
Shield4Pets Sharing information about this amazing fermented wheat germ extract, an enrichment food, imported fr

This is a fermented wheat germ extract supplement imported from Hungary. It is made from the endosperm or seed of non-GMO wheat kernels. The fermentation process turns it into something amazing, a new, exciting supplement that enriches the diets of all animals. It supports the immune system, increases appetite and provides a sense of well being for your pets. Sharing results of its use is the purp

ose of this page and we encourage everyone who is using it or has used it to share their stories and photos.

Since about a dozen people have asked about Shield4Pets, I am posting the article that I share with those who ask.      ...

Since about a dozen people have asked about Shield4Pets, I am posting the article that I share with those who ask.


Shield4Pets is derived from the germ (endosperm, or seed) of the wheat plant and is a by-product of milling wheat kernels to produce flour. This plant portion is hypoallergenic, gluten-free, and not linked to allergies.

It differs from ordinary wheat germ in that it is fermented to concentrate the substituted benzo-quinones, which are biologically active. Concentration allows the immunomodulatory effects of the substituted benzoquinones to be obtained without consuming impractically large amounts of wheat germ. The fermented wheat germ product is treated with ionizing energy to reach the appropriate microbiological purity. Shield4Pets is manufactured by Biropharma Animal Health in Budapest, Hungary, from non-GMO sources.

The finished product is rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins, and unsaturated fatty acids. Its essential components include herbal benzoic- and hydroquinones with immune-modulating and antimicrobial effects. Shield4Pets is manufactured using the same technology as the FDA-approved human supplement. During the production of the active substances, the two production lines separate during the solidification or drying steps. Shield4Pets contains the water-soluble part AND the solid parts as well. It is sold as a feeding material for animals of all sizes. If we look only at the raw production method, then Shield4Pets contains more types of functional molecules than any other product. This tells us a lot about the ingredients.

How does Shield4Pets work?

In short, Shield4Pets helps in immune system defenses. The product has a complex biological effect affecting the humoral and cellular immune systems. The NK cell is like a cop that stops someone suspicious, demands to see an ID, and asks a few questions. If it decides the target cell is “innocent,” it moves on. If not, watch out! Any invading or mutated cell can only grow and thrive if it convinces the body’s NK “police” that it’s a normal cell. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what cancer cells do.

Cancer “lies” to the NK cells, telling the NK’s receptors, “It’s okay, I’m a good guy.” It does this with a surface molecule called MHC-1 that performs the same function as a criminal’s fake ID. Once the NK cell “reads” this molecule, it moves on.

But here’s where Fermented Wheat Germ comes in. Fermented Wheat Germ suppresses the cancer cell’s ability to display the “fake ID” and thereby lie to NK cells. The immune system can now consume the invader and keep it from growing and multiplying. (Okay, an honest cop doesn’t devour a criminal, so the metaphor breaks down here. But on the whole, I’m glad these NK cops are killers! After all, that’s why they’re called natural killer cells.) There are numerous published findings on successful human clinical trials of Fermented Wheat Germ, with more underway.

The mutated genes in cancer cells constantly urge these malignant cells to divide. To maintain the processes of rapid cell division, the cell metabolism must also be changed; the cell needs to adapt nucleic acids (RNA/DNA) and other constituents for its use. Cancer cells adapt their metabolism to gain energy, enabling them to utilize glucose's most abundant resource in circulation. This is why so many cancer diets are based on no carbohydrates or sugars. To maintain a continuous proliferation, glucose must be utilized continuously for synthetic (anabolic) biochemical processes.

Tumor cells quickly adapt to this glucose-based metabolism and can take up and use enormous quantities of this molecule - up to 20-30 times more than normal cells. Cancer cells use one part of glucose for energy production and another for synthesizing nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of RNA and DNA. Quite a brilliant little system these cancer cells have! This constant glucose flow to cancer cells is one of the reasons cancer patients have no energy and no appetite.

Shield4Pets works by decreasing the glucose uptake of tumor cells dose-dependently and inhibiting the production of ribose and deoxyribose to make a complex group of processes simple for laypeople. This sugar is the backbone of DNA. It also inhibits key enzymes that cancer cells need to grow. Further, Fermented Wheat Germ enhances TNFalpha (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) production, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the ability of cancer cells to keep themselves well-supplied with blood. It produces an enzyme that tells the circulatory system to increase circulation or blood supply.

