with an upset stomach- I've been there my first Thanksgiving with Finn 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving my friends- so thankful you are here!

I am grateful that you are here, that you opened your heart and mind to consider a more natural approach, and that you w...

I am grateful that you are here, that you opened your heart and mind to consider a more natural approach, and that you want to be a part of this community. I cannot wait to begin sharing more as the website, blog, and newsletter come to life.

I am grateful for my path, for the turns it has took to lead me here. These turns, big or small have shaped me and the way I practice. They have taught me to open my mind and my heart. To listen, and I mean really listen to what others are asking, and to do my best to serve.

I am grateful for the clients who are curious, ask questions that I cannot answer, and trust in me to help find answers, a path forward.

I am grateful for my dog, his cancer, and his desire to live and thrive has humbled me, helped me learn and grow, helped me to be more compassionate and understanding of every pet’s journey. He made sure I continued to look forward, and stopped looking backwards.

I am grateful to the veterinary professionals I have worked with- technicians, assistants, receptionists, managers, the list goes on. Every day I work beside you I learn. Your dedication to the profession, your love for animals inspires me constantly and reminds me of how little I can do without a wonderful team by my side.

I am grateful to my mentors- those that pushed me to grow- veterinarians, friends, family, store owners, product developers, there are so many of you. It is amazing how my relationships have impacted my growth, my life, and my path forward

Lastly, and certainly not least. I am grateful that my mind opened and my heart listened. 5 years ago, I sat in my car sobbing, that this was not the profession I wanted to be a part of, and I needed another way. Sure enough I found it- it only required opening my heart and mind and finding a community of those who were willing to do the same.

Thank you, all of you who have impacted me and shaped me. I only wish that I had been more clear in the times we were together how much you shaped me, but sometimes hindsight allows you the 30,000 foot perspective.

This season is a time for gratitude, and in a world that seems to have so much going wrong, I hope you can open your eyes, mind and heart to all that is going right.

All that goes right within your own body, your pet’s body so that you are here today witnessing the beauty that is among us both human, companion and in nature.

And even in times of dis-sense and struggle (mental, physical and spiritual), recognize your body is trying it’d best to give you signs that it needs help. All we need to do is to walk a path that serves us and our pet, and sure enough through the twists and turns we will find health, happiness, truth and joy.

Happy thanksgiving.

I am starting something new this week- sharing products and companies I trust with you.While I am a huge advocate of foo...

I am starting something new this week- sharing products and companies I trust with you.

While I am a huge advocate of food as medicine, there are reasons why adding in supplements can be incredibly helpful. As you have seen in my posts on mushrooms, there is a lot to consider. I am not affiliated with this company, but respect them immensely.

They do everything right.

Nautralpath Vet Community, meet Solutions Pet Products, LLC

The Chill Out formula can be used to help pets with so many different ailments. The combinations of herbals are synergistic and supportive of many forms of anxiety. It has shown promising effects in our older pet population exhibiting cognitive decline ( fun fact: pair it with some high quality MCT oil to see even better results with cognitive decline)

Please check with your proactive/integrative/holistic veterinarian before adding anything new into the mix. Solutions Pet Products can be found at natural pet food stores near you!

Before we dig into the medicinal components of this mushroom (coming soon)- I thought a little history and fun facts wou...

Before we dig into the medicinal components of this mushroom (coming soon)- I thought a little history and fun facts would be a great way to learn a little more about a very well known Fungus!

More to come on this amazing, historical, and medicinal fungus!

Have you ever supplemented Reishi to you pet? If so, can you share the benefits you hoped to see (or did see)?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

What is in your Mushroom supplement? My hope is that you are beginning to understand that adding a quality supplement is...

What is in your Mushroom supplement?

My hope is that you are beginning to understand that adding a quality supplement is not as easy as a Google search. When done right it will have a HUGE impact on your pet's health.

Okay so let's talk two components: Mycelium and Fruiting body.

The top picture is supposed to represent mycelium. Mycelium is microscopic. It is the root structure , or vegetative body, that literally becomes once with the substrate it is grown upon. In nature, this means the mycelium becomes one with the decaying forest substrate, but in commercial growing practices it becomes one with the grain (rice, oats, sorghum, etc). This means it becomes inseparable during processing from the substrate, and becomes part of your supplement.

Whatever is in that substrate is in your supplement and you'll give to your pet.

A fair amount of research has been done on the Mycelium. In all fairness, the mycelium does contain some medicinal properties too, but in research studies the mycelium is grown using liquid fermentation. This allows the "substrate" to be removed/ poured off and the pure mycelium to be analyzed on its own.

The mushroom is the fruit of the fungi. It contains the most medicinal components, but takes the longest to grow. Proper extraction techniques allow for optimization of the medicinal components- which again, are concentrated in the mushroom, or fruiting body itself.

The complex part becomes understanding how much of the fruiting body is present in your mushroom supplement. The use of fruiting bodies alone will provide the most concentrated medicinal content in the supplement.

Not much explanation is needed here, as the fruiting body is the superior part of the fungi for medicinal purposes.

Whether intentional misleading labeling, or lack of knowledge, many products are not going to provide you the medicinal support you want. Research and getting to know your brand is so important!

If you are like me and want more on this- these two blogs are incredibly informative!



Tomorrow, we will dive into a specific mushroom- Tell me- which one would like to hear about first?

Before you type "medicinal mushrooms for pet" into Google, let's talk about SOURCING.Mushrooms have an incredible abilit...

Before you type "medicinal mushrooms for pet" into Google, let's talk about SOURCING.

Mushrooms have an incredible ability to support many areas of health, but the number of quality products on the market is close to ZERO.

Research is growing in the realm of medicinal mushrooms and their vast benefits to both human and pet health. Increased demand will create a need for increased supply, and many companies are not doing it right.

