If you say it enough times you may start to believe it 🤣 on days like this I do not like working with horses 😪 I nearly got blown over so many times I could hardly walk but it's worth it for the warm sunny days.
My EQUIDRY has been a total life saver this winter if there's one thing I couldn't live without in winter it would be that! Every winter I wear thick fluffy leggings, jods and thick waterproof ski trousers and still can't feel my legs and get chilblains. I also never found a coat to be waterproof a long with waterproof trousers that always leak. That's until I got my equidry which I can wear in the worst of the rain and it never goes through, it's amazing keeping the wind out and it's so warm in minus temperatures. I seem to be living in mine at the moment as it's either freezing or raining or both! I would happily sleep in it 🤣 but don't worry I don't 🤣
Days like these make the bad days manageable. What a beautiful day to go down the beach with my best boy it felt like summer it was so warm and just magnificent. I decided to take him on his own as he hasent cantered in over 3 weeks and he gets very excited and wants to race when we go in company. I just wanted to go for a chilled ride with some nice long trots and canters and paddles though the sea.
How many horses will go to the beach on their own and be perfect and be totally fine with horses galloping full speed towards us and not bat an eyelid! He's just so perfect! My schools been frozen all week and all I can manage is a half hour walk down the road as everywhere else is still frozen so made the decision this morning it's a perfect excuse for the beach! Honestly the best day for it and so fun.
I have been progressively getting busier but next week i go back to crazy busy and although it will be a lot I'm looking forward to being super busy again as its been a while since I've been flat out. I do enjoy it and I need the money too so that always helps! Looking forward to warmer weather too
A video of 2024. Everytime I watch this I can't help but smile although it also makes me sad. My one goal for the year is to have another year like this one and have fun with ALL the horses and never take anything for granted.
4 hours worked on new years day in wind rain and darkness! Then the rest of the day busy with My lot, I just loved standing out in pouring rain fencing more pens for forest felt like it took all day 🙄 pleased I managed to still get the 3 out and forests 20 mins of walking done despite the weather. Really pleased to have finished holiday cover this evening and finally get a day off tomorrow as I'm knackered. Got a very busy month ahead of me but I'm so pleased to be back working riding and doing the horses I hated having to stay inside and do nothing after my accident it's so boring! Would much rather be busy!
Darcys round of jumping from Sunday. He hasent been out jumping for 6 months! No wonder he was so excited haha. So proud of him clearing all the fillers he really has gained so much confidence in general this year he's like a totally different horse. Just wish he was 10 and not 22 as I don't want to stop having fun with him any time soon and neither does he. Now we need to keep doing it so I'm not so rusty next time! And maybe he won't be so bloody strong if we go more often!
Had a busy but great week already and it's only Tuesday. 3 lovely horses ridden for work, recently I've been doing a lot of mucking out and hardly any riding for work I'm so unlucky with the area I'm in not only is there hardly any yard work very local to me but there's only mucking out no riding offered. Yet so many jobs an hour away offering so much riding! After travelling for work for the last 3 years I'm not doing it anymore it's really not worth it so I'm still looking for more local jobs. so I'm so greatful to get rides on some really lovely horses this week and already looking forward to my next rides soon 😀 also so lucky to have my own lovely horses to ride so I still get to ride everyday regardless of the work situation! I do feel like something perfect will come I just have to keep trying! Sometimes I want to give up but I just can't. Working with horses is in my blood
Well last week I was galloping round the countryside all week in the sun with perfect ground not even wearing a coat. This week has been every weather you could imagine. Minus temperatures, ice. Snow, heavy rain and storms with 55mph winds. What is going on with our weather!
So pleased I still managed to ride everyday and keep all the horses in a good amount of work. Haven't managed to hack as much as it hasent been safe to, either icy, snow or too windy but my school is my lifesaver and so pleased it's not been frozen this week. I had so much fun riding darcy in the snow! That's another plus to him being barefoot. No balls of snow building up in his feet.
Forest has done lots this week and despite me having an awful ride last weekend and actually getting off mid ride to change his bit. ( he's always not been great in the contact as he's got a tiny mouth barely even fits a bit in despite his size and he hates tongue pressure) i have to change his bit every once in a while otherwise he learns to hold onto it. he's been absolutely fantastic this week and think we've finally got somewhere with the tempis! Pleased with how good he was to ride in the wind too. Good job he's been good to ride as he hasent been to handle or in the field! He's awful in the winter as he doesn't like being out that much and hates the wind but I like mine being out at least 8 hours even in the winter.
I was supposed to take darcy jumping with a friend on sat but didn't go as I don't think it's safe to be travelling horses in these winds! Got fun things coming up with them all to look forward to and hopefully better weather. Here's a video of what my week looked like!
