Little Lucy FIP warrior

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Little Lucy FIP warrior FIP is no longer a death sentence !

⚠️  FIP Treatment will now be legal in Canada. This is exciting news and a great step in the right direction!!FIP Drug A...

⚠️ FIP Treatment will now be legal in Canada. This is exciting news and a great step in the right direction!!

FIP Drug Access: Canada

By Scott Weese on February 9, 2024

Great news for Canadian veterinarians, cat owners and cats: We now have legal access to drugs that can treat feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease that’s historically been considered almost invariably fatal in cats, prior to the discovery of these very treatments.

I’ll keep this short (-ish… since Moe keeps complaining about my long posts).

We’ve known for a few years that the antiviral drugs remdesivir and its close relative GS-441524 (and to a lesser degree molnupiravir) can be highly effective for treating FIP, with really high cure rates, although the drugs are extremely expensive.

But the biggest problem has been drug access. None of these drugs are licensed for animals in Canada.

The two drugs licensed for use in humans (remsidivir and molnupiravir) technically could be imported for veterinary use based on an Emergency Drug Release (EDR) if purchased directly from a manufacturer, but the manufacturers would not agree to this. So for the past few years, people have been purchasing and illegally importing black market drugs and using them to treat their cats themselves, because without these drugs most cats with FIP will die. Sometimes owners were lucky to have some veterinary support, sometimes they did not. Veterinarians can’t recommend or give an illegal product to a patient, but in some cases could at least provide some supportive care through the process. It’s a really tough situation for everyone involved.

Legally compounded remdesivir and GS-441524 have been available in Australia, the UK and South Africa, but we were not able to access those products either – until now. Working with Health Canada’s Veterinary Drugs Directorate (VDD), we’ve been able to get their approval to import legally compounded versions of both these drugs from the UK. Veterinarians have to request permission to import the drug via an EDR every time they want to use it (i.e. they can’t import a supply to keep in the clinic for when they need it, it needs to be requested for each patient), so there are still some logistical hoops to jump through, but ultimately they’re not a big deal. The drugs still aren’t cheap either, but probably cheaper than what I’m hearing most people are paying for the illegal versions (that also have no assurance of quality control or safety).

To veterinarians:

We’ve developed guidance documents about treatment regimens and the EDR process to help make these treatments more widely accessible. Contact me directly or through the blog’s contact link (in the menu bar at the top of the page) to get access to those. We’ll try to keep everyone up-to-date on changes to treatment regimen recommendations as we go, as this is a fairly new and therefore dynamic field.

To cat owners:

These drugs need to be imported by a veterinarian who has a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR), meaning the veterinarian who is your cat’s healthcare provider. They cannot be imported by cat owners, and they cannot be imported by veterinarians for sale to non-clients, or for use on cats that are not their patients.We will be working with veterinarians to help them treat cats with FIP, but we cannot work directly with cat owners. If you have a cat that might have FIP, you need to work with your local veterinarian, or ask for a referral to a veterinarian who can offer the treatment.If you’re in the US, Canadian veterinarians cannot import this drug to ship to the US. It is for cats being treated by Canadian veterinarians. As far as I know, there is still no ability to import these products into the US (hopefully that will change soon too).

This is a great example of what needs to be done to tackle infectious diseases, especially in minor species (particularly non-food animals) and smaller markets (like Canada) where lack of access to important treatments, vaccines or other products in general is a much broader issue, but one that’s been flagged repeatedly as an important area to address. This is a small but important example of what can be done when companies, veterinarians and regulators work together to find solutions.

Tags: feline infectious peritonitis

Great news for Canadian veterinarians, cat owners and cats: We now have legal access to drugs that can treat feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a

Breakdown of FIP meds  by the AVMA . See any " reputable " or "recognized"  brands here ? I am floored .  Please be sure...

Breakdown of FIP meds by the AVMA .
See any " reputable " or "recognized" brands here ? I am floored . Please be sure to check that you're not being fooled and ripped off !!! PLEASE SHARE THIS POST. 🐾 ❤️

Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the content of unlicensed GS-441524-like products being used as a largely successful at-home treatment for cats suspected to have FIP. The remdesivir content and pH were also measured. SAMPLE 127 injectable and oral samples from 30 of the most popular brands of black ma...

