Pink Puppy Designs

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Pink Puppy Designs A portion of all sales is donated to animal rescues! Shop online...


Newly adopted Tallulah is enjoying her job as Product Tester for Pink Puppy Designs. Here she is working hard sampling our new Elk Antler Chews... nom nom! She gives them 4 paws WAY up.

Tallulah was adopted from our rescue partner Animal Education and Rescue


Meet our new addition!

Tallulah is a 1yr old American Pit Bull Terrier that was originally found living outside in the middle of winter under a viaduct with an injured back leg. She was petrified of people and it took animal control weeks to catch her. We took her in to foster and the poor little girl was very underweight, terrified, tested positive for Demodex Mange and Lyme Disease and to top it off her limp turned out to be because her back leg had been broken.

Well, it is now several months later and she is doing wonderfully and is an absolute sweetheart. Her two favorite things in the whole wide world are playing with her brothers and snuggling... both of which she now gets to do on a regular basis. :) Her body has healed and we have fallen in love and decided to add her to our permanent pack!

In honor of Tallulah, we are now offering a new addition to our line of collars... 1 1/2" wide collars are now available! This width is offered in select designs including the City Girl Dots collar that Tallulah is modeling in this photo.

You can view all available 1 1/2" wide collars here...

Welcome to the family, Lu!

Tallulah was adopted through one of our rescue partners, Animal Education and Rescue. If you would like the donation from your order to go to them, make sure to mention their name in the "comments" box when you checkout!

Red Hearts Martingale Collar

A big "welcome!" to another new Pink Puppy Rescue Partner... South Central Newfoundland Rescue!

We just sent them some free collars including the Red Hearts Martingale Collar.

If you would like to have the donation from your next Pink Puppy order go to South Central Newfoundland Rescue, make sure to mention their name in the "comments" box when you checkout. :)

Show your puppy love with this adorable collar lined with white and red hearts on a black background.

Flickering Flames Martingale Collar

We just donated a bunch of free collars to our newest Pink Puppy Rescue Partner... Wisconsin Rottweiler Rescue!

Among the collars donated, was our newest design, the Flickering Flames Martingale Collar. Hot!

If you would like to have the donation from your next Pink Puppy order go to Wisconsin Rottweiler Rescue, make sure to mention their name in the "comments" box when you checkout. :)

The Flickering Flames Martingale Collar is a smokin' hot design that is sure to show off your dog's wild side.


Our foster dog, Reginald, checking his "like" count on the Animal Education and Rescue page.

Reginald is wearing a new Leopard Martingale Collar...

Reggie enjoys keeping tabs on Facebook to make sure he's getting as many "likes" as he expects

Pink Camo Martingale Collar

Our Pink Camo collars got a facelift! If you look closely, our new pink camo design is made up of bunches of happy dog bones. Tasty! In addition, the new material provides more durability for your ruff and tumble pup.

This pink camouflage martingale collar has a camo design peppered with happy pink dog bones. Yummy!


We received an update from the adopters of one of our former foster dogs. We helped rescue him while on a neglect investigation where he was living chained in a junkyard. He looks pretty darn happy now, though! For photos of where he used to live and videos of him, visit...

Thank you to all of you who sent in your animal's updates. It made my night, day, year! Keep 'em coming whenever you'd like. It's like the vitamin shot we need to keep doing what we are doing. Not only do I read these posts but so do so many more of our dedicated volunteers.

So, I have to do an intro to this one. About three years ago or so we were doing many, many investigations in the North Chicago area. There was this one investigation we went on that literally almost made me physically ill from the sadness of it. I obsessed about the dogs and had sleepless nights thinking about how to save them.

Two dogs were living in a gravel junk yard. One was chained on one side and the other chained to the other side. (Obviously for protection of some sort.) The yard was not fenced in and it was in a bad, bad part of town. The dog's shelter was old car parts they slept under. Their water bowl was an overturned plastic hat and a filthy bucket.

Without going into too much detail all I can tell you is that I prayed hard for those dogs. I knew their lives were hell. I couldn't get the looks on their faces out of my head, of doom of helplessness of giving up. I was determined to save them...which if you understood the animal laws was not as cut and dry as you might think.

Well, one Sunday we went into the police department before heading out to do investigations and follow ups and I just felt this light around me that a things were going to go smoothly that day.

Just hours later, after a series of events and lots of help from the local police those two dogs were saved. I could have ended doing anything else with animals at that point and knew that even if I did stop I would have saved two precious souls who were doomed to a life of fear and loneliness, owned by neighborhood thugs and drug dealers.