27 miles already ridden this week with 3x 2+ hour hacks! Really making the most of the sun. Perfect dry ground, great company and horses. It's so nice to have 3 horses that are fit enough to go on these long rides meaning when I go on a long ride with friends I have my choice on who to take! It's hard work keeping them all this fit but worth it for the amazing rides I've had this week. Darcy wins star of the week and he's my favourite hack at the moment! Who would believe that! I felt like a kid again just having fun with friends and ponies, galloping laughing and chatting in the sun. So lucky to have unlimited beautiful riding on my doorstep with only one tiny stretch of a lane the rest is all off road and we don't see a sole! I see we hit winter next week with freezing temperatures which is the thing I dread most about the winter. So glad I got to enjoy the warm and perfect ground that's probably it until spring now!
I've been more quiet with work recently. I find it always all comes at once then all goes quiet at once haha. So I've had 2 full days off this week and some afternoons. But I'm working both days this weekend to make up for it so will only have time to ride one each day and do the yard stuff.
So in my extra time I've been very busy with my lot this week. All 3 clipped, hacking everyday, extra jobs done, moved them into new fields with loads of grass and another great lesson. Here's a video of it all 😁 so pleased with them all and so happy smokey is feeling amazing after having 2 weeks off ridden work due to an infection in his wither!
Had a brilliant outing with forest yesterdsy to the incredable nodwood house to have a lesson with Dylan deutrom and run through my music at a new venue. Was very enjoyable finally getting to use the amazing facilities and got some great feedback from Dylan. Great to know that everything I'm feeling and thinking I need to improve is correct. He can do all the movements easily just needs more suppleness and energy at times and needs to stay on the hindleg and not get long. So pleased with how he behaved, not fussed by the music at all and it was a really pro system which was loud and bassy. Dylan was so praising of us and loved forest and said ive done a great job with him. I'm feeling positive with just over a week until nationals. Was really nice to have joe come with me too for company! Was a lovely weekend with lots of riding, hacking, eating nice food and working which I also really enjoy!
And this is what having horses is all about. An absolute dream ride today exploring now that I have free use of my lorry means lots of adventures to places I've been wanting to ride for years. The video doesn't do it justice to how breathtaking this ride really was. We saw lots of cows and darcy was amazing. He spooked as one came up to say hello then made the cows spook and run away 🤣
it makes me quite emotional watching this to think of the amazing adventures I'm having with darcy now. The horse that I rescued that was written off by vets, that I got told from old owner doesn't hack as he's dangerous to turning out to be my advanced medium dressage horse. Then thought I would have to retire him last year due to lameness and now turning him into an all round fun horse. Making him go barefoot has given him a new lease of life and he's turning into a dream . He's so lucky he found me as he's been passed pillar to post most his life nobody understood him but through all the struggles we've had its totally worth it all and I feel so lucky to have him, just wish it was earlier and not when he was 13 😔 hopefully many more years of fun to be had still though
So when forest was off work we put Nancy next to him as his emotional support buddy 🥰 he can't go in with another horse as he attacks them 🙄 to my shock he has grown very attached to Nancy and now she's being stabled due to an abscess he's been calling for several days out in the field. He races onto the yard in the evenings to have a lovely long groom with her. Never seen him so attached to another horse.
Had a brilliant lesson yesterday going through the hardest advanced medium and we are finding thr changes so easy now! So pleased with how he's going and we had another lovely chilled hack today. Schooling again tomorrow. The others are going great too. I do love my horses!
Yesterday we had another beach outing with smokey and loretta and darcy. 7am on the beach and there were loads of other horses there! When I usually go I'm the only one, think darcy was unsure of the other horses but was such a good boy. I love hayling its such a massive beach that it doesn't matter if there's others there you can all spread out and it still feels like your on your own! There was seaweed everywhere so my first canter I had to sit up and hope darcy didn't do any massive spooks like he usually does out hacking and although he was looking at all the seaweed he didn't do any proper spooks. He was brilliant on the second long canter with smokey along side us this time as he trusts smokey 🥰 I'm still so surprised how good he is at the beach so much better than in the woods! And he loves going in the water too he's so brave 🥰
Today we headed to speedgate equestrian to do a music run through for the area festivals. Proud of myself driving to a new venue 2.5 hours away each way so 5 hours driving the lorry today! Only driven the lorry about 5 times locally so that was a big thing driving on m25 and all the way to Kent. Traffic was really quiet luckily! Had a really straight forward run there until they closed the road when we were 10 mins away. Had to go a very long way round and some horrible narrow roads for lorries too 😬
Forest was a superstar and was totally relaxed with the music system which I was worried about. He's really getting the hang of this music lark! Got a big kick up the bum from leanne in my lesson and we changed my floor plan again but I'm really happy with the result. For some reason our half passes or extended trots arnt as good as they were and he's a bit too layed back ATM and loosing energy so I'm not feeling totally ready. I still don't know what area festival he's going to as I didn't realise there's no stabling on site so now trying to find local stabling as the long drive and two tests is too much for him all in one day. If anyone knows a very local yard that might have a free stable on 15th August overnight please let me know!