Live Oak Kennels of Southern Louisiana

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  • Live Oak Kennels of Southern Louisiana

Live Oak Kennels of Southern Louisiana A short explanation of what this kennel (and breed) is all about. Sort of a mission statement I guess but not worded the best for that, sorry.

One of only a very few breeders in the United States of CKC registered Great Pyredanes, a carefully bred hybrid of Great Danes and Great Pyrenees, producing an intelligent, friendly dog capable of multiple roles from service, to guardian to family dog. I'll update as we grow, but this gives a little more information as a temporary measure for now. It also explains why tails are bobbed since it's s

uch a hot button topic. Note that the dewclaws (which IS a bloody, painful process) are NOT done on these puppies, as we feel they need them as a working dog and that outweighs the risk of a torn claw. A fledgling kennel specializing in the CKC registered Great Pyredane dog, a hybrid of Great Pyrenees and Great Dane, carefully bred using high-quality stock to produce an all-around fantastic dog that is usually a working dog but excels as a loving family dog as well. By choosing only the best to pass along genetics, many of the health issues of the Dane as well as the Pyrenees, have been lessened substantially and in fact, have managed to nearly triple the lifespan of the Dane, while maintaining the beautiful, highly desirable, huge, happy calm dog that everyone loves. Per the breed standard, the tails are banded, NOT CHOPPED OFF at 3 days of age; the pups feel nothing. This is for the SAFETY of the working dog, as well as making them much easier to live within small quarters, as Danes are the perfect huge dog for small apartments. "Happy Tail Syndrome" is quite common in Danes, and they OFTEN badly break their tails simply walking through a doorway and wagging their tails, let alone when working. This leads to painful, often crippling surgical amputation as adults. It's a common issue in short-haired, long-tailed dogs. Also, these dogs are half Livestock Guardians and often work in such a capacity. The tails are dangerous when being pulled down by wolves, coyotes, and the like. It is for THEIR SAFETY. Is the same reason the Pyrenees have thick deep ruffs around their necks and short ears, and short slick legs. Preemptively bobbing the tails allows them a long, happy healthy life without that fear. The Dane was traditionally a boar hunting hound (and often the tails were bobbed for safety) and later excelled as estate guardians, while the Pyrenees Mountain dog is a 4,000+ year-old breed from the Pyrenees mountains along the border of France and Spain and are livestock guardians capable in packs of chasing off and sometimes killing, raiding coyotes, wolves, and other predators. At the same time, these guys are exceptionally gentle with kittens, baby ducks, and all manner of farm/home animals. Infinitely patient with children, protective of their family, and highly intelligent, this is a great dog for many tasks including heavy mobility service work, as my personal dog is, as well as PTSD, Autism, deep pressure therapy, etc. I plan to also have pure Dane and Pyrenees stock once my females are old enough to breed. Prices range for registered quality dogs from $1k - $2k on average, depending on the quality, color, and pattern of the dog and what their potential appears to be, as well as size/confirmation. Occasionally I have pretty pet quality pups without registration/breeding rights available under $1k. Currently located in an area encircled by Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Hammond, we are convenient to all three areas off of I-12. Delivery is sometimes an option for a reasonable fee, and we hope to soon have air shipping available for future litters. 🙂

Yep that's Grimm.

Yep that's Grimm.

4:12 a.m. and I'm having nightmares. Or flashbacks maybe. Not sure which but... I'm sweating, soooo hot...can't breathe....

4:12 a.m. and I'm having nightmares. Or flashbacks maybe. Not sure which but... I'm sweating, soooo hot...can't breathe...I'm pulled backwards in my memories to the late 80's, Montana Skyline, driving an end dump 14-16 hours a day. Unwinding at the local bar after work, one tequila shot too many. Stomach rolling, head's pounding...I'm passed out in the gutter in front of the bar, surrounded by rumbling Harley's...hell it even smells like a gutter...or...a...litterbox???

*cracks one eye open* Wtf?

