Woof Meau

Woof Meau ❤️❤️❤️👉👉👉🐕🐕🐕🐕Do you have a puppy as a pet? Well, welcome to this account, we provide practical value to learn more about them. Welcome! ❤️❤️❤️👉👉👉🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕

🐶😃☺️🐶Tips for having a happy dog for life! 🧐🧐🛀 🐶 Keep your dog clean: Does your pet tend to roll around in unsanitary pl...

🐶😃☺️🐶Tips for having a happy dog for life! 🧐🧐

🛀 🐶 Keep your dog clean: Does your pet tend to roll around in unsanitary places after bathing? I'm sure he does. Despite this, you should know that dogs love to feel clean. Hygiene is a priority when it comes to satisfying a dog. When we talk about hygiene, we mean brushing his coat, cleaning his ears and teeth, maintaining and caring for his nails, and of course, bathing.
🌄 Natural Scents: The golden rule for a calm and fun bath with your canine friend is to use a shampoo with 100% natural scents. Dogs run away and don't like synthetic scents because they make them feel unprotected. By nature, your faithful friend tries to blend in and camouflage himself with his environment so as not to be identified. If you use products with artificial scents, your pet will try to return to its natural scent and will roll around again, in those unhygienic places that it demands so much.

Tell us in the comments what you think of these tips and label your friends so that they know them too.

⛱ Do you want to go with your dog to the beach? Consider these tips. The last one will help you a lot. 🐶🐶- We advise you...

⛱ Do you want to go with your dog to the beach? Consider these tips. The last one will help you a lot. 🐶🐶

- We advise you to apply sunscreen for your dog in areas where the density of the coat is lower, such as the nose or armpit area. If you do not do so, your dog could suffer some burns from exposure to the sun. ☀
- Watch out for the number of hours your furry dog spends in bright sunlight, which can suffocate him and cause health problems.
- You should be very careful that your dog does not go to drink seawater. This is very important as it can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
I hope these tips have been helpful to you and don't forget to label your friends who also have a furry friend in the house - enjoy the summer!


🤔🤔¿Did you know that 50% of your pet's total personality os defined by your dog's breed type and the other 50% is defined by the enviroment around him? ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

Is the air conditioning good, but your pet's furry?🌡️🌡️🥶With the arrival of summer, many people abuse the air conditioni...

Is the air conditioning good, but your pet's furry?🌡️🌡️🥶

With the arrival of summer, many people abuse the air conditioning in their homes. We love the feeling of being cool, especially if the outside temperature is unbearable. But have you ever wondered how air conditioning affects your dog? Be very careful! 🥶🐶

It may seem obvious, but dogs are hot too. In fact, furry dogs are twice as affected by high temperatures and can suffer from fainting or dizziness. That's why you should make sure your dog doesn't get too hot, but always take precautions and don't go to extremes - turning the air conditioning on full blast is not a good idea! So when you go to turn it on, think of your four-legged friend.

Also, if you want to keep your dog out of the heat and avoid dangerous heat stroke, you should change his water regularly, put his water bowl in the shade, avoid going out with him during the middle of the day and give him a proper haircut. Watch out! A haircut doesn't mean you should shave your fur, as you'll be leaving his skin unprotected from the sun. This is the most important thing for your pet to do to withstand the summer heat.

Hi, we're back with new content for our social networks, so if you want to continue learning how to put the air conditioning in your home taking into account the health of your furry? Don't miss tomorrow's post, have a great day.

PART  #2 - 3 smells that your dog hates considerably and which you should be careful not to use while he is around  PART...

PART #2 - 3 smells that your dog hates considerably and which you should be careful not to use while he is around PART #2

Nail Polish: 💅 Nail polish contains a lot of chemical compounds including: formaldehyde, isopropyl alcohol, nitrocellulose and acetate, which are very unpleasant for dogs. In fact, it's possible that if your furry friend is around while you're painting your nails, he might sneeze and pick his nose. Get a manicure when he's not around, or switch to nail polish that contains a very small number of synthetic ingredients.

