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You can apply to adopt our available fosters and/or send the 🐈 a gift on our website. We were inspired to foster after hearing about the Covid pet dump. At first we thought we would take in one or two cats a few times a year but now we have a constant rotation of kitties in our Queens apartment and are full fledged rescue! We foster until we find the perfect fo
rever home for our furball babies. We will not simply let them be placed anywhere just to free up space. We love each and every furbaby that we have ever had the privilege of caring for and want to see them all live their best, most fulfilling life. Now I specialize in taking in cats that are tagged as feral and Sustainably Socializing them so that they can live long and fulfilling lives indoors. We primarily work with rescue organizations that cover the medical expenses of the kitties and we are responsible for covering everything else. Our budget is reserved for the necessities (food and litter). And we take in as many kitties as our budget permits. With the generosity of the community we have been able to care for more fosters than we could have imagined! And these rescue kitties have become spoiled from the gifts of neighbors and supporters. We are always happy to accept leftover food that your kitty overlord has decided no longer is sufficient, opened litter, used toys, treats, scratchers, etc.