Once a dog knows all of its commands, we can join them all together and use them like this, if the dog is under strong structure in the home and we need to maneuver them through the house this is how we can do it, it also keeps them in tune with obedience, mental work, gets owners familiarized with the drills and the tools, and it’s great for when it’s -30 outside!
Rosie knows this stuff well now.
Nail dremeling with Rosie.
Rosie was abit scared of the dremel noise and was not great when touching her nails, her nails were pretty long so assuming the groomer never cut them either.
We started slow with her, using our recall to get her to us and to stay with us, then we do short sessions desensitizing her to the dremel, food rewards and corrections when appropriate.
This is where we are on the 4 th session, not bad at all.
Ruger is here for a three week board and train, we will be working on stopping naughty behaviours, teaching a lot of new things and fully ecollar conditioning him.
Ruger is days away from his 6 mth birthday, perfect age to get the training in!
Welcome to this adorable Moyen Poodle💕
Morning workout with Leo.
Leo joined me this afternoon to attend to my horses legs, it was a great learning opportunity for him, we could utilize a lot of the training in real life situations, down stays when I needed him not near the horse, off leash heel so he’s not under the horse, sit stay plus some free time to run around while I was hosing her legs, we also added in the “out” command when he was not in a safe place, by the end he was making his own great choices such as laying off on his own and watching, even put himself into a heel without me asking when we lead her back to the corral.
Leo did great and this is how life should be with our dogs, being a part of everything because they listen, meaning more freedom!
Good boy Leo!
Sit stays and recalls into follow mode with Gracie.
Great example of e collar training and how it can benefit us and our dogs, communicating with Tucker from many feet away, non invasive and safely bringing him back, without a leash or the e collar he would have kept on going which could have resulted in him being hit by a vehicle on the road leading to huge vet bills or death.
Tucker has been here a week and is use to the feel of stim pressure and also has a solid recall now, if we did not teach this correctly and appropriately he would have literally spooked at the odd feeling on his neck and ran from it, not back towards me.
Goggles learning the “place” command.
“Place” is a great one to teach your dog, they learn to relax here plus so many other benefits, eliminating free roaming which stops unwanted behaviours such as jumping on guests, reactivity, in the garbage, destructive behaviours, counter surfing, peeing in the home, provides a safe spot for fearful less social dogs etc etc.
This is not how I teach a heel but how I tune up a dog that is pushing and already taught heel position. When I first start with dogs I teach the recall, then extend it into a follow and then perfect the heel position, there are a few ways to tune the heel up this is just one that I use and like. #ecollartechnologies
Ecollar training has massive benefits when done correctly, in the end these dogs get so much more freedom then the average dog because they are reliable and if they choose to not be we can communicate in a way they have been taught how to respond to.
Prior to training Lucy would play cat and mouse and her owners could not catch her, now they can.