Koren Marner Dressage

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Koren Marner Dressage Dressage rider currently competing advanced level. backed and produced all my horses from scratch

1 Full livery space available from 15th FebHoliday livery, schooling, competing or training livery.Beautiful private yar...

1 Full livery space available from 15th Feb
Holiday livery, schooling, competing or training livery.

Beautiful private yard with well draining fields, good fencing, plenty of grass and shelters. All day turn out in winter and stabling at night and 24/7 option from spring to autumn. 20x60 arena with mirrors, stables and hot wash box. Fantastic unlimited hacking in woods and southdowns way hardly any roads.

7 day Full livery only no part. Includes hay and 2 bags of bedding plus exercising 4 or 5 times a week.i am an Advanced dressage rider and freelance groom with 20 years experience and can provide plenty of references all horses receive 5 star care

I'm putting the feelers out to see what is about. I'm looking for a horse to ride/ compete for this season. I cannot aff...

I'm putting the feelers out to see what is about.
I'm looking for a horse to ride/ compete for this season. I cannot afford to have a horse on loan and pay for the upkeep of another horse and I cannot afford a share agreement where a financial contribution is required. I would however ride for free for the right horse when this is a service I would usually charge for.

I'm very open to any disapline and have extensive experience in most of them! I'm very keen on being able to do some showjumping and cross country however i also would really like to find a horse that is competing medium level or above hopefully with a flying change so I can continue my training with the higher level movements of dressage. Only looking for safe horses as this is for me to have some fun. I'm also happy to have the odd one off ride etc if any friends want to offer me a horse to have a go on once in a while or as a one off. I just want to get something in place for the beginning of spring as not sure how long it will be until my competition horses will be up and running again. I have loads of references and can send videos of me riding

Eric enjoying a wash after working really hard and I gave him a good tail wash too. So lucky to have great facilities at...

Eric enjoying a wash after working really hard and I gave him a good tail wash too. So lucky to have great facilities at my yard including the wash box with hot water. Eric is so lovely to have around he's so polite and well behaved. He's an angel to ride, totally bomb proof to hack and stands perfectly on the yard. It's so refreshing when I have two warmblood competition horses out of work and they are causing havoc and daily stress. Thank God for Eric and my two ponies! Only 9 more days left of his holiday then there will be another space for another lovely livery to come and stay. I will be lucky to find another like him!


If you say it enough times you may start to believe it 🤣 on days like this I do not like working with horses 😪 I nearly got blown over so many times I could hardly walk but it's worth it for the warm sunny days.

My EQUIDRY has been a total life saver this winter if there's one thing I couldn't live without in winter it would be that! Every winter I wear thick fluffy leggings, jods and thick waterproof ski trousers and still can't feel my legs and get chilblains. I also never found a coat to be waterproof a long with waterproof trousers that always leak. That's until I got my equidry which I can wear in the worst of the rain and it never goes through, it's amazing keeping the wind out and it's so warm in minus temperatures. I seem to be living in mine at the moment as it's either freezing or raining or both! I would happily sleep in it 🤣 but don't worry I don't 🤣

As smokey and Nancy are living out for 3 weeks while they keep Eric company who is used to living out too I thought I wo...

As smokey and Nancy are living out for 3 weeks while they keep Eric company who is used to living out too I thought I would disinfected their stables. I always do this when they start living out in summer but don't usually get much chance to do this over the winter. I start with all the bed up round the edges and disinfect the floor then once that's dry I pull everything into middle and remove banks and then disinfect those edges too. Mucking out is so easy with Burlybed . Nancy's is my favourite stable it takes me at most 5 mins and that's a proper muck out not deep littering

Really pleased to be in 12th place out of 320 people currently in my hacking challenge. It ends In April so still a way ...