Nope not a Harley parked in my face. Four kittens, all purring LOUDLY and energetically, parked on my face, one trying to find a ni**le in my eyebrow!

Well, I may not be hung over, but I'm being the cute is the same. Coffffeeeeee....

Now if I could just DRINK IT.


There are five babies left, if you count Hocus and Grimm, whom I wanted to keep but am still undecided on. Ten weeks old tomorrow (Monday)!
Get your puppy today!


Still have 5 puppies left, folks. I will be making a huge move soon, so these lovely boys and girls need to get into their forever homes SOON. Can reduce the price a little bit, as long as I still adhere to the basic breed guideline and not undercut other breeders with registered, quality pups too much!
Current prices are: Hex and Salem: $1,000
Grimm: $1250
Hocus and Pocus" $1500.
Please get your deposits in now to hold your pup as your own!
They HAVE to go, guys; I do not have room for 6 20+ pound giant breed puppies and I am having enough issues selling off all my belongings are making preparations for the move so consider hard your next pup please, and make an exception if you are close to caving in on the debate.


Yay, three babies went to their new forever homes yesterday!
Best I can tell, they are already adored lol.
Oh and don't look now, but they received their signed, pre-printed forms for their CKC registration too! Weight and health records, wormings every two weeks, shots, no fleas...healthy and happy.
6 left! Technically 4, as I'm planning on keeping two...Grimm for my stud male and Hocus will be trained to do heavy mobility service work to replace her mother. She slept tucked under my chin the entire way back and most of the way up there lol.15 hours of snuggling a warm, sweet puppy is always a good thing. :)

Anyway there's three females and two males left.

This isn't COMPLETELY accurate but the inconsistencies are small and I'll address them over time as this page grows.http...

This isn't COMPLETELY accurate but the inconsistencies are small and I'll address them over time as this page grows.

This dog breed is a mix between two huge canines, so it comes as no surprise that the result is a big ball of fur. Read on to learn about the Great Pyredane.


My sweet Grimm's birth! Likely to remain as a stud for the kennel. :)


Miss Onyx before her baf, munching her medicine laced nommies lol.


And AFTER Onyx's baf! Lol... Lil stinker!

This page is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to the health, development, and well-being of your new giant puppy! I have personally s...

This page is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to the health, development, and well-being of your new giant puppy! I have personally seen and dealt with these issues, and can attest that it is not hogwash; it's real and when it happens it is terrifying. So read up! :)

In fact, I advise bookmarking the entire page, as there is SO much fantastic information to be had at your fingertips. :)

Educational site for people who purchase Great Danes and large and giant breed dogs. The information provided at this site is designed to assist pet owners in the care and feeding of their companion animals. The subjects covered are; Diets, Nutrition, Pet Health Issues and General Pet Care.


I'm going to explain something ONCE to the judgemental Pitchfork Puritans who are attempting to crucify me based on NO KNOWLEDGE of me, my dogs, or what I am trying to accomplish. See, I made the mistake of posting very congenially, very low key, very respectfully on The Great Pyrenees Owners and Trainers FB page. I've been a member for quite some time, own a Great Pyrenees, and always at LEAST emote on nearly every post, and have offered sound advice on MANY. But that does not matter. I have been labeled everything horrible imaginable. That's fine. I saw 145 comments in under 2 minutes flat and knew what was going on. Skimmed a few and left. I'm not giving them the power to make me feel like s**t. They certainly do not deserve that much power. But for those who may or may not feel influenced by these... people, let me tell you a story. Yep, this will be long. So here we go.

I am 53 years old and disabled. My entire life I have busted my ASS up and down the highways of this country as well as Canada to bring the food and other goods you require daily to your local stores to feed your family, clothe your family, etc. Then, I found myself beaten to hell and barely able to even walk. I have lived in extreme pain, poverty, and loneliness having NO family for many years. I did everything for myself or it did not get done.

