Koren Marner Dressage

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Koren Marner Dressage Dressage rider currently competing advanced medium. backed and produced all my horses from scratch

Had a very successful month with Dressage Anywhere having practice runs for area festivals on both horses. Three out of ...

Had a very successful month with Dressage Anywhere having practice runs for area festivals on both horses. Three out of 3 wins and great scores! I really love using dressage anywhere and great for practice before championships. I've had My test sheets emailed to me within a day of sending off the videos and they use listed judges for the correct level most of which we actually regularly have out competing which is really helpful!

Forest 1st advanced medium 91 with 69.23% even with a 4 for a late change! We were 6% above 2nd place!

Forest 1st advanced medium music freestyle 68%

Diesel 1st prelim freestyle to music 70.83% and over 3% above 2nd place

We did film a straight test for him too but couldn't send it off in the end as the school we used didn't have all the markers 🤦‍♀️

Change of plan for area festivals for forest. I only received times at mid day today ( very late!!!) And my tests are Friday evening which Is different to what I was told so were not staying over tomorrow. Were going to go over early on Friday and stable him down the road for about 4 hours then head down to do my tests. It's all too much for him to do in a day without a rest. And looks like I will be driving back veery late Friday in the dark as I have to be back to compete diesel first thing Sat for his pre area run through 🙈 both forests classes are very strong so I don't have high hopes, just hoping he behaves with good scores!

Another brilliant outing for forest and another win in bronze advanced medium and second overall against sliver and gold...

Another brilliant outing for forest and another win in bronze advanced medium and second overall against sliver and gold riders! Really pleased with over 67% considering I went wrong ( I only learnt the test last night and it's very complicated and very weirdly put together) and also a dodgy rein back and he changed before final cl. I had 3 aims for today's test
Better half passes that were parallel all 7s ✅️
Better medium / extended trots aiming for 7 medium and 6.5 extended ✅️
Clean changes all on the aid and waiting for Me ✅️

We're still not the best we can be still need more energy and suppleness but I'm so pleased with how the changes are coming on and how he's listening and waiting. That's our last outing before our area festivals!!!


Yesterday we had another beach outing with smokey and loretta and darcy. 7am on the beach and there were loads of other horses there! When I usually go I'm the only one, think darcy was unsure of the other horses but was such a good boy. I love hayling its such a massive beach that it doesn't matter if there's others there you can all spread out and it still feels like your on your own! There was seaweed everywhere so my first canter I had to sit up and hope darcy didn't do any massive spooks like he usually does out hacking and although he was looking at all the seaweed he didn't do any proper spooks. He was brilliant on the second long canter with smokey along side us this time as he trusts smokey 🥰 I'm still so surprised how good he is at the beach so much better than in the woods! And he loves going in the water too he's so brave 🥰


Today we headed to speedgate equestrian to do a music run through for the area festivals. Proud of myself driving to a new venue 2.5 hours away each way so 5 hours driving the lorry today! Only driven the lorry about 5 times locally so that was a big thing driving on m25 and all the way to Kent. Traffic was really quiet luckily! Had a really straight forward run there until they closed the road when we were 10 mins away. Had to go a very long way round and some horrible narrow roads for lorries too 😬

Forest was a superstar and was totally relaxed with the music system which I was worried about. He's really getting the hang of this music lark! Got a big kick up the bum from leanne in my lesson and we changed my floor plan again but I'm really happy with the result. For some reason our half passes or extended trots arnt as good as they were and he's a bit too layed back ATM and loosing energy so I'm not feeling totally ready. I still don't know what area festival he's going to as I didn't realise there's no stabling on site so now trying to find local stabling as the long drive and two tests is too much for him all in one day. If anyone knows a very local yard that might have a free stable on 15th August overnight please let me know!


