Keighley Badger Watch

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Keighley Badger Watch keighley badger watch works to protect badgers in the keighley area. please report any rtas to us either by email or pm.or any sets for us to log and check


Any group or person that can help with a badger in york please

🦡🦡 lovely

🦡🦡 lovely


Knowing how to RECOGNISE, RECORD & REPORT badger crime is vital to help bring criminals to justice ✋🚨

Discover how to >>


A community resolution order has been given to a developer working in the local area after a investigation for interfering with a Badger sett reported back in April. Local residents look out for these Badgers that often visit for a midnight snack and were quick to get intouch. Really appreciated was different agencies (if thats the right word) working together. A thankyou again to PC CJ Newsome for your support has always. Please get intouch if you ever have any concerns regarding Badgers

Some lovely Badger gifts even badger nail transfers

Some lovely Badger gifts even badger nail transfers

Shop with our fabulous friends, who kindly donate a percentage of their profits to help us help badgers > 🛍️

Wooden Chopping Board Co - badger chopping board 🍴
Martin Truefitt-Baker - Winter Hillside badgers print (see also Christmas Cards) 🖌️
Jana Reinhardt Jewellery - badger necklace 🦡


Badgers have a long history of cruelty and persecution in the UK, spanning hundreds of years. To this day, badgers remain among the most persecuted of all species despite having one of the highest levels of legal protection 💔

From blood sports to development concerns, thousands of badgers become victims of wildlife crimes each year. And the government-endorsed legal persecution of badgers – in the form of the controversial badger cull – effectively undermines the badger's protected status.

Join our mission to ✊ >

📷 © Ceredigion Badger Group


Yesterday on National Badger Day I went up to Haworth Open Storytelling Circle ( After seeing a post for the event with a reference to national badger day and badgers in folk tales) at the wine cellar pave Haworth)Apsolutey lovely cosy very fitting setting and loved the evening with a Badger tale told from from a member theyd wrote and published themselves and Badgers added in to stories also how reference to them was used in storytelling fabulous strong wise Badgers. So glad that I went along.
Which brought about a true story of a gentleman's wife coming across what was thought to be a unconscious or possibly deceased badger and thoughtfully picked up the badger to take to a vets in her car, when the badger suddenly woke up and bit the lady who still has the scar today and ran of .
Just added that just to say not all Badgers at the road side have passed away even when at first sight it looks so. It was such a nice way to celebrate national badger day if anyone gets the chance to pop along to the storytelling circle I'd highly recommend going 🦡🦡♥️♥️


Out and about today and next few days in keighley posting Can The Cull information and postcards ready to send to our MP.... if you see me your welcome to stop for a chat, please consider popping on a stamp and posting your support is massively appreciated. Was lovely today poeple chatting and reading the info. I must admit I had to talk to myself to not miss out the houses with the long drives and steps ( lazy) lol. Postal delivery folks really do a good job walking in all weathers. 🦡🦡



With the unscientific and cruel cull policy in its tenth year, Chris Packham joins other badger champions taking a stand.


Busy few months some things I couldn't really post about has ongoing. We did have a badger who took up temporary residence in a multi storey carpark, this came through from the RSPCA.. Badger has now left the building but one conversation went like this. Is there a update today from camera footage, is the badger still hanging around level 3.....
Little pause of silence " well no hes moved up to level 5 hanging around up there "
Still makes me chuckle.
Security guards were brilliant watching there camera monitors and updates all was ok in the end 🦡🦡

Learn about badgers just click on the post ❤🦡🦡

Learn about badgers just click on the post ❤🦡🦡

Did you know? Badgers are members of the mustelid family which includes pine martens, otters, polecats, ferrets and the wolverine!

Find out more 👇

Did you know? The earliest traces of badgers in Britain have been dated back to three quarters to half a million years a...

Did you know? The earliest traces of badgers in Britain have been dated back to three quarters to half a million years ago, according to a study by Yates (1999), meaning badgers once co-existed with wolves, brown bears, arctic foxes and wolverines, all of which once roamed Britain.

📸 © James Rogerson /

Request your free pack. Click on the link

Request your free pack. Click on the link

The senseless badger cull is now in its 10th year. We are expecting to witness over 200,000 badger deaths by the end of 2022. These numbers look huge – and they are huge.

How can you help save badgers with empty ink cartridges? Simples! 🦡 Just download a free postage address label, pop the ...

How can you help save badgers with empty ink cartridges? Simples! 🦡

Just download a free postage address label, pop the them in the post and Badger Trust will get £1-£2 per cartridge! 🐾

Get your free label 👉



This cub was brought in at just a few weeks. She’d been kicked repeatedly, shattering much of her skull. The recommendation was to put her down straight away, but the heroes at Harper Asprey don’t give up easy. Badgers are tough cookies, and just two months later we soft released her. She’ll always snuffle and struggle with eating, but was already playing with other badger cubs! Huge thanks to Supervet For Upcoming Badgers series on

A letter to the final two candidates for Britain’s next   urges a speedy end to the badger cull.We join other animal pro...