I am also an animal FANATIC. I ADORE animals and have rescued my entire life, repeatedly and extensively. I once took a pigeon into the vet and PAID to have it PTS because it had hit a window, breaking its beak so badly it was twisted sideways and laying against its neck. It could not be saved. I could have left it. At most, I could have twisted its neck and ended its pain. I PAID to have it PUT TO SLEEP. I picked up a FROG in the road once that had JUST been hit enough to crush the side of its mouth shut. I sliced through the crushed part, medicated and doctored it, and kept it in my KITCHEN SINK feeding it mealworms and flies until it was able to fend for itself again. That is but two of many, MANY examples.

I have rescued hundreds of animals in my life and in fact as we speak, I have 5 cats. ALL but two were rescued from the cold inhospitable outdoors; freezing cold and rain, starving. Gabriel was free, as the woman wanted rid of her purebred cat and all her kittens and Gracen is DISABLED. He has Cerebellar Hypoplasia (Wobbly Cat Syndrome). His owner had to move and needed someone to take this moderate to severely disabled cat. I did so. Even though he is SO much work and expense and effort... I took him and love him dearly and unconditionally.

When my beloved Ravyn, who is my service dog, had this litter, I had NEVER seen a dog have puppies and had only seen ONE cat ever have kittens. Why? BECAUSE I DON'T BREED and am VERY responsible. Ravyn was FOUR years old when I decided to breed her a MAXIMUM of twice, and never once in all her heats has there been an "oopsie litter" as I am very responsible.

Ravyn was bought FOR me by my ex who had brain cancer and knew he was dying and would not be able to be there for me much longer (he took his own life Thanksgiving several years back to end his suffering) from a BREEDER. You know why? Because I needed a very specific dog, capable of handling my weight and height. My previous service dogs WERE RESCUES but were too small and I was going to hurt them trying to use them for what I needed. Ricochet was rehomed to a combat veteran who has night terrors and cannot sleep without her. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. Grabbing any old dog from the pound DOES NOT WORK for service work, as any good responsible service animal group will tell you. They have to be very carefully vetted, you need to KNOW all the variables to expect from their size, temperament, personality, etc and Great Pyrenees are NOT known for their trainability ANYWAY, though some do excel. They were BRED (yes I said bred; they didn't magically appear in a Cracker Jack box) to work independently of human intervention; to make decisions for themselves. That doesn't tend to make them easy to train, and leads to the erroneous belief that they are "stubborn."

I never planned to breed her. However. At some point, I decided after MUCH thought and worry that she is SO intelligent, SO calm and reliable, SO damned good at her job, it'd be a crying shame to not allow others the same chance. Also, I wanted... just once in my life before I die, which will be soon, to give something worthwhile back to this world. To submit some part of myself to improve this world and not just be a lump existing in it, taking yet never giving. See, I had discovered that JUST like a Labradoodle, or a Pomsky, or any one of hundreds of other designer breed dogs, Great Pyredanes, Great Pyradors, and others WERE A THING. A great thing. A BIG wonderful growing thing. And HAD been for almost 15 years or so.

It is a wonderfully adept and versatile breed being CAREFULLY modified, responsibly bred, and extensively recorded in every way, in order to advance it to the status of every other dog deemed worthy by the AKC. It requires so much work, patience, learning, and love. It means being meticulous in record-keeping and knowing who and what you can breed, when, and to whom. The breed is going places fast and everyone who owns one says hands down, they are the BEST DOG EVER EVER. Since it's obvious you will not take my word for it, why don't you do a search on Facebook for Great Pyredane, including The Great Pyredane Breeders Association, and READ THE BREED STANDARDS. Check out the Puppies and Litters groups. READ all the glowing reports of this BREED. And then for fun, try Googling it. I know what you will find. Ten times more than even I did way back when I first got my girl.