Absolutely over the moon with my 3 tests at the weekend. I enjoyed every single one of them and was so happy with the horses when I finished each one they tried so hard and I couldn't have asked for more from them. Worked so hard with them and really feeling it starting to pay off.
Forest 1st advanced medium freestyle 67.2%
Forest 1st advanced medium 5 66.7%
Diesel novice 4 (his first novice test) 2nd 68.3% just 0.5% away from the win!

Managed to go on a decent hack, school diesel and have a lesson on forest this morning by 11.30am so it wasn't too hot. Hacked forest before work yesterday at 6.50am then rode doodle early. I'm going to give mine the day off tomorrow and just ride in the morning at work then ride early Thurs and Fri before work (and at work) then by the weekend it's back to 20 degrees yay! I can go back to riding at whatever time and riding all day long lol. I hate this weather. I even brought myself a paddling pool 😂 it really does the job though!

It's a double winning day! Forest won the advanced medium 5  bronze with nearly 67% then won the advanced medium silver ...

It's a double winning day! Forest won the advanced medium 5 bronze with nearly 67% then won the advanced medium silver music freestyle with another 67% low scoring classes today we were 3% above 2nd place in the first class.

The results aside I'm absolutely over the moon with forest today. Our second competition back since his time off. Our first time out a couple of weeks ago didn't go to plan but I learnt so much from the last outing and we've made a massive transformation in 2 weeks! He's gone from anticipating everything and throwing in changes early and running off in the changes and loads of mistakes in the test due to tension to now getting mainly 7s, waiting for my aid and going exactly when asked. Doing 9 beautiful changes today in our tests 🥰 and NO MISTAKES!!! turns out it was me all along 🤣 sorry forest im finally learning how to really ride an advanced medium 🤣first test he was a little tight and needed more suppleness and bend, second test he was tired so lacked energy so still loads more to come. Couldn't be prouder of my boy today. He tried so hard and I had such a good time 🖤


Forest having his pre lesson nap this morning 🥰 he was practicing dressage in his sleep he's so cute. He has an amazing life for a dressage horse. He's out over 10 hours everyday. He comes in at night as he gets scared in his field and will probably break a leg overnight 🤣 but he loves his stable so that makes him happy.

Had a fantastic lesson on him with liz. I was finding him a bit stuck in the neck and hard to stretch and supple at the beginning and he was coming round the corner on his inside shoulder again like he used to. I knew how to correct these things but still wasn't seeing much improvement. Just little tips and tricks throughout the lesson made Massive improvements. Went through advanced medium 5 and was really happy with him and all my changes were exactly when I asked. No jumping ahead of me early or going tight against me or running through them. That test is hard for him and his anticipation as theres 4 changes in the same place so he knows whats coming! I've got so much more control, collection and suppleness I just have to ride the collection forward now and keep him on his hind legs. So exciting though as there's loads more to come and I feel were improving so much everyday

16 years with my beautiful Nancy 😍 she's now 26 and living her best life. She may be retired but she still gets a thorou...

16 years with my beautiful Nancy 😍 she's now 26 and living her best life. She may be retired but she still gets a thorough groom every other day, plenty of kisses and cuddles and regular pamper sessions. Never will I have a retired horse that is left in the field and not bothered with. I love them all unbelievable amounts whether they are ridden or not. She gets treated like the queen she is 🥰 hopefully many more years to come as I couldn't imagine not having her around. She is the sweetest.

she was the very beginning of it all. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would have done everything I've done and have 4 horses and my own land and be competing at chanpionships at advanced medium on a horse i backed myself. I was just so excited to have a horse to love and look after and do everything I dreamt of with and ride everyday and go to gymkhanas and get rosettes! It was never just the riding for me. I was obsessed with every part of horse ownership including the mucking out and poo picking! Not much has changed tbh! And to think it took my mum so long to buy me a horse as she wasn't sure I would be dedicated and may get bored 🤣 how funny!

Had a massive light bulb moment on forest yesterday. I've realised that I just let forest do what he wants expecially wh...