Really pleased to be in 12th place out of 320 people currently in my hacking challenge. It ends In April so still a way to go. When I woke up in the hospital bed one of the first things I thought of is oh no I was doing really well in the hacking challenge and now I'm going to lose placings as I couldn't ride 🤣 so doing well considering I had 8 days off hacking and I have 2 less hacking horses! I guess its normal for people to not ride much or at all during winter and Christmas time. But not me! Really enjoying my daily hacks on 3 different greys this week!

Very busy week with starting 2 weeks holiday cover, my usual job, my 4, riding and starting my new job on a lovely dressage yard with lovely people! Very excited to welcome a schooling/ holiday livery onto my yard tomorrow too!

I thought I would put up a post about hacking alone as I'm sure there's lots of other people out there like me that hack...

I thought I would put up a post about hacking alone as I'm sure there's lots of other people out there like me that hack for miles and enjoy going out alone. I'm on my own yard so half of the time I'm there alone and I go out riding alone. Nobody knows when I'm going or where I'm going or how long for. Sometimes I don't know either I just head out and decide on the way often out for hours.

It wasent until I had my accident on my totally safe horse who fell over and onto me knocking me unconscious that I realised I really should be telling someone when I'm going out and where. I'm very lucky that day I was riding with my friend who straight away called an ambulance but if I was alone knocked out especially at my yard where you can hack out all day long and not see a sole plus no phone signal it could have been very serious. So now I will always let someone know I'm going out on My own and I urge everyone to do the same as anything could happen no fault of the horse or rider 😬 it's something that has never crossed my mind to do until now


Days like these make the bad days manageable. What a beautiful day to go down the beach with my best boy it felt like summer it was so warm and just magnificent. I decided to take him on his own as he hasent cantered in over 3 weeks and he gets very excited and wants to race when we go in company. I just wanted to go for a chilled ride with some nice long trots and canters and paddles though the sea.

How many horses will go to the beach on their own and be perfect and be totally fine with horses galloping full speed towards us and not bat an eyelid! He's just so perfect! My schools been frozen all week and all I can manage is a half hour walk down the road as everywhere else is still frozen so made the decision this morning it's a perfect excuse for the beach! Honestly the best day for it and so fun.

I have been progressively getting busier but next week i go back to crazy busy and although it will be a lot I'm looking forward to being super busy again as its been a while since I've been flat out. I do enjoy it and I need the money too so that always helps! Looking forward to warmer weather too

The last few months have made me realise some things. At times I was getting fed up with Dressage and didn't want to con...

The last few months have made me realise some things. At times I was getting fed up with Dressage and didn't want to continue as judging is getting more and more harshly marked and seems like if you don't have loads of money and the best flashy moving horse you will never get far in it. At times I wanted to give up but I love doing the championships and was desperate to get to ride in my tail coat.

Unfortunately the last few months of dressage were our most successful forest showed so much talent for the higher levels the judges loved him at that level and I was so excited for the future as it was clearly the levels he would shine and I loved competing in my tailcoat. I had no intention of stopping competing but now I have no choice.

This has now made me realise I actually don't want to compete dressage right now. It's finally given me the way out that I had contemplated many times. I was gutted when I realised I wouldn't be doing the winter championships for the first time in about 8 or so years but now I'm relieved. The weather is awful my schools frozen half the time and the other half it's bloody storms and heavy rain. It's so nice to finally not have any pressure to ride or compete. Before I would be riding everyday without fail despite how bad the weather got and competing in this awful weather most weeks with lots of cancelled shows and lessons and the stress and pressure of wanting to do well every time.

Still riding loads but I'm allowed to have a day off riding if there's a storm or the school is frozen whereas before I would never allow myself to have a day off. Also I don't have to be competing every weekend to feel like I'm making the most of my horses. I love spending time with them and I absolutely love hacking. I've really enjoyed going on long hacks on smokey in the sunshine recently and that's so much better than going to a show. And free!

