When you leave your ash-loving dog unsupervised with her favourite toy/surface to lie on 🥴 (yes Freja I mean you!) #exstreetdog #dogsbeingdogs #dogshavingfun #overseasrescue #blackdogs
This dog 🥰 #belgianmalinois #germanshepherd #highdrivedogs #dogsonthesofa
Freja's turn for a training walk round Lake Windermere. Even though it's very quiet there atm, her triggers were still present: dogs, cars, people & novel stimuli such as boats. Freja was completely silent the whole time, with no reactions - as you may be able to see from the pics, this was because she was suppressing her emotions in order to take in what was going on around her & cope.
How did I help Freja as much as possible?
- Let her pause as much as she wished, to process information
- Followed her as much as was possible
- Gave her as much space as possible from triggers when needed
- Gave her the ability to choose what she needed, helped with the freedom of the long line
- Using prompts & praise here & there, but otherwise taking a step back & not micromanaging or asking too much of her
- No treats (Freja was too nervous to take them) so we used graded exposure & premack principle instead
- Let her sniff as much as she wished
#lakewindermere #bownessonwindermere #thelakedistrict #exstreetdog #overseasrescuedog #rescuedog #traumaindog #anxiousdog #fearfuldog #behaviourmodification #dogtraining #premackprinciple #gradedexposure
Training walk at #lakewindermere with Inka the Tinker - a stimulation overload for him, & we're out of practice training in busy areas, but he did well considering #bownessonwindermere #thelakedistrictnationalpark #dogtraining #behaviourmodification #dogreactivity #rewardbaseddogtraining
(Turn sound up)
Normally I can't bear the sound of chewing (mostly in people) but I just about managed to stand & record this before covering my ears. Edna is so CUTE slurping up her sloppy, drippy, shlurpy breakfast ❤️ @horsecharity #hairycob #horsesthatliveout #rescuepony #rewardbasedhorsetraining
Isn't Freja just the CUTEST lil bean ❤️ #exstreetdog #overseasrescue #germanshepherdmix #positivereinforcementdogtraining #thelakedistrict #sleepingdog
#exstreetdog #overseasrescue @spdc_cyprus #belgianshepherd #germanshepherd #dogsplaying #bestfwends
Rather than throw your old dog bones/cow hooves away, stuff them with pate (check the ingredients for toxins) sugar-free yoghurt, soft cheese or lard & freeze. Use them as a long-lasting enrichment activity at home, or to counter condition your dog (ie crate training, reactivity training whilst 'watching the world go by' or when visitors arrive fpr stranger-fearful dogs.
#enrichmentfordogs #freeworkfordogs #counterconditioning #behaviourmodification #dogtraining #dogchews #positivereinforcementdogtraining
Throwback to Clio's very first time being sat on, 2.5 years ago.
All achieved using cooperative care and careful, easy, slow training.
No force, no restraint, no pressure. No 'big' fear-based behaviours such as bucking and bolting - all of which are far too normalised in the equestrian world, especially with young horses.
I have a confession. I overclipped Edna recently. You know what it's like when it's beena super mild autumn (15C average) & you get carried away with your trace clip ... anyway, despite lots of forage, Eddie's been getting cold now the temperature has dropped, with some storms thrown in. I've ordered a rug for her (never thought I'd see that day!) & thought It'd takes ages to condition her to wear one, using #positivereinforcement. To my pleasant shock,
She was absolutely throughout. She is currently wearing Clio's rug, since Eddie needs it more for tonight's storm. To think she has always been so fearful. What a pony! And what a turnaround #clickertraining has achieved! #worldhorsewelfare #cobpony #thelwellpony #hillpony #poniesthatliveout #horsetraining #counterconditioning #anxiouspony #fearfulpony
For some time now, I've suspected Inka has joint problems & pain. He can be hesitant to jump in & out of the truck, he lacks muscle around his hips, & the way he walks behind doesn't look quite right. Having already seen the vet about it a year ago (we were advised to wait til maturity before investigating further) this week the pain signs became stronger - grumbling (1st time ever) when I had to pick Inka up, & again when moved a little on the bed.
Today, we aaw the vet, who experienced a clear pain response whilst feeling over Inka's back end (he snapped his head round & mouthed her hand). We have booked Inka in next week for x-rays of his hips & spine as a starting point.
Inka is 19 months old.
Other than the above 2 grumbles, he continues to let us touch him all over.
He will still jump up onto the bed, sofa & dining table (one of his & Freja's favourite perches)
He will still play roughly with Freja
He will still chase balls/frisbees/deer, given half a chance
He loves to stand on his hindlegs & put his paws up on things
He has been willingly going on runs with my partner 3 times a week
Remember: dogs hide pain bloody well, & even young dogs can be in daily pain. Get that vet check.
#painindogs #dogbehaviour #behaviourmodification #dogtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #rewardbasedhorsetraining #belgianmalinois #germanshepherd #highdrivedogs #dogpain
You can see here the dogs look to me to know what to do/deal with the threat - I thank the dogs verbally, have a good look outside (we live on a farm & thefts happen, so yes I get up & check) & then say my 'we're safe' cue of "there's noone there" &
Walk away. I stay calm throughout. You can see Inka & Freja accept this & follow me back into the house.
Some dogs are more sensitive to threat than others for various reasons, including breed traits: guardian breeds, for example. Buying/adopting a shepherd or guardian breed means you need to accept that your dog will alert a lot to anything unusual, exciting or scary outside (the postman, visitors, a car pulling up).
Note - alert barking is NOT the same as reactivity barking at triggers outside a window/door. The motivation, emotions & function are usually different & therefore a different approach needed.
Never punish your dog for alerting you to a potential threat: you are a team that work together, & one day you may be incredibly relieved your dog has alerted you to an actual threat! An old colleague of mine's dog alerted to a fire that had started in the home during the night recently - saving the lives of the whole family.
#rewardbaseddogtraining #clickertrainingfordogs #positivereinforcementdogtraining #dogtraining #dogbehaviourmodification #dogbreedtraits #guardiandog #germanshepherds #belgianmalinois #exstreetdog #alertbarking