Had a massive light bulb moment on forest yesterday. I've realised that I just let forest do what he wants expecially when we're in a test. I ride for perfection all the time and try and avoid mistakes but then the overall quality of work isn't as good. For example he can tell a change is coming so he comes up in the neck, isn't over the back, anticipates and tightens and I go oh no he's going to change early I will just change now as its better being early than asking him to wait then it all going wrong. I noticed yesterday I do this at home too if I'm doing a test line. So now I'm really working on keeping him over the back and rounder and when the anticipation comes not letting him come up in the neck, holding both reins as I tend to let the outside rein sometimes slack and making him wait. And bloody hell we smashed all test lines with no issues.

My main aim now is to keep him over the back at all times and really round and to get all changes whereever I ask and no changes where ever I don't ask. And I'm bringing that into my next outings. I just want to focus on those things I don't care about the scores or placings I just need to train him in a test to not get tight or tense and to listen and wait. I've been so focused on just doing well its actually made me not ride him the best I can. Hopefully with me not focusing on the score etc and the training in the test we might actually do better! Love it when I've managed to learn from an outing even when it didn't go how I hoped its been so beneficial.

Yesterday I rode 4 in the heat 🥵 today only 2 so I don't have to ride in the hot parts of the day. I really don't like it though. Bring back the rain 🌧 sorry 😬😅


Very late post as I was waiting for video but FOREST IS BACK COMPETING!!!! Wasn't the score or performance I was hoping for and know he's capable of but that was just due to tension and spooking and the excitement of being out again and doing changes! Plus the music always makes him more difficult 🤣He did huge changes which were marked down but I didn't collect him enough and I let him take over and run through me. When you don't win you learn and I've learnt a lot from this test. I know what we have to work on and I'm excited to try it again in hope we can get ourselves together in time for the area festivals. He definitely won the warm up and was so chilled. Just got transfer that to the test arena and show what we can do! With us we seem to get rusty if we don't regularly compete and although 2 months off is not much to a lot of people it feels a very long time for us! We definitely need more practice and that we will. I just have to remember to enjoy it lol


Here's diesels beautiful winning 72%+ test from a couple of weeks ago. So proud of how far he's come recently he's starting to look more uphill and in a more consistent contact and I'm getting more energy at home, but he still drops behind the leg at shows but I would rather lazy than the other way! We had a massive spook before I started and he really didn't like the sunlight on the end letter so really pleased he didn't spook at anything in the test! Had my first run through a novice on him yesterday and it felt easy! Planning on trying an ele next month! Now he's got going fully and getting stronger I think it won't be too hard to move up the levels at a good pace and get OK scores!

Really pleased with all the horses I'm riding at the moment as always. Planning a hacking day tomorrow with a nice long hack on darcy and competing on Sunday. There's hardly anything on bd in July and August so I'm going to try and get forest out to everything I can and try and get diesel out too. Plus I want to do showing, fun rides, jumping and xc but everything ends up being on the same weekend then nothing on other times 🙈 and missed loads when the ground was hard, now it's soft there's too much other stuff on 🤣 I will enjoy having too many horses to compete as I know it won't last!

WOW! My boy looking incredible winning the strong veteran class today at the hampshire area charity show. He certainly d...

WOW! My boy looking incredible winning the strong veteran class today at the hampshire area charity show. He certainly doesn't look 21 and it feels so amazing to be out having so much fun with him this year after 6 months of lameness and thinking he would have to be retired plus everything we've been through together over the 6 years of ownership from getting him in such a state as a rescue horse with so many health and behavioural problems to this amazing boy who's a total dream.