A letter to the final two candidates for Britain’s next urges a speedy end to the badger cull.

We join other animal protection NGOs and celebrities calling for a commitment from Sunak and Truss to pass and strengthen more laws to protect animals from cruelty and suffering.

Read the full letter >

Badger Trust joins animal protection NGOs and celebrities calling for a commitment from Sunak and Truss to improve animal protection.

Learn about badgers tap on the post lots of lovely information 🦡🦡

Learn about badgers tap on the post lots of lovely information 🦡🦡

Did you know?

Vocalisation plays a key role in social interaction and communication between badgers 🗣️🦡 They make lots of different sounds with different meanings, and researchers have been able to identify 16 calls: bark, chirp, chitter, churr, cluck, coo, growl, grunt, hiss, kecker, purr, snarl, snort, squeak, wail, and yelp! 🎶🦡🎵

You can learn more about badgers in our "Secret Lives of Badgers" film! Join our mission to help educate the next generation of badger protectors and introduce some badger-themed learning to your cubs! 🖥️

We have a brock-illiant selection of free educational resources for cubs of all ages, including 'The Secret Life of Badgers' short film – a great place to start learning about this iconic native animal. And there's plenty of supporting information for educators too 🙌

Find out more 👉



Elsa – the stunning erythristic badger cub – has returned home to her clan.

Just over two weeks ago Elsa was brought to Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue by the wonderful folks .

She was dehydrated and underweight, we believe due to the hot weather and food scarcity.

We started her on fluid therapy and gave her treatment for parasites. Those first few hours were tense. But it wasn’t long before she was behaving like a feisty little badger again.

Once we were satisfied that she’d gained weight and was healthy enough to return to the wild we hatched a plan to get her home with , who’d done a fantastic job at locating her sett.

Upon arrival at the release site, Elsa's behaviour completely changed. She was at the cage door scratching away and was eager to go. She knew exactly where she was. And once the door was opened and we stepped back, she rocketed towards the badger sett to be finally reunited with her waiting mother.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Oxfordshire Badger Group for rescuing her and for bringing her in to us at the hospital.

Please pop out water for your night time visitors too. 🦡🦡

Please pop out water for your night time visitors too. 🦡🦡

🌞🔥 In hot weather, please top up water at night as well, so there’s plenty of fresh water for nocturnal wildlife like badgers. 💧

Please share 🔄


Sound on. This will make you smile 🦡🦡♥️


Stand with Badgers 🦡


We're loving this summer weather ☀️🔥 but please remember to leave fresh, clean drinking water for your furred and feathered garden visitors!💦 💦

The favoured prey source of the badger is earthworms, but when the ground gets very dry, worms go into a state of torpor called ‘estivation’. This means that worms are impossible to come by 🪱

If you want to feed a hungry badger in need, please provide a natural food source – such as unsweetened fruit and nuts – or covered cat biscuits. And please leave some fresh water in the shade 🍎🍐🥜 💧

Providing food for any wild animal is a balance; supplementary feeding should be just that! 💚🦡



🎉 Today marks exactly 30 years since the Protection of Badgers Act (1992) made it illegal to harm or disrupt a badger or their sett.

On the last day of week, our team is celebrating with a badger-topped black and white cake, balloons and bunting!

📷 How will you celebrate in black and white? Show us in the comments 👇

Learn more about this week's campaign and how you can get involved >

Apsolutey stunning and in good hands ♥️🙏

Apsolutey stunning and in good hands ♥️🙏

This beautiful but extremely rare creature is .. a white badger.
Shes not an albino but she is an 'erythistic' badger. These badgers have no black pigmentation and instead have a reddish brown fur where the black usually is. This is caused by a genetic mutation.

Shes roughly 16 weeks old, and is very dehydrated and underweight due to the recent hot weather. We will start her on fluid therapy immediately and give her the best fighting chance she requires to get better.

A huge thank you to Debbie from Oxfordshire Badger Group for the assistance with the safe capture and transport of her back to the hospital 👍

The charity is now extremely busy and we are doing our very best to meet the demand. We are, however facing huge financial challenges and we really do need your support NOW more than we ever have done.

If you can help up us , please find the donation links below. Every little helps, and if we can help battle the finances we in turn can continue our work.

Kind regards

Luke Waclawek
Founder of Oxfordshire wildlife rescue

To become a monthly donor, please find the link below.

To make a one-off donation to OWR

Our charity bank details

SORT CODE 08-71-99

Wow Johnny Depp with Freddie the badger ❤🦡🦡

Wow Johnny Depp with Freddie the badger ❤🦡🦡

Guess who's been to see us at Folly Wildlife Rescue - no, you're not seeing things- that's the real Johnny Depp !

As you probably know, Johnny has been appearing with our Patron Jeff Beck on his UK tour and in a recent break, Jeff's wife Sandra brought him up to visit us and see for himself the work we do with wildlife.

