I am an FFA student from Nebraska just starting small business of Breeding Corgis.
Last one Jack is 12 Weeks old. He was raised in our home, AKC registered, and come with two shots and on a worming schedule. PM for more info
These 2 boys are 9 1/2 weeks old and ready for their new homes. They were raised in our home, AKC registered, and come with two shots and on a worming schedule. PM for more info.
These 6 puppies are 8 weeks old and ready for their new homes. They were raised in our home, AKC registered, and come with two shots and on a worming schedule. PM for more info.
These 6 puppies are 6 weeks old and looking for their forever homes they are on a worming schedule and will come with first two rounds of shots. PM for more info
Corgi puppies available middle of July. 4 males 2 females. Out of registered parents. PM for more information.
PRICE REDUCED! Sam is a male he is AKC registered with full breeding rights. Comes with two rounds of shot and is on a worming schedule. PM for more information.
Last one. His name is Sam and he is AKC registered has had both shots and is on a worming schedule. Located in Springview, Nebraska. PM for more information.
Down to the last two. PM for more information.
Down to the last three puppies. They are 9 weeks old. They come with two rounds of shots and they are on a worming schedule. They are AKC registered. PM for more information.
These 8 week old puppies are ready for their new homes. AKC registered with two shots. Bio's in last post. PM for more information.
We are almost all grown up at 7 weeks old. We are AKC registered. Will come with first and second shots and are on a worming schedule. Ready to go June 25th. PM for more information.
These puppies are 6 weeks old and looking for their new homes. Have already had first shot and are on a worming schedule. Located in Springview, Nebraska. PM for more information.
We are 4 weeks old and starting to look for new homes. We will be ready to go to our new homes on June 30th. PM for more information.
Here are 7 Three week old puppies. PM for more information.
Here are 7 AKC registered puppies they are tri-colored as well as Sable. They are one week old. PM for more information.
And then there where NONE Thank you for supporting my FFA business!!
She is still available price reduced! PM for more information!!
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