The City of Mendota regulates and controls animals in a manner consistent with current laws and City ordinances. Animal control responds to complaints and incidents in a timely and appropriate manner. Mendota's animal control works to keep the public safe, protect animals, and to help pet owners be responsible neighbors. Animal control provides the following services:
-Pick-up, impoundment, and d
isposal of stray animals
-Bite reports and rabies control
-Enforcement of City ordinances and animal laws
-Stray and abandoned animals are held for five (5) days at the City of Mendota dog pound. If owners don't recover their pets in five days, the pet is transferred to other rescue groups.
-Dog licenses may be obtained at City Hall at 643 Quince St. (M-F 8:00am-5:00pm)
-Operating hours are similar to the police department (M-F 8:30am-5:00pm)