You ever hear the phrase, "I'm coming for you."
Well, that IS NOT me! I'm not coming for you. I'm coming for ME!
You are just giving me the competition I need to get to the best version of myself, to achieve the GREAT results, and have the opportunity for BIG WINS!
I'm GRATEFUL and BLESSED to be in the same events and have the opportunity to compete WITH (not against) talented horses, and fast horses. Great riders, and great horsemen!
Without having great horses and riders to compete WITH I would never have the opportunity to grow into the rider I want to be, nor would my horse have that same opportunity.
I know we often want to come up with excuses, such as:
● "I don't have the money to afford that kind of horse."
This is a poor excuse! I know for myself, if I had all the money back I blowed on alcohol, eating out or eating unhealthy, on uneeded items, etc. I could afford any type of horse out there.
● "I don't have the time to work my horse or train the way I need to."
If you want it bad enough, you will MAKE the time!
● "I don't care about being the fastest or competing in big shows."
That's fair, but don't knock the ones that have worked their asses off, sacrificed, and committed to get to where they are now.
"A comfort zone is a beautiful place,
but nothing ever grows there."
You want to have fun, get great results, better yourself, and better your horse? Surrond yourself with great horses, and great riders.
If you hang with people who are always making excuses, speak negatively, or complain, you too will catch yourself doing the same thing.
I myself, struggle with becoming the best version of myself daily. I struggle with patience, discipline, and my brain telling me to take the easier route. So I work VERY hard on training myself to personally grow, think positively, and put myself in uncomfortable situations that will help me grow.
I have come a long ways in my personal growth, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me. I understand it's a never ending cycle, and to get my best results and reach the best version of myself I must never stop pushing myself!
"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the
doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all
surround yourself with those who see greatness
within you even when you don't see it yourself."
📸: Jared H Searcy