We also came 2nd in rescue horse although he spent all the canter leaping about and the trot work snorting 🤣 he was really not sure of it to begin with ( I've never done showing with him) but he soon relaxed to be totally perfect for the veteran class. I rode under powered and careful today. There's so much more to come and unfortunately probably more showing 🤣🙈

More than anything today I'm so proud of myself for going to my first ever show totally on my own! I got up the yard early decided I was going showing at 8am after checking forecast and needed to leave at 9.15. Got him ready and loaded on my own and drove there and managed the show and the journey back and it was a breeze! It felt very surreal tbh and bet it was weird for mum turning up to the yard and the lorry is gone and I've taken myself off competing and she didn't even know 🤣 haven't been showing in 10 years, darcys first showing show, my first time driving on my own and first show on my own. Today was a big thing!!!!

MASSIVE thank you to Loretta Wright who lent me some jods and numnah although that didn't fit I'm glad I managed to look the part! Thank you for always lending me things and helping and coming out to drop me those things as I made a last min decision to go 🤣
And Lauren Moore for entering me into my classes today and keeping me updated on timings so I didn't have to leave darcy on his own. That was so helpful!

The showing world is definitely more friendly than dressage. Strangers came up to me to say how amazing he looked and the lady next door helped me get on and was really supportive. What a lovely morning we both had and the sun shone for our classes!

WOW Saddles
Express Yourself Equestrian

Got all my qualification emails through now for area festivals 😁 Forest-Advanced medium bronze✅️Advanced medium bronze m...

Got all my qualification emails through now for area festivals 😁

Advanced medium bronze✅️
Advanced medium bronze music freestyle✅️

Prelim silver ✅️
Prelim silver music freestyle ✅️

It's going to be a busy time for me and will be my first ever music championship and diesels first ever championship! Now I get started for winter qualification as early as possible!


I did another thing with darcy that I never imagined I would! Today we did our first ever ride and lead hack and he was perfect! A couple of days ago It popped into My head that I should try it as when he hacks with smokey he's always stuck to him 🥰 me and darcy both trust smokey with our lives so I was sure it would go well and it did! This is great for me as I'm not keen on hacking darcy on my own and means I can still ride smokey lots but darcy still gets out. It also meant I got all 3 horses hacked out for an hour each this morning which I wouldn't have had time to do them all separately! And all 3 of them were pretty much perfect!!!

Also had another great advanced lesson doing piaffe, passage and changes just trying to keep my advanced riding up to scratch for when forests back to that level so I'm not totally useless! And diesel was great to ride, really coming on tones now. Love this weather for being in the saddle all day. Last week was just too hot and I had so many to ride everyday it just makes it a chore when it's that hot but I'm quite happy to ride all day everyday in this weather!

Yay 72.2% and a win today in our music class at Sparsholt Equine Centre celebration of dressage  qualifying us for the a...

Yay 72.2% and a win today in our music class at Sparsholt Equine Centre celebration of dressage qualifying us for the area festivals and although a small class we were 14% ahead of second place!!! He was so spooky going into the indoor but then pulled it out the bag for the test and now he's finally getting some scores he deserves 🙌

I made the decision a couple of weeks ago to change my focus from regionals to area festivals this season as the competition is so tough at the regionals and he's just not ready for that yet due to being so big he's still gaining strength and fitness. I then realised I could do the music area festivals too so two weeks before the end of the qualifying period I managed to get some amazing music from gaynor and found two venues. Meaning we got our last score to qualify the day before qualification ends! Talk about cutting it fine but we were way ahead of the scores needed both times. I'm very excited to take him to his first ever championship!!! Thank you Cathi O-S for going along with all my crazy and last min ideas and letting me ride your fab boy 😍 looking forward to the future!


A clip from our first dressage to music together where diesel was an absolute star! Getting way over the qualifying score needed we scored nearly 70% just lost out on the win by 0.3%. Really positive comments from judge throughout but we didn't score more than a 7 and 7 is only "fairly good" if you go by the scales. Cant wait to try it again and see where we can get with it. Absolutely love My music which fits so perfectly by Gaynor A Colbourn of course who always does an amazing job. It's so nice to ride a horse who is so relaxed with music and I don't have to worry about crackling speakers or jogging through all the walk! Loving my journey with this boy and seeing big improvements ❤️

First pub ride of the year! Thank you Loretta. Darcy loves a pub ride. He was a good boy apart from his usual flying lef...

