A little bit of rain 🌧️ and the woollies race to shelter… except for Daisy 😁. She just sat there which is unusual. Daisy was right though because before long it had cleared up. Now that Herbie is doing better (see previous two posts) everyone was allowed out to roam and munch ☺️.
- The woollies coming back to their home paddock after a day out munching. They are trained now and know when to come back.
- Beans🐏 getting his daily wool rub.
- Flora🐑 having her daily treats (she lost some weight having the girls).
- Flora’s lambs Rosy and Violet playing.
- Herbie with a swollen belly from eating too much.
That’s it ☺️
The woollies have a new paddock 🙌. Watch them go in for the first time.
Quick Fanta update. Fanta is in pretty good spirits considering his bottom lip is very swollen and sore. Maybe he ate something bad and stomach acid burned it. Hopefully the vet can help because he cannot graze at all. Thankfully he can eat hay because he can avoid the front of his mouth with hay. Meanwhile the other woollies were let into a new area where they found an abandoned tennis court.
The woollies didn’t know it but today they were hanging out right where their new barn is going to be built, Beans’ Barn. When I say barn it’s really a shed, wish we could build a big barn but a small shed will have to do. The main reason is so they have somewhere to shelter in winter.
Since it was a nice day ☀️ the woollies were allowed out for an adventure. Sure enough off they went and this time they found a gully. They seemed to like it down there and they also found a new trail that took them back to the house paddock.
Naughty woollies today. They refused to come home last night and spent the night out in the wild yonder. It rained so they got wet. Their human got them back through the garden but the new garden is so good it’s extremely difficult to get them out. Finally after bribes with pellets and hay he got some out. However there were some naughty stragglers who wouldn’t come so there was no choice but to bring out a very dangerous wheelbarrow 😁. Thankfully that worked.
The woollies were let out to go wandering today. When their human went to find them they were all the way over on the far side of the property snoozing and munching on long grass. They found some very lush grass with lots of clover which they love. Beans🐏 was snoozing like he had found his new happy place ☺️.
Biggest lamb adventure ever! Beans human dad opened the gate to the largest area for the first time. The woollies couldn’t believe how much grass and space there was. They were a little naughty and went too far and wouldn’t come back. Finally they did though. This area needs to be fenced as soon as possible. There is another side to the property they haven’t even visited yet.
There can only be one Beans🐏. He’s a special boy with such a unique personality. Look at him snoozing while being clipped.
Fanta🐏 normally doesn’t have his wool clipped until January but it had to come off for his long road trip next week. Luckily it was quite loose because he has just started to shed. Everything went well except for when he peed on his human dad’s foot. He was very grubby underneath. Beans🐏 also still has a few thick areas of wool that had to come off.
The woollies went for a test drive in their lamb RV today. Everything went well 🙌. Flora🐑 got extra treats for being the only woolly brave enough to enter the lamb RV on her own. It took awhile to get them all in but they travelled well once they were in. Unfortunately it did get hot in there fast so Beans’ human dad will need to clip more wool off Beans.
The woollies hit the road for the big journey to their new home on Monday. It will take three days so stay tuned next week for daily updates on their progress.