Much research in the States has been focused on anti-angiogenesis, but Shield4Pets works on many fronts, making it a powerful weapon. Think of cancer as an evil entity that circumvents the natural processes in the body to establish an evil empire that builds itself into a monster! Shield4Pets deconstructs cancer cells by working in many of these processes, turning them back into what they were before the onslaught of cancer, which took control and cleverly used these natural processes to grow itself at an enormous rate.

Shield4Pets also has an immune-modulating effect by selectively inhibiting MHC-I (major histocompatibility-I) expression on the surface of tumor cells. It can restore the immune system to its pre-damaged condition by re-teaching T cells proper cell recognition. The MHC genes regulate antibody recognition, meaning Shield4Pets is also extremely useful in autoimmune diseases.

How is it used?

This immune-modulating ability makes it very useful for many other treatments. We are still discovering how it works on various body systems, but so far, it is used to assist in treating immune and autoimmune diseases, skin tags, and benign and malignant tumors. One tiny little Pomeranian responded to the supplement by re-growing a full coat after years of suffering from alopecia! Really.

The human form of fermented wheat germ extract has been studied with mice …”The down-regulation of auto-antibody production following treatment with FWGE was observed in a mouse model for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), indicating that FWGE can facilitate the clinical manifestation of experimental SLE.”

One of the most exciting studies showing the value of this supplement was published in March 2018. It's long but well worth reading if you own horses or any other animal;

In skin diseases, the efficiency of the therapy of various infectious skin diseases, allergic skin inflammation, and increased wound healing can be improved by helping stop the licking of itchy skin.

It benefits patients with painful arthritis and can be safely combined with all anti-inflammatory treatments. Overall improvement in physical condition and quality of life are noticeable after short-term use, and recovery is speeded up after surgical procedures. This is especially true with senior animals. They have an increased appetite, improved mobility, and a greater sense of well-being, making them more responsive and active. It is as if this supplement is some form of elixir for older pets.

Side Effects

How can one supplement accomplish all of these things? Studies done with humans show how well it works. You can Google Fermented Wheat Germ Extract or input the phrase into the National Library of Medicine online search:

The only known side effect can be a soft stool, but it is seen infrequently. No other known other side effects have been noted. Adding a probiotic to the food will resolve this issue.

Known Interactions

It is used with all forms of chemotherapy and has been proven to extend survival time and quality of life in human patients without any side effects except a loose stool. It should not be taken at the same time as vitamin C (allow a 2-hour window on either side of Shield4Pets). Otherwise, there are no restrictions. Adding Omega 3 essential fatty acids in fish oil, preferably from wild-caught fish, will enhance this product.

Important Warnings

Using Shield4Pets is not a substitute for clinical oncology treatment and medications. This product should be kept strictly out of the reach of children!

Dosage and Usage of Shield4Pets Powder

As an adjunct to cancer treatments, the dose is 2 grams for every 25 pounds of body weight. You can double that amount to achieve a better immune system balance.

As an overall health supplement, sprinkle 4 grams or one teaspoon daily on food or mix with cooked or raw food.

Grains are Off Limits!

The word “wheat” induces a very negative response in most people with pets. Understandably, that is why we wish to explain that fermented wheat germ is no longer a grain, wheat. During the patented manufacturing process, a new set of compounds is created with a quality different from the starting materials. The biological effects of this product are most unique. Fermented Wheat Germ has been extensively studied for its anti-cancer and immuno-modulating effects. The first studies were carried out in the middle of the 1990s. Since then, Fermented Wheat Germ has become one of the most comprehensively studied complex products with an active ingredient of plant origin.

Due to its complex nature, Fermented Wheat Germ Extract contains numerous additional molecules besides its main ingredient. Many of them, like fructose, are used as a catalyst to begin the fermentation progress and are necessary. Other ingredients in the tablet formula are also required to keep the tablet together and to help it dissolve, plus natural beef flavoring from Poland.

So why are there no studies to validate fermented wheat germ for pets?