Alcohol Disinfectant:🥴 Dogs don't like the smell of wound alcohol at all. To clean a wound it is recommended to wash it well with warm water and soap, cut the hair that may have been introduced in it and apply iodine diluted in water.

Cigarette: 🚬 It's not just that the smell is unpleasant to them, it's that to***co affects the health of furries, more specifically it can cause cell damage, cancer and weight gain. This was the conclusion reached by scientists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Also that this substance affects cats more than dogs because of their self hygiene.

Hi, how are you? Today I'm here to share with you 3 smells that your dog hates considerably and which you should try not...

Hi, how are you? Today I'm here to share with you 3 smells that your dog hates considerably and which you should try not to use while he's around. PART #1

Smell is the dog's most developed sense, well above sight. Compared to humans, the dog's sense of smell is between 10 000 and 100 000 times more powerful. The dog's sense of smell has between 150 and 300 million olfactory cells while the human's "only" 5 million.

This is why dogs more easily remember a smell from long ago and recognize us more than by our image, by our smell. Having made this introduction, let's start. 😊

#1 🍋 Citrus: As a rule, dogs don't like the smell of citrus fruits at all and it irritates their airways. No lemon, no orange, please. And less in essential oil, with an even more concentrated smell than that of the fruit.

#2 🧴 Fragance: You may love to spray yourself with fragance, but your dog doesn't like it at all. Firstly because of the amount of chemical ingredients they are made of that can irritate his airways. Second, when you spray fragance on your dog, you're masking your body odour, which is one of the most decisive factors in your dog's recognition of you.

#3 ✋ Vinegar: This liquid has a rather strong smell that scares dogs. Some people recommend diluting it in water and mixing it with their shampoo to kill fleas and ticks, but we don't favour it because the animal detects it even in the slightest proportion.

Did you know that your pet does not like these smells? Tell me about it downstairs. Don't forget to pay attention to Part 2 of this section so you can learn what other smells your canine doesn't like. Goodbye!

Have you ever wondered why dogs howl? Keep reading so you'll know why. 🐕🐕Although not a very common behaviour (and the f...

Have you ever wondered why dogs howl? Keep reading so you'll know why. 🐕🐕

Although not a very common behaviour (and the frequency of which also depends on the dog), the truth is that howling is an important source of information about the emotional state, mood and even health of our dogs. After all, it's one of their ways of communicating and expressing, as much as possible, what's going on with them. 💖💖

However, at other times it can be an indication that something is not right: stress, illness, fears or lack of specific care can cause a dog to suddenly start howling. 💔💔

The tones of the howl can give us some clues as to why this sound is occurring. For example, a more pitiful, low-pitched howl may be due to some pain or discomfort in the dog. A high-pitched, loud, sonorous howl, on the other hand, may be caused by spending too much time alone, lack of stimulation, or simply imitating an external sound that sounds similar to a howl, such as the wind or the sounds of sirens in the city. 🚨🚨

I hope you liked this kind of information, don't forget to leave a like and share it. woof woof! for you. 😁😁

👏👏🐶🐶 And we continue with the SHORT TIPS guys!!  👏👏🐶🐶Bathe your dog from the neck down, do not start with his head, leav...

👏👏🐶🐶 And we continue with the SHORT TIPS guys!! 👏👏🐶🐶

Bathe your dog from the neck down, do not start with his head, leave this area last.


🐶🐶 Before giving your pet a bath, it is advisable to take your pet for a walk (quickly). This will help him to acquire some fatigue and if possible he can roll around in the sand a little bit without any problem. 🚶🚶

Short Tips.Do not allow your pet dog to eat before bathing this could cause some stomach pain or could even make him vom...

Short Tips.

Do not allow your pet dog to eat before bathing this could cause some stomach pain or could even make him vomit.

Why do dogs lick the wall? Really? 🤔🤔It's definitely one of the weirdest things I've ever heard, but we'll answer it her...

Why do dogs lick the wall? Really? 🤔🤔

It's definitely one of the weirdest things I've ever heard, but we'll answer it here at Woof Meau.