The dogs were so messed up in the head when we got them it took months of rehab to get them to trust. Both dogs were adopted to wonderful families and we are blessed to hear from their families every now and then. Bennett (Benny) and Clark (after Superman) will always be in my heart as one of the best saves of my career.

Here is an update from Benny's mom: Hi, Sandy! Here are some pics of our sweet Bennett. He has grown from a timid, somewhat detached and fearful pup into the SWEETEST, well adjusted lovey bear. He worships our other dog Rudy, she is literally like his wife. They are inseparable . All morning long they wrestle and run around our fenced in yard, nap from 11 am til about 3, then go for a big walk and wrestle some more.

Benz loves everybody and adores all dogs (our Rudy does NOT like any dogs besides Ben, so in that respect, he has really been a blessing). I just took him to a Good As Gold fundraiser and he got to romp with a bunch of goldens:-) . Our daughter Katie, who had adopted him comes at least once a week to spend the noght with Benny. We often watch his video on your sight and still actually weep. It sickens us to see the horrid life this angel endured. He is still nervous during thunderstorms. I have bad thoughts on what i'd love to do to the terrible man who owned him. We are so grateful to you and your crew for caring enough and putting this blessing into our lives. He is one happy, spoiled little man, thanks to you. Thanks for letting me send you pics.



Meet our current foster dogs, Reginald (white) and Randy (brown). They are two Chihuahua boys that were found wandering the streets having to depend on one another to get by. Fortunately they were rescued and now these little BFFs are looking for a forever home through Animal Education and Rescue.

We are really hoping these guys can stay together, but unfortunately it has been 5 months and we haven't yet found a family willing to take them as a matching set. :( Can you please help us spread the word about these guys? Please share this post and let's all try and get this pair into a forever home! R&R thank you in advance. :)

Like their collar choices? Reginald picked a Vintage Black Martingale ( and Randy selected the Red Happi Birds (

Zebra Stripes | Pink Puppy Designs

OMG! We just purchased the material for our soon-to-be newest collar collection... can you say "PINK Zebra"?!?! Woo! Meanwhile, you can tide yourself over with our line of natural Zebra Stripes apparel. :)

Custom Martingale Dog Collars, buckle on Martingale Collars and standard Dog Collars in trendy designs for the canine in your life.

Rescue Listing | Pink Puppy Designs

We just made a donation to Animal Education and Rescue to help some of the homeless pets. If you'd like to help them out too, you can visit or when you place your next Pink Puppy collar order, mention their name when you checkout and a portion of the profit from your order will be donated to them! You can also check out our other Rescue Partners at

Custom Martingale Dog Collars, buckle on Martingale Collars and standard Dog Collars in trendy designs for the canine in your life.


Our very own neurotic terrier, Mr. Pink, DEFINITELY needs a subscription to this! =P


Sophie the German Shepherd was rescued by Humane Investigators after living her life outside in a small pen. When she was rescued she was horribly emaciated, heartworm positive, fly-bitten, missing fur and desperate for love. Good news, though, she has now recovered and was just adopted! This photo is of her with her new family! Congrats Sophie!! Hey, and check out that collar :) ... pretty Sophie is wearing a Pink Puppy "Raspberry Dots Martingale"...

Here is Sophie with her new family. Sophie is now starting her new life!


Foster dog, Randy from Animal Education and Rescue, wearing a Zebra Dog Collar...

Here is little Randy posing for the camera. His favorite past-time is getting belly rubs and finding new adorable ways for his big lips to get caught on his teeth when he smiles. He's fantastic with dogs, cats and all the people he's met. Randy is looking for a forever home. Could it be with you???


CHIRP CHIRP!! Has everyone heard? We have a brand new collar just in! Here is Fletcher wearing the new "Red Happi Birds" martingale collar and leash. He loves bird-watching and now he can bird-watch while wearing a collar full of cute colorful birdies. Woo! Order your Red Happi Birds collar today -->


Meet Alley Oop the Basset Hound, one of our adorable customers. She recently received a nice matching American Flag martingale collar and leash to wear when she visits hospitals and nursing homes. I'm sure this cutie helps bring a smile to lots of faces everywhere she goes. Glad to see she's getting a well deserved nap in while she models her collar for the camera. :)


Such a great happy ending for this dog named Mama! What a cutie! Mama is wearing a "Laguna Dots" Pink Puppy donated collar...

UPDATE on MAMA: Seven-year-old shepherd mix Mama came to us a wreck. She was scared of the world, leashes, people, animals and everything. Months of hard work by her foster family socializing her transformed her into a confident (yet quirky) dog. Mike, foster dad, early on said, "I don't think anyone will ever adopt her," because of her behavior issues and her age.