First pub ride of the year! Thank you Loretta. Darcy loves a pub ride. He was a good boy apart from his usual flying left and right in canter where he spooks at everything mid canter 🤣 im so used to it now lol. Just have to sit tight 🤣 also had to sit tight on forest when he did an incredible spook at a sign in the woods that was hidden and leaped from one track to another in one move and through a thorn Bush 😬ouch. He covered a lot of ground in one leap! But apart from that he was a good boy for his first woods ride! Smokey was amazing chaperoning both warmbloods bless him. Got to love a smokey! It was good not to have to rush around for once today although still got loads if jobs done on the yard too


Things are looking up! For those that don't have my personal page on fb I passed my hgv test first time yesterday with no driver faults 😁 so lots of adventures planned! And forest has started trot work this week and feels fantastic. He's so happy and willing and feels so comfortable. We start canter next week! I'm feeling quite hopeful about it now 🙏

The other horses I ride all feeling fantastic. Very excited to have my music debut on diesel this week. Its been a crazy busy week with fitting in 15 hours of hgv training/ test plus the drive to and from Bognor each time. Plus I've had 9 horses to work this week plus my 21 + hours of work and loads of poo picking which has killed my back and shoulders. I've been hacking at the crack of dawn or still riding at 8pm. Managed to have a lesson on an advanced horse on Monday, it was very interesting riding actual canter piros on a horse that's not still learning. They feel very different! Although I've now passed the test I don't see things slowing down any time soon, think I might actually get busier 😬 but I love it!

Finally after 7 years I actually managed to get back out on smokey and compete in a hunter trial!!! Were both very rusty...

Finally after 7 years I actually managed to get back out on smokey and compete in a hunter trial!!! Were both very rusty ( and not really xc fit 🙈) but managed to go clear and come 4th!!! I'm really surprised he went through the water without stopping too as he normally stops at water and has a look first!

He always loves xc and speeds up when he sees the jumps but I realised I usually do it with other people and that's what gets him excited. On his own I think he was thinking I can't be bothered 🤣 plus he's on the lowest energy giving food possible which I didn't think about so I was exhausted keeping him going round the course, we nearly didn't get over jump 3 as he took a disliking to it but i made all sorts of noises and flapped about 🤣 and we went clear. But once he realised we were heading home he was all for it 🤣 it was so nice to see in every single photo he looked so happy😊

I'm so pleased I finally managed to get to this one as its by far my favourite in the private grounds of arundel park. The ground is always too hard in xc season for me to risk my horses but thank god for the rain the ground was perfect. I'm planning on giving smokey an easier time now bless the old boy and going to attempt to get darcy over some xc jumps in hope he can take over the reins this year. All I can say is God help me 🤣🙈


Well that was a crazy day. Packed so much into the day and was on such a strict time limit all day and somehow managed to be early for every single thing.

Started the day with a 6.50am hack on forest before a 5 hour hgv training session to which I passed my reversing part of the test. I have the main part of my test on Thursday. Then to have a quick brides maid dress fitting then to arundel park to walk the xc course and enter the hunter trials for tomorrow! So excited! Then back to yard to ride diesel and run through our music. Clean my tack and load lorry and do horses then out for birthday meal for 7pm 😄 I also avoided riding in the rain today too! Glad I got extra riding done after work late last night too so I didn't have to ride as many today as I just didn't have time to ride more than two!🤣🙈

Video from last week. Darcy loving being back jumping again. Hoping to get him back out round some courses soon and hopefully to a competition this year! 🙏

7 horses worked today. 4 ridden was supposed to be 5 but had to lunge an extra one in the end. I like these days! And I ...

7 horses worked today. 4 ridden was supposed to be 5 but had to lunge an extra one in the end. I like these days! And I even finished Riding before the rain started!