Attention to : FIP community and anyone else who is interested in learning about the Fcov-23 epidemic in Cyprus! Webinar...

Attention to : FIP community and anyone else who is interested in learning about the Fcov-23 epidemic in Cyprus!

Webinar Saturday, sign up ASAP 🐾 ❤️

The year Lucy got really sick for the first time, we canceled Halloween.  I had him on syringe / bottle and needed to be...

The year Lucy got really sick for the first time, we canceled Halloween. I had him on syringe / bottle and needed to be there to change his p*e mat if needed. I told the radio and made a sign , saying we were reverse trickertreating. The raido gave our address to some amazing people & My kids sat in the window on high stools and people brought them candy to a box on the step. They waved at everyone and loved their costumes... I got to hold and help Lucy for the whole night and my kiddos had an unforgettable Halloween . With each reoccurring celebration I am reminded of how while also catering to parenting I fit Lucy in among the kids. I miss him so much ♡ I had to share. . . 🐾 ❤️

There isn't a day that goes by I am not reminded of Little Lucy, it just stings a little more on the special days....

Here is Apollo is his Halloween costume - Mr. StealYourGirl

New FIP Clinical Trial at WCVM!We want to share with everyone that there is a  clinical trial that is beginning in Saska...

New FIP Clinical Trial at WCVM!

We want to share with everyone that there is a clinical trial that is beginning in Saskatchewan at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine! They are looking for cats diagnosed with wet FIP to join this study. Please share and if you know anyone in this area who has a kitty who would qualify, let them know.

Most importantly, the researchers at WCVM are attempting to find a non-invasive way to definitively diagnose FIP. They want to develop a specific PET-CT probe for this purpose. Please check out the link below for more information!

I have an update from my team regarding the medication Lucy was on. FIP Champions has made me aware of what they now kno...

I have an update from my team regarding the medication Lucy was on. FIP Champions has made me aware of what they now know and I appreciate the transparency. Update: Regarding the GC vials from the US being used to treat Lucy - we have unfortunately had it confirmed by an analytical chemist at a university in the US that some vials were found to have GS while others contained something else (likely EIDD, but this has not yet been confirmed). FIP Warriors very recently released a PDF regarding the testing of certain brands of GS-441524 and GC376. The information in those reports is seriously flawed and has many inaccuracies and omissions. This report addresses the inaccuracies and contains a transparent and accurate account of the events as they actually occurred.

My memories today 🐾 ❤️

My memories today 🐾 ❤️

I miss my sweet boy Lucy Goosey every single day. I am a prime example of functional grief. Some people may think, " he'...

I miss my sweet boy Lucy Goosey every single day. I am a prime example of functional grief. Some people may think, " he's just a cat"... but he was way more than just a cat to me. He showed me my purpose and passion. I love every memory and moment I had with him, the good and the sorrowful. I relive our moments and memories often. I will never stop missing him, he will never be forgotten. My drive and my determination to achieve great things is a result of the journey we shared together. His story may be over but his legacy will live on in me forever. His light still shines in my heart. 🐾 ❤️

Here is my Lucy shrine so far. For now his urn is in the velvet bag it came in with his collar around it- because Apollo...

Here is my Lucy shrine so far. For now his urn is in the velvet bag it came in with his collar around it- because Apollo and Toby like to sit here... so I've been worried that they'll knock him over....So I'm going to get a little cabinet custom made to put all Lucy's things in and hang it on the wall. I have yet to find a place locally that will inscribe the poem I wrote to honor Lucy on the urn. It's been an uphill battle of emotions the last couple weeks so I've been avoiding this page as much as I can.

I miss my Lucy so so much . 🐾 ❤️

On another note, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have related questions or need support for your kitty , I am still here for anybody who needs assistance.

Look how adorable Loki is ❤️🐾 please consider a share or donate for this local neuro FIP kitty .

Look how adorable Loki is ❤️🐾 please consider a share or donate for this local neuro FIP kitty .

