The information here is factual drawn from archives and testimonies. It can all be proven and sources cross-checked.
It is destined to show that Jean Claude Hermans developed a myth with his non-factual writings and that in the end, he was removed from the Club he created in 1981 to promote the breed he hoped would bear his name ( as E Boulet and Mr Korthals)
The Barbet he created /re-incarnated as he says himself, source of many tribulations and fights over the last 40 years finally lost its club at the French SCC in October 2017. No one wanted to deal with the issue, so it is now under the Club du Caniche, where it best fits and a direct descendant of the Poodle, and not its ancestor.
...Perte du sens des réalités, intolérance à la contradiction, actions à l'emporte-pièce, obsession de sa propre image et abus de pouvoir... Ce seraient quelque uns des symptômes d'une maladie mentale liée à l'exercice du pouvoir, le syndromed'hubris. In French. in English.
If anyone has any information to add that is of course, factual, they are very welcome to add to the stones laid.
The Vieux Barbet is a dog breed threatened with extinction.
The Barbet Moderne is a new breed and is rare, granted but by no means threatened with anything...but refusal to accept any factual information presented. Internet myths ...
Picture is an F1 cross and not a true image of the breed.
Thank you!
The term Barbet was originally the name for the bearded variety, the proto-griffon of the bird-dogs, of which the braque and épagneul are the shorthaired and longcoated varieties.
In the time that the Barbet, which never has been a very abundant in France (idem like the other bird dogs) during the 17/18th century (in certain periods bird dog searchers were ordered to look for them and destroy them because bird shooting was for the king, not for ordinairy people), the name of the breed was remembered in some classes and used as some nickname for company dogs, no matter if they had beards or not, and the naturalists picked it up and used it for the new fashion breed, the poodle.
Later on people copied information from all kinds of sources, wrote about dog breeds they never saw in their life, and confused information and later on this was even more copied and mixed and confusion became more the rule than the exception.
That's where it all about. The French water dog, as typified in the modern standard, is a modern invention.
The real Barbet (not in particular a French breed), of which the standard was established for the first time by accident in France, in 1886, is a remnant of an old hunting breed.
Leendert Bosman 30/07/18