To the company that created and sells this supplement, Biropharma, in Hungary, the feeding material is a secondary product, but no funding is available to substantiate any claims. Using this since it was released in 2008 for sale to pets, we are compiling the information. We work with veterinarians to gather their results and combine that with feedback from people using it. We hope to present the information to the American Veterinary Holistic Medical Foundation to gain their interest in funding actual studies. You will become part of future studies if you share your results.

Meanwhile, the fermented wheat germ people use is FDA-approved for that species. Still, since nutrients, nutraceuticals, and supplements are not in the FDA’s vocabulary for animals, they do not allow their import as a supplement. It is either a food or a drug. Drugs are destroyed in customs; food can be allowed, so we import this as food.

It is easy to use as a powder on food or as a flavored chewable tablet. In the United States and Canada, it is sold at

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April 28, 2023

Although much has yet to be learned about fermented wheat germ extract, it is one of the most exciting and, perhaps, promising supplements that may be effective in combatting cancer. Clinical and laboratory studies have revealed that fermented wheat germ regulates cellular metabolism and supports the immune system. A 2020 summary paper demonstrated that it may even reverse the abnormal metabolism (the “Warburg effect”) of cancer cells by causing the mitochondria of the cancer cell to become “normal” again. One study published in 2003 found that colorectal patients who consumed fermented wheat germ extract in combination with conventional cancer therapy resulted in an additional 82% reduction in their tumor re-occurrences, a 67% reduction in metastasis, and a 62% reduction in deaths as opposed to those who received only conventional therapy.[1] Another study revealed that patients with melanoma taking fermented wheat germ increased their survival rate by 50% and doubled the period they remained cancer-free, compared to the group that did not take fermented wheat germ extract.[2]

Although the studies mentioned above were conducted using human beings, there is another study worth noting, even though it was conducted using mice. This study is significant because its findings were presented at the 2008 American Society for Clinical Oncology meeting, an annual gathering of oncologists, many if not all of whom are trained under a Western medicine philosophy of cancer treatment, where “natural therapies” often go unmentioned. In this study, fermented wheat germ extract inhibited breast cancer growth in mice better than the world’s three leading hormonal therapies: Tamoxifen, Exemestane, and Anastrozole. [3]

The study data showed none of the hormonal therapies was as effective as fermented wheat germ extract alone. Combined with each treatment, tumor growth inhibition was superior to hormonal therapies alone. Fermented wheat germ extract also inhibited the growth of breast tumor types that are not dependent on estrogen for growth by 50%, something none of the three hormonal therapies in the study can do, once again supporting the notion that it works in a manner that affects almost all types of cancer.

In all, there are more than 50 published studies on fermented wheat germ extract. These studies suggest that this all-natural ingredient can slow or stop almost every form of cancer’s growth via two primary methods. Firstly, fermented wheat germ extract reduces glucose flow into cells, inhibiting a cancer cell’s growth.[4]

Secondly, fermented wheat germ extract enhances programmed cell death or apoptosis.

[1] British Journal of Cancer (2003) 89, 465 – 469,
[3] Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 25, No 18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007: 21132,
[4] Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1051: 529–542 (2005). © 2005 New York Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1196/annals.1361.097
[5] Fermented Wheat Germ Extract Super Concentrate Scientific Summary, 2015, pg 1 Bencze, Gyula PhD.


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FERMENTED WHEAT GERM EXTRACT AND CANCERby Jeremiah Smith, PharmDOriginally published October 14, 2008, in Natural News(N...


by Jeremiah Smith, PharmD
Originally published October 14, 2008, in Natural News

(NaturalNews) Wheat germ is the most nutritious part of the wheat kernel. It is one of the most nutritionally dense foods available. When subjected to yeast fermentation, wheat germ becomes a source of two biologically active substances: 2-methoxy-benzoquinone and 2,6-dimethoxy-benzoquinone. Following fermentation, the resulting product can be standardized to a benzoquinone concentration capable of producing the desired health effects.

Investigation into the biochemical significance of fermented wheat germ began with Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a Hungarian physiologist credited with isolating Vitamin C and recipient of the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He firmly believed in the idea of food as medicine. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, noticed lower cancer rates among those who ate whole grains compared to those eating mostly refined grains. This led him to search for the ingredient in wheat that might explain the observed cancer prevention. Later, he was able to demonstrate the potential of benzoquinone compounds in cancer cell metabolism. Unfortunately, it was difficult to isolate a sufficient amount and achieve consistent concentrations of the fermented product, preventing Albert Szent-Gyorgyi from taking his research to the next level.

