HAPPY 2019!!!! May your year be filled with as much joy and wonder as when you find out cardboard packing is an awesome toy!!!
School Report Card Reading part 2 📝
New Rug + Pig = Pure Happiness
Gettin my Bday Party On!!!!!! #lampchopinthehouse #50centbday #gonnapawtylikeitsmybirthday #puppypawty🐾 #lampchoppin #pothoundparty
Mom said she got this for my foster bro so he could remember our smells when he goes to his new home on Sat... pretty sure that toy isn’t making it to tomorrow... #toydestroyer #jawsofdeath #nochance #pothounds
Soca music on 🎶 !!!! We Limin’ !!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 #socamusic #socalife #welimin #grenadalife #islanddogforlife #turnituptuesday #pothounds
He’s bAAAAAaaaaccccckkk!!!! Walton in the House!!!! #soundupforjurassicparkeffects #whereswalton #adoptmyfriend #ordont #pothoundsunite #pothoundreunion #rvadogs
Sunrise on the beach + digging for crabs = living my best life! #pothound #beachdog #beachdiggin #baldheadislanddogs #bhidog #islanddogforlife
I’m on a boat!!!!! Going to one of my all-time favorite places!!!! #bhidogs
Our new favorite game... #cantcatchme #puppyshenanigans #comeatmebrah #pothoundsunite #pothounds #pothound #rvadogs
This is what a puppy hangover looks like... we partied WAY TOO HARD this weekend!!! #mondayhangover #keeponrunnin #puppydreams🐶💤 #pothoundsunite #pothound #frenship #wesnoozin
You guys!!!!! My parents are fostering a puppy from Grenada 🇬🇩 We’re blood!!!! I love him already!!! Send them a message if you’re interested in having a Pothound in your life!!! We really are the BEST DOGS ❤️
Sound on for my little yip of exaltation !!!! I’m on the bed y’all!!!! And I’m in Baltimore!!!!! #pothoundsdeservebedstoo #hotelbedisbae #hotellife🏨 #nocrateformetonight #pothound
Sometimes you play with the toys... and sometimes you play with the basket that HOLDS the toys...
#whyspendmoneyontoys #pothound #naughtybynature #boredwiththegame
This is how mom and I work out... little does she know that I’m playing her for ALL the treats... #workoutpups #highintensitypuppers #gunshow💪 #pothound #doga
Time to roll!!!!! #fastcat #lurepupper #pothound #fastasthespeedoflight #morningworkout
Happy Easter from Samson and I!!! 🐣
Friday Night Got Me Like...
We could have an act!!! The Zoomie Twins!!! #ilovecaptain #captainthebordercollie #twinning👯 #wehavethesamemoves #amiabordercollie #notgoinghome #ineedafencedinyard
Post-snow zoomies turned into breakfast zoomies!!!!! #easilydistracted #snowmakesmehungry #pothound #islanddoginthesnow #alwayshungry #zoomiezoomie #rvadogs