23rd to 26th Federation of Rottweiler Friends Inc All Breed Championship Dog Show on November 9 - 10, 2019 at the SM Seaside Cebu Cube Wing. Our Pugs and Siberian Husky garnered the following awards:
☑️2x Best in Show Out of 4 Shows
☑️2x Best Philippine Born in show Out of 4 Shows
☑️2x New Grand Champions
☑️4x Best of Breed for Pugs Out of 4 Shows
☑️3x BOS for Siberian Husky Out of 4 Shows
Ph Gr Ch Bailey (male Pug):
☑️New Grand Champion
☑️1x Best in Show
☑️1x Best Philippine Born in Show
☑️1x Best in Group
☑️1x Best Philippine Born in Group
☑️1x 3rd Best in Group
☑️2x Best of Breed
☑️2x Best Dog
Ph Gr Ch Brandy (male Pug):
☑️New Grand Champion
☑️1x Best in Show
☑️1x Best Philippine Born in Show
☑️1x Best in Group
☑️1x Best Philippine Born in Group
☑️1x 2nd Best in Group
☑️2x Best of Breed
☑️2x Best Dog
Ph Ch Bella (female Pug):
☑️1x Best of Opposite S*x
☑️1x Best Bitch
Anastasia (female Siberian Husky):
☑️3x Best of Opposite S*x
☑️3x Best Bitch
☑️2x Best of Winners
Thanks to super handlers Gilbert Estole and Richie Limsiaco for showing the best in our dogs.