Because YES, it is a BREED, not a MUTT as some so callously flung the label at my gorgeous healthy happy, and emotionally well-balanced babies. A MUTT, in case you were unaware, and apparently, many of you are, is the unintentional (or intentional) breeding of at LEAST two different dogs whose lineage is completely unknown. A wild guess. Sometimes many multiples of breeds. A HYBRID is the intentional, careful selection of two REGISTERED dogs intended to create a new breed or improve upon an existing one. Why the hell do you think so many purebreds are nearly bred out, including German Shepherds, French Bulldogs, etc? Did you think your precious purebred dogs that are AKC registered just mysteriously appeared from within the primordial ooze for your high falootin' pleasure? THEY WERE BRED. Every single one of them was CREATED.

This breed has been extensively worked on for years. These puppies that are high-quality, registered puppies sell for this amount EVERY DAY, and the prices are more or less set BY the GPBA. I had my choice of MANY males and it took weeks to decide which one I wanted to breed her with based on what I was looking to define in my puppies. I think I did exceptionally well, thanks.

YES, the parents are registered. In the sire's case, dual registration. In the dam's case, as the AKC does not yet recognize them, she is dual registered as well but on the AKC side, she is a companion pet. She is microchipped too, so yes she matters to me. NO, I did not do genetic testing and neither do the other breeders of these registered puppies, though I INTEND to as soon as I get on my feet and can afford to do so. Every single test through Embark is $150 ish. EVERYONE had to start somewhere, and my road has been far more difficult than you can even begin to know. Or care. I went from the promise of having my own land to moving cross country in an RV to escape psychotic farmers hell-bent on murdering all the wonderful dogs belonging to people around him, to several hurricanes later, Covid-19 later, forced to live in a 29 foot RV later and in an RV PARK later.

I STILL managed to care exceptionally well for my girl and her babies even though I had to let her birth them in my trailer, puppies romping in my trailer, sharing the space with them, my cats, my Pyrenees, and my 4-month-old Pyredane female pup. That pup would be Willow, my wonderfully genetically blue Pyredane displayed on the page background. My babies are kennel trained, trained to stay safe in an X-pen outside during the day, taught basic commands, and LOVED. I WORK MY ASS OFF making sure everyone and everything is CLEAN, healthy, fed well. My pups have HAD all their wormings, their shots. They are raised with cats. They ADORE me and go nuts with happiness when I tend to them. Every one of my puppies comes with a PRE-PRINTED form to send in to register them. So DO NOT TELL ME I am a "FAKE BREEDER" or a backyard breeder. I intend and dream of, having the best-damned kennel in southern Louisiana and I happen to be one of THREE breeders of registered Great Pyredane puppies spanning the US and Canada so I take this very seriously.

I have done all this on $803 a month disability BY MYSELF. A few people who either know the breed personally (and many own one or more) or know ME personally and know my heart have given when they had little to give to financially support this endeavor with food, x-pens, kennels, etc. THEY know me and HAVE FAITH IN ME. I have known unbelievable hardship to do this. I OWE $5,000 OUT OF MY FIRST LITTER to the breeder of my Great Pyrenees and my Great Pyredane (genetically blue pup) Willow. I also had to give up TWO puppies from my first litter, the biggest male and biggest female in exchange for the right to use Dalton to sire my first litter, as I did not have the stud fee, but wanted the best sire I could get. Potentially $3,000 in puppy sales gone just to have that amazing AKC Dane breed my lovely girl. I SACRIFICED MUCH. Do you know how hard it is to go into debt THAT far as a new, struggling business in this Covid world? But I needed SPECIFIC, QUALITY dogs and I did NOT want to be a "backyard breeder" so I am sacrificing AGAIN to make sure my future litters are the BEST they can be. They are trying to help me past this first litter, knowing that each successive litter will do MUCH to progress this breed. I knew the first litter would be SO hard; I literally have nothing. I have given every penny I have, every bite of food, every minute and every kiss and snuggle to these puppies. I knew if I could ever get started, I would be one of the best breeders of this breed in the US and I intend to do just that, whether YOU like it... or not. I ALSO made myself a promise to donate free of charge ONE pup from every litter to someone who NEEDS a service dog, yet cannot afford $6,000 and up for your precious purebred Goldens, Labradors, etc. And guess what? My dirt poor ass did exactly THAT. I donated a puppy... free, to someone in NEED.