Well, this behavior disorder is called pica. Pica is defined as the ingestion of materials and substances that are not part of the usual diet of the animal in question. Obviously, a wall is not part of the dog's usual diet, so we can talk about the fact that if the dog licks the wall, it suffers from this disorder.

When our animal suffers from stress, boredom or anxiety it can manifest these states by licking the wall, in the same way that we can bite our nails. This behaviour is just a manifestation of a feeling developed by the dog.

There are many reasons that can be behind these feelings, so we always recommend going to a professional when this behavior occurs. But as a guideline, we will explain below some of the causes that produce these states of mind.
- Dogs with a lot of energy: Dogs that do little physical or mental exercise and are very active can develop anxiety by not consuming all that energy.
- Dogs with fears or phobias: Animals that have been abused or have suffered traumatic situations can maintain a state of mind of constant stress or anxiety that causes this behavior.
- Separation Anxiety: Individuals who are very attached to their owners and cannot bear to be alone in the house. This is perhaps one of the most frequent reasons.
- Environmental changes: Of any type. New animals in the house, birth of babies or change of address can be behind this behavior.

😱 Are dogs capable of smelling time? 😱🕰️🕰️A little curious, right? Have you ever wondered if dogs can find out what time...

😱 Are dogs capable of smelling time? 😱

🕰️🕰️A little curious, right? Have you ever wondered if dogs can find out what time of day they are? Or what time will its owner arrive? Well then, today I will clear all those doubts.
the professional in the matter Alexandra Horowitz believes that yes. According to her, dogs can follow olfactory trails, starting from the weakest (oldest) point to the strongest (newest), despite the fact that these differences are minimal in space.
This can be interpreted as a way to smell time. Past events respond to faint smells, and present ones to much stronger ones. Thus, the dogs could interpret the different hours of the day and the passage of these according to a series of olfactory traces "present" and "past" imperceptible to human beings.
This characteristic temporal perception is fascinating, but requires further study to confirm.
So, as we have seen, the world of canine smell presents multiple secrets that human beings have not yet managed to unravel. Anyway, something seems clear: their olfactory capacity is many orders, superior to ours, and therefore the perception of dogs of everything around them is completely different from that of human beings.🕰️🕰️

😀👏THE PERSONALITY OF THE PUG DOG BREED👏👏Hello, today we will talk a little about this fascinating and much-loved puppy, ...


Hello, today we will talk a little about this fascinating and much-loved puppy, The Pugs, I know that many of you are super interested and will be fascinated to know this important part of this adorable puppy. Let us begin!

The Pug or Carlino is a companion dog. It is very quiet and he loves to sit on your lap while reading or watching television. He is also playful and fun, so you will really enjoy his company.
His affectionate temperament makes him a great companion for the whole family. However, he is also stubborn and needs consistent training and early socialization to become a balanced character dog. His training is not easy, due to his stubborn temperament.
The Pug will always look for your company. He does not tolerate loneliness well and will follow you everywhere. You can also become deaf if you are busy with your business.
The Carlino or Pug gets along very well with children. Despite being a small breed, it is a compact dog that is not very delicate, so it will be a good playmate for them.
Interactions between children and dogs should always be supervised by an adult and it is important to teach children to communicate with dogs and understand their language, so that an adequate link is established between them and the games take place in an environment of safety and respect.

How to overcome the death of a pet? ⚰️Animals always give us unconditional love and that is why soon after they get home...

How to overcome the death of a pet? ⚰️
Animals always give us unconditional love and that is why soon after they get home they become one more member of the family. Anyone who has been through the loss of a pet knows the pain of this situation. It is not easy to assume that our dear friend will no longer return, nor will the infinite moments of joy and affection that he gave us every day.
Next, I want to share 3 powerful tips that will help you carry this pain in the healthiest way possible.
# 1 YOUR PAIN IS COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE: The death or disappearance of a pet is very painful. Do not worry if you feel very sad because you have spent years with her and it is logical what you feel.
# 2 SHARE WHAT YOU FEEL: Do not avoid talking about your feelings or hide them. Letting off steam with someone you trust is a perfect way to overcome losses. If you have to cry, cry!
# 3 DO NOT BE AFFECTED BY COMMENTS: People who have not had a pet or have never experienced a situation like this will not understand you. Do not be angry with them and think that like you there are many people.
# 4 THE PAIN WILL GO: The pain will go, but your pet will always be with you in your heart.
The most important thing is that you don't deny the pain and be honest with yourself. When you accept that you are sad and that you have to overcome the grief it will be easier.