Hello all! My name is Jaime, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my p… Jaime Wainwright needs your support for Loki's fight against Neurological FIP


From a friend :
I am posting this as a PSA! Please let us work together to raise awareness and save lives!
FIP treatment is now LEGALLY available through your vet in Ontario! Last night I heard the extremely sad story of a kitty who died 2 weeks ago because the vets in Scarborough told the parent there is no treatment and put her down.
Many vets still do not don't believe there is a treatment for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) but there is!! And in Ontario it is completely LEGAL!! Since last November, Dr. Jeff Aramini in Fergus, Ontario, is the FIRST vet in North America to offer fully supported FIP treatment. Dr. Jeff Aramini works out of South Tower Animal Hospital in Fergus. You can jusr ring and make an appointment (in-person or remotely), establish a patient-client-relationship (requests for any records can be sent from your vet to him with your approval), and decide on next steps.
The treatment protocol has been designed based on protocols from the UK and Australia where they have much more experience with oral GS-441524. For follow-up bloodwork and such he can work with your regular vet and clinic if easier than visiting him in Fergus. I am told treatment costs are very reasonable - at least compared to the alternatives!
Dr. Aramini will write a prescription for the medication and it will be shipped to you from the compounding pharmacy in Toronto.
This is a gamechanger! We are so very fortunate to have this opprtunity right here in Ontario.

Little Lucy07/03/2021 - 03/24/2023  In the days leading up to our vet appointment on Friday, Lucy's condition became inc...

Little Lucy
07/03/2021 - 03/24/2023
In the days leading up to our vet appointment on Friday, Lucy's condition became increasingly worse. He started experiencing incontinence and was losing control of his bladder / bowel in the kitchen. He no longer had the strength to go down the stairs anymore . He wasn't eating. He just laid on the bathroom vent motionless.... hardly lifting his head for med time. The day before our appointment he stopped moving entirely. He no longer had function in his paws... he was defecating/ urinating where he laid, and didn't have energy to even move away from the soiled towels. He couldn't roll over... he couldn't move his paws on his own. He was becoming curly again. He had no function left in his body. The night before our appointment I sat with him and held his plate of kitten pate... I wiped his chin off after. He bobbed and struggled to keep his head up. I held his water dish for him and sat beside him to ensure he could drink safely... his depth perception was way off and he kept dunking his face in the bowl. I cried in that moment, I knew we'd come back to exactly where we started.

Lucy fought severe neurological/ocular FIP for 476 days. He tried every branch of antiviral available to him. He battled so many reoccurring secondary infections... and he was so incredibly strong.... he was so resilient, despite the awful cards handed to him. He fought so so hard.... his tiny little body just could not take it anymore... he gave all the fight he had left to give.

I must've taken a thousand photos in the last 72 hours Lucy was here ... but I will not post them. Lucy deserves to be remembered for the absolute Warrior beast he was.... For his majestic scruffy beauty, for his perseverance and determination, for his outstanding courage. For his extraordinary ability to fight the odds. He did SO well and he knew great love....

I loved Lucy just as much as I love my own human children, and Friday's events absolutely destroyed me. I didn't ever want to believe I'd be sitting here writing this post...Friday and the following days have been the hardest days I've ever had to endure in my life. It really feels like I've lost a part of myself. Around the clock, I am reminded of him everywhere I turn. So many little things have become the moments that rip my heart open again...I felt like I should soon inform you all of his crossing, I just haven't been able to find the words to describe any of it. I am truly broken.

* I want to thank for standing beside us this last year and a bit, for believing in Lucy and praying for us... for your words of encouragement and support and for your financial donations to Lucy's treatment. A collected effort brought Lucy as far as he came... he would have never known love if it wasn't for your hope and support . From the bottom of my heart, thankyou.

In the coming weeks I will be putting together a memorial video and some writings as a tribute to Lucy and all that he has gone through.


Day 121, round 4
473 days into treatment .
Lucy has lost 1.7 lb since our last vet visit. Since GC has been known to cause nausea , we will be asking our vet for an anti nausea med to be added to our regimine. Lucy hasn't been eating enough. Not much has changed with him. He's still getting up to eat /drink/ litter , but he doesn't stay up for long periods of time. He still comes to the livingroom bed every so often and he still gives a bit of attitude when I disturb him for shots.

I booked an appointment with the fip supportive vet for a bloodpanel / checkup for Friday. We're hoping to see Lucy's blood levels have somewhat stabilized, and the WBC is rising.

We have now increased GS by 1 pill /8hrs
I have nothing else new to report.

Day 117 , round 4 I haven't posted an update because things haven't changed much. Lucy is losing chunks of hair all over...

