Buddy is smelling clean and fresh, ready for his road trip to get stem cell therapy! He got his bath very late- his pack buddies had the right idea…🐾💗🐾😴
#animalwelfare #animalwelfarelaws #antiaging #betheirvoice #compassionforanimals #disabledandcute #disabledmalamute #dogmeattrade #dogmeattradesurvivor #glutathione #ivdrip #ivtreatment #jindo #jindosofinstagram #kindnessmatters❤️ #koreanjindo #saveddog #stemcelltreatment #stopanimalabuse #stopanimalcruelty #stopdogmeattrade #tbi #toronto #ttcover40 #ufc
Buddy has reasons to “happy dance” besides 🥦. Tomorrow he goes on a long ride to @smithridgevet to begin his stem cell therapy. Hoping this will give him the ability to “happy dance” for years to come…🐾💗🐾
#animalwelfare #animalwelfarelaws #antiaging #betheirvoice #compassionforanimals #disabledandcute #disabledmalamute #dogmeattrade #dogmeattradesurvivor #glutathione #ivdrip #ivtreatment #jindo #jindosofinstagram #kindnessmatters❤️ #koreanjindo #saveddog #stemcelltreatment #stopanimalabuse #stopanimalcruelty #stopdogmeattrade #tbi #toronto #ttcover40 #ufc
Dog meat trade survivor, Buddy exemplifies disability does not define him. He finds his own way to play and experience joy. After watching this a couple times, I began wondering if he was trying to imitate me. I think he nailed it at the end!! Something clicked! 💡 🐾💗🐾
#disabledmalamute #helpdogs #husky #malamute #malamuteaddicts #malamutelife #malamutemoments #malamutepuppy #malamuterescue #malamutesofinstagram #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitsofinstagram #rescueddogs #savedmalamute #savedoge #savedogerfillms #savedoggie #savedoggies #savedoggy #savedoglife #savedoglives #savedogpaw #savedogproject #savedogsandcats #savedogslives #savedogsmakemusic #savedogsnothoes #savedogstoday #savedogthebountyhunter #thenandnow
After visiting hospice patients, Ichabod enjoyed some Whole Foods pizza when I ran my errands. Hard work should never go unnoticed!…🐾💗🐾
#adopteddogsofinstagram #animalassistedtherapy #dogfamily #dogoftheday #hospice #hospicecare #hospicedog #hospicemonth #hospicenurse #hospicesocialworker #palliativecare #therapydog #therapydogs #therapydogsofinstagram #therapydogsofthegram #therapydogsrock #therapydogsrule #workingdogs
Ichabod, a disabled dog meat trade survivor from China, now therapy dog, shows unwavering love and patience for others. If you are looking for a dog to become a therapy dog team, please consider adopting one from a shelter. There are so many dogs with therapy dog potential who are losing their lives every day! Please message me for more information!
Ichabod continues to exemplify that darkness, challenges, even disability do not define us…🐾💗🐾
#disableddog #therapydog #therapydogsofinstagram
We got Buddy to the vet today for his pre-surgical blood work! Since we are traveling a distance for stem cell therapy, we thought it might be a good idea to make sure nothing concerning jumps out, before we make the drive! I always wonder what information Buddy retains, as he is much sweeter than smart💡 , but he seemed to want to help
Sam load him into the car, by trying to climb on the step when leaving the vet. Sam seems to have found a great way of picking him up without sacrificing his back! Fingers crossed, his labs come back good! 🤞🏻💪🏻🐾💗🐾
#disability #disabledandcute #disabledandsexy #disabledfashion #disabledlife #disabledmalamute #disabledmodel #disabledwomen #fibromyalgia #gastroparesis #helpdogs #husky #invisibleillness #malamutesofinstagram #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitsofinstagram #rescueddogs #saveddog #saveddogs #saveddogslife #savedoggy #savedoglives #savedogsandcats #savedogslifes #savedogslives #spoonie #thenandnow #wheelchair #stemcelltreatment #integrativeveterinarymedicine