Availability and classification

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi efforts laid the groundwork for further research and development that continues today. New and improved industrial technologies have solved the problems of production and standardization. A new generation of Hungarian scientists has picked up where Albert Szent-Gyorgyi left off. Dr. Mate Hidvegi developed and patented an extract of fermented wheat germ called Avemar.

Avemar was initially released in Hungary as a dietary supplement in 1998. After demonstrating its anti-cancer activity, Avemar received approval for clinical studies. Based on those results, it was registered as a medical nutriment for cancer patients in 2002. Under this registration, it is recommended to complement cancer treatment during and after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Since then, it has been registered for the same indications in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, with registration pending in several other countries. In the United States, Avemar is classified as a dietary supplement.

How does FWGE work?

Mechanisms of action responsible for FWGE's anti-cancer and immunoregulatory properties include:

* Prevents cancer cell proliferation

* Induces programmed cell death in cancer cells

* Enhances the immune system's ability to target cancerous cells

* Increases the recovery rate of immune function following
immunosuppressive therapies

* Decreases uptake of glucose by tumor cells

* Promotes balance between cellular and humoral immunity, thus
regulating the immune response

This last point refers to one of FWGE's most exciting properties. FWGE stimulates the immune system in cases of cancer. In cases of autoimmunity (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), it offers appropriate immunosuppressive effects. At first glance, this appears contradictory. However, FWGE can exert these seemingly opposite effects through its action on different segments of the immune system.

In most cases, cancer therapy complemented with FWGE is proven more effective than conventional treatment alone. FWGE not only enhances these treatments but also reduces their damaging side effects.

FWGE has no adverse effects and shows no toxicity toward normal cells.

Evidence for the supportive role of FWGE in cancer treatment

A study examining the use of FWGE in patients with colorectal cancer found significant improvements in those patients supplemented with FWGE. The FWGE group received traditional cancer therapy and FWGE supplementation, whereas the control group received only conventional treatment. The results showed a significant reduction in new cancer recurrences (3% vs. 17.3%), new metastases (7.6% vs. 23.1%), and deaths (12.1% vs. 31.7%). The authors concluded that supportive use of FWGE is highly recommended in colorectal cancer treatment. This study was reported in the Orvosi Hetilap Hungarian Medical Journal.

Another study from the British Journal of Cancer reported similar findings. Supplementation of conventional cancer therapies with FWGE improved progression-free and overall survival probabilities.

A research review by the Hungarian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons found that the progression of malignant tumors of the oral cavity was significantly slowed with using FWGE. Furthermore, the five-year survival rate of patients was increased, and the quality of life was improved.

The International Journal of Cancer reports a study evaluating the supportive use of FWGE in high-risk melanoma patients. Again, the time to progression and the probability of progression-free survival were increased in favor of patients taking FWGE. Fewer side effects were also noted in these patients.

As impressive as these results are, they represent only a fraction of the total published research on FWGE. There are currently more than 20 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals alone. Research has been funded by many government organizations, including the Hungarian Scientific Research Foundation, the Ministry of Health in Spain, the Clinical Nutrition Research Unit of the University of California Los Angeles, INCO-COPERNICUS of the European Union, and NATO's Scientific Program.


1. Human (Clinical Trials) a) Demidov LV, Manziuk LV, Kharkevitch GY, Pirogova NA, Artamonova EV, Adjuvant fermented wheat germ extract (Avemar) nutraceutical improves survival of high-risk skin melanoma patients: a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical study with a 7-year follow-up, Cancer Biother R...


This interaction goes back a few years, but I consider it a significant source of information for all of you.


We have been giving Sudi Fermented wheat germ extract for about two months for his lung cancer. It has been helping many dogs, and it is non-toxic. However, there is a difference in the formulas, so it has taken a lot of research by a very determined woman in our dog cancer community to see what is thought to be the most effective one, with the most research to back it up. Recently, it has been made available to the animal community under the name Shield4Pets/Immunovet in powder or chewable tablet form. I am not selling this; I am strictly using it. So I was delighted to get our Second Opinion newsletter yesterday and see it as the featured article, and there will be a follow-up next month. Dr Rowen, our physician, has treated John's Myeloma and is always ahead of the pack in finding new and effective treatments.