Day 117 , round 4
I haven't posted an update because things haven't changed much. Lucy is losing chunks of hair all over, it's definitely stressing me out... but it's to be expected detoxing from all the bad stuff. I have to keep reminding myself of this. His appetite is still good, he has minimal energy- but he's still getting up throughout the day for water and food/ litter. He's been p**ping on the floor here and there - mostly spots of mucus bloody diarrhea ( signifys inflammation in the bowel. ) We're combating this with Aventi GI probiotics , metronidazole and, colon paste ( alternating days) . This of course is nothing we haven't seen before... Lucy has developed a handful of sores-but they are not bad, they are not infected - these kinda of sores are to be expected . We're about a week off the antibiotics and he's doing fine, no fever. No pus .

Some days are good and some days are better.... bad days have mostly stopped- though there are some moments where I am more worried than full of hope.
( blame it on the FIP PTSD)

On a positive note, today is the first day since initial toxicity sickness that Lucy has taken post on the bed in the living room!
He's had more interest in the other cats, but mostly he just wants to rest.... understandably.

Current medications : probiotics , colon paste, metronidazole (for gut bacterias), brewers yeast (helps with WBC), antiseptic spray (for the injection areas), sub C fluids 1x per week, B12 injection 1x per week , oral GS& injection GC antiviral

Ears are still floppy, hair is still coming out, diarrhea remains a problem.

Appetite has improved, energy is slowly improving, engagement is slowly improving. I have noticed Lucy attempting to groom more frequently ... though he has yet to have a full proper groom session.

I have yet to weigh him, though I will soon.


Day 111, round 4
Lucy has been up and walking around all morning. He's alert, interested , mobile. He seems to be making some good progress.

Oh I am so happy!!!!!!!🥰
And I am so greatful for my dedicated team who has stood behind Lucy's recovery and supported us through these devastating times. We are so blessed. ❤️‍🔥

Onward and upward 🐾 ❤️

I'm at a loss for words ...

I'm at a loss for words ...


Day 110 , round 4
LUCY WAS UP AT 3AM FOLLOWING THE CREW AROUND WHILE THEY WERE CHASING AFTER A BELL BALL. 🥳 He wasn't batting at it but he was following closely and engaged .
🐾 ❤️

I just gave Lucy a bath! He wasn't pleased with my decision but he looks majestic and fluffy again ! This makes less mai...

I just gave Lucy a bath! He wasn't pleased with my decision but he looks majestic and fluffy again ! This makes less maintenance for him to clean himself up once he's feeling better .

I sat with him and brushed him at the heat vent after while he tried to chew off my arm.
He's now attempting to clean away the water, on all 4 paws. He's a tad bit uncoordinated but he's trying!!

Pictures are worth 1000 words 😆
😾🐾 ❤️

Day 109, round 4 🐾 ❤️ Sub cutaneous fluids and b12 shot done ✔️ Lucy was not a willing participant this time. We got it ...

Day 109, round 4 🐾 ❤️
Sub cutaneous fluids and b12 shot done ✔️
Lucy was not a willing participant this time. We got it done anyways. It's safe to say he's mad at me now . Happy Wednesday!

This morning Lucy made a small progression , when I pet him instead of smushing his head into the floor he put his chin up in the air . His ears are folded funny today, earlier they were backwards... now they are forward and down.

Day 108, round 4 .Lucy is not changing much. He is still lethargic but getting up to eat . He's been p*eing and p**ping ...

Day 108, round 4 .
Lucy is not changing much. He is still lethargic but getting up to eat . He's been p*eing and p**ping on the floor... I got him a brand new litter box and put it where he can easily see and get to it. He spends the majority of his day sleeping , with the odd moments awake sitting in different spots. His favorite place to be right now is the heat vent in the bathroom. We're still doing the antiviral combo, antibiotics, appetite stimulant, b12 , sub cutaneous fluids, colon paste and probiotic alternating days. We've decided to add some brewers yeast to our regimine, it's supposed to help pick the wbc back up. No new pus or oozing. His skin is feeling a bit better. He's still not grooming himself properly.

I guess on the bright side Lucy kind of has an attitude now, he has been growling and trying to bite me at shot time ( shows he has energy to fight back which is always a good thing ).