Look how cute darcy is in his trainers 🥰 I was really sceptical about him going barefoot and especially using hoof boots as not had good experiences with boots but I'm so impressed and it's really working for him. He feels so comfortable and its really making me consider all of mine going barefoot.

I have the equine fusion all terrain ultra jogging boots. We had oakland farriery out to do the fitting and he did a super job as they fit like a glove and don't move. We brought the backs from the hoof boot shop and managed to get the fronts second hand. Darcy is so happy to be doing proper hacking again and he jogged most of our hack and lots of spooking and generally his normal lunatic behavior but it's lovely to see a horse really loving their work. He always makes me laugh and smile 🥰

After one month off I'm back on my boy!!!! 😍🥰🥳I haven't done a proper post about what's going on with forest as I didn't...

After one month off I'm back on my boy!!!! 😍🥰🥳

I haven't done a proper post about what's going on with forest as I didn't actually have any answers. He was fine one day and very lame the next. The vet did nerve blocks then he ended up getting bad lynphangitis from the blocks to the point where we had to call emergency vet as he couldnt even move. We could then not continue the lameness investigation until all the swelling had gone which took 3 weeks.

The vet came back yesterday and he is sound. I got asked to do a lot of lungeing with him throwing losds of shapes and he coped with it fine and still sound today! Only thing that came up on scan was a spur on fetlock which vet thinks he has banged causing the lameness. There was a very small question about the short collateral ligament but he couldn't see a clear enough picture. He said its very unlikely they damage the short one and the more he scanned the more sure he was that it wasn't an issue. All other tendons and ligaments look good! I have to bring him back into work and see if he stays sound. If he does I can just carry on and get back to where we were. If he goes lame again he wants to rescan the collateral ligament. If that's still OK then maybe medicate the fetlock where the spur is.

I'm really happy but also a little sceptical that this is it now and I'm just waiting for him to go lame again 😕 everyone keep everything crossed me and my boy are going to be back at it soon with no more set backs

Saturday I went to the British dressage Surrey team selection day with diesel and we got a great score of 70.48% and cam...

Saturday I went to the British dressage Surrey team selection day with diesel and we got a great score of 70.48% and came 4th in a big class qualifying for the Surrey team. Unfortunately I can't make the championship dates so I passed my qualification down. Was a lovely friendly show and we won a big bucket of prizes too! Really pleased with his progress and having the 7.5s and 8s creeping in now.

Sunday I enjoyed another long hack on smokey. Really loving my hacking at the moment there is literally unlimited ooptions i can hack to compton xc, qe park and butser hill, the southdowns way, Harting hill and I'm going to try Stanstead Park soon! The options are endless and we have hardly any road work at all only about 5 mins on the road most of my rides! Also love going out on My own as well as with all our lovely hacking buddies. Darcy had another little jump and he's definitely loving it. Hoping to keep building him up and be able to jump a course soon

You can't say were not consistent 🤣 another BD outing for diesel and another 2nd place 67.7% and more regionals points. ...

You can't say were not consistent 🤣 another BD outing for diesel and another 2nd place 67.7% and more regionals points. An overall 3rd in a decent class. All 4 bd outings we've come 2nd with pretty much the same score each time! He's definitely improving but scores staying the same but that's OK, judges don't judge our progress just what they see on the day and every judge has different views.

It's been less than 3 months I've been riding him for and he's still got a lot of strengthening to do to be more uphill and working from behind to get the higher marks. These big horses take soooooo long to get strong 💪 thank you again to cathi for letting me do this, I'm so greatful to still be able to compete with forest being off and I'm starting to enjoy competing a lot more as I've realised it could all be taken away in a second so just enjoy it while you can as you never know whars going to happen. It doesn't matter about scores or placings or the fact that people have better horses or more money to succeed. All that matters is that you have fun dancing in the whiteboards




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