Don't worry you will still see me out and about this year with hopefully all 3. But I now have different dreams, they are still big ones as I'm always going to be competitive but one thing I have to remember this year is most importantly have fun just like I was in this picture ♥️


*** Why it’s important to check and feed horses early morning AND late evening ***

Most horse owners should be aware that horses need checking an absolute minimum of TWICE daily. However, this doesn’t mean 11am and 2pm.

We obviously can’t watch our horses 24 hours a day, so we have to get as close to that as possible to potentially prevent immense suffering should they start to colic, or break a leg, for example. At least by knowing our horses are happy and well with only a 10 or 12 hour window since the last check, should the worst happen, they will not be suffering for potentially 24 hours.

So why do I also say to FEED them early morning and late evening? Because how a horse responds to food is a very good indicator of how well they are in themselves. Before I get the lovely people telling me that I’m promoting equine obesity by suggesting this, “feeding” them a few fibre nuggets from your pocket will suffice. Most horses, and definitely all ponies, will hoover up a handful of fibre nuggets (I adore the Baileys Horse Feeds Fibre Plus nuggets for checking appetite) and then try searching your pockets for more. Again, it’s about knowing your horse and how they normally eat their hard feed or how they respond to a handful of nuts.

I post a lot of colic information, but just a reminder that the very first sign of colic, and often the ONLY sign of colic, is a horse or pony that doesn’t want to eat. If you give your horse his feed and he walks away, and this is unusual behaviour for your horse, then you need to call your vet immediately. A horse most definitely doesn’t need to be rolling/pawing to have bad colic.

If you check your horses at least twice a day, you may still miss the early stages of colic. A glance at a row of stables with heads over doors may well miss a horse that has stopped eating in the early stages; it’s important to go up to all horses when you do your twice daily checks. I appreciate that not everyone will agree with giving horses a few treats every day (you don’t want to know how many sweeties my lot consume on a daily basis if so!), but they can be healthy treats, and if the horse is in a stable, can be fed in a bucket. Obviously if your horse has a twice daily hard feed, then even better, but make sure you stay and check that the horse has eaten his hard feed as he normally would.

Feel free to share but not to copy my words.

I would like to talk about back/body protectors. The hospital said how nice it was to see me wearing one when I had my a...

I would like to talk about back/body protectors. The hospital said how nice it was to see me wearing one when I had my accident and said they rarely see it and how much it's protected me from serious harm. Despite a 650kg horse falling on me while cantering I came away with concussion and only bruises no damage to my body only legs and shoulder. Imagine the damage to my head too if I wasent wearing a hat!

I always wear my back protector on my own horses and for the horses I ride for work too. I have done for many years. I've turned up to yards and been judged for wearing it. People expect professional riders to not be wearing them as it makes you look " unprofessional or nervous" I've missed out on opportunities as people judge me for wearing one before even seeing me ride and I've been questioned many times including the typical " you won't need that on to ride my horse " I've even thought about not wearing it the last couple of years in fear I might be judged.

I've had 2 falls in the last 4 years and both horses were good as gold safe horses that tripped/ fell over. Nothing to do with me or them but you cannot stay on when the horse is on the floor! This is why I wear my back protector not because I'm nervous and think I'm going to fall off, because anything can happen on any horse at any time and being self employed i cant afford to risk myself. The only 2 times I've been in hospital due to a horse fall is the times I didn't actually fall off! I know people find them ugly bulky and uncomfortable but once you wear it a bit it does mould to you and i can barely notice mine now. Plus its a small price to pay for staying safe. So I will continue to wear my back protector proudly and I don't care if people judge me. I will be as safe as I can be in this dangerous sport!

Ps photo of my first ride on a 3 year old, probably the only time people won't question why your wearing one!


A video of 2024. Everytime I watch this I can't help but smile although it also makes me sad. My one goal for the year is to have another year like this one and have fun with ALL the horses and never take anything for granted.