Dr Robert Rowen - Second Opinion Newsletter, March 2013
Vol. XXIII, Issue 3 / March 2013

Simple Extract Reduces Cancer Recurrence by Up to 85%

What if I told you there was a medicine that had the power to cut the progression and recurrence of cancer in half? Would you be interested? What if this medicine had no toxicity whatsoever? Sounds even better. Even I would take a look at that. That’s why I had to look closely when I found out about a substance that really can cut the progression and recurrence of cancer in half. This isn’t a dream. And you’ll read about it here first.

I first heard about this substance from Larry D. of Florida. He was dying of mesothelioma from asbestos. This is a nasty lung cancer. Conventional medicine can’t blunt it at all. Chemo left him fragile. He took this substance along with a related product (ImmPower). Three years later, he returned to running 25 miles per week and competing in short marathon races. He would even win his age group occasionally. So, I decided to do some additional research. I was impressed. This substance, when combined with standard conventional care, doubles the time to progression in stage-3 melanoma. It also improved survival by 50% compared to the control.

In colorectal cancer, the substance, when combined with standard care, showed an 82% reduction in the rate of recurrence and a 67% reduction in tumor progression with a 62% reduction in deaths.
For oral cancer, combined with surgery and standard care, this substance, used for 12 months, reduced recurrences by 85% in that first year. Even after the patients stopped taking it after the first year, researchers noted a doubling in survival over the next five years. Even in pediatric solid tumors, children getting chemo had a 45% reduction in episodes of life-threatening septic events during immune-system depletion.

In the lab, this substance inhibits every cancer cell line researchers tested it on. And, just as significantly, it does not harm healthy (non-transformed) cells. This alone won’t lift me off my seat since lab dishes differ greatly from the living person. But the fact that it has not shown any toxicity yet gets these results does raise my eyebrows. So, what is the substance? It’s not a drug. It’s a nutritional supplement. Its inventor, Dr. Mate Hidvegi, named it Avé Maria because of its miraculous supportive properties in cancer. It now goes by Fermented wheat germ extract or Avemar, which differs in the processing of the active compounds. I’ll call it FWGE for now.

FWGE is a standardized extract made by fermenting wheat germ with baker’s yeast, utilizing the technology Dr. Hidvegi invented. I’ll tell you about this in a moment. First, let me explain how it works.
Cancer cells have transformed their metabolism to ferment oxygen rather than fully utilize it for energy production. This is called the “Warburg effect.” It was named after the German Nobel Prize winner who discovered that cancerous cells have totally deranged energy pathways. We know that cancer cells that utilize more oxygen are less aggressive today. FWGE inhibits these anaerobic pathways.

You know that I’m a biochemistry buff, as our cells run and are regulated by biochemical reactions. FWGE is loaded with a class of molecules called quinones, specifically methoxy-substituted benzoquinones. These form during the fermentation process. (Fermentation is a process of microorganisms altering foods to make incredibly beneficial molecules our bodies cannot make. Of course, alcohol production in wine, etc., is accomplished through fermentation.) Many years ago, your government ran a cancer pioneer out of the country for making injectable “catalysts,” which were curing cancer. His name was William Koch M.D., Ph.D. He fled to Brazil. He based his catalysts on quinone molecules. And for me, Dr. Oxidation, it’s even more interesting since quinones are pro-oxidants!

The fermented wheat germ extract knocks out one of cancer’s key enzymes: transketolase (TK). This prevents the manufacture of the ribose molecules required for DNA synthesis. But even better, blocking TK forces cancer cells to return to direct glucose oxidation (utilization of oxygen). This can dramatically tame the cancer cell and encourage it to become apoptosis. This is a very novel anticancer mechanism. Trials in humans have shown that it takes more than 50 times the concentration of the product that works on cancer to have any adverse effect on normal cells. That’s a massive margin of safety!

In addition to the above, FWGE reduces the quantities of specific markers on cancer cell membranes, which hide them from your immune system and natural killer cells. It also increases proteins on the inner lining of tumor blood vessels, which enable your immune cells to more easily pass into the tumor from your bloodstream. FWGE increases your production of the primary anti-cancer protein called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a). And FWGE inhibits the cox-1 and 2 (cyclooxygenase) enzymes. These are the enzymes the infamous NSAID drugs (and aspirin) target. Pharma has been rushing to show anti-cancer benefits from its petrochemical NSAID potions, but these chemicals are loaded with problems. Vioxx killed scores of thousands. You won’t see that with FWGE!