But as things seem to happen in the world of rescue the heart of the animal waits for the heart of a human, an invisible string binds them. And that's what happened with Mama. A woman named Linda, living three-hours away from Mama saw Mama's photo on the web site and "fell in love." She said, "I carried her picture everywhere with me. Even before I was approved to adopt her."

Friday Linda drove the three hours to Mama and it WAS love at first sight. With lots of happy tears Mama's foster family said their goodbyes. Now Mama begins a new life!!

Reginald and Randy

Meet our current foster dogs, Reginald and Randy. These guys are looking for a forever home. Reggie (white) is the relaxed older brother who will make a point to let you know when he wants a pet or two and loves to show you how well he can "sit" for a treat. Randy (brown) is the goofy younger brother who LIVES for belly rubs!

Reginald and Randy were rescued by

Blog - Scout's Story | Pink Puppy Designs

Scout has arrived! We just got in Scout as a foster dog (the dog with ticks from a previous post) after he was transferred to Collie Rescue of Greater IL, Inc. He is a super sweety! For more about Scout, check out our blog post...

We recently picked up Scout as our new foster dog through Collie Rescue of Greater Illinois. Scout is a purebred rough coat Collie that was rescued as a...


Pink Puppy just made a donation in honor of this sweet collie. He was rescued by Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue as a stray and had over 80 ticks stuck all over him (note all the red dots where they were)! Poor guy. If that isn't a reminder to Frontline your dogs, I don't know what is! Thankfully he is on the road to recovery and will soon be ready to find a forever home. However, if you would like to say "thank you" to the rescue that originally saved him and had the icky job of pull off all those nasty ticks, you can make make a donation like we did! Visit their website at and scroll down a bit until you see the PayPal donate buttons. Or just shoot them an email or post a message to them on Facebook and say "Thanks!"

Please protect your dogs from fleas and ticks!!


Pink Puppy Designs

This pretty collection of collars was recently purchased by one of our customers. Those are gonna be some stylin' pups! From left to right we have the...

Watermelon Stripes Martingale

Pastel Rainbow Martingale

Sunset Martingale

Red Hearts Martingale

Cotton Candy Dots Martingale

Blackberry Dots Martingale

City Girl Dots Martingale Collar

We just donated a bag full of martingale collars to Animal Education and Rescue! Now the pups can stay safe and comfy in no-slip collars like the pretty City Girl Dots Martingale. Don't forget to check with your local animal shelter and see if they have a Wish List of things they need that you can help them with. :)

A martingale dog collar with black polka dots on a pink background.

Neapolitan Martingale Collar

Let your dog cool down this summer with a delicious Neapolitan martingale collar.

A martingale dog collar with brown, pink and white stripes.


Our foster dog, Alexander, just got adopted! Hurray! He is now living with a wonderful family and his very own 14 year old human brother to play with. :)

Pink Puppy Designs

Don't forget to vote for your favorite collar for Alexander! :) (click below to open up the poll)

Alexander (our new foster dog) can't decide which collar to pick as his "new look" so we will put it to a vote! Please vote for one of his two top choices below to help him decide...


These are Alexander's collar choices. Vote for his new look on our Facebook poll and Alexander promises to model the winning collar for our website and flaunt it shamelessly around the neighborhood! :)


Alexander (our new foster dog) can't decide which collar to pick as his "new look" so we will put it to a vote! Please vote for one of his two top choices below to help him decide...

ChipIn: Falcor

We just made a donation to one of our Rescue Partners, Florida Boxer Rescue, to help a Boxer named Falcor. Can you help too?

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Happy 14th Birthday, Gerry! One of our spokesdogs turned 14! Here he is posing for photo testing out a potential new collar style made of pretty pink and green argyle (hidden beneath his golden curls). :)

Rescue Listing | Pink Puppy Designs

Don't forget that we donate a portion of all sales to animal rescue groups! If you would like your donation to go to a specific group, just pick one of the great rescues on our rescue listing and mention their name during checkout. :)

You can mention any of these rescues when you checkout and we will make a donation to them when you order!

Sour Apple Dots Martingale Collar

Have you see our delicious Sour Apple Dots Martingale?

A martingale dog collar with turquoise polka dots on an apple green background.

Nylabone Durable Bacon Bone

We are donating Nylabones to Animal Education and Rescue. Have you checked with your local rescue to see what is on their wishlist for the holidays?

This bone is a Pink Puppy favorite! Our spokesdog, Fletcher, swears by them. They are yummy and satisfies all his chewing desires.


Our foster dog, Bailey, from Animal Education and Rescue has been adopted. Yea!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 19:00


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