And what an incredible afternoon it was for our staff and volunteers, as he toured the hospital's care and vet units. Johnny was incredibly complimentary and in his own words 'blown away' by what he saw.

To top the visit off, we even allowed him the rare privilege of briefly holding Freddie (as in Mercury!) one of the many orphaned badger cubs we're currently hand rearing - and I think it's fair to say he was bowled over by the whole experience!


To continue with our badger crime week theme, we ask:
What do Apps like WhatsApp and TikTok have to do with badger crime? 🦡📲🚨

👉Wildlife criminals turn to social media sites like Instagram, TikTok, and messaging services like WhatsApp because activity on these sites can be difficult for police to follow.

👉Organised criminal gangs use the internet to arrange when and where they will target specific badger populations.

👉Criminals share violent videos of badger baiting on social media, which normalises the persecution of the species.

Unfortunately, badgers have found themselves, victims of cyber-enabled wildlife crime, as a result of increased social media use. This is why Badger Trust considers cyber-enabled wildlife crime to be a priority area of research for protecting badgers!

Check back tomorrow when we will continue our theme with the question:
How does virtual research help badgers?

In the meantime, visit our website to find out more 👉


Just wanted to share this little story. We was doing a sponsored walk across the bay at morecambe at the weekend. Was chatting too some lovely ladies. Of course abit of badger talk 🦡🦡 😍 these lovely ladies was staying in a hotel with visiting badgers, room 4 was empty and the hotel staff, let them watch too see if they came to visit with a few peanut treats thrown in. I asked if they was lucky enough too get a visit, would they be up for sharing it in group chat for the walk. Last night they did just that, how lovely and a lovely end to a good day all round. Thankyou ladies. Ps badgers come back after something spooked them, all was well. X

Another great read . Always good to find out interesting facts about badgers that interlinks with other wildlife and hab...

Another great read . Always good to find out interesting facts about badgers that interlinks with other wildlife and habitats

Let's celebrate the ecosystem engineering role that badgers play for bees this 🐝 Did you know? 🤔 Spoil heaps created by badgers to build setts retain moisture and create new habitats for pollinators like bees which we need to grow our fruit and veg! 🍓🌽🍅

Our friend Brock is often blamed for the decline in bumblebees, but is this correct? No! 🖐️ Badgers may eat the larvae of bees, but it makes up a very small % of their diet. Analyses of the stomach content of badgers showed that bumblebees accounted for just 1% of their diet during the summer months 🦡🪱🌰🪲🫐

The main factors affecting the bumblebee population are:
👉Lack of suitable nesting habitats (such as hedgerows and field margins)
👉Pesticides and fungicides that cause cognitive impairment, fewer queens and smaller nests.

Find out more about badgers and their diets here 👉


Please have a read help us protect Badgers.

Please have a read help us protect Badgers.

Greater awareness of badger crime needed so the public know how to protect badgers and their setts and stay within the law.


Chris Packham and The AA UK join our call to ‘Give Badgers a Brake’ on Britain’s roads at peak cub-rearing season.

Learn what you can do to help

Chris told us:
"I was moved by the amount of people who reached out to me when Golden Sow [pictured] was killed. Let’s try and prevent more tragedies like Golden Sow and keep those cubs safe. That’s why I want more road signs and other measures to alert motorists to badgers and other wildlife on our roads, especially at night."

Badger Trust, supported by the AA, has written to the Department of Transport to find out why applications for erecting new warning signs for smaller wildlife have been unsuccessful and urging them to allow more in places of high wildlife casualties.

Jack Cousens, the AA’s Head of Roads Policy commented:
“We support the need for more road signs to warn drivers that wildlife might be on the roads in certain areas. Other than the distress that comes with hitting and usually killing such a beautiful and iconic symbol of British wildlife, there are road safety concerns with drivers making sudden evasive manoeuvres and the collision damage to vehicles."

📷 ' Golden Sow' Chris Packham


It's peak cub-rearing season, please help badgers return home to their cubs safely! 🦡🐛🍄🦡

Look out for our iconic friend Brock as you travel around 🦡👀

Read our tips on how you can ACT to here 👉


We're in peak cub-reading season, and mother badgers (sows) are busy foraging to feed their cubs! 🦡🐛🍄🦡

Baby badger cubs are being reared across the country right now. Sadly, that means it’s peak time for cubs to be orphaned as badger sows roam further from the sett for food, increasing their risk of becoming a road traffic casualty.

Let's all slow down for our iconic friend Brock! 🦡👀

Read our tips on how you can ACT to here 👉

Free webinar Wednesday 13th click on the link

Free webinar Wednesday 13th click on the link

Who IS manipulating the bTB data?

Join our free webinar to find out 👉

Defra says the new scientific paper, published in the Veterinary Record, is based on a 'manipulation' of data and doesn't reflect the reality of the situation...

We do not agree, and conclude that rigorous scientific studies prove that culling badgers has had no effect on reducing bovine TB in cattle.




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