Labels may look nice, but it is the fine print and company transparency that are needed to be researched to find a GREAT product.

Here are a few things to consider:

(1) Location of Growth: Sourcing in the USA can be superior (but not always). As with anything, there are many criteria that need to be considered in a supplement. China is a common place to source mushrooms. Since China is the most polluted country in the world- any diet, herb, supplement made in China should be meticulously inspected to help ensure safety and purity.

(2) Substrate grown upon: Nature provides the best substrate. Mushrooms, in their natural habitat grow in the wild on decaying matter, tree trunks, and dirt in the forest. They do not naturally grow in labs or indoor environments. A few companies do grow them on natural substrates, but most grow them on rice, oats, or grains. This should be something you pay attention to. Rice tends to be very high in arsenic, and it can be absorbed into the mushrooms grown upon it. Oats, are one of the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides, and this should also be considered.

(3) Processing and Extraction: Hot water, alcohol and dual extraction techniques all can be used. There are reasons for pros and cons to each of these. I will save this for another post :)

(4) Fillers: Read the label carefully. The bulk of the medicinal properties exist within the fruiting body, the mycelium is the root structure and is higher in carbohydrates, and lower in medicinal properties. Mycelium is fast growing so ideal for those looking to make a quick buck. It should not be the bulk (or ALL) of the supplement. Many mushroom supplements also include the substrate they are grown upon (rice, oats, etc)- which again does not have medicinal properties. All aspects of the label should be read because many are deceiving.

(5) Certificate of Analysis: This is truly lacking in the industry. There is only one company (that I know of) providing this. This allows you to understand exactly what is in the product, and should also look for potential toxins- heavy metals, contaminants, and pesticides/herbicides. We as pet parents need to demand that every batch be analyzed by a third party.

(6) Company Transparency: Know the brand you choose. Feel comfortable with all of their sourcing, growing, processing, extraction, and analysis techniques. Email them, call them, TRUST them. I never recommend something to pets that I would not feel comfortable taking myself.

While you search your potential brands, know that there are companies doing a very good job on non-natural substrates. There are companies that really care, and there are companies that want to learn, grow and serve their customers.

This is a lot, but if you are going to invest in your pet's health it pays to do your research, to choose a good company and to know you will get results.

Let's talk medicinal mushrooms....But first, to be clear, I am not a huge supporter of supplements.... UNLESS they bring...

Let's talk medicinal mushrooms....

But first, to be clear, I am not a huge supporter of supplements.... UNLESS they bring a lot to the table.

I believe in food as medicine. When food is properly prepared for our carnivore companions, sourced from organic, regenerative, and biodynamic farms- it leave little need for supplementation. Of course, there are always exceptions, but as a general rule of thumb if there is a real food source for your pet- I will recommend that first.

I believe you cannot supplement your way out of a bad diet or unhealthy lifestyle. Food is always the priority.... but mushrooms when SOURCED well and used properly have huge benefits for health.

Over the next several days, look for a daily post on all things mushrooms. We will talk about the importance of sourcing, understanding ingredients, certificate of analysis (COA), anatomy of mushrooms, processing and forms of supplements, and the medicinal mushrooms that can be used in pets!

If you have a friend who might have interest- please share with them! I cannot wait to talk more about these fantastic fungi!


I'm behind on FB since I am getting exciting content ready-😁 Stay tuned friends!

It was so cool to finally meet  Hernando, one of the owners of CBD Dog Health, in person. We had a blast learning all ab...

It was so cool to finally meet Hernando, one of the owners of CBD Dog Health, in person. We had a blast learning all about their new product line! Check out Your Natural Dog to learn more about their mushroom tinctures!

The sourcing that the team at CBD Dog Health does is unmatched in the market. Their attention to detail, processing, and standards for purity, set them apart from anyone else that I know of. I am so grateful to companies that put pet health as their number one goal. Such an inspiring group of people behind the product!

It was great meeting with Hernando, one of the owners of CBD Dog Health, today! Many of you already know about their awesome CBD products…. AND we got a sneak peak in some new “stuff” 🙃 coming soon that we are super excited for!

The CBD Dog team is like no other in that they are very specific in how they farm the ingredients in their products, how their ingredients are extracted, case studies, and even taking time to work with us via zoom- or today in person… to best serve the goals that you have for your pet.

Their products have been available at our office for the past year and have been a great addition to the care we provide to help get results for your pet faster or to help in areas of stress or anxiety. 💛

Do it yourself itchy paw spray  recipe. This is a must have this time of year. It is soothing for both itch, and for anx...

Do it yourself itchy paw spray recipe. This is a must have this time of year. It is soothing for both itch, and for anxious lickers. Of course, it is not intended to replace your regular veterinarian's recommendations, but has helped my dog tremendously with both itch (and nervous licking). Check out Living Libations and Mountain Rose Herbs for sourcing the ingredients and essential oils.


Fall Allergies? try these little tips.Did you know that in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM),  we can see a...

Fall Allergies? try these little tips.

Did you know that in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (TCVM), we can see allergies peak in early spring and late fall. While there is some correlation with what is going on in the environment, there is a change in the way energy (Qi) flows through the body. If the body obstructions, where the energy can not flow smoothly, we can see allergies manifest. This is an incredibly complex process, and this brief explanation does not do it justice!

Allergies are incredibly frustrating, and can be incredibly complex. These are just a few small things to consider and look into.

In my experience, the biggest changes have always happened when we clean up the diet. It is incredible what fresh food can do for the body. While I could write an entire book on my allergy approach, I will leave you with a few things to consider. It is not a complete list, and not every recommendation can be applied to every pet. Please remember to work directly with your proactive veterinarian to see what is safe to implement for your pet!



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