Today, I said goodbye to my sweetest, most beloved boy: Sir Winston Churchill after almost 14 beautiful years together.
I must admit it's beyond hard to experience this.
Winston was an answered prayer and an adventure to know. I am so thankful for the beautiful blessing of our human-fur-friendship. He was a constant source of joy, and I can’t get over the gift of being his ‘Mama’.
My Gentle Giant lived a grand life, doing what he did best: loving.
And in this 'loving' he cuddled.
He moaned and groaned.
And, if he so desired, walked at - and only at - his unique pace.
He knew the word 'run' but chose not to make it part of his daily activity.
He drooled and couldn't be bothered by the mess it made. I guess if he could, he’d say: Thank you, Mommy, for cleaning up after me!
He embraced every single day with the kindest, most gentle heart and in his own beautiful, not-so-elegant ways.
He never knew the word 'dog' as he was affectionately known as Seuntjie, LiefieLyfie, Papaja, Winstie or Pikkewyn. He knew love firsthand. I doubt he even knew he was four-legged.
My sweet, charming Winston's oversized paw-print has been imprinted on my heart and every aspect of my life. He served me well.
I'll miss his velvet ears.
His strong, little puffy legs.
The 'Dinosaur bone' on top of his head!
His silliness during our daily 'lying-on-the-carpet-cuddle-therapy-sessions'.
His windmill excited tail wags.
His unique strong sense of smell - and 'his' smell.
His affectionate personality.
His stubbornness – oh my goodness – one of a kind!!
His gentle kisses.
His sleeping pattern - stretching his elongated body out across the bed and causing me to sleep on the edge of the bed!
The kissable spot between his soulful droopy eyes.
The precious way he brightened my days.
The trust and comfort he placed in me as his Mommy.
I’ll miss his steadfast loyalty.
His quintessential hound-like howl barks.
Our Sunday drives: sitting on my lap going nowhere slowly.
His presence – ever by my side.
It’s a vulnerable feeling I’m experiencing right now, but I’ll fill this gap with memories of our time together.
I'll miss our special bond and the way he loved me unconditionally - with every bit of his extraordinarily big heart.
I'm heartbroken, yes, but I have an overwhelming feeling of deep gratitude for the love and joy this sweet boy brought to my life.
Winston changed my life as much as I changed his. While he was provided for and given the best, he equally provided for me as a constant comfort, companion, and – believe it or not – a confidant.
He has given me a thousand lifetimes worth of love through his generous soul to help fill the immeasurable void I feel without him.
My shadow is gone.
If I were to tell Winston: 'You're going to gain angel wings and cross the rainbow bridge my darling 🐶' ... he would most probably reply: Mommy? What are you talking about? I'm not a doggy!! Ja!! The Life of Winston Churchill ♡
Today I am reminded of the hard, real part of life. I am reminded that life is precious no matter the body it comes in.
"Only in the agony of parting, do we look into the depths of love".
MyLyfie ... Mamma mis jou reeds.
I've been writing this love note to my Winstie🐶 for a while now: jotted down ideas, changed a little, deleted some, and added even more. Today, hitting enter makes his passing real. I'll treasure the memory of you, MyWinstie ... forever and ever ♡