Besides that there is nothing new to report. Recovery will take awhile, we are suspecting at the very least 3 weeks to see any big changes.
I will be booking with the vet if he continues to p*e and p**p on the floor ... ( though at this point it could be behavioral, protesting his current circumstances)

Please please continue to share our warning post, I don't want to see this happen to anyone else's precious fip baby. 😓💔



At the end of December Lucy was thriving. He had all the qualities of a normal cat, grooming, playing , zooming , play fighting with his companions and even climbed up the back of the couch ..he was almost 10 lb. He was healthy and we were confident he'd enter observation.

It was around this time that Charlotte Rose Walker ( not her real name) - manufacturer & distributor of Rose/Harmony and who also makes GC and EIDD sent us an email saying our treatment would now be covered but also told me to stop associating with members of my team who had been forced out from FIP warriors ( for raising concerns about how they were operating ) and other parents - about our treatment. I signed a liability waiver for them... ( which was signed under duress and undue influence, so thankfully wouldn't be legally binding )

My lead admin, Jaime Fipcat moved my treatment chat. I asked for my other admin (Krista Alexandra and Elaine Boon) to be added to the new chat and Jaime basically told me that they had " left" warriors and were no longer " willing to help parents " . This was not the truth.

We had added a different antiviral (GC 376) to Lucy's treatment plan. Jaime sent me vials from Charlotte/Rose/Harmony and also arranged to have GC shipped from the US which were NOT from Charlotte. The GC from the US arrived first and I started to use them and followed the dosing attached to the medication. The GC from the US really seemed to quickly make a HUGE difference in Lucy's overall wellbeing !

Then came January, apparently there was a shortage of Charlotte's Rose/Harmony GS in Canada . I was on my last vials of GC (NOT from Charlotte/Rose/Harmony), and I needed more. I decided to use the GC (from Charlotte/Rose/Harmony) that I had on hand while I waited for more to arrive... that's when Lucy started his downhill slide.

Lucy's skin, within 4 days with the use of Charlotte/Rose/Harmony GC, became completely leathery, sore, was rejecting the medication, and he was hardly tolerating shots. He started oozing pus from the injection area. His skin became inflammed. He started up with fever....
All of this after a good 80+ days of injections with 0 issues. To come on so fast, I knew in my heart there was an issue with the medication.

Jaime Fipcat was very apprehensive and would not address this. She basically told me that it was fine, there were other cats who had flourished on the same. This was untrue. I learned that there is proof the Canadian FIP Warrior admins knew the GC from Charlotte/ Rose/Harmony was defective. I had them in storage for almost 2 months before I used them which was more than enough time for them to let me know that they were not safe to use. Lucy got a nasty sub cutaneous infection from these injections. My vet said the skin issues were cause of bad medication/ PH off.

Then I ran out of the Rose/Harmony GS , and I was sent another batch... after 2.5 weeks this batch gave Lucy floppy ears, weight loss, lethargy, hair loss around the mouth and chin, chunks of hair falling out, and when we ran the CBC panel- we saw his WBC had tanked to critical levels. Dr Jackson recommended euthanization.... I was angry and I confronted Jaime Fipcat (chat admin Warriors Canada) about the bad medication, and she BLOCKED me. She also started deleting messages from our messenger conversation and I am still confused why she would do this...Nobody will answer for the suffering Little Lucy is enduring. Nobody wants to take accountability or investigate the situation...I am SO grateful I didn't listen to Charlotte and block / disassociate with my previous team members... because they were able to help us start our recovery from these toxic medications....

It was evident that the medication I was sent was NOT GS, these are classic and known symptoms of EIDD toxicity.... I shared the study of EIDD on Lucys page ( see post study on Molnupiravir). I approached my vet and my team with this theory , and everyone had the same conclusion. The 20 mg Harmony/Rose capsules and 50 mg EIDD capsules look eerily close. Everyone I talk with also thinks these meds were mixed up. Everyone makes mistakes but why block the parent and refuse to even discuss what happened? Even FIP admin following our page assumed without knowing of Lucy's case or treatment plan, knew that it was the result of an overdose of EIDD. All the symptoms and timeline, match up with Lucy being given a high dose of EIDD instead of GS. ( hairloss, floppy ears, lethargy , weightloss, tanked WBC) . After everything Lucy has been through, he faces serious regression and life threatening issues because of human error. NOBODY wants to take accountability or investigate the problem.

