Rock The Boat "River" - 13.2 hh halfbred Connemara pony FOR SALE. She has been to several shows as a spectator, and was entered in her first class 3/6/21 at Ashland Farm. She stands, loads, ties, and is comfortable at the walk, trot, canter, jumping and LOVES trails! This pony has been an absolute pleasure to break. Though still green, she has a great head on her shoulders, has been trailered all over - other barns/arenas, trails, shows - and has always shown a calm maturity well beyond her years. This pony is soft, brave and willing to do anything you ask, no matter if it's the 100th time she's done it or the 1st. Her size and temperament would make her ideal as a child's pony but she has no problem carrying me around (I'm 5'2"). For more information, please contact Lia at 470-505-5766.
Rockoco - FOR SALE - Colt by *ArdCeltic Art, out of Newmont Isadora Duncan (by Moxley Duncan). Contact (404)971-1831.
New arrival! A healthy COLT by Ard Celtic Art out of Newmont Isadora Duncan ❤️
A rainy River ❤️ (Hopefully not at the show tomorrow!)
Rockaway ponies ❤️
🎶Reunited and it feels so good🎶 Rockit and Kizzy missed River 🙂
River day 9
A little bumpy but we’re getting there 😂
River day 5?
River is a trotting champion 😂
River day 3
River (Rock The Boat) is doing so well! This was her 3rd day ever being ridden!