# 1 👂 Basset Hound: The Basset Hound is a long-eared, droopy hound dog. He is famous for his stubbornness and his developed sense of smell. The breed was developed for small game, like the rabbit. Due to its short and robust body, its ears seem even longer than they are. It is a very active dog that loves to play and socialize, although at home it stays calm. He is very loyal to his family and gets along well with other animals.
# 2 👂Afghan Hound or Afghan Hound: Originally from Afghanistan, it is one of the oldest breeds that exist. They have a strong prey instinct, as they were bred for hunting large animals. He runs very fast and is able to cover long distances, keeping dangerous animals, like leopards, at bay.
# 3 👂Beagle: The Beagle is a hound with a strong prey instinct. It is a kind and loving dog, very considerate of children. Originally, he was bred to hunt rabbits and hares. He has a highly developed sense of smell and is happy to follow trails wherever he goes. Take it tied, because if you smell an interesting smell, there will be nothing more than that smell. It is believed to have some 220 million odor receptors (we have approximately 5 million).

I would love to know if all the content that I am giving you likes and has been useful to you, comment below. :D

🤓SHOR TIP🤓GIVE YOUR HAIRY PET A REWARD AFTER YOU WALK.🎉🎉Quite possibly you have never taken this into account, as it is ...



Quite possibly you have never taken this into account, as it is actually something that is not usually done, but it is actually a way in which you can educate your pet to behave well.
This reward will be given to your pet if he has behaved well during the activity. Likewise, it is also suitable for your pet to allow grooming once they get home. In this way, the risk of expanding what the house has brought from the street is reduced, especially in these times of quarantine when we must be too careful.

⚠️THE 3 DOG BREEDS I CONSIDER ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS IN THE WORLDDogs classified as potentially dangerous generally have...

Dogs classified as potentially dangerous generally have strong jaws, are capable of causing serious injury, and their attack sequence is not inhibited, so they do not warn and launch themselves directly at their victim. They are usually very strong dogs, with a powerful bite and that, once they bite, do not release their prey. This is also based on data collected over the past 5 years

☢️ # 1 Caucasian Shepherd: The Caucasian Shepherd can be trained as a watchdog, but he needs an experienced owner and professional trainer to be able to establish complete control over the dog. It is a dog that could easily attack any stranger who comes to your house. It is not a suitable dog for families.
☢️ # 2 Rottweiler: The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the most dangerous breeds in the world. He is kind to the children of the family, but he does not tolerate jokes, so you must be careful. The Rottweiler is a very territorial dog and if it is not well trained, it can be very dominant. You can attack a stranger, even if it is a child, without thinking twice. It is also a dog with extraordinary strength, so it can inflict a lot of damage.
☢️ # 3 Doberman: Due to this natural tendency towards aggressiveness, Doberman can be a very dangerous dog. His height and agility make him a tough opponent. In addition, its way of attacking can cause many injuries: the Doberman jumps on its prey, bites it, and then immediately jumps back. It does not stay hooked on its opponent and never bites repeatedly.

🐈EXPLANATION OF THE 3 WEIRDEST THINGS YOUR CAT DOES🐈I think you will have seen that cats tend to have some “strange beha...