When I posted about Lucy and that I was facing having to euthanize him later that week, I was met with cruel and sarcastic comments from an FIP Warrior admin Floriana de Maio. Mocking myself and my team and showing not an ounce of compassion when I was distressed and sure I would have to put my sweet kitty to sleep. All of this has been incredibly stressful and upsetting.

I trusted these people, these companies to help me save my cat. I put his life in their hands and when they failed me, they did nothing to rectify the situation
I am now receiving medication through another PARENT and my previously EXILED team members, because I share their concerns. Because I'm speaking out against this Mal practice, because I'm wondering WHY fipwarriors Canada will not hold themselves accountable. Not even a word of sympathy for Lucy...

It's been a week completely switched over from the Rose/Harmony antivirals, Lucy is very slowly making progress. Very slowly. I could tell the day after switching off the "supposed GS" from Rose/Harmony that there were changes happening in Lucy, and he still wanted to fight. A little over a week ago I couldn't figure out why my cat was dying.... Lucy now faces a long recovery period and yet another uphill battle from the toxicity and issues caused by the medication we were given.

Thankfully my team and I have found an independent lab that is able to test the medications from Rose/Harmony I had leftover from Lucy's treatment. We are waiting for the testing to be concluded imminently and for the results to be released ... we have absolutely no doubt in our minds that there is something seriously wrong here... I will be updating this story as soon as the results are released.

And I know we are not alone . There are other FIP families facing similar issues. The system here is seriously flawed and it is risking the lives of venerable pets. Thankfully word spreads like wildfire and it's only a matter of time before all the dirty laundry is aired and the entire truth is told. This is only Lucy's reality.... Please share our story. Nobody deserves to suffer like this.

If you or someone you know is in need of help/ treatment for FIP please reach out to my page and I will connect you with a group of FIP advisors who are ETHICAL and TRUSTWORTHY. * There are many advisors within FIPWARRIORS that are trustworthy and only involved to help the kitties ... but sadly there are also many who are not.

Apollo and Lucy have been snuggling more lately. It's so great to see ❤️

Apollo and Lucy have been snuggling more lately. It's so great to see ❤️


Day 104, round 4
Lucy and I visited the vet today, and they taught me how to give sub cutaneous fluids and vitamin B12 shots . We will do fluids twice a week and the b12 once a week at home. Lucy was a champ, he sat so still and so nicely for the tech to demonstrate. When we got home he had alot of energy, he came out of his kennel and beamed up at me and followed me around for a couple minutes - now he is resting.

There's not much room left in his skin to administer more sub cutaneous injections because of scar tissue so I will have to do the fluids on his sides and the antiviral and b12 in his hips, as his upper injection area still needs time to heal- although it's feeling alot better. It's scabby but the elasticity is definitely coming back, slowly. The vet also gave us one more week of antibiotics to make sure the infection is totally gone. So we're currently on 2 antivirals, sub c fluids, b12, antibiotics, colon paste / probiotics and appetite stimulant.... a whole wack of meds.

Not much change in Lucy's energy levels or eating habits. He's still getting up a few times a day to make his rounds but then he goes to rest , which I suppose is good for him in his current circumstances . He does seem to be happier and more affectionate though.

We will book for CBC panel in 3-4 weeks .
And I will post invoices tonight.
We have about 500$ left in donations.



Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a complex and historically fatal disease, though recent advances in antiviral therapy have uncovered potential treatments. A newer therapeutic option, unlicensed molnupiravir, is being used as a first-line therapy for suspect FIP and as a rescue therapy to trea...


Day 103, round 4
I just got off the phone with the FIP supportive vet , she said there is no ruling out toxicity from the previous antiviral. Lucy's bloodwork is consistent with the effects of antiviral toxicity. His previous bloodworks have shown no such issues on any of the medications he's been given... his physical symptoms also point to toxicity from previous antiviral.

So, tomorrow afternoon we are going to see the vet, Lucy will get some sub Q fluid IV treatment and some to take home to help him eliminate the medication build up in his system...As well as some B12 injections for the next couple weeks while we see if his body can recover from this depletion on it's own.

The WBC medication is not ideal at the moment because of possibility for auto immune diseases and antibody resistance. It is best, since Lucy is sort of improving, to wait and just support his body in recovery.

Since switching off all previous medication Lucy is showing small clinical signs of improvement. They are small but they are noteable.

Of course I will keep you guys in the loop completely of any changes . 🐾 ❤️



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