4 hours worked on new years day in wind rain and darkness! Then the rest of the day busy with My lot, I just loved standing out in pouring rain fencing more pens for forest felt like it took all day 🙄 pleased I managed to still get the 3 out and forests 20 mins of walking done despite the weather. Really pleased to have finished holiday cover this evening and finally get a day off tomorrow as I'm knackered. Got a very busy month ahead of me but I'm so pleased to be back working riding and doing the horses I hated having to stay inside and do nothing after my accident it's so boring! Would much rather be busy!

This years winnings. A mostly fantastic year with the horses and very successful. Thank you to forest, smokey, darcy and...

This years winnings. A mostly fantastic year with the horses and very successful. Thank you to forest, smokey, darcy and diesel for giving me lots of fun and success!

Some of my best results were getting over 70% in advanced medium music on forest, getting over 72% for diesels music, coming 2nd and 3rd in both advanced medium area festivals in really strong classes with great scores, coming 4th in mine and smokey first hunter trials for 7 years, getting a clear round in darcys first ever jumping show, coming 7th at nationals with forest in advanced medium music, riding in my tail coat and qualifying to ride psg and of course winning a sash on darcy by winning both our classes then winning champion out showing.

Every year I write a long list of goals with the horses, this year I completed pretty much all of them. For next year I'm not going to write one single one as I have no idea what the future holds for my horses and when I will be competing and at what level or dissapline. I'm actually perfectly happy not competing at the moment and not having pressure to ride everyday and perfect everything. I'm sure when it comes to spring that will all change. Passing my lorry licence this year has been the best thing ever and I've had so much fun on the horses this year not just shows but beach trips, fun rides amazing hacks and I can't wait to do that again next year, and that's much more fun and cheaper than competing!

These last 6 months are the gift that keeps giving. Struggling with finding enough decent work and it really gettiing me...

These last 6 months are the gift that keeps giving. Struggling with finding enough decent work and it really gettiing me down to the point where i was ready to give up working with horses. and then having really bad news about forest then going out in the lorry with the horses for a fun hack. We were cantering on perfect dry ground then a boggy area came out of nowhere and he fell down and onto me I was knocked unconscious for a long time and had to fly in the air ambulance to Brighton hospital. Had bad concussion I was sick all day tuesday and out of it. Yesterdsy very bad head but could finally eat and stopped being sick. Today I feel better my heads better but so sore everywhere everything hurts. First thing I said when I woke up was how are the horses. Feel so sorry for darcy it wasent his fault at all. We went out in the lorry to avoid anywhere wet and slippery and go somewhere with good ground and this happens. I was meant to start a new job this week, I hope they will wait for me 😭 when will some good luck start coming my way? Thank you so much to everyone who has messaged and to my mum for going out to find us and bring the horses and lorry back and looking after my horses on her own 😪 thank you to Loretta for phoning ambulance so quickly and sorting out horses thank you to joe and mandy for staying up hospital with me for 9 hours they kept saying I could go home but I didn't until about 10pm thanks to joe for looking after me while mums sorting horses. Bless darcy just stood there apparently when I was on ground unconscious and they were amazing with the air ambulance circling above them. Merry Christmas to me!

Back when I used to jump before dressage took over! We won the puissance jumping 3.6ft I don't think we actually got a p...

Back when I used to jump before dressage took over! We won the puissance jumping 3.6ft I don't think we actually got a picture of that height! I loved this horse I rode her for one of my mums clients and she was so fireary and not an easy ride but so talented. I was fearless back then and would ride anything ( like most teenagers). I used to compete lots of lovely horses for people as my own horses were all rescues old and retired and couldn't do much at all but I loved them all the same. Had so much fun at my little local riding club when I was younger back before it got serious!

I managed to ride both days in the storm my horses are so good because they are used to being ridden in all weather's. It obviously wasent safe to hack out so stuck to the school where there's no trees that could fall down or nothing that can blow into us! Both my old boys feeling amazing still to school at 21 and 22. Back to hacking tomorrow let's see how many trees are blocking routes! I may not be able to get anywhere much at all in the woods!




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