If you ever wondered how important training your dog PROPERLY is just take a look at what a dog did to my left calf yesterday. I was attacked by a dog yesterday who bolted out the door and bit me simply for passing the back door of my neighbor’s house. I’m ok and all stitched up, but this could have been prevented 100%. Please don’t wait until something happens to get training. All it takes is ONE (1) time for a dog to make the wrong choice and bad things happen. I am the owner and Lead trainer for Best Furry Friends Pet Training & Care. If you are a dog owner in Flagstaff, please message me privately and we can talk about how I can help your family prevent things like this from happening. In my program training is NOT just for dogs, it’s also to help owners understand how their pets perceive our world so they can also be better, more educated pet parents. Please, show your dogs how much you love them and get them, and yourselves, trained. I promise it could save multiple lives. 💗❤️💜🐾🐾