This is another excellent reason to spay your cats sooner rather than later. Thanks to Feral Cat Project and Stray Cat Project for this important information.
📚 Our BACK TO BASICS SERIES: Pregnancy vs. Pyometra
Can you tell? Is she PREGNANT or does she have a LIFE-THREATENING CONDITION?
Pyometra is a bacterial infection of the uterus of an unspayed cat. It causes the uterus to fill with pus, often making the cat appear pregnant. This is a VERY SERIOUS condition that needs veterinary attention immediately as this infection can be fatal.
Signs of pyometra include a bloated abdomen, lethargy, vomiting, decreased appetite, excessive licking at the va**nal opening, blood in the urine, urinating outside of the litter box and more. There may or may not be discharge from the va**na. 🚨🚨 If your cat appears unwell, please take her to a veterinarian as quickly as possible. 🚨🚨 This can't wait. Pyometra can be avoided: spay your cat!
For more information about pyometra, visit https://www.thesprucepets.com/treating-pyometra-in-cats-4784166 or speak with your veterinarian.
Content provided by Stray Cat Project.
Graphic by Catadelphia