So now for the ugly part. You call me whatever the HELL you want to but at least know wtf you are talking about. I am many things but a liar, a pos human scumbag, a backyard breeder, a fake breeder, etc I am NOT. What I AM is tired of your holier than thou judgemental puritan BU****IT. I have a dirty mouth, I don't put up with s**t. I am opinionated, headstrong, loud, and obnoxious, and can be a bitch. Get it right.

I am also the kindest hearted, non-judgemental, loving person you will ever meet and severely empathic with animals. Not all animals can be plucked from a shelter. I give everything I have, everything I am to care for, and love animals. I also train. Very well, I might add. So to you stuck up, snooty ass bastards who think the sun don't shine on your ass, BITE ME.

For those of you interested in knowing more about this amazing breed we, myself and others, are working so diligently to offer up for MANY roles, please drop us a line and me and others will be thrilled to tell you more.

For those with questions concerning the tail docking (NO I DIDN'T "CUT THEIR TAILS OFF!") please go read a very thorough explanation on the post that talks about the kennel's "mission statement." I wanted to pin it but in light of the pitchfork crowd, I had to let it go unpinned for now, sorry.

Grimm is the other Mismarked Panda boy and he's going to be a BIG boy. He is neck and neck for biggest male puppy in the...

Grimm is the other Mismarked Panda boy and he's going to be a BIG boy. He is neck and neck for biggest male puppy in the litter and he's a very solid, gorgeous boy with a thick, heavy head on him. Now Grimm was chosen to stay within the breeding program here at Live Oak Kennels, so he is potentially unavailable, but I've decided to let his potential family make my decision concerning him. If his family is out there, they'll insist on making him a part of their family. I'll know it then. Grimm has a white starburst on his nose making him a Mismarked Panda rather than a Boston, but otherwise looks like a Boston with his dark, handsome looks. Grimm is also what I consider to be middle of the road in that he doesn't stand out as one thing or another but has potential for all roles in life from hiking partner, to nanny, to couch potato and Netflix to rendering the lady dogs speechless with his wonderful genetics. He comes from dogs carrying for Harlequin several times over as well as Blue on his Sire's side as well as Brindle, Fawn, Merle etc. Depending on what genes he inhereted, he could potentially throw anything, and with his deep ebony coat with white markings, he could breed even your most merle-ly Merle safely. Grimm could be anything from a family dog, to a bonded life partner, to an exceptional stud, depending on what is asked of him, and he'd likely be happy in any role. Is Grimm meant to be with you, or stay and help me raise future litters? You decide! :)

Salem is a Mismarked Panda boy and he is, at this stage anyway, on the smaller side. If you're looking for a giant breed...

Salem is a Mismarked Panda boy and he is, at this stage anyway, on the smaller side. If you're looking for a giant breed, but would prefer to stay to the lower end of the size limits, this may very well be the boy for you. Salem is a good middle of the road boy that would likely be a good dog for about any activity. He is laid back and calm, easily adapting to any situation. He is not a difficult puppy, not a bully, not real loud. But he is willing to interact with you when you spend time with him, he's happy to be held and petted, plays with his siblings and generally gets along with everyone. He would probably be great in a home with other animals, children etc as he would adjust easily. Another sweet puppy, but he strikes a great over all balance that would likely fit in anywhere he was asked to. A handsome boy with a tiny smudge of white on his nose, changing his color definition from Boston to Mismarked Panda

Hex is an almost PERFECT Boston baby girl, and I mean baby in every sense of the word. Hex is the smallest and very much...

Hex is an almost PERFECT Boston baby girl, and I mean baby in every sense of the word. Hex is the smallest and very much like a little furry doll. Incredibly sweet and quiet, she is the epitome of gentle grace. She has a minimal amount of white, that being a few white dusted toes and a tiny star on her chest; the rest of her is classic black. She is such a calm, snuggle bunny and is completely content to lay in your lap and watch your face as you tell her favorite stories. No puppy can be shoved into a box and expected to conform, and Hex is no different. For all I know, she could grow up to be an athlete! But my observations at this stage are of a petite, dainty doll like Pyredane as black as night and quietly snuggled in for a night of TV and popcorn in the living room.
Because of her dark good looks, she would be great for a breeder with a spotted male as well.