I think you will have seen that cats tend to have some “strange behaviors” until we might even think that they are possessed or perhaps something crazy. But rest assured, today I want to explain some of their strange behaviors and the reason why they do it.
🧠 # 1 They sleep with their heads in a really strange position: We refer to the one in which the pussycat is asleep with the body half turned and the head located at an angle that is not natural, come on, as if it were out of joint. Well, when you see it like that it is a sign that you are very comfortable. Sometimes you can even see his tongue a little and leave one eye half open.
🧠 # 2 Ignore You: Your cat is not deaf, far from it! Basically he is ignoring you, but do not take it too seriously, with this behavior he is drawing your attention. Perhaps you are more important to him than you think ...
🧠 # 3 They bring you animals that hunt: Given this behavior, various explanations are given. One is that he interprets that you are the worst hunter in the pack and does not want you to go hungry; Another is that he wants to share the prey with you since he recognizes you as part of his family; The next is that he thanks you for the love you give him with a gift and another points out that he does it so that you can see what he is capable of.

😱 3 THINGS YOUR DOG DREADS AND YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW 😱Before going with this new learning, it is very important and p...


Before going with this new learning, it is very important and positive for your dog to face his fears. Little by little you can bring him closer to his most frequent fears so that he realizes that there is no risk and in this way he has strong emotional health.
# 1 ELEVATORS:🚡 It is a fairly common fear and can be fixed simply by holding the dog on the first trips in his arms. You need to see that nothing is wrong and that you are by your side at all times.
# 2 VACUUM CLEANERS OR DRYERS:🕯️ Have you ever seen a dog running away from any vacuuming sound source like a vacuum cleaner or a dryer. This fear is born from the feeling that this object attacks them. If you make him understand that this object does not serve to attack him, there will be no greater problem.
# 3 VETERINARY:👨‍⚕️ Fear of the vet is like fear of people's doctor, it is something terribly normal and quite difficult to control if your dog has required very few visits. The best thing is that you take different paths every time you go to this place so that the walk is not difficult for you (since they can refuse to walk), carry some kind of prize so that you understand that you have done well and try to reassure you in everything moment.

😯THE 3 BIGGEST DOG BREEDS ON THE PLANET?Giant breed dogs may seem intimidating, but the truth is that if you train them ...


Giant breed dogs may seem intimidating, but the truth is that if you train them well since they are puppies they will be great and faithful members of your family. Next, I present 3 dog breeds considered one of the largest in the world.
# 1 Irish Wolfhound: It is a large dog, being able to measure between 70 and 90 cm, although its weight rarely exceeds 54 kg. It has a life expectancy of 6-8 years. The Irish Wolfhound is usually an independent, calm and silent dog.
# 2 San Bernardo: With a weight that can reach 100 kg and a size that ranges between 70 and 90 centimeters, this giant is shown as a friendly and gentle dog. It will fill you with love in its 8-10 years of life.
# 3 Pyrenean Mountain Dog: This majestic dog is immensely strong. It can measure between 76 and 99 centimeters and weighs between 52 and 54 kg. It has a life expectancy of 10-12 years. The breed was developed to watch over the herds alongside the shepherds. It is currently used as a therapy or rescue dog.
Tell me what did you think of these 3 races? Would you dare to have one of that size?

😯😯A DOG THAT IS SOLD FOR A PRICE OF $ 15000 USD? 🤑🤑Have you ever heard of some breeds of dogs that could be selling for ...

Have you ever heard of some breeds of dogs that could be selling for between $ 9000 and up to $ 15000 USD? Well, today I bring you one of the most expensive and rare dog breeds on the planet.
❄️SAMOYEDO: This breed sells for an incredible price of $ 12,000 USD, including figures where it has managed to reach a top of $ 15,000 USD. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world, it is very smart and needs to be busy. Otherwise, it will howl or bark and may develop destructive behaviors.
TIBETAN MASTIN: This huge "cub" can reach the figures of $ 10,000 - $ 12,000 USD. It is one of the largest dogs in the world, being able to weigh up to 90kg. However, it is an independent dog that will not always obey its owner, as it is a stubborn and stubborn dog.
🦍ROTTWEILER: It is a dog, depending on the conditions in which it has been raised and its owner, can reach prices of $ 10,000 USD. The Romans used it in their campaigns and took it to southern Germany. He is a strong and muscular guard dog, very noble, intelligent and faithful to his family. He does not like strangers, but well trained he is a balanced, calm and confident dog. He has a highly developed defense instinct and can be aggressive in protecting his family.
🇪🇬PHARAON HOUND: This is a very little known dog and can easily reach $ 7500 USD. It was the dog of the pharaohs in Egypt, and it is believed that they could have used it to hunt gazelles. He loves the company and is very affectionate. Its great energy implies the need to do a lot of physical exercise.