Ichabod visited MSU’s James Madison College at Case Hall this week. He offered a bit of stress relief during exam time. Some of the students recognized him from previous visits and were happy to see him. I’m pleased when students comment about his “smile” or goofy personality. They don’t focus on his disability. This gives me hope that people can see past this in others. Ichabod continues to exemplify disability and our previous life experiences do not define us…🐾💗🐾
#alaskanmalamuteofinstagram #classroomdog #dogpacklove #dogpacksofinstagram #dogsarelife #dogshelpingkids #loveisdogs #malamute #malamutesofinstagram #readerdogs #redalaskanmalamute #redmalamute #rescuemalamute #saynotodogmeat #stopanimalcruelty #stopthedogmeattrade #stopyulinforever #thankfulformydog #thanksgivingdogs #therapydog #therapydogsofinstagram #workingmalamute
We often have “dueling squeakies “ over here. Three dog meat trade survivors from China, living their best lives…🐾💗🐾
#dogsofinstagram #dogsplayingball #dogsplayingcards #dogsplayingcatch #dogsplayingchase #dogsplayingchess #dogsplayingdogsofintagram #dogsplayingdressup #dogsplayingfetch #dogsplayingfootball #dogsplayingforlife #dogsplayingfrisbee #dogsplayinggames #dogsplayinginsnow #dogsplayinginwater #dogsplayingonthebeach #dogsplayingoutside #dogsplayingpiano #dogsplayingpoker #dogsplayingpool #dogsplayingsoccer #dogsplayingsports #dogsplayingtag #dogsplayingtogether #dogsplayingtug #dogsplayingwithballs #dogsplayingwithcats #dogsplayingwithcattoys #dogsplayingwithsticks #dogsplayingwithwater
The students at Beaumont Elementary School love seeing Ichabod. One can see how he brightens their day when they see him. He has really helped kids through some rough times. Some days, he’s even a sorcerer of comfort for the teachers!😊🐾💗🐾
#alaskanmalamuteofinstagram #classroomdog #dogpacklove #dogpacksofinstagram #dogsarelife #dogshelpingkids #loveisdogs #malamute #malamutesofinstagram #readerdogs #redalaskanmalamute #redmalamute #rescuemalamute #saynotodogmeat #stopanimalcruelty #stopthedogmeattrade #stopyulinforever #thankfulformydog #thanksgivingdogs #therapydog #therapydogsofinstagram #workingmalamute
Nobody will confuse me with a dog trainer! Having special needs dogs, I’m always cognizant that they may not have the longevity that’s normally expected. If I have an opportunity to bring them joy, I will take it. Even if it means simply sharing the croutons in my Caesar salad🥗🐾💗🐾
#bestlife #disabledandcute #dogswithdisabilities #happydog #specialneedsdogs #specialneedsdogsandcats #specialneedsdogsareawesome #specialneedsdogsarebestdogs #specialneedsdogsarethebestdogs #specialneedsdogsftw #specialneedsdogslovealot💜 #specialneedsdogsneedhomestoo #specialneedsdogsneedlovetoo #specialneedsdogsofbali #specialneedsdogsofig #specialneedsdogsofinatagram #specialneedsdogsofinstagra #specialneedsdogsofinstagram #specialneedsdogsoftexas #specialneedsdogsrocks #specialneedsdogsuchababyfulloflove #specialneedsparent #starwars #starwarsday #streetdogs #summers #therapydogs #tothemoonandback #unbroken #wildchild
Two Moots making beautiful mooosic together…with their backups!🐾💗🐾
#clonewarssaved #savedcat #saveddog #saveddogs #saveddogslife #savedogandcat #savedogcat #savedoge #savedogerfillms #savedoggie #savedoggies #savedoggy #savedoglife #savedoglives #savedogpaw #savedogproject #savedogsandcats #savedogsbefashionable #savedogsfromdrowning #savedogsinchina #savedogsinkoreaday #savedogslifes #savedogslives #savedogsmakemusic #savedogsnothoes #savedogsofcyprus #savedogstoday #savedogthebountyhunter #thenandnow #yellowdog
Ichabod ran some errands with me. We dug into a box of cereal and listened to one of my favorite songs which came on the radio…🐾💗🐾
#clonewarssaved #savedcat #saveddog #saveddogs #saveddogslife #savedogandcat #savedogcat #savedoge #savedogerfillms #savedoggie #savedoggies #savedoggy #savedoglife #savedoglives #savedogpaw #savedogproject #savedogsandcats #savedogsbefashionable #savedogsfromdrowning #savedogsinchina #savedogsinkoreaday #savedogslifes #savedogslives #savedogsmakemusic #savedogsnothoes #savedogsofcyprus #savedogstoday #savedogthebountyhunter #thenandnow #yellowdog