Dante is a super solid, incredibly personable Merle boy with so many special points it's hard to fit them all in here! H...

Dante is a super solid, incredibly personable Merle boy with so many special points it's hard to fit them all in here! He is not quite as big as his Merle brother, Goblin, but he is SOLID and well built with an amazing confirmation; his head alone is stunning in shape and a real attention grabber. Dante is VERY human oriented, and will always be the puppy found to be looking up, and following his person around the room with his eyes. He also always looks you in the eye, which is a special trait in a puppy so young. While Dante would be amazing for about anything you would want him for, I believe any activity that is done with a bonded human, be it work or play, he will excel in. Due to his solid frame and potential size, he'd likely be a great candidate for service dog work, especially heavy mobility but it's certainly not all he's cut out to be! He also enjoys being very closely held, touched and snuggled, making him doubly apt for mobility service work that involves needing to push on, pull on, lean on and hold onto. He'd be a great candidate as well for people with Autism or PTSD needing deep pressure therapy from contact with a large sturdy dog that's really bonded with and in tune with his human. You'll often see him laying quietly, just watching what you are doing while his siblings are romping and playing. He can be such a serious little boy, but also enjoys the snuggle, romp and tickle with his human. I can't say enough about how impressive this Merle boy is, and what a fantastic pup he will be for some lucky family!

The second member of the "Quin Sisters Wyrd," Hocus is the second largest female of the litter and quite the personable ...

The second member of the "Quin Sisters Wyrd," Hocus is the second largest female of the litter and quite the personable girl.
She's not an alpha but doesn't hesitate to go where she wants, claim what she wants and demand love and affection, by
licking you for it if need be. She's a very alert puppy who is always watching her favorite human and will come running when she sees an opportunity for love and affection from that person. She has a stunning coat of spots and random patches of handsome brindle that makes you want to grab a marker and connect the dots!
Hocus has a very sweet personality but is overall a more calm, quiet type puppy who would likely excel in a service dog role, or in outdoorsy hiking and camping type activities. She is the best snuggler as well! Hocus will be the all around great pup you can do practically anything with and she's game, as long as you do it with her. She's looking to be a very human oriented puppy who will develop a very close bond with one special person. :)

Pocus was the first puppy born- I discovered her and realized birth had begun! She and her sister Hocus are dubbed "The ...

Pocus was the first puppy born- I discovered her and realized birth had begun! She and her sister Hocus are dubbed "The Quin Sisters Wyrd." But, while her sister is quieter, calmer, and more content to snuggle and snooze with her favorite human, Pocus HAS no favorite human! She loves everybody and the second her warm little paw pads touch the ground, she's off! Tail wiggling, butt wriggling, pouncing on everything that moves and generally making a silly hawt mess of herself to the delight of all. This strong, solid, well built, and extremely handsome girl would be PERFECT for a family with kids and other pets that lead active lifestyles.
If you want a great all around dog for the kids and family, with energy to spare and looks that are show stopping, this puppy is your ticket to happiness! She enjoys baths and her coat dries fairly quickly- within 5-10 minutes. She is kennel trained, but is not yet a fan of being alone in a kennel! That will take some adjustment! As with all the puppies, she has been raised with kitties and other dogs, and has no issues with either.

Now is your chance to get a Great Pyredane puppy for a service dog, a family dog, a livestock guardian or other type of ...

Now is your chance to get a Great Pyredane puppy for a service dog, a family dog, a livestock guardian or other type of working dog! These animals are fiercely loyal, protective, and very intelligent! Great for mobility service dogs, deep pressure therapy and autism spectrum disorders. Ask about this breed or these puppies for more information!




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Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00



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