Warning! Long post..either scroll on or go get more coffee if you want to read 😆 It has to do with my personal life and the journey I have been on since Sept 2022 when my marriage ended, so if you want to stop reading here that's ok😍 I just feel the need to get this out and hopefully never write about it in this detail ever again!
Since my divorce I have heard more than a few times in different conversations or posts on facebook that if someone doesn't open their heart up to anyone else after a betrayal, that the ex "wins". Someone even said to me not long ago, "if you don't pick another man to be with soon, your ex wins". What????? What did he win? He's still his own, miserable self!
He broke my trust.. shattered it actually. But he didn't break ME. He made me stronger. He led a double life and he LOST me when I found out.
Let's talk about what I WON. I won peace of mind from a narcissist who gaslit and manipulated me, who lied to my face daily. I won freedom to enjoy a life free from daily negativity..from a man who decided I was "no fun" anymore because he had a girlfriend waiting on the side.
I lost MYSELF trying to please him who could never be pleased, no matter what I did or gave up for him.
I won the chance to re-discover who I was before I even met him. I won the chance to make FRIENDS. Real, true friends who don't lie and cheat. Not his "friends" who were around me, secretly knowing about his affair and not saying a word for years. Not his family who claimed to be my family, knew he was cheating and didn't say a word!!
I now have women friends who are supportive, kind and who will also be honest if asked for advice. I won the chance to travel where I WANT to go..not where he said we were going, and who we'd be with. I won the chance to participate in more social events that didn't center around HIM. I won the opportunity to take any art class, virtual or in person, that I want to take without him making comments like, "what do you want to do that for?"
I won freedom from a man who actually admitted he was jealous of my successful pet sitting business and that everything I did "seemed to be a success, no matter what it is".
Does THAT sound like HE won??? I think not!! He was a negative, pessimistic person jealous of everyone, who was only happy if something good happened for himself. But even then he was ungrateful and focused on what was wrong so his happiness didn't last long. He hated it when I would say, "happiness is an inside job..you have to choose it or lose it". He needed more and more possessions; more trips, more money spent entertaining himself to feed an empty shell that has no empathy or regard for anyone else.
He did get a "new" wife in Sept; the woman he cheated on me with for far too many years. Did he win? A spouse, maybe. Someone to feed his ego and do his every bidding.. as she stated in her letter to me after divorce, "whatever he wants, he gets from me. I'll spend every day pleasing him".
I am still single; divorced 21 months. Does it get lonely? Yep. Do I wish more people that I know would invite me out to do things, want to hang out more..especially on weekend nights? Yep. But they are busy with their lives. If I want to do something, I am fine doing it alone! One is a whole number, and I do NOT need a man to complete me!!!
As far as opening my heart to someone else? If it is meant to happen, it will. Might not, and that's ok too. I can now spot a red flag a mile away. I now have boundaries that I will not apologize for. I dated 3x right after divorce. Recently re-connected with an old friend I hadn't seen or heard from since 1992. And I am still single because each of them showed a red flag or 10 with lightening speed!!
The one that makes me laugh still was the guy I had lunch with 6 months after my divorce. A 3 hour walk around Solomons and he was immediately talking long-term relationship. I asked him how long he has been divorced and he looked down at the table. I said, "you are divorced, right?" He said, "I consider myself divorced". I immediately equipped, "would SHE?" He then explained they had been separated for 9 YEARS. And never bothered to get divorced (he said because he couldn't find her to serve papers!) I went home after "gently" gathering enough details from him so he didn't know I was investigating..and found her in 15 minutes!!
In the past 21 months I have enjoyed a more full life than I have had since 1995. I know myself better now than I ever did. My decisions are mine to make to shape the life I want to live. It's not easy..nothing worthwhile ever is. But if you want to declare a winner and a loser in a 24 yr marriage that ended because he cheated, don't tell me HE won. 😍