Hey all, moving a few animals out for this year’s hatchlings and holdbacks!
I may also have a couple powerhouses not on the list to let go… Shoot me a DM and let’s talk
1.0 Pastel YB Clown pos het DG
1.0 Firefly Clown pos het DG
1.0 OD Calico Pastel YB pos Enchi
1.0 OD YB Calico
50%/50% het Clown/DG:
0.1 Pastel
0.2 Pastel YB
0.1 Lemonblast
1.0 Pastel Leo
1.0 Firefly Mojo YB
2.0 Pastel Mojo Fire
1.0 Pastel YB
100% het MJX 50% het Pied:
0.2 Pastel
1.0 Pastel
1.0 Firefly
1.0 Pastel HRA
1.0 HRA
Adult Proven Breeders
0.1 Lemonblast
0.1 Firefly
0.1 Superfly
0.1 Pastel Red Axanthic
0.1 Super Phantom
0.1 ButterBee
1.0 GHI Pastel
1.0 OD Butter Spider Pastel pos YB