🐱🐱HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A LOVING, TALKING AND SOCIABLE CAT?🧐🧐Well, let me present you with 3 very intriguing and interesti...


Well, let me present you with 3 very intriguing and interesting facts about a wonderful and very popular SIAMÉS breed cat.

1. THE AMAZING COLOR OF HER HAIR: 👽 The body of the Siamese cat is darker in areas where the body temperature is lower, that is, in legs, tail, face and ears. This characteristic is due to a thermal gene that makes pigments fixate on colder spots. The rest of its anatomy has a clear coloration. When they are born, the kittens are completely white due to the high temperature of the mother's body.
2.💑 LOVING, TALKING AND SOCIABLE:💑 Loving with all family members and sociable with people, the Siamese cat seeks the company of its owners, enjoys playing with them and, although we do not understand it, emits a wide variety of meows to communicate with us. He is very talkative! If you ignore him, he will get depressed. He hates loneliness and cannot bear indifference.
3. SEXUALLY VERY ACTIVE:👯‍♀️ The Siamese cat is sexually very active, reaches sexual maturity very soon and can have numerous litters. The zeal of this feline is very intense and is characterized by especially scandalous meows and markings.

😳😳5 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT CHIHUAHUA, THE FIFTH WILL SURPRISE YOU😳😳I am almost sure that you have heard of this br...


I am almost sure that you have heard of this breed at least once in your life, because it is one of the most popular ✌️✌️ breeds in the world due to its size, tenderness and great personality. But this breed is not only small and tender, it also has certain qualities that you probably did not know but that I am going to reveal to you today.😃😃

1.🧐🧐 The original name of the CHIHUAHUA is CHIUAHEÑO or CHIUAHIAN, which in the Aztec language Tarahumara means Quick and Sandy Place.🧐🧐
2. 🤭☠️ There was a time when the CHIHUAHUA was a sacred animal, because, according to historians and experts on the Dog Breed, the CHIHUAHUA comes from the TECHICHI, a wild dog that dates back to the times of the MAYAS and the TOLTECAS who domesticated this primate burying them along with them because they believed that these animals protected them on their way to the afterlife.🤭☠️
3. 🤩 CHIHUAHUA is the smallest dog in the world. Most of these adorable puppies weigh between 1 and 3 kg and grow to between 15 and 23 cm.🤓🤓
4. 🧓👵The CHIHUAHUA has a high life expectancy, it is estimated that this small canine can reach between 12 and 18 years of life, with cases of up to 20 years. If you take good care of your little one with a good diet and assistance to the vet you will be able to reach these numbers with total ease.👵🧓
5. 🙀🙀CHIHUAHUA COULD ORGANIZE A STREET BAND, in 2014 a savage CHIHUAHUAS boss terrified the people of Maryvale, Phoenix, Arizona. Well, according to witnesses they say that these little ones ran through the streets, harassing the children on their way to school and barking incessantly. Also, it appears that they managed to recruit larger dogs, creating chaos in the city.😁😁


🤗🤗 You may have experience bathing your pet, but you can always learn something new. 🤗🤗



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Hi, how are you? I see you're curious to know who we are, right? All right! I will tell you a little about us. We are a completely independent company dedicated to the fun, the different or in other words, what is out of the conventional, because we have discovered how healthy it is to laugh, change the daily routine of life and spend pleasant times with your friends, family and why not, with your FamilyPet (Pet) 😉, it is for this reason that we have decided to create Woof - Miau Toy focusing solely and exclusively on accessories for your pets, whether they are pillows in the form of chickens, 3D fish, selfies sticks, etc. In order to make you smile a little, and make your FamilyPet have a good time. Welcome to our Woof - Meow Family where we intend to make you see everything in a different way. 😉