Specifically, FWGE inhibits the enzymes G6PD, transketolase, and ribonucleotide reductase activity. These effects slow ribose production, a key molecule in the energy molecule ATP and DNA. At the same time, FWGE supports normal cell enzymes and compounds, which help repair and differentiation. The latter means encouraging cells to maturity. Cancer cells are de-differentiated primitive cells. FWGE enhances explicitly the production of an enzyme called caspase-3. The latter destroys an enzyme (Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase) referred to as the “guardian angel” of cancer cells. It also increases the flow of calcium into the innards of cells, which helps stimulate normal cell su***de for wayward cells, called apoptosis. To be continued.

Comin-Anduix, B., L.G. Boros, S. Marin, et al. “Fermented wheat germ extract inhibits glycolysis/pentose cycle enzymes and induces apoptosis through poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation in Jurkat T-cell leukemia tumor cells.” J Biol Chem. 2002 November 29;277(48):46408–46414.
Demidov, L.V., L.V. Manziuk, G.Y. Kharkevitch, et al. “Adjuvant fermented wheat germ extract (Fermented wheat germ extract) nutraceutical improves survival of high-risk skin melanoma patients: a randomized, pilot, phase II clinical study with a 7-year follow-up.” Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2008 August;23(4):477–482.
Fajka-Boja, R., M. Hidvégi, Y. Shoenfeld, et al. “Fermented wheat germ extract induces apoptosis and downregulation of major histocompatibility complex class I proteins in tumor T and B cell lines,” Int J Oncol. 2002 March;20(3):563–570.
Farkas, E. [Fermented wheat germ extract in the supportive therapy of colorectal cancer]. [Article in Hungarian] Orv Hetil. 2005 September 11;146(37):1925–1931.
Hersh, E.M., S.J. O’Day, J. Powderly, et al. “A phase II multicenter study of ipilimumab with or without dacarbazine in chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced melanoma.” Invest New Drugs. 2011 June;29(3):489–498. Epub 2010 January 16.
Hodi, F.S., S.J. O’Day, D.F. McDermott, et al. “Improved survival with ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma.” N Engl J Med. 2010 August 19;363(8):711–723. Epub 2010 June 5.
Illmer, C., S. Madlener, Z. Horvath, et al. “Immunologic and biochemical effects of the fermented wheat germ extract Fermented wheat germ extract.” Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2005 February;230(2):144–149.
Telekes, A., M. Hegedus, C.H. Chae, et al. “Fermented wheat germ extract (wheat germ extract) in cancer prevention and treatment.” Nutr Cancer. 2009;61(6):891–899.


I wanted to share a story with you because it surprised me, and I am a great believer in the efficacy of Shield4Pets. This concerns a sweet little Queensland Heeler whose owner had worked diligently to resolve a very severe skin condition caused by squamous cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer, and unknown allergies. This poor dog had deep, infected sores covering most of her body; it was unresponsive to treatment, though it was not for lack of trying. Her vet bills testify to how dedicated she is as an owner. Squamous cell carcinomas are fast-growing tumors that get bigger with time and resist healing. The prognosis for squamous cell carcinoma is not good because these ulcerated tumors metastasize rapidly.

A good friend of mine, Tina, owns a dog boarding kennel. The family dropped her off to board for a week; when Tina saw the condition of this dog, she called me while the owner was still there, and we all discussed the next step. Tina has her Alaskan Malamutes on Shield4Pets for prevention, so she always has a good supply. I suggested she change the diet to a grain-free base and start her on a double dose of S4P immediately.

I am embarrassed to admit I forgot this during the next five days. After the owner picked up her dog at the end of the stay, Tina called to update me. Only two sores were left on one leg. The infected sores covering her body had all healed within that short period (five days), and this precious little dog went home with her tub of S4P powder, courtesy of Tina. Her owner was thrilled; she ordered her supply to keep the dog on the supplement.

I cannot tell you how happy I am when I hear success stories about supplements that are so effective against so many diseases.



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